Canada Pension Plan
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Management's Responsibility for Financial Statements - Canada Pension Plan
The consolidated financial statements of the Canada Pension Plan are prepared in accordance with the Canada Pension Plan by the management of Employment and Social Development Canada. Management is responsible for determining that the applicable financial reporting framework is acceptable and is responsible for the integrity and objectivity of the information in the consolidated financial statements, including the amounts which must, of necessity, be based on best estimates and judgment. The significant accounting policies are identified in Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements. The financial information presented throughout the Annual Report is consistent with the consolidated financial statements.
To fulfill its accounting and reporting responsibilities, management has developed and maintains books of account, financial and management controls, information systems and management practices. These systems are designed to provide reasonable assurance that financial information is reliable, that assets are safeguarded and that transactions are properly authorized and recorded in accordance with the Canada Pension Plan, the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act and the Financial Administration Act and their accompanying regulations.
The Auditor General of Canada, the external auditor of the Canada Pension Plan, conducts an independent audit of the consolidated financial statements in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards and provides a report to the Minister of Labour and Seniors.
Paul Thompson
Deputy Minister
Employment and Social Development Canada
Karen Robertson, CPA
Chief Financial Officer
Employment and Social Development Canada
Gatineau, Canada
August 29, 2024
Independent Auditor's Report - Canada Pension Plan
To the Minister of Labour and Seniors
We have audited the consolidated financial statements of the Canada Pension Plan, which comprise the consolidated statement of financial position as at 31 March 2024, and the consolidated statement of operations, consolidated statement of changes in financial assets available for benefit payments and consolidated statement of cash flow for the year then ended, and notes to the consolidated financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies.
In our opinion, the accompanying consolidated financial statements of the Canada Pension Plan for the year ended 31 March 2024 are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the basis of accounting described in Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements.
Basis for Opinion
We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Consolidated Financial Statements section of our report. We are independent of the Canada Pension Plan in accordance with the ethical requirements that are relevant to our audit of the consolidated financial statements in Canada, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.
Emphasis of Matter—Basis of Accounting
We draw attention to Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements, which describes the basis of accounting. The consolidated financial statements are prepared to assist management of the Canada Pension Plan in complying with the financial reporting provisions of the Canada Pension Plan legislation. As a result, the consolidated financial statements may not be suitable for another purpose. Our opinion is not modified in respect of this matter.
Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Governance for the Consolidated Financial Statements
Management is responsible for the preparation of the consolidated financial statements in accordance with the basis of accounting described in Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of consolidated financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
In preparing the consolidated financial statements, management is responsible for assessing the Canada Pension Plan's ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless management either intends to liquidate the Canada Pension Plan or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so.
Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the Canada Pension Plan's financial reporting process.
Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Consolidated Financial Statements
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor's report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these consolidated financial statements.
As part of an audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards, we exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also:
- Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.
- Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Canada Pension Plan's internal control.
- Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by management.
- Conclude on the appropriateness of management's use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Canada Pension Plan's ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditor's report to the related disclosures in the consolidated financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor's report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Canada Pension Plan to cease to continue as a going concern.
- Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities or business activities within the Canada Pension Plan to express an opinion on the consolidated financial statements. We are responsible for the direction, supervision, and performance of the group audit. We remain solely responsible for our audit opinion.
We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit.
Original signed by
Mathieu Le Sage, CPA
for the Auditor General of Canada
Ottawa, Canada
29 August 2024
2024 | 2023Links to footnote 1 in table 1 | |
Financial assets | ||
Cash (Note 3) | 387 | 494 |
Receivables (Note 4) | 8,568 | 4,441 |
Investments (Note 6) | 809,478 | 702,533 |
Pending trades receivable (Note 6) | 4,601 | 2,945 |
Other | 9 | 10 |
Subtotal | 823,043 | 710,423 |
Liabilities | ||
Payables and accrued liabilities (Note 8) | 2,079 | 1,869 |
Investment liabilities (Note 6) | 170,648 | 133,583 |
Pending trades payable (Note 6) | 10,832 | 1,599 |
Subtotal | 183,559 | 137,051 |
Financial assets available for benefit payments | 639,484 | 573,372 |
Non-financial assets | ||
Premises, equipment and others | 729 | 571 |
Assets available for benefit payments | 640,213 | 573,943 |
Approved by:
Paul Thompson
Deputy Minister
Employment and Social Development Canada
Karen Robertson, CPA
Chief Financial Officer
Employment and Social Development Canada
Budget 2024 (Note 9) |
Actual 2024 | Actual 2023Links to footnote 1 in table 2 | |
Revenues | |||
Contributions | 78,634 | 81,642 | 74,846 |
Net investment income | |||
Investment income (Note 10) | 54,822 | 11,960 | |
Investment-related expenses (Note 10) | (negative 813) | (negative 431) | |
Financing expenses (Note 10) | (negative 5,927) | (negative 2,147) | |
Subtotal | 33,546 | 48,082 | 9,382 |
Total | 112,180 | 129,724 | 84,228 |
Expenses | |||
Pension and benefits | |||
Retirement | 50,388 | 48,590 | 44,568 |
Survivor | 5,385 | 5,383 | 5,068 |
Disability | 4,637 | 4,554 | 4,305 |
Disabled contributor's child | 362 | 319 | 301 |
Death | 469 | 492 | 446 |
Orphan | 247 | 246 | 228 |
Post-Retirement | – | 1,331 | 1,164 |
Post-Retirement Disability | – | 47 | 41 |
Net overpayments (Note 4) | – | (negative 134) | (negative 166) |
Subtotal | 61,488 | 60,828 | 55,955 |
Operating expenses (Note 11) | 2,641 | 2,626 | 2,408 |
Total | 64,129 | 63,454 | 58,363 |
Net increase in assets available for benefit payments | 48,051 | 66,270 | 25,865 |
Assets available for benefit payments, beginning of year | 573,943 | 573,943 | 548,078 |
Assets available for benefit payments, end of year | 621,994 | 640,213 | 573,943 |
Budget 2024 (Note 9) |
Actual 2024 | Actual 2023 | |
Net increase in assets available for benefit payments | 48,051 | 66,270 | 25,865 |
Changes in non-financial assets | – | (negative 158) | (negative 75) |
Increase in financial assets available for benefit payments | 48,051 | 66,112 | 25,790 |
Financial assets available for benefit payments, beginning of year | 573,372 | 573,372 | 547,582 |
Financial assets available for benefit payments, end of year | 621,423 | 639,484 | 573,372 |
2024 | 2023Links to footnote 1 in table 4 | |
Cash flows from operating activities | ||
Net increase in assets available for benefit payments | 66,270 | 25,865 |
Adjustments for non-cash items: | ||
Amortization of premises and equipment | 76 | 72 |
Losses (Gains) on debt financing liabilities (Note 6h) | 822 | (negative 853) |
Adjustments for net changes in operating assets and liabilities: | ||
(Increase) in investments | (negative 106,945) | (negative 23,418) |
(Increase) Decrease in pending trades receivable | (negative 1,656) | 5,019 |
(Increase) Decrease in other assets and receivable | (negative 4,132) | 4,998 |
Increase in investment liabilities | 22,623 | 1,944 |
(Increase) Decrease in pending trades payable | 9,233 | (negative 22,569) |
Increase in accounts payable and accrued liabilities | 210 | 237 |
Subtotal | (negative 13,499) | (negative 8,705) |
Cash flows from financing activities | ||
Proceeds from debt financing liabilities (Note 6h) | 24,166 | 13,671 |
Repayments of debt financing liabilities (Note 6h) | (negative 10,546) | (negative 4,724) |
Subtotal | 13,620 | 8,947 |
Cash flows from capital activities | ||
Acquisitions of premises and equipment | (negative 228) | (negative 152) |
Subtotal | (negative 228) | (negative 152) |
Net increase in cash | (negative 107) | 90 |
Cash, beginning of year | 494 | 404 |
Cash, end of year | 387 | 494 |
Notes to consolidated financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2024
1. Authority, Objective and Responsibilities
(a) Description of the Canada Pension Plan
The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) is a federal/provincial plan established by an Act of Parliament in 1965 and its operations began in 1966. It is a compulsory and contributory social insurance program operating in all parts of Canada except Quebec, which operates the Québec Pension Plan (QPP), a comparable program.
The CPP's objective is to provide a measure of protection to workers and their families against the loss of earnings due to retirement, disability or death. The CPP is financed by contributions and investment returns. Employers and employees pay contributions equally to the CPP. Self-employed workers pay the full amount.
The CPP is administered by the Government of Canada (GoC) and the provinces. The Minister of Labour and Seniors is responsible for the administration of the CPP, under the Canada Pension Plan; the Minister of National Revenue is responsible for collecting contributions. The Minister of Finance and her provincial counterparts are responsible for setting CPP contribution rates, pension and benefit levels and funding policy.
The CPP Investment Board (CPPIB), known as CPP Investments in the CPPIB Annual Report, is a federal crown corporation that was established in December 1997 pursuant to the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (CPPIB Act) and its transactions are governed by the CPPIB Act and its accompanying regulations. CPPIB's assets are to be invested with a view to achieving a maximum rate of return without undue risk of loss, with regard to the factors that may affect the funding of the CPP and its ability to meet its financial obligations on any given business day.
Under section 108.1 and 108.3 of the Canada Pension Plan, CPPIB is responsible for managing the amounts that are being transferred from the CPP that are not immediately needed to pay CPP pensions, benefits and operating expenses. It acts in the best interests of the beneficiaries and contributors under the Canada Pension Plan.
CPPIB and its wholly-owned subsidiaries are exempt from Part I income tax under paragraph 149(1)(d) of the Income Tax Act (Canada) on the basis that all of the shares of CPPIB are issued to the Minister of Finance and held on behalf of His Majesty the King in right of Canada.
CPPIB is designed to operate at arm's length from the government. It is required to be accountable to the public, to Parliament (through the federal Minister of Finance) and to the provinces. It provides regular reports of its activities and the results achieved. The financial statements of CPPIB are audited annually by an external firm and are included in its annual report.
As stated in the Canada Pension Plan, changes to the CPPIB Act and major changes to the Canada Pension Plan require the agreement of at least two-thirds of the provinces, representing at least two-thirds of the population of all the provinces.
On December 15, 2016, the Canada Pension Plan, the CPPIB Act and the Income Tax Act (Canada) were amended to reflect the CPP enhancement (Additional CPP). The CPP enhancement is being implemented through a phased-in approach over a 7-year period which began on January 1, 2019. It increases the amount of CPP contributions and the corresponding pensions and post-retirement benefits that will be paid on CPP contributions made after December 31, 2018.
As a result, the CPP consists of two separate accounts, one for the base CPP (CPP Account) and one for the additional CPP (Additional CPP Account), collectively referred to as the CPP Accounts, where the financial activities are recorded in the Account to which they relate (Note 17). The financial transactions affecting the CPP Accounts are governed by the Canada Pension Plan and its regulations. Pursuant to subsections 112(1) and 112(2) of the Canada Pension Plan, one set of annual financial statements is published on a consolidated basis to include the accounts of the CPP and CPPIB.
(b) Pensions and Benefits
Retirement pensions
According to the provisions of the Canada Pension Plan, a retirement pension is payable to CPP contributors who have made at least one valid contribution to the Plan. The monthly pension consists of three components: (i) a base component equal to 25% of the contributor's average monthly pensionable earnings below the annual threshold during the pensionable period; (ii) a first additional component equal to 8.33% of the average of the contributor's 480 highest monthly pensionable earnings during the pensionable period, which began in January 2019; and (iii) a second additional component equal to 33.33% of the average of the contributor's 480 highest monthly additional pensionable earnings during the pensionable period, which began in January 2024.
The normal age to begin collecting the retirement pension is 65. However, contributors can either elect to take an actuarially-reduced pension as early as age 60, or an actuarially-increased pension as late as age 70. The maximum monthly pension payable at age 65 in 2024 is $1,364.60 (2023 – $1,306.57).
Post-retirement benefits
According to the provisions of the Canada Pension Plan, a post-retirement benefit (PRB) is payable to each individual between the ages of 60 and 70 who has continued to work and has made contributions to the Plan while collecting their CPP or QPP retirement pension. Contributions are mandatory for working retirement pension recipients until the age of 65, at which point they may elect to cease contributing. Contributions are no longer allowed after reaching age 70. The PRB becomes payable the year after contributions were made. The maximum monthly PRB at age 65 in 2024 is $44.46 (2023 – $40.25).
Disability pensions
According to the provisions of the Canada Pension Plan, a disability pension is payable to a working-age contributor who meets both the medical and contributory requirements. The amount of the disability pension to be paid includes a flat rate portion and an amount equal to 75% of the earned retirement pension. The disability pension ends automatically at age 65, when recipients are automatically converted to receive the retirement pension. The maximum monthly disability pension in 2024 is $1,606.78 (2023 – $1,538.67).
Post-retirement disability benefits
According to the provisions of the Canada Pension Plan, a post-retirement disability benefit is payable to an individual under the age of 65 in receipt of a retirement pension who meets the same medical and contributory criteria as the disability pension. The post-retirement disability benefit is equal to the flat rate portion of the disability pension and is added to individual's retirement pension. Like the disability pension, the post-retirement disability benefit ends automatically at age 65, when the recipient becomes eligible for benefits under the Old Age Security program. The maximum monthly post-retirement disability benefit in 2024 is $583.32 (2023 – $558.74).
Survivor's pensions
According to the provisions of the Canada Pension Plan, a survivor's pension is payable to the spouse or common-law partner of a deceased contributor who made sufficient contributions to the Plan. The pension amount depends on the age of the survivor and whether the survivor also receives other CPP benefits. Survivors aged 65 or older receive a pension equal to 60% of the deceased contributor's retirement pension. Survivors under the age of 65 receive a pension equal to 37.5% of the deceased contributor's retirement pension, plus a flat rate. The maximum monthly pension payable to a survivor under the age of 65 in 2024 is $739.31 (2023 – $707.95) and to a survivor 65 and over in 2024 is $818.76 (2023 – $783.94).
Disabled contributor's child and orphan benefits
According to the provisions of the Canada Pension Plan, each child of a contributor who is receiving a disability pension or a post-retirement disability benefit or a child of a deceased contributor is entitled to a benefit as long as the child is under the age of 18 or is between the ages of 18 and 25 and attending school full-time. The flat rate monthly benefit in 2024 is $294.12 (2023 – $281.72).
Death benefits
According to the provisions of the Canada Pension Plan, a death benefit is a one-time payment to, or on behalf of, the estate of a contributor who made sufficient contributions to the Plan. The death benefit is a flat-rate payment of $2,500 in 2024 (2023 – a flat-rate payment of $2,500).
Pensions and benefits indexation
As required by the Canada Pension Plan, pensions and benefits are indexed annually to the cost of living, as determined by the Consumer Price Index for Canada. The rate of indexation for 2024 is 4.4% (2023 – 6.5%).
2. Significant Accounting Policies
a) Basis of Accounting
These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the significant accounting policies described below in compliance with the Canada Pension Plan. The financial statements are presented on a consolidated basis to include the accounts of the CPP and CPPIB and include a consolidated statement of financial position, a consolidated statement of operations, a consolidated statement of changes in financial assets available for benefit payments and a consolidated statement of cash flow.
The CPP, which is managed by both the GoC and the provinces, is not considered to be part of the reporting entity of the GoC. Accordingly, its financial activities are not consolidated with those of the GoC.
b) International Financial Reporting Standards
CPPIB, which is a significant component of the CPP consolidated financial statements, prepares its financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). CPPIB qualifies as an investment entity and reports the results of its operations in accordance with IFRS 10 - Consolidated Financial Statements. As a consequence, CPPIB's consolidated financial statements represent the results of operations of CPPIB and its wholly owned subsidiaries that were created to provide investment-related services to support its operations. Operating subsidiaries of this nature include those that provide investment advisory services or subsidiaries that were created to provide financing to CPPIB.
Wholly owned subsidiaries that are managed by CPPIB to hold investments are referred to herein as investment holding subsidiaries. Such subsidiaries are not consolidated in CPPIB's consolidated financial statements but instead are measured at fair value through profit and loss (FVTPL) in accordance with IFRS 9, Financial Instruments, and reported as investments in CPPIB's Consolidated Balance Sheet.
There is no impact on financial assets available for benefit payments and net increase in assets available for benefit payments as a result of CPPIB preparing its financial statements in accordance with IFRS. Certain incremental financial statement disclosures from CPPIB financial statements related to investments and investment liabilities are included as supplementary information in these consolidated financial statements.
c) Financial Instruments
The CPP, through CPPIB, classifies its financial assets and financial liabilities, in accordance with IFRS 9, as follows:
Financial assets are either classified at FVTPL or at amortized cost. The classification depends on: (a) the business model for managing the financial assets and (b) the cash flow characteristics of the financial assets. Financial assets are classified at FVTPL on the basis that they are part of a portfolio of investments which is managed to maximize returns without undue risk of loss and whose performance is evaluated on a fair value basis in accordance with investment strategies and risk management of CPPIB. Financial assets classified at FVTPL include investments in equities, debt, investment funds, securities purchased under reverse repurchase agreements, derivatives and other investment receivables. Financial assets carried at amortized cost include cash and cash equivalents, pending trades receivable, cash collateral pledged on securities borrowed and other assets.
Financial liabilities are either classified at FVTPL or at amortized cost. A financial liability is classified at FVTPL if it is classified as held for trading, it is a derivative, or it is designated as such on initial recognition. Financial liabilities held for trading and classified at FVTPL include derivative liabilities and securities sold short. Financial liabilities designated at FVTPL include debt financing liabilities, securities and loans sold under repurchase agreements and other investment liabilities. Financial liabilities at amortized cost include pending trades payable, cash collateral received on securities lent and accounts payable and accrued liabilities.
The CPP, through CPPIB, recognizes a financial asset or a financial liability when, and only when, it becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the financial instrument. Financial assets and liabilities are recognized on a trade or settlement date basis depending on whether there is a time frame established by regulation or market convention for delivery of those assets and liabilities.
A financial asset is derecognized under the following situations: (a) when the contractual rights to receive the cash flows from the financial asset expire, (b) when CPP, through CPPIB, has transferred the financial asset and substantially all the risks and rewards of the asset, or (c) in cases where CPP, through CPPIB, has neither retained nor transferred substantially all risks and rewards of the asset, it no longer retains control over the asset. CPP, through CPPIB, derecognizes a financial liability when the obligation under the liability is discharged, cancelled or expires.
Upon initial recognition, financial assets and financial liabilities are measured at fair value and continue to be measured at fair value or amortized cost. Subsequent changes in the fair value are recorded as realized and unrealized gains and losses on investments and included in net investment income (loss), along with the interest and dividend incomes from such financial instruments.
d) Valuation of Investments and Investment Liabilities
Investments and investment liabilities are recorded on a trade date basis and are stated at fair value. Fair value is an estimate of the amount of consideration that would be agreed upon in an arm's length transaction between knowledgeable, willing parties who are under no compulsion to act.
In an active market, fair value is best evidenced by an independent quoted market price. In the absence of an active market, fair value is determined by valuation techniques that make maximum use of inputs observed from markets. These valuation techniques include using recent arm's length market transactions, if available, or current fair value of another investment that is substantially the same, discounted cash flow analysis, option pricing models and other accepted industry valuation methods, that may include the use of estimates made by management, appraisers or both where significant judgment is required.
e) Contributions
Contributions include CPP contributions earned for the year. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) collects contributions and measures them using the assessment of tax returns. In determining the amount of contributions earned for the year, the CRA considers cash received and contributions assessed, and makes an estimate for contributions related to tax returns not yet assessed. This estimate is subject to review. Adjustments, if any, are recorded as contributions in the year they are known.
f) Investment Income
Income from investments includes realized and unrealized gains and losses on private and public investments, realized and unrealized gains and losses on investments held by investment holding subsidiaries, and interest, dividends and other income. Gains and losses on private investments are generated from private equities, debt, debt securities sold short, investment receivables and investment liabilities excluding debt financing liabilities and exchange-traded derivatives. Gains and losses on public investments are generated from public equities, exchange-traded derivatives and public equities sold short. Interest income is recognized as earned. Dividend income is recognized on the ex-dividend date, which is when the right to receive the dividend has been established. Interest income and dividends income also include income received from investment holding subsidiaries.
g) Investment-Related Expenses
Investment-related expenses include the following types of expenses:
Management fees include payments to external managers who invest and manage capital committed by CPP, through CPPIB, and are expensed as incurred.
Performance fees include payments to external managers when CPP, through CPPIB, earns a return that exceeds a set rate of return and are expensed as incurred.
Transaction-related expenses include incremental costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, maintenance, restructuring or disposal of an investment. Such expenses include a variety of non-recurring expenses, including due diligence on potential investments, legal and tax advisory fees required to support transactions involving private market assets, or, in the case of public markets, custodial fees and commissions paid when trading securities. They are expensed as incurred.
Taxes incurred by CPP, through CPPIB, includes taxes in a number of foreign jurisdictions and also indirect taxes. Taxes consists largely of taxes on dividends, interest income and capital gains related to investments in equities, debt and investment holding subsidiaries. The majority of these taxes are collected at source.
Withholding taxes, net of deductions for refundable amounts, are recognized at the same time as the related dividend or interest income and refundable withholding tax is presented as other investment receivables.
Other income tax, which is not collected at source, is recognized in the same period as the related income or gains. Deferred tax on capital gains generated on assets held directly by CPPIB is recognized as investment liabilities, based on the expected future payment when CPP, through CPPIB, is in a gain position in the applicable market. Where the gains are generated by investment holding subsidiaries, the liabilities are netted within net asset values of the respective subsidiaries. Changes in the deferred tax liabilities in the year are recorded as an expense or recovery within taxes or unrealized gains (losses) on investment holding subsidiaries. All uncertain tax positions, such as disputed withholding tax refunds, are assessed each reporting period.
All investment-related expenses borne by the investment holding subsidiaries are recognized as part of the unrealized gains or losses on investment holding subsidiaries.
h) Financing Expenses
Financing expenses include interest and other costs that are incurred when borrowing funds or securities. They are composed of expenses from debt financing liabilities, securities and loans sold under repurchase agreements and securities lending and borrowing transactions. Gains and losses associated with debt financing liabilities and certain interest rate derivatives used as part of financing activities are also included in financing expenses. They are expensed as incurred. All financing expenses borne by the investment holding subsidiaries are recognized as part of the unrealized gains or losses on investment holding subsidiaries.
i) Foreign Currency Translation
Transactions, including purchases and sales of investments, income and expenses, are translated at the rate of exchange prevailing on the date of the transaction. Investments and monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into Canadian dollars at exchange rates prevailing on the year-end date. Non-monetary items in a foreign currency are measured at historical cost and are translated using the exchange rates at the dates of the initial transactions.
Foreign currency transaction gains and losses on financial instruments classified at FVTPL are included with associated fair value gains and losses in investment income (loss).
j) Pensions and Benefits
Pensions and benefits expenses are recorded when incurred and are net of overpayments established during the year. Accruals are recorded at year-end for pensions and benefits owed to beneficiaries but not paid, based on management's best estimate.
k) Tax Deductions Due to the Canada Revenue Agency
Tax deductions due to the CRA consist primarily of voluntary and non-resident taxes withheld from pensions and benefit payments to CPP beneficiaries (refer to Note 8).
l) Net Overpayments
Net overpayments comprise overpayments of pensions and benefits that were established during the year less remissions of debts granted.
m) Operating Expenses
Operating expenses are recorded as incurred.
n) Other Claims and Legal Actions
The CPP records an allowance for claims and legal proceedings when it is likely that there will be a future payment and a reasonable estimate can be made.
o) Related Party Transactions
Inter-entity transactions are transactions between commonly controlled entities. Inter-entity transactions are recorded on a gross basis and are measured at the carrying amount, except for the following:
- Inter-entity transactions are measured at the exchange amount when undertaken on similar terms and conditions to those adopted if the entities were dealing at arm's length, or when the costs of goods or services are provided on a recovery basis.
- Goods or services received without charge between commonly controlled entities are not recorded.
Related parties include key management personnel having authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the CPP, including their close family members. Related party transactions, other than inter-entity transactions, are recorded at the exchange amount.
p) Measurement Uncertainty
The preparation of the consolidated financial statements in accordance with the Canada Pension Plan requires management to make estimates, judgments and assumptions that affect the amounts recognized for assets and liabilities, principally the valuation of financial instruments, which are not actively traded. Uncertainty about these estimates, judgments and assumptions may result in outcomes that could require a material adjustment to the carrying amount of the affected assets or liabilities in the future.
Significant estimates, judgments and assumptions are also required for the revenues and expenses during the reporting period, principally in determining the estimated contributions, and actuarial obligation in respect of benefits. Although the actuarial obligation in respect of benefits is reviewed triennially as per Note 12 and Note 13, management makes estimates, judgments and assumptions based on the best information available at the time of the preparation of these financial statements. Measurement uncertainty exists in these consolidated financial statements. Actual results could significantly differ from those estimates.
3. Cash
Cash consists of the total cash held by the CPP Accounts and CPPIB. The CPP Accounts were established in the accounts of Canada by the Canada Pension Plan to record the contributions, interest, pensions, benefits and operating expenses of the CPP. The CPP Accounts also record the amounts transferred to or received from CPPIB. As at March 31, 2024, the deposit with the Receiver General for Canada in the CPP Accounts is $159 million (2023 – $306 million) and CPPIB's cash is $228 million (2023 – $188 million) for a total of $387 million (2023 – $494 million).
4. Receivables
Receivables are comprised of the following, as at March 31:
2024 | 2023 | |
Contributions | 8,116 | 4,049 |
Québec Pension Plan | 136 | 128 |
Beneficiaries | ||
Balance of pensions and benefits overpayments | 362 | 324 |
Allowance for doubtful accounts | (negative 103) | (negative 129) |
Others | 57 | 69 |
Total | 8,568 | 4,441 |
Contributions receivables represent the estimated amount to be collected by the CRA and transferred to the CPP relating to contributions earned at year end and adjusted for tax returns not yet assessed. The amount includes an estimate that takes into consideration the number of contributors and the average contribution to be received, which is based on the average earnings and the CPP contribution rate. On an annual basis, the model used to make the estimate is reviewed. The difference between the estimate and the actual amount has not been significant in the past.
The CPP has procedures to detect benefits overpayments. During the year, overpayments totalling $139 million (2023 – $170 million) were established and debts totalling $5 million (2023 – $4 million) were forgiven as per the remission provisions of the Canada Pension Plan. A further $96 million (2023 – $83 million) was recovered through collection of payments and withholdings from beneficiaries.
5. Investment Activities Risk Management
The CPP, through the investment activities carried out by CPPIB, is exposed to a variety of financial risks. These risks include market risk, credit risk and liquidity and leverage risk. CPPIB employs the Risk Policy (Policy), which establishes accountability of the Board of Directors, the various committees, including the Risk Committee, and the investment departments to manage investment related risks. CPPIB manages and mitigates investment risks through the Policy approved by the Board of Directors at least once every fiscal year. This Policy contains risk appetite (in the form of limits, statements and targets) and risk management provisions that govern investment decisions in accordance with the mandate of CPPIB.
Upper and lower absolute risk limits within the Policy govern the amount of total investment risk that CPPIB can take in the base CPP Investment Portfolio and additional CPP Investment Portfolio (collectively the CPPIB Investment Portfolios). CPPIB monitors potential investment losses in CPPIB Investment Portfolios daily and reports to the Board of Directors on at least a quarterly basis.
During the fiscal year 2023-2024, CPP, through CPPIB, continues to remain within all risk limits established by its Board of Directors, including limits related to market, credit, liquidity and leverage risks.
As part of the ongoing monitoring, CPP, through CPPIB, performs historical stress tests and scenarios analysis to assess the impact of potential events and identify potential portfolio vulnerabilities that may not be fully captured by standard risk measures and models. This includes how severe market or geopolitical events could affect the Investment Portfolios. Additionally, CPP, through CPPIB, performs ad hoc analysis on various plausible stress scenarios based on current global events, such as inflation shocks, potential impacts of economic/regulatory policies, China/U.S. geopolitical tensions, and bank credit crisis scenarios. The resulting potential loss estimates are monitored and considered in the context of CPPIB's stated risk appetites.
Market Risk
Market risk (including equity risk, interest rate risk, credit spread risk and currency risk) is the risk that the fair value of an investment or investment liability will fluctuate because of changes in market prices and rates.
Equity Risk
Equity risk is the risk that the fair value of an investment or investment liability will fluctuate because of changes in equity prices, which is a significant source of risk of the CPPIB Investment Portfolios.
The CPP, through CPPIB, invests in both publicly traded and private equities. With all other variables held constant, a 1% decrease/increase in the S&P 500 Index would result in a loss/profit of $1,699 million (2023 – $1,248 million) on public equity investments. This calculation assumes that equities other than the S&P 500 Index would move in accordance with their historical behaviour conditional on a 1% decrease/increase in the S&P 500 Index.
Interest Rate Risk
Interest rate risk is the risk that the fair value of an investment or investment liability will fluctuate because of changes in market interest rates.
Applicable to debt instruments and interest-rate-sensitive derivatives, with all other variables held constant, a 100 basis point increase/decrease in nominal risk-free rates would result in a decrease/increase of $15,930 million (2023 – $13,259 million) in the value of investments directly impacted by interest rate changes.
Credit Spread Risk
Credit spread risk is the difference in yield on certain securities compared to a comparable risk-free security (i.e. government issued) with the same maturity date. Credit spread risk is the risk that the fair value of these securities will fluctuate because of changes in credit spread.
With all other variables held constant, a 1 basis point widening of credit spread rates would result in a decrease in net assets by $33 million (2023 – $26 million).
Currency Risk
The CPP, through CPPIB, is exposed to currency risk through holdings of investments or investment liabilities in various currencies. Fluctuations in the relative value of foreign currencies against the Canadian dollar can result in a positive or negative effect on the fair value or future cash flows of these investments and investment liabilities.
In Canadian dollars, the net currency exposures, after allocating foreign currency derivatives, as at March 31, are as follows:
Table 6Investment activities risk management
(in millions of dollars)Currency 2024 2023Links to footnote 1 in table 6 Net exposure % of total Net exposure % of total United States dollar 367,899 58 276,146 48 Euro 34,895 6 45,124 8 Japanese Yen 24,774 4 17,324 3 Indian rupee 15,962 3 12,798 2 Other 55,736 8 96,750 18 Total Foreign Exposure 499,266 79 448,142 79 Canadian Dollar 133,333 21 122,154 21 Total 632,599 100 570,296 100 As at March 31, 2024, with all other variables and underlying values held constant, a 10% appreciation/depreciation of the Canadian dollar against all other currencies would result in a decrease/increase in net investments by $49,927 million (March 31, 2023 – $44,814 million).
Credit Risk
Credit risk is the risk of the potential permanent loss of investment value due to direct or indirect counterparty exposure to a defaulted entity and/or financial losses due to deterioration of an entity's credit quality. The CPP's, through CPPIB, credit risk arises primarily through its investment in non-investment grade entities such as debt securities and over-the-counter derivatives (as discussed in Note 6g). The carrying amounts of these investments are presented in Note 6.
Liquidity and Leverage Risk
Liquidity and leverage risk is the risk of being unable to generate sufficient cash or its equivalent in a timely and cost-effective manner to meet pensions and benefit payments, investment commitments and investment liabilities as they come due. Leverage risk increases when excessive financial obligations heighten market and liquidity risks during periods of stress. The CPP manages this risk through cash flow planning for both short-term and long-term requirements. The cash flow is prepared for a two-year period and updated on a weekly basis to inform CPPIB of the funds required by CPP to meet its financial obligations (refer to Note 17). In order to manage liquidity risk, various forms of leverage are used to manage certain other risks and enhance fund returns.
Liquidity risk is also managed by investing certain assets in a liquid portfolio of publicly traded equities, money market securities and marketable bonds, to ensure liquid securities are available for investment obligations and for transfer of funds to CPP to meet benefit payment obligations over various time horizons including any 10-day period. Also, the CPP, through CPPIB, supplements its management of liquidity risk through its ability to raise funds through the issuance of unsecured debt, including term debt and transacting in securities sold under repurchase agreements (refer to Note 6 and Note 7).
CPPIB maintains $1,500 million (2023 – $1,500 million) of unsecured credit facilities to meet potential liquidity requirements. There were no credit facilities drawn as at March 31, 2024 and March 31, 2023.
6. Investments and Investment Liabilities
As stated in Note 1, the role of CPPIB is to invest the assets with a view to achieving a maximum rate of return without undue risk of loss, with regard to the factors that may affect the funding of the CPP and the ability of the CPP to meet its financial obligations on any given business day. To achieve its mandate, CPPIB has established investment policies in accordance with its regulations. These set out the manner in which their assets shall be invested and their financial risks managed and mitigated through the Integrated Risk Framework.
In an active market, the fair value is best evidenced by an independent quoted market price. In the absence of an active market, valuation can be significantly more complex and often subjective, requiring judgment. As a result, CPPIB categorizes the fair value of its investments and investment liabilities within the three levels of the fair value hierarchy:
- Level 1 – Quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities;
- Level 2 – Inputs other than quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (as prices) or indirectly (derived from prices); and
- Level 3 – Inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data (unobservable inputs).
The fair values of Level 3 investments are determined using valuation techniques that use models with unobservable inputs while maximizing the use of inputs observed from market and therefore, are particularly judgmental. As each investment holding subsidiary is largely composed of Level 3 investments, the entire subsidiary is classified as Level 3.
The total of CPPIB's net investments not actively traded as at March 31, 2024 consists of investments categorized in Level 2 and 3, and is valued at $403,075 million (2023 – $411,587 million), of which $350,929 million (2023 – $326,863 million) are all investments held by investment holding subsidiaries.
Significant changes in the unobservable inputs would result in a significantly higher or lower value measurement. As at March 31, 2024, with all other variable held constant, the use of reasonable alternative assumptions would result in a decrease of $10,400 million
(2023 – $10,300 million) or increase of $11,700 million (2023 – $9,900 million) in net assets.
The Consolidated Schedule of Investment Portfolio below provides information on investments and investment liabilities held by both CPPIB and its investment holding subsidiaries, as at March 31:
2024 | 2023Links to footnote 2 in table 7 | |
Cash and cash equivalents | 10,426 | 12,878 |
Equities | ||
Public equities | 214,073 | 158,229 |
Private equities | 208,549 | 195,296 |
Total equities | 422,622 | 353,525 |
Debt financing liabilities | ||
Bonds | 165,258 | 129,135 |
Other debt | 49,157 | 46,335 |
Money market securities | 7,710 | 2,581 |
Total debt | 222,125 | 178,051 |
Investment funds | 141,968 | 134,914 |
Investment receivables | ||
Securities purchased under reverse repurchase agreements and cash collateral pledged on securities borrowed | 12,143 | 23,549 |
Derivative assets | 2,962 | 2,862 |
Other | 4,909 | 4,926 |
Total investment receivables | 20,014 | 31,337 |
Total investmentsLinks to footnote 1 in table 7 | 817,155 | 710,705 |
Investment liabilities | ||
Debt financing liabilities | (negative 73,122) | (negative 59,362) |
Securities and loans sold under repurchase agreements and cash collateral received on securities lent | (negative 72,141) | (negative 54,515) |
Securities sold short | (negative 26,229) | (negative 22,065) |
Derivative liabilities | (negative 3,647) | (negative 2,710) |
Other | (negative 2,846) | (negative 3,411) |
Total investment liabilitiesLinks to footnote 1 in table 7 | (negative 177,985) | (negative 142,063) |
Pending trades receivableLinks to footnote 1 in table 7 | 4,840 | 3,526 |
Pending trades payableLinks to footnote 1 in table 7 | (negative 11,411) | (negative 1,872) |
Net investments | 632,599 | 570,296 |
a) Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand and term deposits, commercial paper, bank accepted bills, deposit notes and treasury bills, all of which have a maturity date of 90 days or less from the acquisition date. Fair value is determined using cost, which, together with accrued interest income, approximates fair value due to the short-term or floating rate nature of these assets.
b) Equities
Equities consist of public and private investments.
- Public equities are composed of direct investments in securities and exchange traded funds listed on public stock exchanges. Public equities include dividends receivable by CPP through CPPIB. Fair value for publicly traded equities is based on quoted market prices.
- Private equities investments are composed of ownership in private companies and generally made directly or through a co-investment structure. The fair value for investments held directly is primarily determined using accepted industry valuation methods such as earnings multiples of comparable publicly traded companies or discounted cash flows. Significant inputs for these valuation methods include company-specific inputs such as earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA), earnings multiples of comparable publicly traded companies, projected cash flows, discount rates using current market yields of instruments with similar characteristics, net operating income, discount and terminal capitalization rates. Recent market transactions, where available, are also used.
c) Debt
- Bonds include government bonds issued by Canadian and foreign governments and corporate bonds. Fair value for non-marketable Canadian provincial government bonds is calculated using discounted cash flows based on current market yields of instruments with similar characteristics. In the case of marketable bonds, fair value is based on quoted prices.
- Other debt is composed of direct private debt, asset-backed securities, certain preferred shares and royalty-related income streams. Fair value is based on quoted market prices, broker quotes or recent market transactions, if available. Where the quoted market price is not available, fair value is primarily calculated using discounted cash flows based on significant inputs such as projected cash flows and discount rates using current market yields of instruments with similar characteristics.
- Money market securities include term deposits, commercial paper, bank accepted bills, deposit notes and treasury bills, all of which have a maturity date of over 90 days from the acquisition date. Fair value is determined using cost, which, together with accrued interest income, approximates fair value due to the short-term or floating rate nature of these assets.
d) Investment Funds
Investment funds include investments in externally managed hedge, private equity and private debt funds. Fair value for fund investments is generally based on the net asset value as reported by the external administrators or managers of the funds.
e) Securities Purchased under Reverse Repurchase Agreements and Securities and Loans Sold under Repurchase Agreements
Securities purchased under reverse repurchase agreements represent the purchase of securities with a simultaneous agreement to sell them back at a specified price at a specified future date and are accounted for as an investment receivable. The purchased securities under these agreements are not recognized on the consolidated statement of financial position. The fair value of securities to be resold under reverse repurchase agreements is monitored and additional collateral is obtained, when appropriate, to protect against credit exposure. In the event of counterparty default, the CPP, through CPPIB, has the right to liquidate the collateral held.
Securities and loans sold under repurchase agreements are accounted for as collateralized borrowing because they represent the sale of securities with a simultaneous agreement to buy them back at a specified price at a specified future date. The securities and loans sold under these agreements continue to be recognized on the consolidated statement of financial position with any changes in fair value recorded as net gain (loss) on investments and included in net investment income (loss).
Interest earned on reverse repurchase agreements is included in interest income within investment income. Interest incurred on repurchase agreements is included in financing expenses.
Reverse repurchase and repurchase agreements are carried at the amounts at which the securities or loans were initially acquired or sold, which, together with accrued interest income or expense, approximates fair value due to the short-term nature or variable interest rate of these agreements.
The fair value of the securities purchased under reverse repurchase agreements held directly by CPPIB, as at March 31, 2024, is $10,777 million (2023 – $22,267 million) and all mature within 1 year from the reporting date.
The fair value of the securities purchased under reverse repurchase agreements held by investment holding subsidiaries, as at March 31, 2024, is $167 million (2023 – $132 million) and all mature within 1 year to 5 years from the reporting date.
The contractual value of the securities sold under repurchase agreements held directly by CPPIB, as at March 31, 2024, is $67,791 million (2023 – $50,785 million) and all mature within 1 year to 5 years from the reporting date.
The contractual value of the loans sold under repurchase agreements held by investment holding subsidiaries, as at March 31, 2024, is $230 million (2023 – $211 million) and all mature within 1 year to 5 years from the reporting date.
f) Securities Borrowed and Lent
Securities borrowing and lending agreements are transactions in which CPP, through CPPIB, borrows securities from or lends securities to third parties. Borrowed securities are not recognized on the consolidated statement of financial position. Lent securities remain on the consolidated statement of financial position as CPP, through CPPIB, retains substantially all of the risks and rewards of ownership of the transferred securities.
Collateral received or pledged is generally in the form of cash, equities or fixed income securities. Cash collateral received is accounted for as an investment liability while equities and fixed income securities received as collateral are not recognized on the consolidated statement of financial position. Cash collateral pledged is accounted for as an investment receivable, while securities collateral pledged by CPP, through CPPIB, in securities borrowing agreements remain on the consolidated statement of financial position. Costs relating to securities borrowing and lending are included in financing expenses.
The fair value of the cash collateral pledged on securities borrowed, as at March 31, 2024 is, $1,199 million (2023 – $1,150 million) and all mature within 1 year from the reporting date.
The contractual value of the cash collateral received on securities lent as at March 31, 2024 is $5,197 million (2023 – $3,910 million) and all mature within 1 year from the reporting date.
g) Derivative Assets and Liabilities
A derivative is a financial contract, the value of which is derived from the value of underlying assets, indexes, interest rates, currency exchange rates or other market-based factors. Derivatives are transacted through regulated exchanges or negotiated in over-the-counter markets. CPPIB uses different types of derivatives instruments, which include futures and forwards, swaps, options and warrants.
Fair value for exchange-traded derivatives, which includes futures, options and warrants, is based on quoted market prices. Fair value for over-the-counter derivatives, which includes forwards, swaps, options and warrants, is determined based on valuation techniques that make maximum use of inputs observed from markets such as option pricing models, discounted cash flows and consensus pricing from independent brokers and/or third-party vendors.
h) Debt Financing Liabilities
Debt financing liabilities consist of commercial paper payable, term debt, cash advances from prime brokers and loans. Commercial paper payable and cash advances from prime brokers is carried at the amount originally issued, which, together with accrued interest expense, approximates fair value due to the short-term nature of these liabilities. Fair value for term debt is based on quoted market prices. The fair value of loans is based on the discounted cash flows method or cost with accrued interest. Interest expense and associated costs on debt financing liabilities are included in financing expenses.
The terms to maturity of the contractual value of the debt financing liabilities held directly by CPPIB as at March 31, 2024, are as follows: within 1 year, $10,471 million (2023 – $5,192 million), and 1 year to 5 years, $37,826 million (2023 – $31,241 million), and 6 years to over 10 years, $24,052 million (2023 – $22,287 million).
The terms to maturity of the contractual value of the debt financing liabilities held by investment holding subsidiaries as at March 31, 2024, are as follows: within 1 year, $678 million (2023 – $148 million), 1 year to 5 years, $3,740 million (2023 – $4,873 million), and 6 years to over 10 years, $542 million (2023 – $824 million).
The following table provides a reconciliation of debt financing liabilities arising from financing activities in the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flow:
For the years ended | ||
March 31, 2024 | March 31, 2023 | |
Balance, beginning of year | 53,456 | 45,362 |
Proceeds | 24,166 | 13,671 |
Repayments | (negative 10,546) | (negative 4,724) |
Non-cash changes in fair valueLinks to footnote 1 in table 8 | 822 | (negative 853) |
Balance, end of year | 67,898 | 53,456 |
i) Securities Sold Short
Securities sold short represent securities that are sold, but not owned, by the CPP, through CPPIB. The CPP, through CPPIB, has an obligation to cover these short positions, which are accounted for as an investment liability based on the fair value of the securities sold. Collateral is pledged to the counterparty, as required (refer to Note 7). Fair value is based on quoted prices or calculated using discounted cash flows based on benchmark yield curves and credit spreads pertaining to the issuer. Interest and dividend expenses on securities sold short are included in net investment income (loss).
As at March 31, 2024, securities sold short of $26,229 million (2023 – $22,065 million) are considered repayable within one year based on the earliest period in which the counterparty could request payment under certain conditions.
j) Other Investment Receivables and Liabilities
Other investment receivables include cash pledged as collateral on derivative transactions, deferred or contingent consideration receivable and investment property. Other investment liabilities include deferred taxes, cash held as collateral on derivative transactions, deferred or contingent consideration payable and investment-related expense payables. Fair value of other investment receivables and liabilities is based on the discounted cash flows method or cost with accrued interest, where this approximates fair value.
7. Collateral
Collateral transactions are conducted to support CPPIB's investment activities under the terms and conditions that are common and customary to collateral arrangements. These arrangements may be transacted by CPPIB or its investment holding subsidiaries in their normal course of business.
The fair value of collateral held and pledged directly by CPPIB as at March 31 was as follows:
2024 | 2023 | |
Third-party assets held as collateral on:Links to footnote 1 in table 9 | ||
Reverse repurchase agreements | 10,809 | 22,592 |
Derivative transactions | 469 | 777 |
Securities lentLinks to footnote 2 in table 9Links to footnote 3 in table 9 | 6,654 | 6,900 |
Total | 17,932 | 30,269 |
Own and third-party assets pledged as collateral on: | ||
Repurchase agreements | (negative 66,822) | (negative 50,527) |
Securities borrowedLinks to footnote 3 in table 9Links to footnote 4 in table 9 | (negative 28,000) | (negative 26,840) |
Derivative transactions | (negative 15,147) | (negative 10,778) |
Debt financing liabilities | (negative 1,113) | (negative 953) |
Total | (negative 111,082) | (negative 89,098) |
The fair value of collateral held and pledged directly by investment holding subsidiaries as at March 31 was as follows:
2024 | 2023 | |
Third-party assets held as collateral on:Links to footnote 1 in table 10 | ||
Reverse repurchase agreements | 167 | 132 |
Total | 167 | 132 |
Own and third-party assets pledged as collateral on: | ||
Repurchase agreements | (negative 399) | (negative 353) |
Securities borrowedLinks to footnote 2 in table 10Links to footnote 3 in table 10 | (negative 17,367) | (negative 13,611) |
Derivative transactionsLinks to footnote 2 in table 10 | (negative 2,130) | (negative 785) |
Private equitiesLinks to footnote 4 in table 10 | (negative 12,474) | (negative 11,715) |
Debt financing liabilities | (negative 10,284) | (negative 10,466) |
Total | (negative 42,654) | (negative 36,930) |
8. Payables and Accrued Liabilities
Payables and accrued liabilities are comprised of the following, as at March 31:
2024 | 2023 | |
Operating expenses | 1,297 | 1,099 |
Pensions and benefits payable | 427 | 447 |
Tax deductions on benefits due to Canada Revenue Agency | 355 | 323 |
Total | 2,079 | 1,869 |
9. Comparison of Results Against Budget
The budget amounts included in the Consolidated Statement of Operations and the Consolidated Statement of Changes in Financial Assets Available for Benefit Payments are derived from the amounts that were originally budgeted in the 2023-2024 Employment and Social Development Canada Departmental Plan, tabled in Parliament in March 2023 and amounts forecasted by the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions.
10. Investment Income, Investment-Related Expenses and Financing Expenses
CPPIB qualifies as an investment entity (refer to Note 2b). Investment income on investments made through investment holding subsidiaries is presented as unrealized gains or losses. Investment-related expenses and financing expenses borne by the investment holding subsidiaries are a reduction in the net asset value of the investment holding subsidiaries and thus are a component of the unrealized gains or losses on investment holding subsidiaries. All realized and unrealized gains and losses are presented as net gains or losses in CPPIB's consolidated financial statements.
The following table provides further details on investment income, investment-related expenses and financing expenses of CPP and CPPIB, for the year ended March 31:
2024 | 2023Links to footnote 1 in table 12 | |
Investment Income of CPP | ||
Interest Income | 23 | 11 |
Investment Income of CPPIB | ||
Interest Income | 7,793 | 4,605 |
Dividend Income | 9,064 | 7,104 |
Realized (losses) on private investments | (negative 3,418) | (negative 8,597) |
Unrealized (losses) on private investments | (negative 1,093) | (negative 3,023) |
Realized gains on public investments | 7,257 | 4,067 |
Unrealized gains (losses) on public investments | 15,413 | (negative 10,068) |
Unrealized gains on investment holding subsidiaries (refer to details in the table below) | 19,986 | 17,155 |
Other | (negative 203) | 706 |
Total Investment Income | 54,822 | 11,960 |
Investment-related expenses of CPPIB | ||
Management fees | (negative 16) | (negative 19) |
Performance fees | (negative 62) | (negative 71) |
Transaction-related | (negative 248) | (negative 295) |
Taxes | (negative 487) | (negative 46) |
Total Investment-related expenses | (negative 813) | (negative 431) |
Financing expenses of CPPIB | (negative 5,927) | (negative 2,147) |
The following table presents supplemental information on unrealized gains on investment holding subsidiaries, for the year ended March 31:
2024 | 2023Links to footnote 1 in table 13 | |
Investment Income of investment holding subsidiaries | ||
Interest Income | 4,182 | 3,352 |
Dividend Income | 6,639 | 4,699 |
Realized gains on private investments | 9,627 | 2,861 |
Unrealized gains on private investments | 4,176 | 10,497 |
Realized gains (losses) on public investments | 539 | (negative 375) |
Unrealized gains on public investments | 30 | 310 |
Other | 225 | 384 |
Total Investment Income | 25,418 | 21,728 |
Investment-related expenses of investment holding subsidiaries | ||
Transaction-related | (negative 179) | (negative 121) |
Taxes | 91 | (negative 140) |
Total Investment-related expenses | (negative 88) | (negative 261) |
Financing expenses of Investment holding subsidiaries | (negative 378) | (negative 208) |
Net Investment income before dividends and interest paid to CPPIB | 24,952 | 21,259 |
Dividends paid to CPPIB | (negative 4,449) | (negative 3,668) |
Interest paid to CPPIB | (negative 517) | (negative 436) |
Total Unrealized gains on investment holding subsidiaries | 19,986 | 17,155 |
11. Operating expenses
CPP's operating expenses are composed of costs incurred by various GoC departments (refer to Note 16) for the administration of the CPP's activities as well as CPPIB's operating expenses, which include their personnel, general and administrative expenses.
Operating expenses are as follows, for the year ended March 31:
2024 | 2023 | |||||
GoC | CPPIB | Total | GoC | CPPIB | Total | |
Personnel related costs | 506 | 1,087 | 1,593 | 425 | 1,038 | 1,463 |
Collection of contributions and investigation services | 307 | – | 307 | 257 | – | 257 |
Information technology and data services | – | 202 | 202 | – | 190 | 190 |
Program policy and delivery | 164 | – | 164 | 159 | – | 159 |
Professional services | – | 150 | 150 | – | 157 | 157 |
Amortization of premises and equipment | – | 76 | 76 | – | 72 | 72 |
Premises and equipment | – | 37 | 37 | – | 26 | 26 |
Travel and accommodation | – | 24 | 24 | – | 23 | 23 |
Communications | – | 24 | 24 | – | 19 | 19 |
Support services of the Social Security Tribunal | 20 | – | 20 | 19 | – | 19 |
Others | 12 | 17 | 29 | 8 | 15 | 23 |
Total | 1,009 | 1,617 | 2,626 | 868 | 1,540 | 2,408 |
12. Financial Sustainability and the Canada Pension Plan
As stipulated in the Canada Pension Plan, an actuarial report is prepared by the Chief Actuary every three years to evaluate the financial state of the Canada Pension Plan over a long projection period of at least 75 years. An actuarial report is prepared between triennial updates when there are any proposed legislative changes to the Plan that would in the opinion of the Chief Actuary materially affect the estimates in the most recent triennial report.
The most recent triennial report, the 31st Actuarial Report on the CPP as at December 31, 2021, was tabled in Parliament on December 14, 2022. This report considered and reflected all updated experience data, demographic, economic, and investment assumptions and any material subsequent events, such as the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine, that started subsequent to the valuation date but before the date of the Report. There were no other events determined by the Chief Actuary to be subsequent events with material effects on the financial state of the CPP as projected in the 31st CPP Actuarial Report and therefore, no further changes are required as of March 31, 2024.
Since January 1, 2019, the CPP has two components: the original base CPP and the new additional CPP, both of which are financed by contributions and investment returns. Employers and employees pay contributions equally to the base and additional CPP, and self- employed workers pay the full amount.
At the time of the Plan's inception in 1965, the demographic and economic conditions made pay-as-you-go financing appropriate. Pay-as-you-go financing, along with a small reserve, meant that the pensions and benefits for one generation would be paid largely from the contributions of later generations.
However, in 1997, to respond to demographic and economic conditions that had changed over time, the base CPP underwent major amendments to restore its long-term financial sustainability and to improve fairness across generations. This was achieved by changing the financing approach from a pay-as-you-go basis to a form of partial funding called steady-state funding, along with incremental full funding rules for new or enhanced benefits, and by reducing the growth of benefits over the long term. In addition, a new investment policy was put in place, along with the creation of the CPPIB.
Another key change of the 1997 reforms was the introduction of self-sustaining provisions to safeguard the base CPP. In the event that the projected minimum contribution rate is greater than the legislated contribution rate and no recommendations are made by the Finance Ministers, the contribution rate would automatically increase and the indexation of the current benefits would be suspended.
With the challenge facing younger generations of securing adequate retirement savings at a time when fewer can expect to work in jobs that will include a workplace pension plan, the federal and provincial governments agreed in 2016 to expand the CPP by creating the additional CPP. The additional CPP took effect on January 1, 2019, and its financing adheres to the requirement to fully fund any increased or new benefits.
Similar to the base CPP, the legislation includes self-sustaining provisions that provide actions to be taken if the additional minimum contribution rates deviate significantly from the legislated rates and no recommendations are made by the Finance Ministers. The self-sustaining provisions for the additional CPP are described in the Additional Canada Pension Plan Sustainability Regulations, which came into force on February 1, 2021.
In accordance with the Canada Pension Plan, the additional retirement, survivor, and disability benefits provided by the additional Plan are financed by additional contribution rates that:
- are no lower than the lowest constant rates that can be maintained over the foreseeable future, and
- result in projected revenues (contributions and investment income) that are sufficient to fully pay the projected expenditures of the additional CPP over the long term.
Since the minimum contribution rates from the most recent 31st Actuarial Report as at December 31, 2021 fall within the no action ranges, there is no impact on the financial statements as at March 31, 2024.
A number of assumptions were used in the 31st CPP Actuarial Report to project the base and additional CPP's revenues and expenditures over the long projection period of over 75 years, and to determine the minimum contribution rates. The assumptions provided in the table below represent the best estimates according to the Chief Actuary's professional judgment relating to demographic, economic, investment and other factors; and have been peer reviewed by an independent panel of actuaries.
Canada | 31st Report (as at December 31, 2021) |
30th Report (as at December 31, 2018) |
Total fertility rate | 1.54 (2029+) | 1.62 (2027+) | ||
Mortality | Statistics Canada Life Tables (CLT 3-year average table: 2019) with assumed future improvements |
Statistics Canada Life Tables (CLT 3-year average table: 2014-2016) with assumed future improvements |
Canadian life expectancy | Males | Females | MalesLink to footnote 1 | FemalesLink to footnote 1 |
at birth in 2022 | 86.7 years | 90.0 years | 87.1 years | 90.1 years |
at age 65 in 2022 | 21.3 years | 23.8 years | 21.6 years | 24.0 years |
Net migration rate | 0.64% of population (for 2031+) | 0.62% of population (for 2021+) | ||
Participation rate (age group 18-69) | 80.0% | (2035) | 79.2% | (2035) |
Employment rate (age group 18-69) | 75.3% | (2035) | 74.4% | (2035) |
Unemployment rate (age group 18-69) | 5.9% | (2027+) | 6.0%Link to footnote 2 | (2030+) |
Rate of increase in prices | 2.0% | (2026+) | 2.0% | (2019+) |
Real-wage increase | 0.9% | (2026+) | 1.0% | (2025+) |
Real rate of return (average 2022–2096) | Base CPP assets | 3.7% | 4.0% | |
Additional CPP assets | 3.3% | 3.5% | ||
Retirement rates for cohort age 60 | Males | 26.0% (2022+) | Males | 27.0% (2021+) |
Females | 28.0% (2022+) | Females | 29.5% (2021+) | |
CPP disability incidence rates (per 1,000 eligible) | Males | 2.90 (2026+) | Males | 2.97 (2019+)Link to footnote 3 |
Females | 3.60 (2026+) | Females | 3.66 (2019+)Link to footnote 3 | |
Base CPP
The partial funding nature of the base CPP means that contributions as opposed to investment income are the main source for financing base CPP expenditures. According to the 31st CPP Actuarial Report, the minimum contribution rate, which is the lowest rate to sustain the base CPP, is determined to be 9.56% of contributory earnings for years 2025 to 2033 and 9.54% for the year 2034 and thereafter (9.75% of contributory earnings for years 2022 to 2033 and 9.72% for years 2034 and thereafter in the 30th CPP Actuarial Report).
The 31st CPP Actuarial Report confirms that, based on the Chief Actuary's best-estimate assumptions, the current legislated contribution rate of 9.9% for the base CPP is higher than the minimum contribution rate and thus is sufficient to finance the base CPP over the long term. By 2030, investment income is expected to represent approximately 34% of revenues.
Under the legislated contribution rate and the assumed average expected nominal return on base CPP assets of 4.1% over the period 2022 to 2030, total base CPP assets available for benefit payments are expected to grow to approximately $791 billion by the end of 2030. The asset/expenditure ratio is expected to increase from 8.1 to 8.4 between 2022 and 2030 and grow thereafter to values of 10.7 in 2050 and 13.2 in 2100.
As at March 31, 2024, the value of base CPP assets available for benefit payments is $600.5 billion (2023 – $549.5 billion).
Additional CPP
The full funding nature of the additional CPP means that investment income as opposed to contributions is the main source for financing additional CPP expenditures. The 31st CPP Actuarial Report projects that with the legislated first and second additional contribution rates of 2.0% for 2023 and thereafter and 8.0% for 2024 and thereafter, respectively, total additional CPP assets will increase rapidly over the first several decades as contributions are projected to exceed expenditures up until the year 2057 inclusively. Thereafter, a portion of investment income will make up the difference between contributions and expenditures. The ratio of assets to the following year's expenditures is projected to increase rapidly, reaching 89.8 in 2026, and is then projected to start decreasing thereafter, reaching a level of about 26 by 2080 and remaining close to that level for the years following up to 2100.
The first additional minimum contribution rate applicable to pensionable earnings between the Year's Basic Exemption and the Year's Maximum Pensionable Earnings is 1.97% for the year 2025 and thereafter. The second additional minimum contribution rate applicable to pensionable earnings above the Year's Maximum Pensionable Earnings up to the Year's Additional Maximum Pensionable Earnings is 7.88% for the year 2025 and thereafter. For the triennial review period 2022-2024, the phased-in legislated first additional contribution rate of 1.5% applies in 2022 followed by the legislated rate of 2.0% in 2023 and 2024. The legislated second additional contribution rate of 8.0% applies in 2024 which is the starting year of the second tier of the additional CPP.
The 31st CPP Actuarial Report confirms that, on the basis of the Chief Actuary's best-estimate assumptions, the current legislated contribution rates of 2.0% for 2023 and thereafter and 8.0% for 2024 and thereafter are higher than the minimum contribution rates needed to sustain the additional CPP, and thus are sufficient to finance the additional CPP over the long term. By 2050, investment income is expected to represent approximately 61% of revenues. Under the current legislated contribution rates and the average expected nominal return on additional CPP assets of 3.6% over the period 2022 to 2030, total additional CPP assets available for benefit payments are expected to grow to approximately $200 billion by the end of 2030.
As at March 31, 2024, the value of additional CPP assets available for benefit payments is $39.7 billion (2023 – $24.4 billion).
As at March 31, 2024, the value of total CPP assets available for benefit payments of $640.2 billion (2023 – $573.9 billion) represents approximately 9.4 times the 2025 planned expenditures of $67.9 billion (2023 – 8.7 times the 2024 planned expenditures of $65.9 billion).
Individual Sensitivity Tests
These tests are performed to measure the sensitivity of the long-term projected financial position of both components of the CPP to future changes in the demographic, economic, and investment environments. Key best-estimate demographic, economic, and investment assumptions were varied individually to measure the potential impacts on the financial states of both components of the CPP.
Lower-cost and higher-cost alternatives for three important assumptions are shown in the table below. For each test, the assumptions for the lower-cost and higher-cost alternatives were developed considering alternative assumed mortality improvement rates, real wage increases, and real rates of return. It is possible that a lower-cost test for the base CPP will be a higher-cost test for the additional CPP, and vice versa. This the case, for example, for the tests regarding the real wage increase, described below.
Lower-cost | Best-estimate | Higher-cost | |||||
Mortality (base and additional CPP): Canadian life expectancy at age 65 in 2050 with future improvements | Males | 20.9 | Males | 23.1 | Males | 25.2 | |
Females | 23.3 | Females | 25.4 | Females | 27.4 | ||
Real wage increase | Base CPP | 1.50% | 0.90% | 0.30% | |||
Additional CPP | 0.30% | 0.90% | 1.50% | ||||
Average real rate of return (2022–2096) | Base CPP | 5.29% | 3.69% | 2.09% | |||
Additional CPP | 4.47% | 3.27% | 2.07% | ||||
The table below summarizes, for both the base and additional CPP, the sensitivity results of the minimum contribution rates to the changes in mortality, real wage increase and real rate of return on investments assumptions:
Assumption | Scenario | Base CPP Minimum contribution rate (%) |
Additional CPP Minimum contribution rates (%) |
First | Second | |||
2034+ | 2025+ | 2025+ | ||
Best estimate | 9.54 | 1.97 | 7.88 | |
Mortality | Higher mortality | 9.17 | 1.79 | 7.16 |
Lower mortality | 9.86 | 2.12 | 8.48 | |
Real wage increase | Higher wage increase | 9.26 | 2.18 | 8.72 |
Lower wage increase | 9.81 | 1.79 | 7.16 | |
Real rate of return on investments | Higher real return | 7.89 | 1.38 | 5.52 |
Lower real return | 11.22 | 2.86 | 11.44 |
Mortality is a very important demographic assumption as it affects the length of the benefit payment period. Under the higher-cost scenario, mortality is assumed to improve at a faster pace than under the best-estimate scenario with the ultimate mortality improvement rates being doubled compared to their best estimate values. Under this scenario, the resulting mortality levels would be lower leading to increased life expectancies and thus higher minimum contribution rates for the base and additional CPP. The base CPP minimum contribution rate for 2034 and thereafter would increase to 9.86%, close to the base CPP legislated contribution rate of 9.9%. For the additional CPP the first and second additional minimum contribution rates would increase to 2.12% and 8.48%, respectively. These would be above the legislated rates of 2% and 8%, respectively.
On the other hand, under the lower cost scenario, mortality is assumed to improve at a slower rate than under the best estimate scenario, with ultimate values of the mortality improvement rates gradually reduced to 0% for all ages in 2039. Under this scenario, the resulting mortality levels would be higher leading to decreased life expectancies and thus lower minimum contribution rates for the base and additional CPP. The base CPP minimum contribution rate for years 2034 and thereafter would decrease to 9.17% while the first and second additional CPP minimum contribution rates would decrease to 1.79% and 7.16%, respectively.
Real Wage Increase
Real wage increases directly affect the amount of future CPP contributions. Note that for this test, the opposite effects for the base and additional CPP are attributable to the different financing approaches. As a result of the different financing approaches, the base CPP is more dependent on contributions while the additional CPP is more dependent on investment income.
For the base CPP, if an ultimate real wage increase of 0.3% is assumed for 2026 and thereafter, the base CPP minimum contribution rate for years 2034 and thereafter would increase to 9.81%. On the other hand, for the additional CPP, under the same assumption, the first and second additional minimum contribution rates would decrease to 1.79% and 7.16%, respectively.
For the base CPP, if an ultimate real wage increase of 1.5% is assumed for 2026 and thereafter, the base CPP minimum contribution rate for years 2034 and thereafter would decrease to 9.26%. On the other hand, for the additional CPP, under the same assumption, the first and second additional minimum contribution rates would increase to 2.18% and 8.72%, respectively.
Real Rate of Return
Real rates of return can fluctuate greatly from year to year and can have a significant impact on the size of assets and on the ratio of assets to the following year's expenditures.
If for the base CPP, the average real rate of return is assumed to be 2.09% instead of 3.69% over the next 7 years (2022 to 2096), then the base CPP minimum contribution rate for years 2034 and thereafter will increase to 11.22%. For the additional CPP, if the average real rate of return is assumed to be 2.07% instead of 3.27% over the same period, then the first and second additional minimum contribution rates increase to 2.86% and 11.44%, respectively.
However, if for the base CPP, the average real rate of return is assumed to be 5.29% instead of 3.69% over the next 75 years, then the base CPP minimum contribution rate decreases to 7.89%. For the additional CPP, if the average assumed real rate of return over the same period is 4.47% instead of 3.27%, then the first and second additional minimum contribution rates decrease to 1.38% and 5.52%, respectively.
13. Actuarial Obligations in Respect of Benefits
The 31st CPP Actuarial Report is a triennial report that measures the actuarial obligations of both the base and additional CPP under an open group approach, which is consistent with the funding nature of both components. It also provides information under a closed group approach, in footnotes. The open group approach takes into consideration all current and future participants of the CPP, including their future contributions and associated benefits, to determine whether current assets and future contributions will be sufficient to pay for all future expenditures. The closed group approach includes only current participants of the CPP, with no new entrants permitted and no new benefits accrued.
The choice of the methodology used to produce a social security system's balance sheet is mainly determined by the system's financing approach. Partially funded plans like the base CPP represent a social contract where, in any given year, current contributors allow the use of their contributions to pay current beneficiaries' benefits. This social contract creates claims for current and past contributors to contributions of future contributors. As such, the proper assessment of the financial sustainability of partially funded plans by means of their balance sheets should reflect these claims. The open group approach does account explicitly for these claims by considering the benefits and contributions of both the current and future plan participants. In comparison, the closed group methodology does not reflect these claims since only current participants are considered. The legislated methodologies to determine the steady-state and incremental full funding contribution rates of the base CPP are based on the open group approach (in accordance with the Calculation of Contribution Rates Regulations, 2021).
The determination of the additional minimum contribution rates (in accordance with the Calculation of Contribution Rates Regulations, 2021) also requires the use of an open group approach. Since the open group methodology is based on projections of future income and expenditures, the requirement of the additional CPP open group assets to be at least 100% of its open group actuarial obligations ensures that, at the valuation date, the projected additional contributions and investment income are sufficient to cover the projected additional expenditures over the long term.
To determine the base and additional CPP actuarial obligations under the open group approach and legislated contribution rates, the base and additional CPP's revenues and expenditures were projected using the assumptions of the 31st CPP Actuarial Report shown in Note 12. The projection period longer than 75 years that is used to calculate the minimum contribution rates is necessary to ensure that the future expenditures for cohorts that will enter the labour force during that time are included in the liabilities. The present values of the assets and obligations of the base CPP and additional CPP are determined using a discount rate equal to the assumed nominal rates of return on the base CPP and additional CPP assets, respectively.
Base CPP
The table below presents the asset excess (shortfall) and the assets to actuarial obligations ratio of the base CPP under open and closed group approaches at valuation dates of the current and previous actuarial reports with the legislated contribution rate of 9.9%:
31st Actuarial Report as at December 31, 2021 |
30th Actuarial Report as at December 31, 2018 |
Open group | Closed group | Open group | Closed group | |
AssetsLinks to footnote 1 in table 18 | 3,583.4 | 543.7 | 2,691.1 | 371.7 |
Actuarial obligationsLinks to footnote 2 in table 18 | 3,523.0 | 1,686.1 | 2,674.4 | 1,257.1 |
Asset excess (shortfall) | 60.4 | (negative 1,142.4) | 16.7 | (negative 885.4) |
Assets to actuarial obligations ratio | 101.7% | 32.2% | 100.6% | 29.6% |
The base CPP was never intended to be a fully funded plan, and the financial sustainability of the base CPP is not assessed based on its actuarial obligations in respect of benefits. According to the 31ˢᵗ CPP Actuarial Report, the CPP is intended to be long-term and enduring in nature, a fact that is reinforced by the federal and provincial governments' joint stewardship through the established strong governance and accountability framework of the CPP. Therefore, if the base CPP's financial sustainability is to be measured based on its asset excess or shortfall, it should be done on an open group basis that reflects the partially funded nature of the base CPP, that is, its reliance on both future contributions and invested assets as a means of financing its future expenditures.
Additional CPP
For the additional CPP, with the first and second legislated contribution rates of 2.0% and 8.0%, respectively the table below presents the asset excess (shortfall) and the assets to actuarial obligations ratio under open and closed group approaches at the valuation date:
31st Actuarial Report as at December 31, 2021 |
30th Actuarial Report as at January 1, 2019Links to footnote 1 in table 19 |
Open group | Closed group | Open group | Closed group | |
AssetsLinks to footnote 2 in table 19 | 913.7 | 11.0 | 740.3 | – |
Actuarial obligationsLinks to footnote 3 in table 19 | 856.5 | 12.2 | 686.6 | – |
Asset excess (shortfall) | 57.2 | (negative 1.2) | 53.7 | – |
Assets to actuarial obligations ratio | 106.7% | 90.2% | 107.8% | N/ALinks to footnote 4 in table 19 |
Using the open group approach, the Chief Actuary confirms that both the base CPP and additional CPP, based on the best-estimate assumptions selected and under the legislated contribution rates, will continue to meet their financial obligations and are sustainable in the long term.
14. Contractual Obligations and Commitments
The nature of CPP's and CPPIB's activities can result in some large multi-year contracts and agreements whereby the CPP and CPPIB will be obligated to make future payments in order to carry out its activities.
Operating costs are charged to the CPP in accordance with various memoranda of understanding (MoU) between the CPP and various GoC departments for the administration of the CPP's activities (refer to Note 16). The MoUs require written notice of termination at least one year before the termination date. Therefore, as at March 31, 2024, the operating costs of $957 million (2023 – $816 million) are an estimation of the costs, based on the MoUs, that will be charged to the CPP Accounts in the next fiscal year. Operating costs are expected to continue to be charged to the CPP Accounts in the upcoming fiscal years, but cannot be reasonably estimated beyond one year.
The CPP, through CPPIB, has entered into commitments related to the funding of investments. These commitments are generally payable on demand based on the funding needs of the investment subject to the terms and conditions of each agreement. As at March 31, 2024, the unfunded commitments for CPPIB and its investment holding subsidiaries totalled $994 million (2023 – $1,160 million) and $57,000 million (2023 – $60,187 million), respectively.
15. Contingent Liabilities
a) Appeals relating to the payment of pensions and benefits
At March 31, 2024, there were 3,842 appeals (2023 – 5,968) relating to the payment of CPP disability pensions. These contingencies are reasonably estimated, using historical information, at an amount of $38.0 million (2023 – $52.7 million), and have been recorded as an accrued liability in these consolidated financial statements.
b) Other claims and legal proceedings
In the normal course of operations, the CPP is involved in various claims and legal proceedings. The total amount claimed in these actions and their outcomes are not determinable at this time. The CPP records an allowance for claims and legal proceedings when it is likely that there will be a future payment and a reasonable estimate of the loss can be made. No such allowance was recognized in the consolidated financial statements for the 2023-24 and 2022-23 fiscal years for these claims and legal proceedings.
c) Guarantees
As part of certain investment transactions, the CPP, through CPPIB and its investment holding subsidiaries, agreed to guarantee, as at March 31, 2024, up to $190 million (2023 – $366 million) and $7,011 million (2023 – $7,052 million), respectively, to other counterparties in the event certain investee entities default under the terms of loan and other related agreements, or fail to perform under specified non-financial contractual obligations.
d) Indemnifications
The CPP, through CPPIB, provides indemnifications to its officers, directors, certain others and, in certain circumstances, to various counterparties and other entities. CPPIB may be required to compensate these indemnified parties for costs incurred as a result of various contingencies such as changes in laws, regulations and litigation claims. The contingent nature of these indemnification agreements prevents CPPIB from making a reasonable estimate of the maximum potential payments CPPIB could be required to make. To date, CPPIB has not received any material claims nor made any material payments pursuant to such indemnifications.
16. Related Party Transactions
The CPP enters into transactions with the GoC in the normal course of business, which are recorded at the exchange value. The costs are based on estimated allocations of costs and are charged to the CPP in accordance with various memoranda of understanding (MoU). Details of these transactions are provided in the GoC operating expenses in Note 11 and contractual obligations in Note 14.
Expenses for the year are comprised of the following, for the year ended March 31:
2024 | 2023 | |
Employment and Social Development Canada | ||
Program policy and delivery | 615 | 539 |
Canada Revenue Agency | ||
Collection of contributions and investigation services | 307 | 257 |
Treasury Board Secretariat | ||
Health Insurance Plan | 55 | 45 |
Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada | ||
Support services of the Social Security Tribunal | 20 | 19 |
Public Services and Procurement Canada | ||
Cheque issue and computer services | 6 | 4 |
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions and Department of Finance | ||
Actuarial and other services | 6 | 4 |
Total | 1,009 | 868 |
The CPP receives audit services without charge from the Office of the Auditor General of Canada. The value of these audit services is not material for the purpose of these consolidated financial statements and has not been recorded.
17. Supplementary Information
The administration of the CPP is shared between various GoC departments. The GoC transfers to CPPIB amounts that are not immediately needed to pay CPP pensions, benefits and operating expenses, and CPPIB invests those amounts. The GoC, through various federal departments, manages the remainder of the assets, as well as the collection of the CPP contributions and the administration and payments of the CPP benefits.
For accountability purposes, the following tables present summary information on the levels of assets and liabilities and sources of income and expenses managed by the GoC and CPPIB broken out by the base CPP and additional CPP respectively. CPPIB's expenses are presented as investment-related expenses (refer to Note 10) and operating expenses (refer to Note 11).
As at March 31, 2024 | |||||||
Base CPP | Additional CPP | CPP | |||||
GoC | CPPIB | Total | GoC | CPPIB | Total | Total | |
Financial assets and liabilities | |||||||
Cash | 127 | 222 | 349 | 32 | 6 | 38 | 387 |
Receivables | 7,335 | 35 | 7,370 | 1,197 | 1 | 1,198 | 8,568 |
Net investments | – | 594,044 | 594,044 | – | 38,555 | 38,555 | 632,599 |
Other assets | – | 9 | 9 | – | – | – | 9 |
Payables and accrued liabilities | (negative 821) | (negative 1,184) | (negative 2,005) | (negative 24) | (negative 50) | (negative 74) | (negative 2,079) |
Subtotal | 6,641 | 593,126 | 599,767 | 1,205 | 38,512 | 39,717 | 639,484 |
Non-financial assets | – | 705 | 705 | – | 24 | 24 | 729 |
Assets available for benefit payments | 6,641 | 593,831 | 600,472 | 1,205 | 38,536 | 39,741 | 640,213 |
For the year ended March 31, 2024 | |||||||
Base CPP | Additional CPP | CPP | |||||
GoC | CPPIB | Total | GoC | CPPIB | Total | Total | |
Revenues | |||||||
Contributions | 67,926 | – | 67,926 | 13,716 | – | 13,716 | 81,642 |
Net investment income | |||||||
Investment income | 18 | 52,522 | 52,540 | 5 | 2,277 | 2,282 | 54,822 |
Investment-related expenses | – | (negative 787) | (negative 787) | – | (negative 26) | (negative 26) | (negative 813) |
Financing expenses | – | (negative 5,716) | (negative 5,716) | – | (negative 211) | (negative 211) | (negative 5,927) |
Subtotal | 67,944 | 46,019 | 113,963 | 13,721 | 2,040 | 15,761 | 129,724 |
Expenses | |||||||
Pensions and benefits | (negative 60,710) | – | (negative 60,710) | (negative 118) | – | (negative 118) | (negative 60,828) |
Operating expenses | (negative 722) | (negative 1,559) | (negative 2,281) | (negative 287) | (negative 58) | (negative 345) | (negative 2,626) |
Subtotal | (negative 61,432) | (negative 1,559) | (negative 62,991) | (negative 405) | (negative 58) | (negative 463) | (negative 63,454) |
Net increase in assets available for benefit payments | 6,512 | 44,460 | 50,972 | 13,316 | 1,982 | 15,298 | 66,270 |
As at March 31, 2023Links to footnote 1 in table 23 | |||||||
Base CPP | Additional CPP | CPP | |||||
GoC | CPPIB | Total | GoC | CPPIB | Total | Total | |
Financial assets and liabilities | |||||||
Cash | 276 | 182 | 458 | 30 | 6 | 36 | 494 |
Receivables | 3,789 | 38 | 3,827 | 613 | 1 | 614 | 4,441 |
Net Investments | – | 546,432 | 546,432 | – | 23,864 | 23,864 | 570,296 |
Other assets | – | 9 | 9 | – | 1 | 1 | 10 |
Payables and accrued liabilities | (negative 763) | (negative 1,018) | (negative 1,781) | (negative 44) | (negative 44) | (negative 88) | (negative 1,869) |
Subtotal | 3,302 | 545,643 | 548,945 | 599 | 23,828 | 24,427 | 573,372 |
Non-financial assets | – | 555 | 555 | – | 16 | 16 | 571 |
Assets available for benefit payments | 3,302 | 546,198 | 549,500 | 599 | 23,844 | 24,443 | 573,943 |
For the year ended March 31, 2023Links to footnote 1 in table 24 | |||||||
Base CPP | Additional CPP | CPP | |||||
GoC | CPPIB | Total | GoC | CPPIB | Total | Total | |
Revenues | |||||||
Contributions | 64,009 | – | 64,009 | 10,837 | – | 10,837 | 74,846 |
Net investment income | |||||||
Investment income | 9 | 11,518 | 11,527 | 2 | 431 | 433 | 11,960 |
Investment-related expenses | – | (negative 424) | (negative 424) | – | (negative 7) | (negative 7) | (negative 431) |
Financing expenses | – | (negative 2,092) | (negative 2,092) | – | (negative 55) | (negative 55) | (negative 2,147) |
Subtotal | 64,018 | 9,002 | 73,020 | 10,839 | 369 | 11,208 | 84,228 |
Expenses | |||||||
Pensions and benefits | (negative 55,876) | – | (negative 55,876) | (negative 79) | – | (negative 79) | (negative 55,955) |
Operating expenses | (negative 622) | (negative 1,502) | (negative 2,124) | (negative 246) | (negative 38) | (negative 284) | (negative 2,408) |
Subtotal | (negative 56,498) | (negative 1,502) | (negative 58,000) | (negative 325) | (negative 38) | (negative 363) | (negative 58,363) |
Net increase in assets available for benefit payments | 7,520 | 7,500 | 15,020 | 10,514 | 331 | 10,845 | 25,865 |
Pursuant to Section 108.1 and 108.3 of the Canada Pension Plan and the Agreement dated as of April 1, 2004, amounts not required to meet specified obligations of the CPP are transferred weekly to CPPIB. The funds originate from employer and employee contributions to the CPP and interest income generated from the deposit with the Receiver General.
CPPIB remits cash to the CPP as required, including the periodic return, on at least a monthly basis, of funds required to meet CPP pensions, benefits and operating expenses obligations.
The accumulated transfers to/from CPPIB, since inception, are as follows:
2024 | |||
Base CPP | Additional CPP | Total | |
Accumulated transfers to CPPIB, beginning of year | 712,056 | 22,943 | 734,999 |
Transfers of funds to CPPIB | 52,541 | 13,054 | 65,595 |
Accumulated transfers to CPPIB, end of year | 764,597 | 35,997 | 800,594 |
Accumulated transfers from CPPIB, beginning of year | (negative 550,868) | – | (negative 550,868) |
Transfers of funds from CPPIB | (negative 49,368) | (negative 344) | (negative 49,712) |
Accumulated transfers from CPPIB, end of year | (negative 600,236) | (negative 344) | (negative 600,580) |
Net accumulated transfers to CPPIB | 164,361 | 35,653 | 200,014 |
2023 | |||
Base CPP | Additional CPP | Total | |
Accumulated transfers to CPPIB, beginning of year | 656,354 | 12,047 | 668,401 |
Transfers of funds to CPPIB | 55,702 | 10,896 | 66,598 |
Accumulated transfers to CPPIB, end of year | 712,056 | 22,943 | 734,999 |
Accumulated transfers from CPPIB, beginning of year | (negative 507,170) | – | (negative 507,170) |
Transfers of funds from CPPIB | (negative 43,698) | – | (negative 43,698) |
Accumulated transfers from CPPIB, end of year | (negative 550,868) | – | (negative 550,868) |
Net accumulated transfers to CPPIB | 161,188 | 22,943 | 184,131 |
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