Section 15: Core responsibility descriptions

Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

Office of Infrastructure of Canada

Public Infrastructure and Communities Investment Stewardship and Delivery

Infrastructure Canada oversees programs and projects as well as major bridges, Crown Corporations and alternative financing arrangements. While Crown Corporations operate at arm's length, the department plays a secretariat role in supporting them. Across all programming, numerous monitoring activities are used to oversee projects and ensure they are delivered as expected for Canadians.

Public Infrastructure, Communities, Affordable Housing and Homelessness Policy

Infrastructure Canada sets policies for both public infrastructure and approaches for the development of affordable housing, address homelessness that target the needs of Canadians and stakeholders (public/private partners) while considering finite resources. Policies are set through strategies, plans, consideration of alternative financing models and funding programs, and eligibility requirements among other tools and their outcomes are monitored to inform future decision making. Policy solutions determine how the federal government supports public infrastructure development, bridges, public transit, clean water and wastewater, disaster mitigation, and approaches to address homelessness, among other areas, which have impacts on the quality of life of Canadians.

Public Infrastructure, Communities, and Homelessness Investments 

Infrastructure Canada uses a range of funding mechanisms to maximize value-for-money in direct (leveraging infrastructure investments) Government investment in infrastructure and to address affordable housing and homelessness.

Internal Services

Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the Federal Government considers to be services in support of programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of ten distinct services that support program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are: Acquisition Management Services, Communications Services, Financial Management Services, Human Resources Management Services, Information Management Services, Information Technology Services, Legal Services, Materiel Management Services, Management and Oversight Services, Real Property Management Services.

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Assistance for housing needs

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation provides federal funding to improve access to affordable housing for Canadians in housing need, including Indigenous peoples, Canadians with special or distinct needs, and certain vulnerable groups. Activities that are supported through financing include construction of new housing; ongoing assistance for the maintenance and administration of the existing subsidized housing portfolio; conversion, renewal, repair and renovation to preserve the quality of existing affordable housing; and funding to maintain housing affordability. Funding is provided through various delivery arrangements, such as direct delivery, as well as partnerships with provinces and territories, Indigenous groups, and the private and the not-for-profit sectors.

Financing for housing

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation makes financing available for housing-related initiatives, including lending activities to encourage new supply of affordable housing, support repair and renewal of existing rental housing, and promote mixed-income affordable rental housing for low- and moderate-income households. Other financing initiatives include those that may be mandated by the Government of Canada to provide support for municipal housing-related infrastructure or for the housing finance sector in Canada to facilitate access to credit.

Housing expertise and capacity development

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation provides timely evidence-based information, data and analysis to support informed decision making by government and other sectors. It also conducts research and disseminates information on a range of issues that support affordability and choice, including sustainable housing technologies. Policy advice is provided to the government on matters such as housing finance, housing needs, capital markets and housing conditions. Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation supports capacity and skills development activities within the housing sector, connecting individuals and organizations with the resources and knowledge to develop responsive and innovative approaches to further affordable housing.

The Jacques-Cartier and Champlain Bridges Inc.

Use systemic management and a sustainable development approach to ensure the safety and longevity of the major infrastructure under its responsibility.

Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority

Under the terms of its Letters Patent and of the Crossing Agreement, the Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority is responsible for carrying out the obligations of the Crossing Authority as a party to the Crossing Agreement and to construct, and/or operate the Detroit River International Crossing.

Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume II—Bottom of the page Navigation

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