Section 13: Budgetary details by allotment

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Table 1:(in dollars)Links to footnote * in table 1

Description Allotments Expenditures Lapsed or
Available for use in subsequent years
Department of Citizenship and Immigration
Vote 1—Operating expenditures
Operating budget 2,180,216,963 2,100,279,044 79,937,919
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act 2,078,535 1,745,922 332,613
Interim federal health program 618,689,963 590,405,500 28,284,463
Passport Program 25,000,000 25,000,000
Frozen Allotments
Reprofile 143,153,062 143,153,062
Transferred or reallocated 10,535,015 10,535,015
Reduction 20,363,000 20,363,000
Other 1,223,142 1,223,142
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 14,248,500) (negative 12,073,198) (negative 2,175,302)
Subtotal 2,987,011,180 2,705,357,268 281,653,912
Vote 5—Capital expenditures
Capital budget 22,772,404 13,658,436 9,113,968
Frozen Allotments
Reprofile 581,400 581,400
Other 216,362 216,362
Subtotal 23,570,166 13,658,436 9,911,730
Vote 10—Grants and contributions
Grants and contributions 3,027,633,669 2,992,638,276 34,995,393
Global assistance for irregular migrants 1,000,000 1,000,000
Frozen Allotments
Reprofile 314,451,220 314,451,220
Subtotal 3,343,084,889 2,993,638,276 349,446,613
Statutory amounts 475,739,753 281,601,336 194,138,417
Total 6,829,405,988 5,994,255,316 641,012,255 194,138,417
Immigration and Refugee Board
Vote 1—Program expenditures
Operating budget 325,418,357 294,975,268 30,443,089
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act 1,283,561 1,207,556 76,005
Translation costs (Devinat case) 9,151,984 8,565,870 586,114
Frozen Allotments
Transferred or reallocated 3,045,466 3,045,466
Reduction 1,826,000 1,826,000
Subtotal 340,725,368 304,748,694 35,976,674
Statutory amounts 36,546,881 36,507,821 39,060
Total 377,272,249 341,256,515 35,976,674 39,060
Total Ministry 7,206,678,237 6,335,511,831 676,988,929 194,177,477

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