Section 4: Core responsibilities

Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

Table 1:(in dollars)Links to footnote * in table 1

Description Budgetary Total Budgetary Non‑budgetary
Operating Capital Transfer payments Revenues netted against expenditures
Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year
Department of Canadian Heritage
Creativity, Arts and Culture 58,890,265 57,466,354 630,707,778 630,428,351 7,129,950 7,129,950 682,468,093 680,764,755
Official Languages 24,263,265 24,011,273 582,681,701 581,619,965 606,944,966 605,631,238
Diversity and Inclusion 31,324,503 30,090,816 315,468,969 278,690,523 346,793,472 308,781,339
Sport 17,949,282 17,837,815 265,863,422 264,902,655 283,812,704 282,740,470
Heritage and Celebration 61,618,836 60,232,511 111,494,315 111,171,940 794,785 794,785 172,318,366 170,609,666
Internal Services 111,341,303 106,434,969 2,501,136 2,501,136 108,840,167 103,933,833
Subtotal 305,387,454 296,073,738 1,906,216,185 1,866,813,434 10,425,871 10,425,871 2,201,177,768 2,152,461,301
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 10,425,871) (negative 10,425,871) (negative 10,425,871) (negative 10,425,871)
Total Department 294,961,583 285,647,867 1,906,216,185 1,866,813,434 2,201,177,768 2,152,461,301
Canada Council for the Arts 369,463,611 369,338,611 369,463,611 369,338,611
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 1,344,238,531 1,344,113,531 110,046,000 110,046,000 1,454,284,531 1,454,159,531
Canadian Museum for Human Rights 28,859,366 28,794,533 28,859,366 28,794,533
Canadian Museum of History 85,628,749 85,563,916 85,628,749 85,563,916
Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 10,060,894 10,060,894 10,060,894 10,060,894
Canadian Museum of Nature 32,381,178 32,316,345 32,381,178 32,316,345
Canadian Race Relations Foundation 9,000,000 9,000,000 9,000,000 9,000,000
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
Regulate and Supervise the Communications System 76,001,028 69,349,918 58,181,976 53,166,589 17,819,052 16,183,329
Internal Services 24,207,011 23,231,620 18,946,576 19,508,801 5,260,435 3,722,819
Subtotal 100,208,039 92,581,538 77,128,552 72,675,390 23,079,487 19,906,148
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 77,128,552) (negative 72,675,390) (negative 77,128,552) (negative 72,675,390)
Total Agency 23,079,487 19,906,148 23,079,487 19,906,148
Library and Archives of Canada
Acquiring and preserving documentary heritage 81,559,102 79,785,616 18,329,372 5,603,851 436,080 396,960 99,452,394 84,992,507
Providing access to documentary heritage 53,677,266 49,588,607 36,235,248 32,554,591 3,305,000 3,266,260 4,568,220 1,997,722 88,649,294 83,411,736
Internal Services 49,678,648 48,434,747 175,000 157,628 195,700 117,635 49,657,948 48,474,740
Subtotal 184,915,016 177,808,970 54,739,620 38,316,070 3,305,000 3,266,260 5,200,000 2,512,317 237,759,636 216,878,983
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 5,200,000) (negative 2,512,317) (negative 5,200,000) (negative 2,512,317)
Total Agency 179,715,016 175,296,653 54,739,620 38,316,070 3,305,000 3,266,260 237,759,636 216,878,983
National Arts Centre Corporation 67,273,340 66,359,661 67,273,340 66,359,661
National Film Board
Audiovisual programming and production 46,804,126 37,531,154 1,425,000 1,124,825 45,379,126 36,406,329
Content accessibility and audience engagement 35,348,840 26,888,620 6,977,446 3,645,569 28,371,394 23,243,051
Internal Services 14,457,616 12,031,844 50,000 74,442 14,407,616 11,957,402
Subtotal 96,610,582 76,451,618 8,452,446 4,844,836 88,158,136 71,606,782
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 8,452,446) (negative 4,844,836) (negative 8,452,446) (negative 4,844,836)
Total Agency 88,158,136 71,606,782 88,158,136 71,606,782
National Gallery of Canada 50,791,966 50,727,132 50,791,966 50,727,132
National Museum of Science and Technology 40,360,343 40,360,343 40,360,343 40,360,343
Telefilm Canada
Funding the production of Canadian content 106,509,788 107,173,011 106,509,788 107,173,011
Promoting Canadian talent and content 29,867,809 33,089,702 29,867,809 33,089,702
Internal Services 19,023,547 15,013,431 19,023,547 15,013,431
Total Agency 155,401,144 155,276,144 155,401,144 155,276,144
The National Battlefields Commission
Conservation 11,581,948 9,974,557 11,581,948 9,974,557
Promotion of Heritage 2,784,381 2,808,419 2,784,381 2,808,419
Internal Services 7,390,944 7,361,053 7,390,944 7,361,053
Total Agency 21,757,273 20,144,029 21,757,273 20,144,029
Total Ministry 2,801,130,617 2,764,512,589 164,785,620 148,362,070 1,909,521,185 1,870,079,694 4,875,437,422 4,782,954,353

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