Other liabilities

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Other liabilities include general liabilities established under section 64 of the Financial Administration Act as well as specified purpose accounts opened under section 21 of the Financial Administration Act or of other legislation. Specified purpose accounts are an accounting classification used to record transactions and expenditures in respect of money payable out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund under statutory authorities, pursuant to legislation, trusts, treaties, undertakings or contracts. Legislation relating to some of these accounts permits investments to be made and, in certain cases, the balances of the accounts earn interest.

Canada Pension Plan

The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) is a federal/provincial social insurance program established by an Act of Parliament in 1965. The CPP began operations in 1966. It is compulsory and in operation in all parts of Canada, except for the Province of Quebec. The objective of the program is to provide a measure of protection to workers and their families against the loss of earnings due to retirement, disability or death. The CPP is financed from employee, employer and self-employed worker contributions, as well as investment earnings. The CPP's investments are held and managed by the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB).

The CPP is administered by the Government of Canada and the provinces. As such, CPP's financial activities are not part of the Government of Canada's reporting entity because changes to the CPP require the agreement of at least two thirds of the provinces, representing at least two thirds of the population of all the provinces, and it is therefore not controlled by the government.

The Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Official Languages is responsible for the administration of the CPP under the Canada Pension Plan Act; the Minister of National Revenue is responsible for collecting contributions. The Minister of Finance and her provincial counterparts are responsible for setting CPP contribution rates, pension and benefit levels and funding policy. The CPPIB is responsible for managing the amounts that are being transferred under Sections 108.1 and 108.3 of the Canada Pension Plan Act. It acts in the best interests of the beneficiaries and contributors under the Act.

Legislation to implement the CPP Enhancement came into force on March 3, 2017, amending the Canada Pension Plan, and took effect on January 1, 2019. The CPP Enhancement will increase the amount of pensions and post-retirement benefits that will be paid on CPP contributions made after 2018, with a corresponding increase to the contribution rate. Effectively, the CPP Enhancement will serve as a “top-up” of the benefits calculated under the existing CPP. Unlike the existing CPP, the CPP Enhancement will be fully funded per the legislative requirement.

The existing CPP Account and the Additional CPP Account for the CPP Enhancement, collectively referred to as the CPP Accounts, were established in the accounts of Canada pursuant to the Canada Pension Plan Act. The transactions of each component of the CPP are recorded in the Account to which they relate. CPP's revenues and expenses such as contributions, interests, investment income or loss from CPPIB, pension benefits and operating expenses, are reported as increases and decreases to this liability. The CPP Accounts also record the amounts transferred to or received from the CPPIB. The CPPIB operates at arm's length from the government and invests in a diversified portfolio of securities.

As administrator of the CPP, the government's authority to provide benefits is limited to the consolidated assets available for benefit payments of the CPP. At March 31, 2023, the fair value of the CPP's assets available for benefit payments is $549,500 million ($534,480 million in 2022) for the CPP Account and $24,443 million ($13,598 million in 2022) for the Additional CPP Account.

The detailed revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities of the CPP financial activities are reported separately in the CPP consolidated financial statements. The CPP's deposit with the Receiver General for Canada of $306 million ($101 million in 2022) corresponds to the balance in the CPP Accounts and is reported as the government's liability to the CPP at March 31, 2023. The CPP's deposit with the Receiver General for Canada is comprised of the CPP Account balance of $276 million ($78 million in 2022) and the Additional CPP Account balance of $30 million  ($23 million in 2022).

Table 6.25 presents a reconciliation between the assets available for benefit payments shown in the CPP's consolidated financial statements and the CPP Accounts, as well as a summary of the balances and transactions in the CPP Accounts which result in the deposit with the Receiver General for Canada.

Table 6.25
Canada Pension Plan Accounts
(in dollars)

  April 1, 2022 Receipts and other credits Payments and other charges March 31, 2023
Canada Pension Plan balance per audited consolidated financial statements
Assets available for benefit payments 534,480,447,348 75,536,033,981 60,518,708,754 549,497,772,575
Receivables, net of liabilities 7,708,748,140 3,025,780,107 7,708,748,140 3,025,780,107
Accumulated net income from Canada Pension Plan Investment Board's operations 377,510,000,000 11,518,000,000 4,018,000,000 385,010,000,000
Subtotal 149,261,699,208 60,992,253,874 48,791,960,614 161,461,992,468
Less: transfers to Canada Pension Plan Investment Board 149,183,703,564 (negative 43,698,693,292) (negative 55,701,668,429) 161,186,678,701
Total Canada Pension Plan 77,995,644 104,690,947,166 104,493,629,043 275,313,767
Additional Canada Pension Plan balance per audited consolidated financial statements
Assets available for benefit payments 13,597,803,742 11,269,185,233 422,254,940 24,444,734,035
Receivables, net of liabilities 957,071,888 569,033,853 957,071,888 569,033,853
Accumulated net income from Canada Pension Plan Investment Board's operations 570,000,000 431,000,000 100,000,000 901,000,000
Subtotal 12,070,731,854 10,269,151,380 (negative 634,816,948) 22,974,700,182
Less: transfers to Canada Pension Plan Investment Board 12,047,461,742 (negative 10,896,826,020) 22,944,287,762
Total Additional Canada Pension Plan 23,270,112 10,269,151,380 10,262,009,072 30,412,420
Deposit with the Receiver General for Canada 101,265,756 114,960,098,546 114,755,638,115 305,726,187

Receipts and other credits include:

  1. contributions from employees, employers and those who are self-employed;
  2. income from the average daily operating balance deposited with the Receiver General for Canada;
  3. funds received from the CPPIB;
  4. gains on investments held by the CPPIB;
  5. payments received on overpayments established.

Payments and other charges include:

  1. pensions and benefits paid under the CPP as retirement pensions and post-retirement benefit, survivors' pensions and benefits paid to spouse or common-law partner and orphans, or as lump sum death benefits, disability pensions and benefits to eligible contributors and their children, and post-retirement disability benefits;
  2. pensions and benefits paid and recovered from the CPP, in accordance with an agreement with a province providing a comprehensive pension plan;
  3. payments that are required to be charged to the CPP, in accordance with reciprocal agreements with other countries;
  4. costs of administration of the CPP;
  5. funds transferred to the CPPIB;
  6. losses on investments held by the CPPIB.

For additional information, the consolidated financial statements of the CPP are included with the supplementary statements at the end of this section. Additional information on the funding of CPP may also be obtained from the 31st Actuarial Report on the Canada Pension Plan prepared by the Chief Actuary of the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions.

Government Annuities Account

The purpose of the Government Annuities Act was to assist individuals and groups of Canadians to prepare financially for their retirement by purchasing government annuities. In 1975, the Government Annuities Improvement Act discontinued future sales of government annuity contracts. Annuities are deferred until their maturity date, at which time payments to annuitants begin.

The pension obligations are initially recorded through the Government Annuities Account, which was established by the Government Annuities Act. The account is valued on an actuarial basis each year, using prescribed mortality and interest rates, with the deficit or surplus charged or credited to the Consolidated Revenue Fund. Any adjustments required under the government's accounting policies are then recorded through an allowance adjustment account. The allowance account reflects the adjustment to the obligations due to the differential between prescribed rates and best estimates of experience-adjusted mortality tables and discount rates. The discount rates used to measure the present value are based on the government's cost of borrowing derived from the yields on the actual zero-coupon yield curve for Government of Canada bonds which reflect the timing of the expected future cash flows.

Receipts and other credits recorded in the account consist of premiums received, funds reclaimed from the Consolidated Revenue Fund for previously untraceable annuitants, prescribed interest of 7% calculated on the accrued benefits and any credit needed to cover the actuarial deficit. Payments and other charges recorded in the account represent payment of matured annuities, the commuted value of death benefits, premium refunds and withdrawals, and actuarial surpluses and unclaimed annuities, related to untraceable annuitants, transferred to non-tax revenues and allowance for adjustments to the pension obligations.

At the end of the year, an actuarial surplus of $1,105,092 was transferred to the government's revenues to reduce the balance of the account to $58.9 million and the allowance account was adjusted at $9.1 million to increase the pension obligations to $68.0 million as at March 31, 2023.

As of March 31, 2023, the annuitants held 15,115 active contracts, representing a decrease of 2,112 annuities compared to the previous year, as a direct result of annuitant deaths and Consolidated Revenue Fund transfers.

Deposit and trust accounts

Deposit and trust accounts are a group of liabilities representing the government's financial obligations in its role as administrator of certain funds that it has received or collected for specified purposes and that it will pay out accordingly. To the extent that the funds received are represented by negotiable securities, these are deducted from the corresponding accounts to show the net liability. Certain accounts earn interest which is charged to interest on the public debt.

Table 6.26
Deposit and trust accounts
(in dollars)

  April 1, 2022 Receipts and other credits Payments and other charges March 31, 2023
Deposit accounts
Agriculture and Agri-Food
Canadian Dairy Commission
Canadian Dairy Commission Account 4,627,099 1,827,641 2,799,458
Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Field British Columbia and Yukon Operations of the Northern Canada Power Commission 992,587 992,587
Guarantee deposits 11,292,348 142,536 66,564 11,368,320
Total 12,284,935 142,536 66,564 12,360,907
Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion
Department of Employment and Social Development
Canada Labour Code—Other 173,143 1,678,536 740,719 1,110,960
Canada Labour Code—Wage recovery request for review or appeal 1,056,926 504,607 448,104 1,113,429
Total 1,230,069 2,183,143 1,188,823 2,224,389
Environment and Climate Change
Parks Canada Agency
Contractor security deposits—Cash 519,524 2,378,813 352,508 2,545,829
Department of Finance
Canada Development Investment Corporation Holdback—Privatization 9,308,847 248,480 9,557,327
Canada Hibernia Holding Corporation Abandonment Reserve Fund 102,254,908 2,729,478 104,984,386
Swap collateral guarantee deposits 1,771,409,427 6,617,989,033 7,345,859,904 1,043,538,556
Total 1,882,973,182 6,620,966,991 7,345,859,904 1,158,080,269
Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard
Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Contractor security deposits—Cash 315,300 221,711 335,400 201,611
Guarantee deposits—Fish habitat preservation 370,106 370,106
Total 685,406 221,711 335,400 571,717
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Contractor security deposits—Cash 73,672 73,672
Indigenous Services
Department of Indigenous Services
Guarantee deposits 2,535,210 84,200 71,000 2,548,410
Innovation, Science and Industry
Department of Industry
Deposits from spectrum auctions 567,000 567,000
Courts Administration Service
Security for costs 46,242 15,013 37,479 23,776
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada
Security for costs 392,593 1,614 394,207
Total 438,835 16,627 37,479 417,983
National Defence
Department of National Defence
Contractor security deposits—Cash 3,056,326 3,964,415 3,257,550 3,763,191
National Revenue
Canada Revenue Agency
Guarantee deposits 339,880,644 75,620,160 41,361,470 374,139,334
Less: securities held in trust 35,000 35,000
Total 339,845,644 75,620,160 41,361,470 374,104,334
Natural Resources
Department of Natural Resources
Contractor security deposits—Cash 20,435 3,500 16,935
Guarantee deposits—Oil and gas 15,567,420 2,422,648 180,710 17,809,358
Canadian Energy Regulator
Guarantee deposits 532,559 532,559
Total 16,120,414 2,422,648 184,210 18,358,852
Privy Council
Office of the Chief Electoral Officer
Contractor security deposits—Cash 2,500,000 2,500,000
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
Canada Border Services Agency
General security deposits 8,176,552 150,701 8,025,851
Guarantee deposits 10,086,610 1,036,561 548,726 10,574,445
Immigration Guarantee Fund 25,545,410 6,298,908 6,785,479 25,058,839
Temporary deposits received from importers 1,171,195 197,157 266,119 1,102,233
Subtotal 44,979,767 7,532,626 7,751,025 44,761,368
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Contractor security deposits—Cash 104,584 261,521 41,732 324,373
Total 45,084,351 7,794,147 7,792,757 45,085,741
Public Services and Procurement
Department of Public Works and Government Services
Contractor security deposits—Cash 2,837,737 550,291 1,244,953 2,143,075
Deposits on disposals and rent security deposits 6,420,287 24,214,008 23,158,866 7,475,429
Seized property—Cash 35,411,071 25,753,448 22,494,652 38,669,867
Total 44,669,095 50,517,747 46,898,471 48,288,371
Department of Transport
Contractor security deposits—Bonds 52,500 52,500
Less: securities held in trust 52,500 52,500
Contractor security deposits—Cash 147,505 26,521 2,494 171,532
Total 147,505 26,521 2,494 171,532
Total—Deposits accounts 2,352,164,168 6,771,533,758 7,449,803,271 1,673,894,655
Trust accounts
Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion
Department of Employment and Social Development
Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement
Common experience payments 1,916,124 106,479 105,113 1,917,490
Indigenous Services
Department of Indigenous Services
Indian band funds
Capital accounts, Table 6.27 323,939,695 139,290,564 105,883,644 357,346,615
Revenue accounts, Table 6.28 181,569,501 73,694,264 51,907,009 203,356,756
Subtotal 505,509,196 212,984,828 157,790,653 560,703,371
Indian estate accounts 37,271,650 10,697,828 8,197,432 39,772,046
Indian savings accounts 23,906,298 2,015,220 2,064,462 23,857,056
Total 566,687,144 225,697,876 168,052,547 624,332,473
Innovation, Science and Industry
Department of Industry
Restitutions under the Competition Act 3,579 3,579
National Defence
Department of National Defence
Estates—Armed services 523,553 1,812,313 1,774,909 560,957
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
Canadian Security Intelligence Service
Scholastic awards 26,077 705 26,782
Correctional Service of Canada
Inmate Trust Fund 23,943,098 58,166,271 48,126,849 33,982,520
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Benefit Trust Fund 2,724,336 287,414 114,491 2,897,259
Total 26,693,511 58,454,390 48,241,340 36,906,561
Veterans Affairs
Department of Veterans Affairs
Administered accounts 102,348 2,087 104,435
Veterans Administration and Welfare Trust Fund 1,117,074 149,321 38,967 1,227,428
Total 1,219,422 151,408 143,402 1,227,428
Total—Trust accounts 597,043,333 286,222,466 218,317,311 664,948,488
Total—Deposit and trust accounts 2,949,207,501 7,057,756,224 7,668,120,582 2,338,843,143

Canadian Dairy Commission Account

The Canadian Dairy Commission is a Crown corporation listed in Part I of Schedule III of the Financial Administration Act. This account was established for banking purposes using the Consolidated Revenue Fund pursuant to section 15 of the Canadian Dairy Commission Act.

Field British Columbia and Yukon Operations of the Northern Canada Power Commission

This account was established to record amounts deposited by the Northern Canada Power Commission to reimburse liabilities pertaining to Field, British Columbia and Yukon Operations of the Northern Canada Power Commission.

Guarantee deposits—Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs

This account was established to record cash and securities deposited as guarantees for performance as required by permits, leases, authorizations and water licences, pursuant to section 8 of the Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act, the Nunavut Waters and Nunavut Surface Rights Tribunal Act as well as various regulations under the Territorial Lands Act and the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act. Interest is not allowed on cash deposits.

Canada Labour Code—Other

This account was established to record amounts received under the provisions of section 251.01 of the Canada Labour Code Part III. The receipts are payment of wages or other amounts prescribed under the Code that a labour affairs officer determined to be owed following a complaint or an inspection. Employers can pay the amount owed to the Head of Compliance and Enforcement instead of paying them directly to the employee. These amounts are then paid out to the employees.

Canada Labour Code—Wage recovery request for review or appeal

This account was established to record amounts following the issuance of a payment order under section 251.1 of the Canada Labour Code Part III. This account contains amounts that were remitted by an employer or a director who request a review or an appeal of a payment order issued by a labour affairs officer regarding wages or amounts that are owed to employees. This account also includes, in the case of an employer, the administrative fees specified in the payment order. One of the conditions to allow for a review or an appeal is that the employer or director must pay the amounts indicated in the payment order, and in the case of an employer, the administrative fees specified, or the amount indicated in the Head of Compliance and Enforcement's (the Head) review decision, to the Head for deposit. This amount is held until the review or the appeal is completed after which it will be remitted to the employee, the employer, the director or both where applicable, less any administrative fees as they are a debt due to His Majesty in right of Canada. However, if the review or appeal is overturned in favour of the employer, the administrative fees may be refunded in whole or in part, to the employer, depending on the appeal decision. The deposits in this account, with the exception of the administrative fees, are interest-bearing at the rate set by the Minister of Finance for contractor's deposits.

Contractor security deposits—Cash—Parks Canada Agency

This account was established to record contractor security deposits that are required for the satisfactory performance of work in accordance with Government Contracts Regulations.

Holdback—Privatization—Canada Development Investment Corporation

This account was established pursuant to subsection 129(1) of the Financial Administration Act. This special purpose money is to be used to meet costs incurred on the sale of Crown corporations and demand for payment by purchasers pursuant to the acquisition agreement and costs incurred by the Canada Development Investment Corporation in connection with their sale. No transaction occurred during the fiscal year 2023.

Abandonment Reserve Fund—Canada Hibernia Holding Corporation

This account was established to record funds which will be used to defray the future abandonment costs that will occur at the closure of the Hibernia field.

Swap collateral guarantee deposits

This account was established to record cash received as credit support under a collateral agreement with financial institutions.

Included in the balance is an amount of $82 million US held at year-end.

Contractor security deposits—Cash—Department of Fisheries and Oceans

This account was established to record contractor security deposits that are required for the satisfactory performance of work in accordance with Government Contracts Regulations.

Guarantee deposits—Fish habitat preservation

This account was established to record cash and securities deposited as guarantees for preservation of fish habitat as required by permits, leases or authorizations issued pursuant to paragraph 34.4(2)(b) and 35(2)(b) of the Fisheries Act. Interest is not allowed on cash deposits.

Contractor security deposits—Cash—Canadian Food Inspection Agency

This account was established to record contractor security deposits that are required for the satisfactory performance of work in accordance with Government Contracts Regulations.

Guarantee deposits—Department of Indigenous Services

This account was established to record cash and securities deposited as guarantees for performance as required by permits, leases, authorizations and water licences, pursuant to the Indian Act and its regulation: Indian Mining Regulations, Indian Timber Regulations, Indian Timber Harvesting Regulations and Indian Reserve Waste Disposal Regulations.

Interest is not allowed on cash deposits. Contracts entered into under the Indian Act that involves Indian moneys are exempt from the Government Contracts Regulations, Section 3(1)(c).

Deposits from spectrum auctions

This account was established to record amounts deposited by external parties to be eligible to participate in an auction of spectrum licences.

Security for costs—Courts Administration Service

This account was established to maintain accounts on behalf of litigants before the Tax Court of Canada. These accounts record the funds paid into the Tax Court of Canada, pursuant to an order of the Court, rules of the Court or statutes, to be held pending payment of such funds, in accordance with an order/judgment of the Court.

Security for costs—Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada

This account was established to record security to the value of $500 deposited by an appellant with the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada in accordance with paragraph 60(1)(b) of the Supreme Court Act. As per section 87 of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada, interest is paid on money deposited as security.

Contractor security deposits—Cash—Department of National Defence

This account was established to record contractor security deposits that are required for the satisfactory performance of work in accordance with Government Contracts Regulations.

Guarantee deposits—Canada Revenue Agency

This account was established to record cash securities required to guarantee payment of goods and services tax/harmonized sales tax (GST/HST) as it relates to non-resident registrants and, certain licensees as it relates to excise taxes, which are both payable pursuant to the Excise Tax Act.

Securities held in trust by the Canada Revenue Agency are made up of cash deposited to the Consolidated Revenue Fund.

Contractor security deposits—Cash—Department of Natural Resources

This account was established to record contractor security deposits that are required for the satisfactory performance of work in accordance with Government Contracts Regulations.

Guarantee deposits—Oil and gas—Department of Natural Resources

This account was established to record securities in the form of cash, which are required to be issued to, and held by the Government of Canada pursuant to an Exploration Licence in accordance with section 24 of the Canada Petroleum Resources Act. These securities are a performance guarantee that the agreed exploration will be performed in the manner and time frame specified. Interest is not paid on these deposits.

Guarantee deposits—Canadian Energy Regulator

Under Bill 46 of the Pipeline Safety Act, the Canadian Energy Regulator requested to set up a specified purpose account to maintain funds or security that it considered necessary for pipeline abandonment costs and expenses.

Contractor security deposits—Cash—Office of the Chief Electoral Officer

This account was established to record contractor security deposits that are required for the satisfactory performance of work in accordance with Government Contracts Regulations.

General security deposits

This account was established to record general security deposits from transportation companies in accordance with section 148 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.

Guarantee deposits—Canada Border Services Agency

This account was established to record cash required to guarantee payment of customs duties on imported goods pursuant to the Customs Act.

Immigration Guarantee Fund

This account was established to record amounts collected and held pending a final disposition, either by refund to the original depositor, or forfeiture to the Crown pursuant to sections 14, 26, 44, 56, 58 and 148 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.

Temporary deposits received from importers

This account was established to record temporary security deposits received from importers to ensure compliance with various (Customs) regulations regarding temporary entry of goods.

Contractor security deposits—Cash—Royal Canadian Mounted Police

This account was established to record contractor security deposits that are required for the satisfactory performance of work in accordance with Government Contracts Regulations.

Contractor security deposits—Cash—Department of Public Works and Government Services

This account was established to record contractor security deposits that are required for the satisfactory performance of work in accordance with Government Contracts Regulations.

Deposits on disposals and rent security deposits

This account was established to report transactions associated to deposits on disposals and rent security deposits for the Department of Public Works and Government Services.

Seized property—Cash

This account was established pursuant to the Seized Property Management Act, to record seized cash. These funds will be deposited to the Consolidated Revenue Fund and credited to the account until returned to the owner or forfeited.

Contractor security deposits—Bonds—Department of Transport

This account was established to record contractor security deposits that are required for the satisfactory performance of work in accordance with Government Contracts Regulations.

Contractor security deposits—Cash—Department of Transport

This account was established to record contractor security deposits that are required for the satisfactory performance of work in accordance with Government Contracts Regulations.

Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement—Common experience payments

This account was established pursuant to section 21 of the Financial Administration Act, to record amounts received and paid under article 5 of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement. It was established on September 19, 2007, and provides for the payment of Common Experience Payments (CEP) to eligible former students of recognized Indian Residential Schools and personal credits for educational programs and services to CEP recipients or to certain family members. The account is credited with interest pursuant to section 21(2) of the Financial Administration Act. The Designated Amount Fund is co-administered by the Trustee, the Government of Canada, represented jointly by the Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Official Languages and the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations.

Indian band funds

This account was established to record funds belonging to Indian bands throughout Canada pursuant to sections 61 to 69 of the Indian Act.

Table 6.27
Indian band funds—Capital accounts
(in dollars)

  2023 2022
Opening balance 323,939,695 356,887,654
Receipts and other credits
Gas royalties 92,182,871 51,378,551
Oil royalties 43,382,874 15,608,957
Sundries 3,724,819 5,990,044
Subtotal 139,290,564 72,977,552
Total 463,230,259 429,865,206
Payments and other charges
Per capita cash distribution 7,852,900 1,278,500
Transfer pursuant to section 64 of the Indian Act 97,421,973 101,041,990
Sundries 608,771 3,605,021
Total 105,883,644 105,925,511
Closing balance 357,346,615 323,939,695

Table 6.28
Indian band funds—Revenue accounts
(in dollars)

  2023 2022
Opening balance 181,569,501 168,770,064
Receipts and other credits
Government interest 16,533,015 11,825,156
Land and other claim settlements 575,000
Sundries 56,586,249 123,285,123
Subtotal 73,694,264 135,110,279
Total 255,263,765 303,880,343
Payments and other charges
Transfer pursuant to section 69 of the Indian Act 44,163,387 104,080,993
Sundries 7,743,622 18,229,849
Total 51,907,009 122,310,842
Closing balance 203,356,756 181,569,501

Indian estate accounts

These accounts were established to record funds received and disbursed for estates of deceased Indians and dependent adult Indians pursuant to sections 42 to 51 of the Indian Act and for absent or missing heirs pursuant to the Indian Estates Regulations.

Indian savings accounts

These accounts were established to record funds received and disbursed for individual Indians pursuant to sections 52 to 52.5 of the Indian Act.

Restitutions under the Competition Act

This account was established to facilitate judgements rendered under section 52 of the Competition Act, and account for funds received in trust for restitution and for subsequent payment.

Estates—Armed services

This account was established to record payments made to settle the service estates of officers and non-commissioned members who die during their service in the Canadian Armed Forces in accordance with section 42 of the National Defence Act. Under the administration of the Judge Advocate General, in her capacity as Director of Estates, the net assets of a deceased member's service estate are distributed to the legal representative of the member's estate.

Scholastic awards

This account was established to record donations of $26,000 to be used for the presentation of scholarship awards to children of employees of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service to encourage university studies.

Inmate Trust Fund

Pursuant to section 111 of the Corrections and Conditional Release Regulations, this account is credited with all moneys brought into the institution by an inmate on admission or readmission, and all moneys that are received on the inmate's behalf while in custody, including, monetary gifts from a third party, payments for program participation, pay earned while on work release or conditional release in the community, moneys received from a third party for work performed in an institution or a Correctional Service of Canada approved inmate operated business enterprise, sale of hobby craft or custom work, a payment, allowance or income paid by either a private or government source. Deductions may be made from this account for issues such as debts to the Crown, the Inmate Welfare Fund, canteen expenditures, telephone calls, payments to assist in the rehabilitation of the inmate, and any other payments for which the inmate is liable.

Benefit Trust Fund

This account was established by section 23 of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act, to record funds received by personnel of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), in connection with the performance of duties, over and above their pay and allowances, including forfeitures of pay. The money paid to the Benefit Trust Fund is used for the benefit of RCMP members, former members and their dependants; use of the funds is governed by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Regulations, 2014.

Administered accounts

Pursuant to section 41 of the Pension Act, section 15 of the War Veterans Allowance Act, section 55 of the Veterans Treatment Regulations and section 8 of the Guardianship of Veterans Property Regulations, these accounts are under the jurisdiction of the Department of Veterans Affairs. Funds held in these accounts include: (a) pensions, war veterans allowances and treatment allowances placed under the administration of the Department of Veterans Affairs; and (b) benefits from other sources such as Old Age Security, Guaranteed Income Supplement or Canada Pension Plan, placed under administration with the consent of the client. These persons have demonstrated their inability to manage their own affairs.

Payments are made out of the accounts to provide food, shelter, clothing, comforts and other necessities.

Veterans Administration and Welfare Trust Fund

This account was established to record donations, legacies, gifts, bequests, etc., received, to be disbursed for the benefit of veterans or their dependants under certain conditions, and for the benefit of patients in institutions, in accordance with section 9 of the Guardianship of Veterans' Property Regulations.

Other specified purpose accounts

There are a number of other specified purpose accounts operated by the government, such as insurance, death benefit and pension accounts. Certain accounts earn interest which is charged to interest on the public debt.

Table 6.29
Other specified purpose accounts
(in dollars)

  April 1, 2022 Receipts and other credits Payments and other charges March 31, 2023
Insurance and death benefit accounts
Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion
Department of Employment and Social Development
Civil Service Insurance Fund 876,171 114,252 761,919
National Defence
Department of National Defence
Regular Force Death Benefit Account, Table 6.30 169,611,141 28,185,017 31,154,650 166,641,508
Treasury Board
Treasury Board Secretariat
Public Service Death Benefit Account, Table 6.31 4,063,495,118 286,582,743 218,942,000 4,131,135,861
Veterans Affairs
Department of Veterans Affairs
Returned Soldiers' Insurance Fund 3,785 99 504 3,380
Veterans' Insurance Fund 749,945 106,710 643,235
Total 753,730 99 107,214 646,615
Total—Insurance and death benefit accounts 4,234,736,160 314,767,859 250,318,116 4,299,185,903
Pension accounts
Global Affairs
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development
Contributory Pension Account—Locally engaged staff 51,482 51,482
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (Dependants) Pension Fund 7,496,371 222,927 1,243,923 6,475,375
Total—Pension accounts 7,547,853 222,927 1,243,923 6,526,857
Other accounts
Agriculture and Agri-Food
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food
AgriInvest Program 3,898,294 244,329,982 238,206,579 10,021,697
AgriStability Program 56,942,713 26,315,820 23,686,350 59,572,183
Collaborative Institution 525,446 1,112,223 1,499,584 138,085
Foreign missions to advance Canadian agriculture 178,828 178,828
Total 61,366,453 271,936,853 263,571,341 69,731,965
Canadian Heritage
Department of Canadian Heritage
Miscellaneous projects deposits 1,301,915 1,297,557 1,257,670 1,341,802
Shared-cost/joint project agreements 899,155 755,000 1,492,235 161,920
Telefilm Canada
Advance Account 70,872,669 10,707,006 4,011,823 77,567,852
Total 73,073,739 12,759,563 6,761,728 79,071,574
Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Treaty Land Entitlement (Saskatchewan) Fund 12,570,692 12,570,692
Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion
Department of Employment and Social Development
Federal/provincial collaborative agreement 7,354,162 68,970,032 73,608,047 2,716,147
Federal/provincial shared-cost project 378,327 85,752 84,486 379,593
Federal/provincial/territorial shared-cost project
Interprovincial Computerized Examination Management System 3,400,028 511,603 549,226 3,362,405
Labour Standards Suspense Account 1,953,988 2,456 1,816 1,954,628
Total 13,086,505 69,569,843 74,243,575 8,412,773
Environment and Climate Change
Parks Canada Agency
Miscellaneous projects deposits 6,444,358 3,838,085 4,552,433 5,730,010
Department of Finance
Common school funds—Ontario and Quebec 2,677,771 2,677,771
Foreign Claims Fund 179,020 179,020
War Claims Fund—World War II 4,236 4,236
Total 2,861,027 2,861,027
Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard
Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Federal/provincial cost-sharing agreements 53,265,971 12,540,332 29,348,023 36,458,280
Miscellaneous projects deposits 12,865,944 6,239,536 6,561,448 12,544,032
Sales of seized assets 2,665,562 892,344 404,912 3,152,994
Total 68,797,477 19,672,212 36,314,383 52,155,306
Global Affairs
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development
Canada Foundation Account 394,183 10,873 13,623 391,433
Deposits in a special bank account 20,338 (negative 8,067) (negative 5,873) 18,144
Securities held in trust 373,845 (negative 5,556) (negative 5,000) 373,289
Subtotal 24,496 24,496
Financial assistance to Canadians abroad 94,934 348,815 274,246 169,503
Funds from non-governmental organizations 957,397 7,877,464 6,838,777 1,996,084
Shared-cost projects 8,899,033 6,739,659 6,749,269 8,889,423
Shared-cost projects—Support to various programs 230,505 230,505
Total 10,181,869 14,990,434 13,886,788 11,285,515
Department of Health
Collaborative research projects 4,099,533 1,472,743 551,521 5,020,755
Miscellaneous federal/provincial projects 1,598,289 312,078 175,185 1,735,182
World Health Organization 105,908 1 105,909
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Shared-cost agreements 2,485,041 1,277,031 1,501,996 2,260,076
Public Health Agency of Canada
Collaborative research projects 730,679 1,482,164 585,311 1,627,532
Miscellaneous federal/provincial projects 972,870 972,870
Total 9,992,320 4,544,017 2,814,013 11,722,324
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship
Department of Citizenship and Immigration
Immigrant Investor Program 2,318,124 1,227,876 2,800,000 746,000
Indigenous Services
Department of Indigenous Services
Fines—Indian Act 426,169 1,885 428,054
Indian band funds—Shares and certificates 20,000 20,000
Less: securities held in trust 20,000 20,000
Indian Moneys Suspense Account 59,322,409 26,145,104 19,021,606 66,445,907
Indian special accounts 3,202 3,202
Miscellaneous federal/provincial projects 20,599,251 6,250,000 26,849,251
Less: securities held in trust 20,499,995 6,250,000 26,749,995
Subtotal 99,256 6,250,000 6,250,000 99,256
Total 59,851,036 32,396,989 25,271,606 66,976,419
Innovation, Science and Industry
Department of Industry
Income from securities in trust—Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act 52,031 52,031
Petro-Canada Enterprises Inc.—Unclaimed shares 686,867 686,867
Shared-cost projects 2,243,339 569,978 1,054,578 1,758,739
Unclaimed dividends and undistributed assets
Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act 36,305,676 1,951,286 235,381 38,021,581
Canada Business Corporations Act 10,478,685 1,765,195 66,525 12,177,355
Winding-up and Restructuring Act 5,018,318 1 5,018,319
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Federal/Provincial agreement—Advance account 1,314,962 2,000,000 2,199,146 1,115,816
Statistics Canada
Project deposits 66,706 66,706
Total 56,166,584 6,286,460 3,622,336 58,830,708
Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada
Yukon Public Service Labour Relations Board 16,350 33,650 42,524 7,476
Yukon Teachers Labour Relations Board 16,155 3,845 16,064 3,936
Courts Administration Service
Special Account 6,966,450 1,303,894 2,205,177 6,065,167
Total 6,998,955 1,341,389 2,263,765 6,076,579
National Defence
Department of National Defence
Joint research and development projects 1,786,519 29,891 1,756,628
Non-government agencies 2,101,284 984,699 1,122,101 1,963,882
Communications Security Establishment
Foreign partners—Security 1,084,638 1,084,638
Total 3,887,803 2,069,337 2,236,630 3,720,510
National Revenue
Canada Revenue Agency
Deposits/Disbursements—Workers' Compensation Board 223,473 364,454,975 364,537,936 140,512
Natural Resources
Department of Natural Resources
Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Resource Revenue Fund 426,534,671 426,534,641 30
Nova Scotia Offshore Revenue Account 19,597,921 19,597,921
Shared-cost agreements—Research 7,751,265 1,862,453 3,555,288 6,058,430
Shared-cost projects 4,016,225 9,921,711 2,342,424 11,595,512
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Security equipment 4,805 4,805
Total 11,767,490 457,921,561 452,030,274 17,658,777
Office of the Governor General's Secretary
Cost-sharing collaborate agreements 977 7,225 7,065 1,137
Privy Council
Privy Council Office
Shared-cost projects—Media travel expenses 1,180,876 470,315 934,400 716,791
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Joint research and development projects 1,567,373 223,417 1,790,790
Public Services and Procurement
Department of Public Works and Government Services
Military purchases excess funds deposit 138,442,581 277,991,234 416,433,815
Less: securities held in trust 138,442,581 277,991,234 416,433,815
Subtotal 277,991,234 277,991,234
The Workplace Network 1,242 714 528
Total 1,242 277,991,234 277,991,948 528
Department of Transport
Shared-cost agreements—Security projects 1,286,187 1,103,194 182,993
Treasury Board
Treasury Board Secretariat
Association of Canadian Financial Officers shared-cost agreement 395,633 18,589 13,710 400,512
Total 404,020,193 1,541,720,374 1,547,527,817 398,212,749
Less: consolidation adjustmentLink to table note 1 70,872,669 10,707,006 4,011,823 77,567,852
Total—Other accounts 333,147,524 1,531,013,368 1,543,515,994 320,644,897
Total—Other specified purpose accounts 4,575,431,537 1,846,004,154 1,795,078,033 4,626,357,657

Civil Service Insurance Fund

This account was established by the Civil Service Insurance Act, introduced to enable the Minister of Finance to contract with a person appointed to a permanent position in any branch of the Public Service, for the payment of certain death benefits. No new contracts have been entered into since 1954, when the Supplementary Death Benefit Plan for the Public Service and Canadian Forces was introduced as part of the Public Service Superannuation Act and the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act, respectively.

The number of policies in force as at March 31, 2023, was 42 and the average age of the policyholders was 95.1 years. Death benefits, settlement annuities and premium refunds of $52,619 were paid during 2023. There are no more premiums to be collected.

According to the actuarial valuation and with the prescribed actuarial assumptions, the liabilities in respect of the benefits provided under the Act are estimated at $761,919 as at March 31, 2023. The surplus as at March 31, 2023, is $61,634. Pursuant to subsection 16(4) of the Civil Service Insurance Regulations, an amount of $61,634 has therefore been debited from the account in 2023.

Regular Force Death Benefit Account

This account was established by the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act to provide life insurance to contributing members and former members of the Canadian Forces.

Receipts and other credits consist of: (a) contributions by participants; (b) government's contribution paid in respect of participants; (c) single premiums payable by the government in respect of participants who became entitled to a basic benefit of $5,000 without contribution; and (d) interest.

Payments and other charges consist of: (a) benefits paid in respect of participants; (b) benefits paid in respect of elective participants; and (c) the portion of benefits payable for which the government has paid a single premium.

Table 6.30
Regular Force Death Benefit Account
(in dollars)

  2023 2022
Opening balance 169,611,141 170,898,034
Receipts and other credits
Employee contributions 19,925,899 20,044,886
Employer contributions
General 2,114,696 1,920,444
Single premiums payable by the government in respect of Regular Force participants who became entitled to a basic benefit of $5,000 without contribution 835,506 717,246
Interest 5,308,916 5,590,743
Total receipts and other credits 28,185,017 28,273,319
Subtotal 197,796,158 199,171,353
Payments and other charges
Benefit payments
Benefits paid in respect of participants who, at the time of death, were members of the Regular Force, or who were elective Regular Force participants 31,154,650 29,560,212
Closing balance 166,641,508 169,611,141

Public Service Death Benefit Account

This account was established under the Public Service Superannuation Act to provide life insurance to contributing members of the Public Service.

The account is credited with: (a) contributions by employees; (b) contributions by the government and Public Service corporations; and (c) interest. Payments and other charges represent: (a) benefits paid in respect of participants who, at the time of death, were employed in the Public Service, or were in receipt of an annuity under Part I of the Public Service Superannuation Act; and (b) benefits of $10,000 paid in respect of participants who, at the time of death, were employed in the Public Service, or were in receipt of an annuity under Part I of the Public Service Superannuation Act, and on whose behalf, a single premium for $10,000 death benefit coverage for life has been made.

Table 6.31
Public Service Death Benefit Account
(in dollars)

  2023 2022
Opening balance 4,063,495,118 3,976,887,276
Receipts and other credits
Employee contributions
Active members
Public Service employees 104,185,982 97,286,852
Public Service corporations 6,713,181 6,827,478
Retired employees 28,656,290 28,002,821
Employer contributions
Public Service corporations 1,770,449 1,804,060
Death benefit—general 13,793,616 12,802,795
Death benefit—single premium for $10,000 3,394,865 3,253,062
Interest 128,068,360 131,914,313
Total receipts and other credits 286,582,743 281,891,381
Subtotal 4,350,077,861 4,258,778,657
Payments and other charges
Benefit payments
General 165,462,217 153,601,695
Life coverage for $10,000 53,418,607 41,650,000
Other death benefit payments 61,176 31,844
Total payments and other charges 218,942,000 195,283,539
Closing balance 4,131,135,861 4,063,495,118

Returned Soldiers' Insurance Fund

This fund was established by the Returned Soldiers' Insurance Act to provide life insurance to contributing veterans of World War I. The account is credited with premiums and is charged with disbursements for death benefits and cash surrender values. The account is actuarially maintained and an actuarial liability adjustment as at March 31, 2022, of $99 was credited to the account during the year and was charged to expenditures. The final date on which application for this insurance could have been received was August 31, 1933.

Veterans' Insurance Fund

This fund was established by the Veterans Insurance Act to provide life insurance to contributing veterans of World War II. The account is credited with premiums and is charged with disbursements for death benefits and cash surrender values. The account is actuarially maintained and an actuarial liability adjustment as at March 31, 2022, of $13,135 was charged to the account during the year and was credited to revenues. The final date on which application for this insurance could have been received was October 31, 1968.

Contributory Pension Account—Locally engaged staff

This account was established to record benefits paid to locally engaged staff hired prior to March 1, 2009, at the Canadian High Commission in Guyana upon termination of their employment. The specified purpose account was established following the liquidation of CLICO Life and General Insurance Company (South America) Limited.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police (Dependants) Pension Fund

This fund, which pertains to Part IV of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Pension Continuation Act, provides pension benefits to certain widows and other dependants of Constables of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, who purchased pension benefits between October 1, 1934, and March 1, 1949. There are no longer any active members amongst the contributors.

AgriInvest Program

The AgriInvest Program is a savings account designed to help producers cover small margin declines.

The AgriInvest Program is cost-shared with provinces and territories on a 60/40 basis. The provinces and territories are invoiced for their share of the contributions, which are held in the specified purpose accounts until they are applied and transferred to the producer accounts. The funds in the producer's specified purpose accounts are then drawn down as the funds are transferred to a financial institution of the producer's choice.

AgriStability Program

The AgriStability Program is designed to cover larger margin declines caused by circumstances such as low prices, production losses, and rising input costs.

The AgriStability Program is cost-shared with provinces and territories on a 60/40 basis. Producers are charged a fee in order to participate in the program, which covers a portion of the program expenditure. The provinces and territories as well as producers are invoiced for their share of the contributions, which are held in the specified purpose accounts. These funds are drawn down as applications are processed and benefits are paid out.

Collaborative Institution

The Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food often relies on collaborative work with external parties to achieve its strategic Science and Technology objectives and to maximize its impact on the agricultural continuum. Funding organizations provide financial support towards agricultural initiatives by funding approved projects led by the department science teams. Third-party support and expertise are relied on to deliver portions of a work plan as presented in the department of led research proposals to funding entities.This account is used to transfer industry funds to third parties pursuant to Investment Agreements and Collaborative Institution Agreements.

Foreign missions to advance Canadian agriculture

This account records deposits made by Canadian agri-food industry organizations towards the costs of hosting incoming government-to-government foreign missions that advance Canadian agri-food commercial interests, or for costs related to outgoing foreign missions in support of incremental agri-food market development activities, for which there is a collaborative agreement with the federal government. The costs incurred by the federal government to undertake these missions are charged to this account and any unspent deposits are returned to the relevant Canadian agri-food industry organizations at the completion of each mission.

Miscellaneous projects deposits—Department of Canadian Heritage

This account was established to record contributions received from organizations and individuals for various projects.

Shared-cost/joint project agreements—Department of Canadian Heritage

This account was established to record moneys received from other governments and organizations in order to cover expenditures incurred under various shared-cost/joint project agreements.

Advance Account—Telefilm Canada

This account was established pursuant to section 19 of the Telefilm Canada Act to reserve for use in future years the revenues and recoveries generated from projects funded by Telefilm Canada.

Treaty Land Entitlement (Saskatchewan) Fund

This account was established as per Article 5.08 (a) (ii) of the Saskatchewan Treaty Land Entitlement Framework Agreement to collect Provincial Mineral Revenues on behalf of the Province of Saskatchewan and remit the same in the manner as described in an agreement between the two parties.

Federal/provincial collaborative agreement

This account was established to record amounts received by the Department of Employment and Social Development from a province as funding under the provisions of a collaborative agreement with the province.

Federal/provincial shared-cost project—Department of Employment and Social Development

This account was established to record the deposit of advance payments made by provinces towards the costs of projects and programs for which there is a cost-sharing agreement with the federal government. Disbursements are made to pay the provinces' share of costs as per official agreements or to refund unused amounts.

Federal/provincial/territorial shared-cost project—Interprovincial Computerized Examination Management System

This account was established to record advance payments received from provinces and territories to pay for the development and annual operating costs of the Interprovincial Computerized Examination Management System (ICEMS). Advance payments are made pursuant to the Agreement on the Joint Project for the ongoing operations of the ICEMS. The costs incurred are charged to the account and any unexpended funds will be allocated according to the common will of the Parties and shall be in accordance with applicable legislation.

Labour Standards Suspense Account

This account was established under the authority of section 23 of the Canada Labour Standards Regulations to record wages received by the Head of Compliance and Enforcement from employers or directors who cannot locate employees. Efforts are then made to locate employees. Wages are paid out when employees are located or when employees contact the department for payment.

Miscellaneous projects deposits—Parks Canada Agency

This account was established to record contributions received from organizations and individuals for various projects.

Common school funds—Ontario and Quebec

This account was established under 12 Victoria 1849, Chapter 200, to record the proceeds from the sale of lands set apart for the support and maintenance of common schools in Upper and Lower Canada, now Ontario and Quebec. Interest of $133,889, apportioned on the basis of population, is paid directly to these provinces on a semi-annual basis, at the rate of 5% per annum, and is charged to interest on the public debt.

Foreign Claims Fund

This account was established by Vote 22a, Appropriation Act No. 9, 1966, to record: (a) such part of the money received from the Custodian of Enemy Property, proceeds of the sale of property and the earnings of property, and (b) all amounts received from governments of other countries pursuant to agreements entered into after April 1, 1966, relating to the settlement of Canadian claims, and also records payment of claims submitted, including payment of the expenses incurred in investigating and reporting on such claims.

War Claims Fund—World War II

This account was established by Vote 696, Appropriation Act No. 4, 1952, to record funds received from the Custodian of Enemy Property or from other sources, and payments: (a) to eligible claimants for compensation in respect of World War II; (b) of a supplementary award amounting to 50% of the original award (PC 1958–1467, October 23, 1958); and (c) of expenses incurred in investigating and reporting on claims.

A War Claims Commission was established to enquire into and report on claims made by Canadians arising out of World War II for which compensation may be paid from this or any other fund established for the purpose. The expenses of the Commission are chargeable hereto.

Federal/provincial cost-sharing agreements

This account was established to record the deposit of funds received from the provinces for cost-shared programs according to official signed agreements.

Miscellaneous projects deposits—Department of Fisheries and Oceans

This account was established to record contributions received from organizations and individuals for the advancement of research work.

Sales of seized assets

The account was established to record the proceeds of the sale of seized items by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans from a person contravening the Fisheries Act. Funds so received are held in the Consolidated Revenue Fund pending final resolution of the case by the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans or the courts.

Canada Foundation Account

This account was established by Vote 6g, Appropriation Act No. 2, 1967, to record funds received in connection with the Civilian Relief Agreement of 1950, and the Cultural Agreement of 1954 between Canada and Italy, and disbursements for the purposes of the said agreements.

Financial assistance to Canadians abroad

This account was established to record funds received from families or friends as prepayment for financial assistance to distressed Canadians abroad.

Funds from non-governmental organizations

This account was established to record funds received as prepayment for services to be performed by the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development on behalf of third parties.

Shared-cost projects—Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development

This account was established to record funds received from organizations outside the Government of Canada reporting entity for shared-cost projects.

Shared-cost projects—Support to various programs

This account was established to record deposits received and payments made in accordance with authorities for shared-cost projects to support various development programs.

Security equipment

Funs deposited in this account by licensees are used to provide for payment of purchases of security equipment for the licensees in accordance with security arrangements mandated pursuant to the Nuclear Safety and Control Act.

Collaborative research projects—Department of Health

This account was established to record funds received from client groups for cost-shared and joint project research agreements.

Miscellaneous federal/provincial projects—Department of Health

This account was established to record transactions relating to the provinces/territories share of costs incurred under federal/provincial cost-sharing agreements for joint federal/provincial/territorial projects which address health issues that are national in scope.

World Health Organization

This account was established to record funds received from the World Health Organization for scientific projects.

Shared-cost agreements—Canadian Food Inspection Agency

This account was established to record amounts deposited by external parties for shared-cost research projects. Funds are disbursed on behalf of depositors as specific projects are undertaken.

Collaborative research projects—Public Health Agency of Canada

This account was established to record funds received from client groups for cost-shared and joint project research agreements.

Miscellaneous federal/provincial projects—Public Health Agency of Canada

This account was established to record transactions relating to the provinces/territories share of costs incurred under federal/provincial cost-sharing agreements for joint federal/provincial/territorial projects which address health issues that are national in scope.

Immigrant Investor Program

This account was established to record the receipt and disbursement of amounts received under the federal Immigrant Investor Program in accordance with section 12(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and section repealed 91(d) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations. This program allowed qualified immigrants to gain permanent residence in Canada by making an investment in the Canadian economy. The investment is returned to the investor, without interest, five years and two months after initial payment.

The Economic Action Plan 2014 Act, No. 1 (Bill C-31) has put an end to requests for applications in the federal Immigrant Investor Program for which a selection decision has not been made before February 11, 2014. While the program has been terminated, outstanding investments will continue to be returned to investors until May 2024.

Fines—Indian Act

Until 2014, fines collected as defined in section 104 of the Indian Act, were credited to this account for the benefit of the bands. This account is non-interest bearing.

Indian band funds—Shares and certificates

This account was established under the Indian Act, to record the historical value of TransAlta Utilities Corporation shares received as compensation for a power line right-of-way on the Blood Indian reserve. These shares are held in the name of the Receiver General for Canada for the credit of the Blood Indian Band.

Indian Moneys Suspense Account

This account was established to hold moneys received for individual Indians and bands that cannot be disbursed to an Indian, or credited to an Indian Band Fund or Individual Trust Fund account, pending execution of the related lease, permit or licence, settlement of litigation, registration of the Indian or identification of the recipient.

Indian special accounts

Indian special accounts represent a number of non-interest bearing accounts which are maintained for specific purpose. No activity was reported in the current year.

Miscellaneous federal/provincial projects—Department of Indigenous Services

This account was established to record transactions relating to the provinces and territories share of costs incurred under cost-sharing agreements for joint federal/provincial/territorial projects which address health issues that are national in scope.

Income from securities in trust—Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act

This account was established by sections 78, 84, 154 and 194 of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, to record dividends paid on stocks originally held by a bankrupt stockbroker but subsequently sold to clients. As the stocks were not registered in the clients' names, the dividends must be paid to the last registered owner, in this case, the stockbroker. The dividends are forwarded to the Superintendent of Bankruptcy for safekeeping.

Petro-Canada Enterprises Inc.—Unclaimed shares

This account was established by Section 227 of the Canada Business Corporations Act to record the liability to shareholders who have not presented their shares for payment.

Shared-cost projects—Department of Industry

This account was established to record funds received from other governments and organizations in order to cover expenditures incurred under various shared-cost/joint project agreements.

Unclaimed dividends and undistributed assets—Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act

This account represents amounts credited to the Receiver General in accordance with the provisions of section 154 of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, pending distribution to creditors.

Unclaimed dividends and undistributed assets—Canada Business Corporations Act

This account was established in accordance with sections 227 and 228 of the Canada Business Corporations Act for the purpose of recording liabilities to creditors and shareholders who have not been located. The account is charged when funds are paid to them.

Unclaimed dividends and undistributed assets—Winding-up and Restructuring Act

This account records amounts credited to the Receiver General, in accordance with sections 138 and 139 of the Winding-up and Restructuring Act, pending distribution.

Federal/provincial agreement—Advance Account

This account was established to record deposits from non-federal partners for their share of costs under various projects. Funds are disbursed on behalf of contributors as projects are undertaken. Unused funds are to be returned to contributors.

Project deposits—Statistics Canada

This account was established to record deposits received from outside parties to secure payments for special statistical services.

Yukon Public Service Labour Relations Board

This specified purpose account was created to cover expenses incurred by the Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada (ATSSC) for the Government of Yukon. An ATSSC tribunal provides mediation services to the Yukon Public Services Labour Relations Board and to the Yukon Teachers Labour Relations Board. There is a total of $20,000 for each board that was advanced to the ATSSC from the Government of Yukon.

Yukon Teachers Labour Relations Board

This specified purpose account was created to cover expenses incurred by the Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada (ATSSC) for the Government of Yukon. An ATSSC tribunal provides mediation services to the Yukon Public Services Labour Relations Board and to the Yukon Teachers Labour Relations Board. There is a total of $20,000 for each board that was advanced to the ATSSC from the Government of Yukon.

Special Account—Courts Administration Service

This account was established to maintain accounts on behalf of litigants before the Federal Court and Federal Court of Appeal. These accounts record the funds paid into the Federal Court and Federal Court of Appeal, pursuant to an order of the courts, rules of the courts or statutes, to be held pending payment of such funds, in accordance with an order/judgment of these courts.

Joint research and development projects—Department of National Defence

This account was established to record funds received from other governments and organizations through collaborative relationships where the work is shared between the Government of Canada and other laboratories.

Non-government agencies

This account was established to record funds received for expenditures made on behalf of non-government agencies, for which specific accounts have not been established.

Foreign partners—Security

These accounts were established to record funds received from foreign partners to cover expenditures to be made on their behalf, in accordance with the provisions of agreements with the Government of Canada.

Deposits/Disbursements—Workers' Compensation Board

This account was established under the authority of the Canada Revenue Agency Act and the Workers' Compensation Act, to enable the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) to record and forward on daily basis, funds received from Nova Scotia employers to the Workers' Compensation Board of Nova Scotia (Board), as part of a partnership arrangement between the CRA and the Board.

Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Resource Revenue Fund

This account was established pursuant to section 214 of the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Atlantic Accord Implementation Act to facilitate the transfer of funds to the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador equal to revenues received from oil and gas activities in the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador offshore. Through statutory provisions of the Act, an amount equal to certain offshore revenues (taxes, royalties and miscellaneous revenues) is credited to this account and subsequent payments to the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador are charged thereto.

Nova Scotia Offshore Revenue Account

This account was established pursuant to section 219 of the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation Act to facilitate the transfer of funds to the Province of Nova Scotia equal to revenues received from oil and gas activities in the Canada-Nova Scotia offshore. Through statutory provisions of the Act, an amount equal to certain offshore revenues (taxes, royalties and miscellaneous revenues) is credited to this account and subsequent payments to the Province of Nova Scotia are charged thereto.

Shared-cost agreements—Research—Department of Natural Resources

This account was established to facilitate the retention and disbursement of funds received from private industries and other governments for joint research projects or shared-cost research agreements.

Shared-cost projects—Department of Natural Resources

This account was established to facilitate the retention and disbursement of funds received from private organizations and other governments for cost-sharing scientific non-research projects.

Cost-sharing collaborate agreement

This account was established to record amounts deposited by external parties for shared-cost projects.

Shared-cost projects—Media travel expenses

This account records the media's (non-governmental organizations) reimbursements for travel arrangement services rendered to them.

Joint research and development projects—Royal Canadian Mounted Police

This account was established to record funds received from foreign national police agencies and other government organizations in order to share costs incurred under various research project agreements, technical requirements and system improvements.

Military purchases excess funds deposit

This account was established by a written agreement between Canada and the United States, to record temporarily unused funds paid to the United States government under contracts for purchases of military equipment. The funds are invested by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to earn interest for the Government of Canada.

The Workplace Network

The Workplace Network (TWN) was created to provide a platform for senior executives in the worldwide public sector real estate field to spur creative thinking, connect and discuss while collectively advancing the management of public real estate portfolios and workplaces in the context of an ever-changing environment. This account was established pursuant to section 21(1) of the Financial Administration Act, to record the participation fees and other funds received for specific purposes from the participating members countries of TWN as well as to record the costs associated with hosting TWN’s annual conference. Money received as part of TWN can only be used for the specified purposes established in the agreement. Once the duration of the mandate is completed by the presiding country, all remaining funds are to be transferred to the new president once elected.

Shared-cost agreements—Security projects

This account was established to record funds received from external parties in order to cover expenditures incurred under shared-cost security project.

Association of Canadian Financial Officers shared-cost agreement

This account was established to record funds received from the Association of Canadian Financial Officers (ACFO) as part of a cost sharing agreement between the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat and the ACFO to cover the costs of a joint pay equity study.

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