Section 16: Transfer payments

Public Accounts of Canada 2023 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

(in dollars)

Description Source of authorities Disposition of authorities
Available from previous years Main Estimates Supplementary Estimates Adjustments, warrants and transfers Total available for use Used in the current year Variance Available for use in subsequent years Used in the previous year
Department of Justice
Grants under the Indigenous Justice Program Fund 4,550,000 4,550,000 4,511,258 38,742 3,050,000
Grant under the Justice Partnership and Innovation Program 3,656,943 3,656,943 3,431,943 225,000 3,216,943
Grants under the Victims Fund 3,450,000 3,450,000 2,568,348 881,652 3,427,024
Grants under the Access to Justice in both Official Languages Support Fund 600,000 600,000 287,975 312,025 596,337
Grants in support of the Youth Justice Fund 79,655 (negative 17,250) 62,405 61,300 1,105 40,800
Total—Grants 12,336,598 (negative 17,250) 12,319,348 10,860,824 1,458,524 10,331,104
Contributions under the Youth Justice Services Funding Program 184,972,994 184,972,994 184,972,994 184,972,994
Contributions for Criminal Legal Aid 165,327,507 165,327,507 165,327,507 146,327,507
Contributions under the Indigenous Justice Program 30,071,829 (negative 1,212,602) 28,859,227 28,700,422 158,805 17,994,583
Contributions under the Justice Partnership and Innovation Program 29,377,850 150,000 450,061 29,977,911 29,977,911 12,964,672
Contributions under the Victims Fund 28,453,000 500,000 28,953,000 28,446,134 506,866 24,935,929
Contributions in support of the Canadian Family Justice Fund 25,700,000 (negative 3,893,304) 21,806,696 21,243,654 563,042 17,073,435
Contributions under the Indigenous Courtwork Program 13,211,363 (negative 150,989) 13,060,374 13,060,374 10,278,998
Contributions under the Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund 12,842,845 (negative 19,822) 12,823,023 11,625,221 1,197,802 10,819,391
Contributions for Immigration and Refugee Legal Aid 11,500,000 43,500,000 6,815,000 61,815,000 61,815,000 52,156,386
Contributions under the Intensive Rehabilitative Custody and Supervision Program 11,048,000 1,100,000 12,148,000 12,148,000 11,048,000
Contributions for Access to Justice Services in the Territories (being Legal Aid, Indigenous Courtwork and Public Legal Education and Information Services) 9,086,593 428,620 9,515,213 9,515,211 2 8,415,213
Contributions to support the implementation of official languages requirements under the Contraventions Act 8,594,900 (negative 932,538) 7,662,362 5,895,594 1,766,768 4,579,471
Contributions for legal Advice for Complainants of Workplace Sexual Harassment 5,717,558 (negative 222,857) 5,494,701 5,029,973 464,728 5,230,482
Contributions in support of the Youth Justice Fund 4,425,345 17,250 4,442,595 4,442,595 4,528,150
Contributions under the Drug Treatment Court Funding Program 3,746,000 3,500,000 (negative 500,000) 6,746,000 6,746,000 5,882,900
Contributions under the State-Funded Counsel Program 3,247,621 (negative 1,833,182) 1,414,439 654,204 760,235 616,027
Contributions for Impact of Race and Culture Assessments 1,185,000 107,360 1,292,360 1,292,360 788,010
Contributions under the Integrated Market Enforcement Teams Reserve Fund 550,000 (negative 550,000)
Assessed Contributions to the Hague Conference on Private International Law 315,000 (negative 29,965) 285,035 285,035 315,376
Contributions under the Special Advocates Program 250,000 250,000 93,902 156,098 35,259
Assessed Contributions to the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT) 190,000 (negative 58,795) 131,205 131,205 131,469
Assessed Contributions to the European Commission for Democracy through Law–Venice Commission 85,000 3,013 88,013 88,013 118,925
Total—Contributions 549,898,405 47,150,000 17,250 597,065,655 591,491,309 5,574,346 519,213,177
Total Department 562,235,003 47,150,000 609,385,003 602,352,133 7,032,870 529,544,281
Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada
The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act Contribution Program 500,000 500,000 498,506 1,494 493,251
Total Agency 500,000 500,000 498,506 1,494 493,251
Total Ministry 562,735,003 47,150,000 609,885,003 602,850,639 7,034,364 530,037,532

Public Accounts of Canada 2023 Volume II—Bottom of the page Navigation

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