Section 2: Ministry summary

Public Accounts of Canada 2023 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

(in dollars)

Vote Description Source of authorities Disposition of authorities
Available from previous years Main Estimates Supplementary Estimates Adjustments, warrants and transfers Total available for use Used in the current year Lapsed or (overexpended) Available for use in subsequent years Used in the previous year
  Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food
1 Operating expenditures 608,022,545 608,022,545        
1a Operating expenditures 2,732,006 2,732,006        
1b Operating expenditures 37,892,341 37,892,341        
1c Operating expenditures 1,228,492 1,228,492        
  Transfer from:
  Vote 1 (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) 25,000 25,000        
  Vote 1 (Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development) 157,802 157,802        
  Vote 1 (Department of Health) 200,500 200,500        
  TB Vote 10Link to table note 1 1,221,702 1,221,702        
  TB Vote 15Link to table note 1 6,291,323 6,291,323        
  TB Vote 25Link to table note 1 25,951,758 25,951,758        
  Transfer to:
  Vote 1 (Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development) (negative 160,000) (negative 160,000)        
  Vote 5 (negative 13,922,000) (negative 13,922,000)        
  Vote 10 (Department of the Environment) (negative 350,000) (negative 350,000)        
  Total—Vote 1 608,022,545 41,852,839 19,416,085 669,291,469 652,042,372 17,249,097 629,882,264
5 Capital expenditures 38,309,523 38,309,523        
5a Capital expenditures 250,000 250,000        
5b Capital expenditures 331,000 331,000        
  Transfer from:
  Vote 1 13,922,000 13,922,000        
  TB Vote 35Link to table note 1 6,928,475 6,928,475        
  Total—Vote 5 38,309,523 581,000 20,850,475 59,740,998 47,768,204 11,972,794 49,361,746
10 Grants and contributions 582,506,527 582,506,527        
10a Grants and contributions 46,552,506 46,552,506        
10b Grants and contributions 110,991,546 110,991,546        
10c Grants and contributions 8,500,000 8,500,000        
  Transfer to Vote 5 (Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency) (negative 500,000) (negative 500,000)        
  Total—Vote 10 582,506,527 166,044,052 (negative 500,000) 748,050,579 711,409,346 36,641,233 681,734,044
Link to table note S Contributions to employee benefit plans 68,881,237 1,724,254 (negative 2,168,694) 68,436,797 68,436,797 66,003,385
Link to table note S Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food—Salary and motor car allowance (Salaries Act and Parliament of Canada Act) 92,500 (negative 100) 92,400 92,400 90,700
Link to table note S Contribution payments for the AgriInsurance program (Farm Income Protection Act) 623,000,000 429,520,171 1,052,520,171 1,052,520,171 719,839,291
Link to table note S Contribution payments for the AgriStability program (Farm Income Protection Act) 434,938,961 (negative 103,191,416) 331,747,545 331,747,545 201,679,478
Link to table note S Grant payments for the AgriStability program (Farm Income Protection Act) 48,221,419 (negative 35,763,313) 12,458,106 12,458,106 30,072,112
Link to table note S Grant payments for the AgriInvest program (Farm Income Protection Act) 122,910,000 19,502,528 142,412,528 142,412,528 135,203,070
Link to table note S Contribution payments for the AgriInvest program (Farm Income Protection Act) 16,550,000 4,922,556 21,472,556 21,472,556 21,223,376
Link to table note S Grants in support of the Cost of Production Benefit 708 708 708
Link to table note S Contribution payments for the Agricultural Disaster Relief program/AgriRecovery (Farm Income Protection Act) 118,513,335 108,000,000 (negative 176,940,334) 49,573,001 49,573,001 443,726,742
Link to table note S Payments in connection with the Agricultural Marketing Programs Act (S.C., 1997, c. C-34) 109,000,000 (negative 49,487,642) 59,512,358 59,512,358 30,726,946
Link to table note S Loan guarantees under the Canadian Agricultural Loans Act 13,111,013 (negative 13,570,944) (negative 459,931) (negative 459,931) 113,157
Link to table note S Contributions in support of the Assistance to the Pork Industry Initiative (negative 6,862,924) (negative 6,862,924) (negative 6,862,924) (negative 13,040,554)
Link to table note S Grants to agencies established under the Farm Products Agencies Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. F-4) 600,000 100,000 (negative 100,000) 600,000 600,000
Link to table note S Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency Revolving Fund (Revolving Fund Act) 9,884,276 1,209,418 (negative 1,209,418) 9,884,276 (negative 68,499) 9,952,775 423,721
Link to table note S Grant payments for the Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization program Inventory Transition Initiative (negative 8,317) (negative 8,317) (negative 8,317) (negative 9,050)
Link to table note S Grants in support of the Grain and Oilseed Payment program (negative 149) (negative 149) (negative 149) (negative 8,720)
Link to table note S Spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 5,346,408 6,673,467 12,019,875 5,519,008 6,500,867 4,615,444
Link to table note S Contribution payments for the Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization program Inventory Transition Initiative (negative 1,249) (negative 1,249) (negative 1,249) (negative 5,883)
Link to table note S Grant payments for the Dairy Direct Payment Program (Farm Income Protection Act) 468,000,000 (negative 9,019,113) 458,980,887 458,980,887 460,265,904
  Appropriations not required for the current year 27,312
  Total budgetary 15,830,684 3,253,366,478 318,202,145 102,062,377 3,689,461,684 3,606,544,918 65,863,124 17,053,642 3,461,924,485
Link to table note S Link to table note L Loans pursuant to section 17 (1) of the Farm Income Protection Act (negative 21,426,811) (negative 21,426,811) (negative 21,426,811) (negative 2,336,283)
  Total Department—Budgetary 15,830,684 3,253,366,478 318,202,145 102,062,377 3,689,461,684 3,606,544,918 65,863,124 17,053,642 3,461,924,485
  Total Department—Non-budgetary (negative 21,426,811) (negative 21,426,811) (negative 21,426,811) (negative 2,336,283)
  Canadian Dairy Commission
1 Program expenditures 4,153,333 4,153,333        
  Transfer from:
  TB Vote 15Link to table note 1 269,669 269,669        
  TB Vote 30Link to table note 1 123,269 123,269        
  Total—Vote 1 4,153,333 392,938 4,546,271 4,543,733 2,538 4,291,407
Link to table note S Link to table note L Loans pursuant to the Canadian Dairy Commission Act, section 16, as last amended by Bill C-16 which received Royal Assent on May 15, 2020. Limit $500,000,000 (Net) 497,973,963 1 497,973,964 (negative 2,026,036) 500,000,000 (negative 48,153,504)
  Total Agency—Budgetary 4,153,333 392,938 4,546,271 4,543,733 2,538 4,291,407
  Total Agency—Non-budgetary 497,973,963 1 497,973,964 (negative 2,026,036) 500,000,000 (negative 48,153,504)
  Canadian Grain Commission
1 Program expenditures 5,299,399 5,299,399        
  Transfer from:
  TB Vote 10Link to table note 1 248,006 248,006        
  TB Vote 15Link to table note 1 621,877 621,877        
  TB Vote 25Link to table note 1 206,190 206,190        
  Total—Vote 1 5,299,399 1,076,073 6,375,472 6,252,362 123,110 5,775,465
Link to table note S Contributions to employee benefit plans 695,408 (negative 35,396) 660,012 660,012 664,770
Link to table note S Canadian Grain Commission Revolving Fund (Appropriation Act No. 4, 1994–95) 146,429,804 7,215,143 (negative 7,215,143) 146,429,804 16,142,697 130,287,107 9,554,400
Link to table note S Spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets 32,663 32,663 32,663 51,479
  Total Agency—Budgetary 146,429,804 13,209,950 (negative 6,141,803) 153,497,951 23,087,734 123,110 130,287,107 16,046,114
  Farm Credit Canada
Link to table note S Farm Credit Canada Act
Link to table note L Subsection 11(1), payments for capital pursuant to the Farm Credit Canada Act. Limit $2,500,000,000 (Net) 791,667,000 791,667,000 (negative 250,000,000) 1,041,667,000
Link to table note L Subsection 12(3), loans to the Corporation pursuant to the Farm Credit Canada Act. The aggregate not to exceed 12 times the capital of the Corporation (Net) 64,202,423,000 (negative 3,173,687,000) 61,028,736,000 61,028,736,000
  Total Agency—Non-budgetary 64,994,090,000 (negative 3,173,687,000) 61,820,403,000 (negative 250,000,000) 62,070,403,000
  Total Ministry—Budgetary 162,260,488 3,270,729,761 318,202,145 96,313,512 3,847,505,906 3,634,176,385 65,988,772 147,340,749 3,482,262,006
  Total Ministry—Non-budgetary 65,492,063,963 (negative 3,195,113,810) 62,296,950,153 (negative 273,452,847) 62,570,403,000 (negative 50,489,787)

Public Accounts of Canada 2023 Volume II—Bottom of the page Navigation

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