Section 15: Transfer payments

Public Accounts of Canada 2023 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

(in dollars)

Description Source of authorities Disposition of authorities
Available from previous years Main Estimates Supplementary Estimates Adjustments, warrants and transfers Total available for use Used in the current year Variance Available for use in subsequent years Used in the previous year
Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Green and Inclusive Community Building Grant 50,979,826 (negative 74,064) 50,905,762 501,506 50,404,256
Natural Infrastructure Fund Grants 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000
Reaching Home: Canada's Homelessness Strategy 12,436,763 (negative 1,247,406) 11,189,357 10,274,748 914,609 3,092,335
Grants under the Smart Cities Challenge 6,250,000 6,250,000 6,250,000
Active Transportation Grants 4,000,000 2,000,001 632,869 6,632,870 6,632,870
Rural Transit Solutions Grants 2,500,000 2,500,000 1,514,135 985,865
Items not required for the current year 120,000,000
Total—Grants 91,166,589 2,000,001 (negative 688,601) 92,477,989 18,923,259 73,554,730 123,092,335
Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program 2,453,518,524 1,058,143,074 3,511,661,598 1,894,973,848 1,616,687,750 1,543,486,307
New Building Canada Fund—Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component—National and Regional Projects 1,497,444,332 (negative 319,919,222) 1,177,525,110 701,132,142 476,392,968 1,192,693,013
Contributions to not-for-profit organizations, individuals, municipal governments, Band/tribal councils and other Indigenous organizations, public health and educational institutions, Régies régionales, for-profit enterprises, research organizations and research institutes to support activities to help alleviate and prevent homelessness across Canada and to carry out research on homelessness to help communities better understand and more effectively address homelessness issues 486,475,236 1,321,470 487,796,706 472,455,466 15,341,240 206,024,649
Public Transit Infrastructure Fund 468,815,032 (negative 257,410,740) 211,404,292 76,832,595 134,571,697 303,994,202
Green and Inclusive Community Buildings Program 384,579,107 (negative 300,920,104) 83,659,003 33,659,003 50,000,000
Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund 336,430,545 (negative 82,129,344) 254,301,201 227,796,552 26,504,649 43,340,988
New Building Canada Fund—National Infrastructure Component 224,622,460 782,105 225,404,565 225,404,565 228,924,894
Clean Water and Wastewater Fund 159,459,744 (negative 76,966,433) 82,493,311 18,778,624 63,714,687 69,865,354
Contributions under the Building Canada Fund Major Infrastructure Component 154,059,658 70,291,934 224,351,592 224,351,592 151,774,468
New Building Canada Fund—Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component—Small Communities Fund 150,239,018 4,983,455 155,222,473 155,222,473 161,828,287
Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Initiative 115,148,216 52,747,969 167,896,185 115,147,969 52,748,216 50,439,840
Permanent Public Transit Program 79,573,000 (negative 2,000,000) (negative 67,381,001) 10,191,999 1,209,777 8,982,222
Contributions under the Green Infrastructure Fund 60,585,149 (negative 39,313,897) 21,271,252 21,271,252 24,334,000
Contributions under the Smart Cities Challenge 54,544,472 (negative 27,015,628) 27,528,844 25,028,844 2,500,000 18,829,143
Natural Infrastructure Fund 53,700,992 (negative 43,700,992) 10,000,000 10,000,000
Contributions under the Building Canada Fund Communities Component 22,398,186 (negative 9,705,058) 12,693,128 12,693,128 1,161,072
Contributions under the Border Infrastructure Fund 5,593,403 (negative 5,593,403)
Contributions under the Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund 4,200,000 15,992,035 20,192,035 20,192,035 5,657,410
Research and Knowledge Initiative 2,800,000 2,800,000 1,427,766 1,372,234 718,997
Payments for commitments of Public-Private Partnerships Canada Fund of Public-Private Partnerships Canada 7,279,352 7,279,352 7,279,352 89,548,188
Canada Healthy Communities Initiative 27,115,250 27,115,250 27,115,250 11,555,750
Items not required for the current year 10,258,368
Total—Contributions 6,714,187,074 5,279,352 1,321,470 6,720,787,896 4,261,972,233 2,458,815,663 4,114,434,930
Other transfer payments
Link to table note S Contributions related to the Canada Community-Building Fund (Keeping Canada's Economy and Jobs Growing Act) 2,268,966,610 2,268,966,610 2,268,966,610 4,490,082,497
Total Department 9,074,320,273 7,279,353 632,869 9,082,232,495 6,549,862,102 2,532,370,393 8,727,609,762
Office of the Chief Electoral Officer
Other transfer payments
Link to table note S Subsidies to electoral district associations' auditors 1,468,397 1,468,397 1,468,397 870,364
Link to table note S Reimbursement of election expenses to candidates and payments of subsidies to candidates' auditors for the current year by-elections 348,918 348,918 348,918
Link to table note S Reimbursement of election expenses to candidates for the 44th general election, paid to assigned recipient 779,136 779,136 779,136 25,605,015
Link to table note S Payment of subsidies to candidates' auditors for the 44th general election 63,144 63,144 63,144 1,285,506
Link to table note S Reimbursement of election expenses to political parties for the 44th General Election 4,690,719 4,690,719 4,690,719 37,525,451
Items not required for the current year 118,829
Total Agency 7,350,314 7,350,314 7,350,314 65,405,165
Total Ministry 9,074,320,273 7,279,353 7,983,183 9,089,582,809 6,557,212,416 2,532,370,393 8,793,014,927

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