Section 18: Budgetary details by allotment

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Table 1:(in dollars)Links to footnote * in table 1

  Allotments Expenditures Lapsed or
Available for use in subsequent years
Department of National Defence
Vote 1—Operating expenditures
Operating budget 20,332,979,348 19,981,255,434 351,723,914
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Purge Class Action Settlement 1,038,225 1,038,225
Heyder and Beattie Class Actions 178,029,168 112,504,913 65,524,255
Innovative Solutions Canada 14,287,073 14,287,073
Frozen Allotments
Reprofile 108,021,076 108,021,076
Transferred or reallocated 83,677 83,677
Reduction 211,082,000 211,082,000
Other 58,406,497 58,406,497
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 356,640,971) (negative 336,107,284) (negative 20,533,687)
Subtotal 20,547,286,093 19,772,978,361 774,307,732
Vote 5—Capital expenditures
Capital budget 6,583,516,855 6,583,516,855
Frozen Allotments
Reprofile 610,119,055 610,119,055
Subtotal 7,193,635,910 6,583,516,855 610,119,055
Vote 10—Grants and contributions
Grants and contributions 1,190,876,766 1,124,766,756 66,110,010
Frozen Allotments
Reprofile 7,948,952 7,948,952
Subtotal 1,198,825,718 1,124,766,756 74,058,962
Vote 15—Payments in respect of the long-term disability and life insurance plan for members of the Canadian Forces
Service Income Security Insurance Plan 446,727,532 440,763,417 5,964,115
Statutory amounts 5,558,602,582 5,547,451,398 11,151,184
Total 34,945,077,835 33,469,476,787 1,464,449,864 11,151,184
Communications Security Establishment
Vote 1—Program expenditures
Operating budget 841,885,675 843,655,474 (negative 1,769,799)
Advertising Initiatives 1,500,000 1,422,650 77,350
Communications Security Establishment long-term accommodation project 131,118,523 121,622,030 9,496,493
Frozen Allotments
Reprofile 15,742,676 15,742,676
Transferred or reallocated 4,724,409 4,724,409
Other 2,047,430 2,047,430
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 19,849,256) (negative 18,404,766) (negative 1,444,490)
Subtotal 977,169,457 948,295,388 28,874,069
Statutory amounts 62,524,640 62,500,589 24,051
Total 1,039,694,097 1,010,795,977 28,874,069 24,051
Military Grievances External Review Committee
Vote 1—Program expenditures
Operating budget 7,159,955 6,945,128 214,827
Frozen Allotments
Reprofile 575,241 575,241
Transferred or reallocated 38,048 38,048
Subtotal 7,773,244 6,945,128 828,116
Statutory amounts 816,961 816,961
Total 8,590,205 7,762,089 828,116
Military Police Complaints Commission
Vote 1—Program expenditures
Operating budget 5,156,925 5,081,060 75,865
Frozen Allotments
Transferred or reallocated 121,466 121,466
Subtotal 5,278,391 5,081,060 197,331
Statutory amounts 553,222 553,222
Total 5,831,613 5,634,282 197,331
Total Ministry 35,999,193,750 34,493,669,135 1,494,349,380 11,175,235

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