Section 4: Transfer payments

Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

Table 1:(in dollars)Links to footnote * in table 1

Description Source of authorities Disposition of authorities
Available from previous years Main Estimates Supplementary Estimates Adjustments, warrants and transfers Total available for use Used in the current year Variance Available for use in subsequent years Used in the previous year
Department of Canadian Heritage
Grants to support the Indigenous Languages and Cultures Program 100,200,000 (negative 99,245,989) 954,011 875,361 78,650 3,304,190
Grants to the Canada Periodical Fund 84,814,083 (negative 1,377,090) 83,436,993 83,268,220 168,773 83,719,283
Grants in support of the Development of Official-Language Communities Program 64,817,568 1,400,000 (negative 43,158,727) 23,058,841 23,058,841 20,505,117
Grants to the Canada Book Fund 41,990,717 (negative 7,511,744) 34,478,973 34,478,973 39,448,988
Grants to the Athlete Assistance Program 33,000,000 (negative 400,000) 32,600,000 31,741,012 858,988 31,738,882
Grants to the Canada Arts Presentation Fund 26,861,655 (negative 4,100,445) 22,761,210 22,761,210 42,849,018
Grants in support of the Building Communities through Art and Heritage Program 21,355,000 (negative 648,791) 20,706,209 20,633,809 72,400 25,127,348
Grants to the Canada Cultural Investment Fund 20,000,000 20,000,000 20,000,000 20,100,000
Grants in support of the Celebration and Commemoration Program 18,000,000 (negative 4,074,182) 13,925,818 13,846,142 79,676 19,371,907
Grants in support of the Enhancement of Official Languages Program 15,194,842 (negative 13,666,426) 1,528,416 1,525,916 2,500 1,805,257
Grants for the Community Support, Multiculturalism, and Anti-Racism Initiatives Program 12,681,588 1,408,960 14,090,548 14,058,546 32,002 10,848,278
Grants under the Museums Assistance Program 12,563,680 (negative 6,648,362) 5,915,318 5,873,318 42,000 21,617,240
Grant to TV5 Monde 8,000,000 (negative 576,175) 7,423,825 7,423,825 7,296,435
Grants to the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund 7,000,000 (negative 2,307,858) 4,692,142 4,692,142 4,390,611
Grants in support of the Canada History Fund 1,150,060 (negative 1,150,060)
Grants to the Lieutenant-Governors of the provinces of Canada toward defraying the costs incurred in the exercise of their duties:
Quebec 147,372 147,372 147,372 147,372
Ontario 105,627 105,627 105,627 105,627
British Columbia 97,814 97,814 97,814 97,814
Newfoundland and Labrador 77,590 77,590 77,590 77,590
Alberta 75,940 75,940 75,940 75,940
Manitoba 73,762 73,762 73,762 73,762
Saskatchewan 73,758 73,758 73,758 73,758
Nova Scotia 64,199 64,199 64,199 64,199
New Brunswick 62,947 62,947 62,947 62,947
Prince Edward Island 57,071 57,071 57,071 57,071
Grants to support the Youth Take Charge Program 150,000 (negative 100,000) 50,000 50,000 45,000
Grants in support of the Exchanges Canada program 100,000 (negative 70,030) 29,970 29,970 55,000
Grants to support the Creative Export Canada Fund 1,000,000 (negative 84,000) 916,000 916,000
Grant to the Jewish Community Centre of Greater Vancouver 25,000,000 25,000,000 25,000,000
Grants to the Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Program 4,670,000 (negative 4,670,000)
Links to footnote S in table 1 Payments under the Lieutenant Governors Superannuation Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. L-8) 637,000 323,967 960,967 960,967 976,697
Links to footnote S in table 1 Supplementary Retirement Benefits—Former Lieutenant Governors (Supplementary Retirement Benefits Act) 182,000 82,038 264,038 264,038 231,096
Items not required for the current year 5,500,000
Total—Grants 469,534,273 32,070,000 (negative 187,974,914) 313,629,359 312,294,370 1,334,989 339,766,427
Contributions in support of the Development of Official-Language Communities Program 266,911,215 58,771,679 27,282,616 352,965,510 351,940,995 1,024,515 359,029,471
Contributions for the Sport Support Program 192,945,679 15,020,000 4,768,515 212,734,194 212,632,415 101,779 249,163,014
Contributions in support of the Enhancement of Official Languages Program 187,136,655 17,992,279 205,128,934 205,094,213 34,721 220,935,706
Contributions to support the Indigenous Languages and Cultures Program 157,967,971 94,806,261 252,774,232 216,174,024 36,600,208 151,817,536
Contributions to support the Canada Media Fund 154,146,077 62,500,000 700,000 217,346,077 217,346,077 190,604,033
Contributions to the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund 49,668,717 4,000,000 13,984,587 67,653,304 67,637,054 16,250 70,014,374
Contributions to the Canada Music Fund 33,899,231 1,000,000 7,270,811 42,170,042 42,170,042 57,899,231
Contributions to the Canada Arts Training Fund 26,529,440 110,560 26,640,000 26,640,000 25,277,000
Contributions for the Hosting Program 25,445,750 (negative 4,916,522) 20,529,228 20,529,228 41,412,093
Contributions under the Museums Assistance Program 19,709,440 6,648,362 26,357,802 26,281,831 75,971 24,965,259
Contributions to support the Local Journalism Initiative 19,600,944 19,600,944 19,600,944 15,000,000
Contributions in support of the Exchanges Canada program 18,086,359 (negative 4,051,532) 14,034,827 14,028,075 6,752 12,142,679
Contribution for the Indigenous Screen Office Program 13,000,000 375,000 13,375,000 13,375,000 13,000,000
Contributions to the Canada Arts Presentation Fund 12,977,742 3,247,008 16,224,750 16,224,750 26,539,381
Contributions to the Canada Book Fund 12,675,584 7,784,494 20,460,078 20,432,722 27,356 21,758,101
Contributions for the Digital Citizen Contribution Program 10,200,000 (negative 4,964,190) 5,235,810 5,235,676 134 5,155,262
Contribution to the Harbourfront Centre 6,500,000 6,500,000 6,500,000 14,500,000
Contributions in support of the Court Challenges Program 4,979,734 2,899,811 (negative 1,695,704) 6,183,841 6,183,841 4,074,584
Contributions to TV5 4,960,900 576,175 5,537,075 5,537,075 5,651,654
Contributions for the Community Support, Multiculturalism, and Anti-Racism Initiatives Program 4,021,316 19,527,510 23,548,826 23,497,716 51,110 11,960,935
Contributions in support of the Celebration and Commemoration Program 3,994,367 4,724,068 8,718,435 8,707,079 11,356 36,292,814
Contributions in support of the Building Communities through Arts and Heritage Program 3,300,000 648,791 3,948,791 3,908,572 40,219 6,155,211
Contributions in support of the Canada History Fund 2,812,330 2,048,527 4,860,857 4,860,104 753 5,522,434
Contributions to the Canada Periodical Fund 2,499,544 244,922 2,744,466 2,700,195 44,271 3,460,161
Contributions to the Canada Cultural Investment Fund 1,972,205 1,035,884 3,008,089 3,008,089 5,106,163
Contributions for the Anti-Racism Action Program 1,887,558 (negative 898,407) 989,151 989,151 10,837,043
Contributions to support the Youth Take Charge Program 1,303,023 1,333,714 2,636,737 2,627,018 9,719 2,846,438
Contributions to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance 44,450 132,376 176,826 176,820 6
Contributions to support the Creative Export Canada Program 10,000,000 503,000 10,503,000 10,480,358 22,642 12,810,411
Contributions to the Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Program 18,680,000 (negative 18,680,000)
Items not required for the current year 62,069,398
Total—Contributions 1,239,176,231 172,871,490 180,539,105 1,592,586,826 1,554,519,064 38,067,762 1,666,000,386
Total Department 1,708,710,504 204,941,490 (negative 7,435,809) 1,906,216,185 1,866,813,434 39,402,751 2,005,766,813
Library and Archives of Canada
Indigenous Documentary Heritage—Listen, Hear our Voices initiative 1,805,000 1,805,000 1,766,260 38,740 1,020,418
Supporting the Documentary Heritage Communities Program 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,499,886
Total Agency 3,305,000 3,305,000 3,266,260 38,740 2,520,304
Total Ministry 1,712,015,504 204,941,490 (negative 7,435,809) 1,909,521,185 1,870,079,694 39,441,491 2,008,287,117

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