Section 20: Budgetary details by allotment

Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

Table 1:(in dollars)Links to footnote * in table 1

Description Allotments Expenditures Lapsed or
Available for use in subsequent years
Department of Natural Resources
Vote 1—Operating expenditures
Operating budget 946,059,529 908,536,389 37,523,140
Soldier settlement board—Manitoba 352,203 21,627 330,576
International Boundary Commission 1,809,464 1,769,638 39,826
Softwood lumber operating expenditures 1,760,940 1,737,197 23,743
Innovative Solutions Canada 780,000 780,000
EnerGuide Energy Efficiency Assessment 5,926,982 4,283,514 1,643,468
Atomic Workers Recognition Program 2,061,868 1,825,118 236,750
Frozen Allotments
Reprofile 2,944,554 2,944,554
Transferred or reallocated 17,673,743 17,673,743
Reduction 8,742,000 8,742,000
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 31,417,521) (negative 16,847,494) (negative 14,570,027)
Subtotal 956,693,762 902,105,989 54,587,773
Vote 5—Capital expenditures
Capital budget 45,348,937 36,274,922 9,074,015
International Boundary Commission—Canadian section 59,945 59,289 656
Frozen Allotments
Reprofile 9,447,069 9,447,069
Subtotal 54,855,951 36,334,211 18,521,740
Vote 10—Grants and contributions
Grants and contributions 2,077,444,558 1,708,183,193 369,261,365
Innovative Solutions Canada 1,820,000 1,561,737 258,263
EnerGuide Energy Efficiency Assessment 92,626,789 92,626,789
Frozen Allotments
Reprofile 291,159,752 291,159,752
Reduction 350,000,000 350,000,000
Subtotal 2,813,051,099 1,802,371,719 1,010,679,380
Statutory amounts 734,370,320 725,798,404 8,571,916
Total 4,558,971,132 3,466,610,323 1,083,788,893 8,571,916
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited
Vote 1—Payments to the corporation for operating and capital expenditures
Payments to Crown Corporation 1,265,492,625 1,181,670,805 83,821,820
Capital budget 171,000,000 163,049,195 7,950,805
Frozen Allotments
Reprofile 110,822,682 110,822,682
Total 1,547,315,307 1,344,720,000 202,595,307
Canadian Energy Regulator
Vote 1—Program expenditures
Operating budget 100,110,973 98,695,710 1,415,263
Grants and contributions 6,800,153 2,843,687 3,956,466
Translation costs (Devinat case) 343,455 268,770 74,685
Frozen Allotments
Reduction 994,000 994,000
Subtotal 108,248,581 101,808,167 6,440,414
Statutory amounts 11,860,709 11,860,098 199 412
Total 120,109,290 113,668,265 6,440,613 412
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Vote 1—Program expenditures
Operating budget 48,725,491 42,736,814 5,988,677
Grants and contributions 5,805,627 5,805,627
Frozen Allotments
Reduction 533,000 533,000
Subtotal 55,064,118 48,542,441 6,521,677
Statutory amounts 125,968,169 121,502,148 3,720 4,462,301
Total 181,032,287 170,044,589 6,525,397 4,462,301
Northern Pipeline Agency
Vote 1—Program expenditures
Operating budget 539,949 330,687 209,262
Statutory amounts 5,306 5,306
Total 545,255 335,993 209,262
Total Ministry 6,407,973,271 5,095,379,170 1,299,559,472 13,034,629

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