Authorities for the spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets

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Appendix 5 provides details, by ministry, of the source and disposition of authorities related to the spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets.

Pursuant to sections 13(2) and 14 of the Surplus Crown Assets Act, departments as defined in section 2 of the Financial Administration Act (excluding the House of Commons, the Senate, the Library of Parliament, the Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner, the Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer, the Office of the Senate Ethics Officer and the Parliamentary Protective Service) are authorized to establish a spending authority equal to the proceeds received from the disposal of surplus Crown assets. The proceeds received in any fiscal year that have not been spent in that fiscal year are carried forward to the next fiscal year for use in that fiscal year only.

Table 1:Appendix 5
Authorities for the spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets
(in dollars)

Section Department or agency Source of authorities Disposition of authorities
Available from previous years Proceeds received in the current year Total available for use Used in current year Lapsed or (overexpended) Available for use in subsequent years
2 Agriculture and Agri-Food
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food 5,346,408 6,673,467 12,019,875 5,519,008 6,500,867
Canadian Grain Commission 32,663 32,663 32,663
Total Ministry 5,346,408 6,706,130 12,052,538 5,551,671 6,500,867
3 Canadian Heritage
Department of Canadian Heritage 19,983 14,153 34,136 20,104 14,032
Library and Archives of Canada 16,514 2,573 19,087 16,514 2,573
Total Ministry 36,497 16,726 53,223 36,618 16,605
5 Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec 4,754 35,045 39,799 4,754 35,045
6 Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion
Department of Employment and Social Development 205,468 78,291 283,759 205,468 78,291
Total Ministry 205,468 78,291 283,759 205,468 78,291
7 Environment and Climate Change
Department of the Environment 972,150 1,248,218 2,220,368 1,113,586 1,106,782
Total Ministry 972,150 1,248,218 2,220,368 1,113,586 1,106,782
8 Finance
Department of Finance 18,765 290 19,055 18,765 290
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada 110 110 110
Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada 748 748 748
Office of the Auditor General 613 2,670 3,283 613 2,670
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions 2,860 2,860 2,860
Total Ministry 19,378 6,678 26,056 22,348 3,708
9 Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard
Department of Fisheries and Oceans 2,260,601 3,266,029 5,526,630 2,261,339 3,265,291
Total Ministry 2,260,601 3,266,029 5,526,630 2,261,339 3,265,291
10 Global Affairs
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development 1,621,845 2,108,358 3,730,203 1,621,845 2,108,358
Total Ministry 1,621,845 2,108,358 3,730,203 1,621,845 2,108,358
11 Health
Department of Health 208,898 622,722 831,620 612,780 218,840
Canadian Food Inspection Agency 29,079 307,515 336,594 309,868 26,726
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board 231 231 231
Public Health Agency of Canada 111,576 786,265 897,841 111,576 786,265
Total Ministry 349,553 1,716,733 2,066,286 922,648 111,576 1,032,062
12 Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship
Department of Citizenship and Immigration 3,355 4,424 7,779 5,017 2,762
Immigration and Refugee Board 732 732 732
Total Ministry 3,355 5,156 8,511 5,749 2,762
13 Indigenous Services
Department of Indigenous Services 1,389,901 385,202 1,775,103 1,389,902 385,201
Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario 1,260 1,260 1,260
Total Ministry 1,389,901 386,462 1,776,363 1,389,902 386,461
14 Innovation, Science and Industry
Department of Industry 75,019 71,879 146,898 58,141 16,878 71,879
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency 25,646 49,405 75,051 25,646 49,405
Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency 177 177 177
Canadian Space Agency 15,236 618,497 633,733 633,733
Department of Western Economic Diversification 180 180 180
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario 30,913 48 30,961 30,913 48
National Research Council of Canada 233,855 347,568 581,423 300,000 281,423
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council 4,600 369 4,969 4,600 369
Statistics Canada 16,766 16,766 16,766
Total Ministry 385,269 1,104,889 1,490,158 1,008,820 78,037 403,301
15 Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities
Office of the Chief Electoral Officer 3,475 3,475 3,475
Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages 165 587 752 165 587
Total Ministry 165 4,062 4,227 3,475 165 587
16 Justice
Department of Justice 963 925 1,888 963 925
Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada 1,214 36 1,250 1,214 36
Canadian Human Rights Commission 349 349 349
Courts Administration Service 307 159 466 307 159
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions 10,948 10,948 10,948
Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada 740 1,723 2,463 479 261 1,723
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada 30 22,072 22,102 30 22,072
Total Ministry 14,202 25,264 39,466 2,128 12,423 24,915
17 National Defence
Department of National Defence 17,721,640 16,205,120 33,926,760 2,126,319 15,595,321 16,205,120
Communications Security Establishment 65,425 22,058 87,483 65,425 22,058
Military Grievances External Review Committee 331 331 331
Total Ministry 17,787,065 16,227,509 34,014,574 2,126,650 15,660,746 16,227,178
18 National Revenue
Canada Revenue Agency 179,457 179,457 179,457
Total Ministry 179,457 179,457 179,457
19 Natural Resources
Department of Natural Resources 56,655 187,664 244,319 176,211 68,108
Canadian Energy Regulator 199 199 199
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission 19,837 3,720 23,557 19,837 3,720
Total Ministry 76,492 191,583 268,075 176,211 19,837 72,027
20 Office of the Governor General's Secretary 35,605 35,605 35,605
22 Privy Council
Privy Council Office 14,360 14,360 14,360
Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board 4,306 2,286 6,592 4,307 2,285
Public Service Commission 141 141 141
Total Ministry 4,306 16,787 21,093 4,448 16,645
23 Public Safety
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness 3,907 6,755 10,662 3,907 6,755
Canada Border Services Agency 153,731 1,017,996 1,171,727 672,329 499,398
Canadian Security Intelligence Service 380,550 232,653 613,203 327,092 53,458 232,653
Correctional Service of Canada 1,089,436 2,319,261 3,408,697 1,089,436 2,319,261
Parole Board of Canada 39,486 24,065 63,551 24,065 15,421 24,065
Royal Canadian Mounted Police 227,382 398,925 626,307 230,418 395,889
Total Ministry 1,894,492 3,999,655 5,894,147 2,343,340 72,786 3,478,021
24 Public Services and Procurement
Department of Public Works and Government Services 294,594 508,036 802,630 662,558 140,072
Shared Services Canada 52,866 52,866 52,866
Total Ministry 294,594 560,902 855,496 715,424 140,072
25 Transport
Department of Transport 15,802,268 3,816,030 19,618,298 15,802,268 3,816,030
Total Ministry 15,802,268 3,816,030 19,618,298 15,802,268 3,816,030
26 Treasury Board
Treasury Board Secretariat 14,843 14,843 14,843
Canada School of Public Service 4,306 1,960 6,266 4,306 1,960
Total Ministry 4,306 16,803 21,109 4,306 16,803
27 Veterans Affairs
Department of Veterans Affairs 9,682 5,656 15,338 15,338
Total Ministry 9,682 5,656 15,338 15,338
28 Women, Gender Equality and Youth
Department for Women and Gender Equality 886 886 797 89
Total Ministry 886 886 797 89
  Total Government 48,518,356 41,723,309 90,241,665 35,549,441 15,960,324 38,731,900

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