Authorities for the spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets

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Appendix 5 provides details, by ministry, of the source and disposition of authorities related to the spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets.

Pursuant to sections 13(2) and 14 of the Surplus Crown Assets Act, departments as defined in section 2 of the Financial Administration Act (excluding the House of Commons, the Senate, the Library of Parliament, the Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner, the Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer, the Office of the Senate Ethics Officer and the Parliamentary Protective Service) are authorized to establish a spending authority equal to the proceeds received from the disposal of surplus Crown assets. The proceeds received in any fiscal year that have not been spent in that fiscal year are carried forward to the next fiscal year for use in that fiscal year only.

Table 1Appendix 5
Authorities for the spending of proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assetsLinks to footnote * in table 1
(in dollars)

Section Department or agency Source of authorities Disposition of authorities
Available from previous years Proceeds received in the current year Total available for use Used in current year Lapsed or (overexpended) Available for use in subsequent years
2 Agriculture and Agri-Food
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food 6,500,867 7,518,066 14,018,933 7,394,778 6,624,155
Canadian Grain Commission 14,383 14,383 14,383
Total Ministry 6,500,867 7,532,449 14,033,316 7,409,161 6,624,155
3 Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency 49,405 39,859 89,264 49,405 39,859
4 Canadian Heritage
Department of Canadian Heritage 14,032 11,450 25,482 13,683 349 11,450
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission 49,875 49,875 49,875
Library and Archives of Canada 2,573 3,970 6,543 2,573 3,970
The National Battlefields Commission 54,925 54,925 54,925
Total Ministry 16,605 120,220 136,825 71,181 349 65,295
5 Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs 12,370 12,370 12,370
Total Ministry 12,370 12,370 12,370
6 Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec 35,045 35,045 35,045
7 Employment and Workforce Development
Department of Employment and Social Development 78,291 82,598 160,889 76,585 1,706 82,598
Total Ministry 78,291 82,598 160,889 76,585 1,706 82,598
8 Environment and Climate Change
Department of the Environment 1,106,782 1,533,089 2,639,871 1,334,477 1,305,394
Total Ministry 1,106,782 1,533,089 2,639,871 1,334,477 1,305,394
9 Finance
Department of Finance 290 472 762 290 472
Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada 748 748 748
Office of the Auditor General 2,670 50,161 52,831 2,670 50,161
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions 1,633 1,633 1,633
Total Ministry 3,708 52,266 55,974 4,303 1,038 50,633
10 Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard
Department of Fisheries and Oceans 3,265,291 2,063,077 5,328,368 3,291,310 2,037,058
Total Ministry 3,265,291 2,063,077 5,328,368 3,291,310 2,037,058
11 Global Affairs
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development 2,108,358 1,577,693 3,686,051 2,108,358 1,577,693
Total Ministry 2,108,358 1,577,693 3,686,051 2,108,358 1,577,693
12 Health
Department of Health 218,840 162,406 381,246 268,840 112,406
Canadian Food Inspection Agency 26,726 569,645 596,371 596,371
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board 231 23 254 254
Public Health Agency of Canada 786,265 3,902,381 4,688,646 408,501 377,764 3,902,381
Total Ministry 1,032,062 4,634,455 5,666,517 1,273,966 377,764 4,014,787
13 Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship
Department of Citizenship and Immigration 2,762 40,340 43,102 42,565 537
Immigration and Refugee Board 40,297 40,297 1,237 39,060
Total Ministry 2,762 80,637 83,399 43,802 39,597
14 Indigenous Services
Department of Indigenous Services 385,201 885,356 1,270,557 825,669 444,888
Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario 1,260 1,260 1,260
Total Ministry 386,461 885,356 1,271,817 825,669 1,260 444,888
15 Infrastructure and Communities
Office of the Infrastructure Canada 34,809 34,809 34,809
Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages 587 (negative 587)
Total Ministry 587 34,222 34,809 34,809
16 Innovation, Science and Industry
Department of Industry 71,879 97,384 169,263 39,057 32,822 97,384
Canadian Space Agency 66,907 66,907 40,680 26,227
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario 48 22,528 22,576 48 22,528
National Research Council of Canada 281,423 197,219 478,642 281,423 197,219
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council 369 215 584 369 215
Statistics Canada 32,837 32,837 32,837
Total Ministry 353,719 417,090 770,809 393,997 33,239 343,573
17 Justice
Department of Justice 925 1,547 2,472 925 1,547
Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada 36 454 490 36 454
Canadian Human Rights Commission 905 905 99 806
Courts Administration Service 159 14,612 14,771 159 14,612
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions 1,974 1,974 111 1,863
Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada 1,723 89 1,812 1,522 201 89
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada 22,072 13,088 35,160 35,155 5
Total Ministry 24,915 32,669 57,584 37,971 237 19,376
18 National Defence
Department of National Defence 16,205,120 11,663,843 27,868,963 16,717,779 11,151,184
Communications Security Establishment 22,058 24,051 46,109 22,058 24,051
Military Grievances External Review Committee 1,144 1,144 1,144
Total Ministry 16,227,178 11,689,038 27,916,216 16,740,981 11,175,235
19 National Revenue
Canada Revenue Agency 128,881 128,881 128,881
Total Ministry 128,881 128,881 128,881
20 Natural Resources
Department of Natural Resources 68,108 249,826 317,934 192,143 125,791
Canadian Energy Regulator 199 412 611 199 412
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission 3,720 24,949 28,669 3,720 24,949
Total Ministry 72,027 275,187 347,214 192,143 3,919 151,152
23 Prairies and Canadian Northern Economic Development
Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency 177 6 183 177 6
Total Ministry 177 6 183 177 6
24 Privy Council
Privy Council Office 14,360 2,410 16,770 14,360 2,410
Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board 2,285 14,993 17,278 2,286 14,992
Public Service Commission 908 908 908
Total Ministry 16,645 18,311 34,956 17,554 17,402
25 Public Safety, Democratic Institutions and Intergovernmental Affairs
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness 6,755 17,776 24,531 6,755 17,776
Canada Border Services Agency 499,398 1,047,402 1,546,800 1,047,918 498,882
Canadian Security Intelligence Service 232,653 947,103 1,179,756 234,824 944,932
Correctional Service of Canada 2,319,261 2,085,692 4,404,953 4,264,440 140,513
Office of the Chief Electoral Officer 2,248 2,248 2,248
Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages 587 587 587
Parole Board of Canada 24,065 587 24,652 24,652
Royal Canadian Mounted Police 395,889 763,388 1,159,277 405,161 754,116
Total Ministry 3,478,021 4,864,783 8,342,804 5,979,243 7,342 2,356,219
26 Public Services and Procurement
Department of Public Works and Government Services 140,072 829,189 969,261 75,516 64,556 829,189
Shared Services Canada 36,264 36,264 36,264
Total Ministry 140,072 865,453 1,005,525 111,780 64,556 829,189
27 Transport
Department of Transport 3,816,030 6,739,556 10,555,586 3,816,030 6,739,556
Canadian Transportation Agency 69 69 69
Total Ministry 3,816,030 6,739,625 10,555,655 3,816,099 6,739,556
28 Treasury Board
Treasury Board Secretariat 14,843 14,843 14,843
Canada School of Public Service 1,960 5,960 7,920 1,960 5,960
Total Ministry 16,803 5,960 22,763 1,960 14,843 5,960
29 Veterans Affairs
Department of Veterans Affairs 11,023 11,023 11,023
Total Ministry 11,023 11,023 11,023
30 Women, Gender Equality and Youth
Department for Women and Gender Equality 89 461 550 550
Total Ministry 89 461 550 550
Total Government 38,731,900 43,696,778 82,428,678 43,870,994 590,880 37,966,804

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