
Public Accounts of Canada 2023 Volume III—Top of the page Navigation

General information by commission

The purpose of the following statement is to present general information for each commission involved in a public inquiry or investigation.

Table 1:General information by commission
(in dollars)

Department and agency Members Other salaries Other expenditures Total
Salaries Travel and living costsLink to table note 1
Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities
Office of the Chief Electoral Officer
Federal Electoral Boundaries Commissions 432,111 168,480 3,014,718 5,762,716 9,378,025
These Independent Commissions, one per province, were established by Order in Council (Privy Council (P.C.) 2021–0953 dated November 1, 2021) in accordance with the Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act. The commission's mandate is to consider and report on the readjustment of the representation of the provinces in the House of Commons required to be made at the end of each decennial census. The term of each commission depends on the date its final report is completed.
Privy Council
Privy Council Office
Public Inquiry into the 2022 Public Order Emergency 17,171 2,136,051 15,325,609 17,478,831
This Commission was established by Order in Council (Privy Council (P.C.) 2022–0392 dated April 25, 2022) pursuant to Part I of the Inquiries Act, and in accordance with subsection 63(1) of the Emergencies Act. The Commission was mandated to examine and report on the circumstances that led to the declaration of a public order emergency being issued for the period of February 14 to 23, 2022 and to make recommendations on the use and any necessary modernization of the Emergencies Act, and any areas for further study or review.
Joint Public Inquiry into the Nova Scotia April 2020 Tragedy 685,005 62,058 2,643,200 8,212,254 11,602,517
This Commission was established by Order in Council (Privy Council (P.C.) 2020–0822 dated October 21, 2020) pursuant to Part I of the Inquiries Act. Launched jointly by the Government of Canada and the Government of Nova Scotia, this Commission is investigating the largest mass shooting in Canadian history to determine what happened and to make recommendations to avoid such tragic events in the future

Public Accounts of Canada 2023 Volume III—Bottom of the page Navigation

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