Section 18: Core responsibilities

Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

Table 1:(in dollars)Links to footnote * in table 1

Description Budgetary Total Budgetary Non-budgetary
Operating Capital Transfer payments Revenues netted against expenditures
Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year
Department of National Defence
Ready Forces 13,349,044,918 12,936,436,161 316,872,281 518,341,025 2,450,000 363,314 108,818,582 86,187,494 13,559,548,617 13,368,953,006 7,095,609 3,651,652
Procurement of Capabilities 818,673,451 838,826,616 5,309,421,298 4,088,682,115 9,051 3,960 6,128,085,698 4,927,504,771
Sustainable Bases, Information Technology Systems and Infrastructure 4,154,429,035 3,973,652,225 1,219,891,212 1,069,442,894 46,556,112 38,714,287 170,980,190 167,812,691 5,249,896,169 4,913,996,715 51,794,599 (negative 2,778,940)
Defence Team 5,334,116,595 5,411,864,309 20,387,769 40,695,955 4,417,007 4,404,622 61,779,243 66,257,788 5,297,142,128 5,390,707,098 2,348,552 (negative 3,306,530)
Future Force Design 735,252,265 664,720,618 221,784,295 789,135,680 29,221,976 19,381,109 334,443 438,125 985,924,093 1,472,799,282
Operations 1,292,973,644 1,069,879,037 83,590,837 58,163,966 1,116,872,630 1,062,595,431 219,449 92,638 2,493,217,662 2,190,545,796 13,214,024 (negative 437,252)
Internal Services 1,224,075,263 1,201,229,487 21,688,218 19,055,220 14,500,013 15,314,588 1,231,263,468 1,204,970,119 21,631 154,043
Subtotal 26,908,565,171 26,096,608,453 7,193,635,910 6,583,516,855 1,199,517,725 1,125,458,763 356,640,971 336,107,284 34,945,077,835 33,469,476,787 74,474,415 (negative 2,717,027)
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 356,640,971) (negative 336,107,284) (negative 356,640,971) (negative 336,107,284)
Total Department 26,551,924,200 25,760,501,169 7,193,635,910 6,583,516,855 1,199,517,725 1,125,458,763 34,945,077,835 33,469,476,787 74,474,415 (negative 2,717,027)
Communications Security Establishment
Defend and advance Canada's interests and values in and through cyberspace, and through foreign intelligence 1,059,543,353 1,029,200,743 19,849,256 18,404,766 1,039,694,097 1,010,795,977
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 19,849,256) (negative 18,404,766) (negative 19,849,256) (negative 18,404,766)
Total Agency 1,039,694,097 1,010,795,977 1,039,694,097 1,010,795,977
Military Grievances External Review Committee
Independent review of military grievances 5,893,934 5,221,790 5,893,934 5,221,790
Internal Services 2,696,271 2,540,299 2,696,271 2,540,299
Total Agency 8,590,205 7,762,089 8,590,205 7,762,089
Military Police Complaints Commission
Independent oversight of the Military Police 3,351,023 3,321,981 3,351,023 3,321,981
Internal Services 2,480,590 2,312,301 2,480,590 2,312,301
Total Agency 5,831,613 5,634,282 5,831,613 5,634,282
Total Ministry 27,606,040,115 26,784,693,517 7,193,635,910 6,583,516,855 1,199,517,725 1,125,458,763 35,999,193,750 34,493,669,135 74,474,415 (negative 2,717,027)

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