Section 8: Transfer payments

Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

Table 1:(in dollars)Links to footnote * in table 1

Description Source of authorities Disposition of authorities
Available from previous years Main Estimates Supplementary Estimates Adjustments, warrants and transfers Total available for use Used in the current year Variance Available for use in subsequent years Used in the previous year
Department of the Environment
Grants in support of Canada's International Climate Finance Program 22,972,500 4,979,793 27,952,293 27,952,293 11,282,500
Grants in support of the Low Carbon Economy Fund 5,000,000 (negative 5,000,000)
Grants in support of Taking Action on Clean Growth and Climate Change 4,378,560 (negative 3,501,060) 877,500 877,500 560,560
Grants for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer 3,517,500 (negative 227,343) 3,290,157 3,290,156 1 3,517,500
Grant under the Innovative Solutions Canada program 1,600,000 (negative 350,000) 1,250,000 1,249,237 763 1,024,148
Grants in support of Weather and Environmental Services for Canadians 44,000 (negative 29,000) 15,000 15,000 18,000
Total—Grants 37,512,560 (negative 4,127,610) 33,384,950 33,384,186 764 16,402,708
Contributions in support of the Low Carbon Economy Fund 654,384,738 (negative 18,919,000) 635,465,738 237,167,988 398,297,750 190,825,185
Contributions in support of the Canada Nature Fund 291,119,961 240,000 7,431,371 298,791,332 298,531,158 260,174 243,135,370
Contributions in support of Conserving Nature 139,166,527 822,614 13,212,121 153,201,262 151,362,709 1,838,553 73,674,267
Contributions in support of Preventing and Managing Pollution 33,107,530 1,575,047 12,926,790 47,609,367 47,287,768 321,599 33,930,857
Contributions in support of Taking Action on Clean Growth and Climate Change 25,872,641 5,477,500 (negative 3,078,353) 28,271,788 28,199,952 71,836 25,485,021
Contributions in support of Canada's International Climate Finance Program 21,750,000 1,247,550 22,997,550 22,997,550 31,450,000
Contributions in support of the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy 18,054,021 18,054,021 18,029,021 25,000 14,337,000
Contributions in support of Predicting Weather and Environmental Conditions 3,464,503 380,000 (negative 138,243) 3,706,260 3,509,371 196,889 3,766,638
Assessed contribution to the Commission for Environmental Cooperation 3,460,777 3,460,777 3,411,390 49,387 4,402,573
Contributions in support of the Impact Assessment and Regulatory System 3,350,400 827,600 4,178,000 4,170,600 7,400 3,382,400
Assessed contribution to the World Meteorological Organization 2,167,785 3,152,214 5,319,999 5,319,999
Assessed contribution to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora 220,000 270,000 490,000 458,077 31,923 4,435
Assessed contribution to the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar Convention) 206,140 181,560 387,700 387,700
Assessed contribution to the Minamata Convention on Mercury 200,000 200,000 102,567 97,433 148,822
Assessed contribution to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development 121,214 13,000 134,214 133,340 874 120,841
Assessed contribution to the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan 38,000 1,000 39,000 38,206 794 36,263
Links to footnote S in table 1 Contributions in support of the Output-Based Pricing System Proceeds Fund 152,893,579 (negative 77,068,439) 75,825,140 75,825,140 12,050,308
Links to footnote S in table 1 Contributions in support of the Fuel Charge Proceeds Return Program 2,498,900 (negative 2,498,900)
Total—Contributions 1,196,684,237 163,887,640 (negative 62,439,729) 1,298,132,148 896,932,536 401,199,612 636,749,980
Total Department 1,234,196,797 163,887,640 (negative 66,567,339) 1,331,517,098 930,316,722 401,200,376 653,152,688
Impact Assessment Agency of Canada
Grants to support the participation of the public and Indigenous groups in impact, regional or strategic assessment, and to support assessment-related research 4,000,000 (negative 1,691,084) 2,308,916 2,308,916 2,236,710
Contributions to support the participation of the public and Indigenous groups in assessment and policy dialogue, and to support the development of Indigenous knowledge and capacity for assessments and related activities—Participant Funding Component, Policy Dialogue Component and Indigenous Capacity Component 17,088,903 1,523,584 18,612,487 18,612,486 1 12,108,150
Contribution to the Province of Quebec—James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement 365,000 67,500 432,500 432,500 345,500
Total—Contributions 17,453,903 1,591,084 19,044,987 19,044,986 1 12,453,650
Total Agency 21,453,903 (negative 100,000) 21,353,903 21,353,902 1 14,690,360
Parks Canada Agency
Grants in support of activities or projects related to national parks, national marine conservation areas, national historic sites and historic canals 10,416,554 (negative 7,951,057) 2,465,497 2,465,497 1,628,346
Grants for the Implementation of Rights and Reconciliation Agreements in Atlantic Canada 8,573,644 (negative 6,983,598) 1,590,046 1,590,046 566,466
Tallurutiup Imanga Inuit Stewardship Program Seed Fund 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 3,600,000
Inuit Research Fund 1,657,500 1,657,500 1,657,500
Grant to implement the Impact and Benefit Agreements for Nahanni National Park Reserve 500,000 (negative 500,000) 7,000,000
Grants in support of the National Historic Sites Cost-Sharing Program 300,000 (negative 300,000)
Grant to the International Peace Garden 22,700 22,700 22,700 22,700
Items not required for the current year 6,900,000
Total—Grants 23,570,398 (negative 15,734,655) 7,835,743 7,835,743 19,717,512
Contributions in support of activities or projects related to national parks, national marine conservation areas, national historic sites and historic canals 60,736,806 158,900 26,059,081 86,954,787 74,686,561 12,268,226 44,607,838
Work placements through the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy 3,770,000 3,770,000 3,770,000
Contributions in support of National Historic Sites Cost-Sharing Program 700,000 965,240 1,665,240 1,665,240 1,694,709
Items not required for the current year 9,000,000
Total—Contributions 65,206,806 158,900 27,024,321 92,390,027 80,121,801 12,268,226 55,302,547
Total Agency 88,777,204 158,900 11,289,666 100,225,770 87,957,544 12,268,226 75,020,059
Total Ministry 1,344,427,904 164,046,540 (negative 55,377,673) 1,453,096,771 1,039,628,168 413,468,603 742,863,107

Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume II—Bottom of the page Navigation

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