Details of other transfer payments by ministry

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Table 2b presents details by ministry of the other transfer payments reported in Table 2a.

Table 2b
Details of other transfer payments by ministryLinks to footnote * in table 1
(in thousands of dollars)

Ministry Total ministerial net expenditures Consolidated specified purpose accounts Accrual and other adjustments Consolidated Crown corporations and other entities Tax credits and repayments Internal expenses Total external expenses
Agriculture and Agri-Food 3,277,275 169,981 853,244 4,300,500
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency 396,799 (negative 113,103) 283,696
Canadian Heritage 1,870,080 (negative 21,014) 1,849,066
Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs 6,235,368 3,352,763 9,588,131
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec 507,176 (negative 195,889) 311,287
Employment and Workforce Development 10,021,916 187,408 4,265,364 14,474,688
Environment and Climate Change 963,803 (negative 16,125) 947,678
Finance 596,297 (negative 1,200,403) (negative 604,106)
Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard 591,513 (negative 26,485) 565,028
Global Affairs 5,818,929 (negative 593,523) 5,225,406
Health 2,875,225 (negative 40,947) 2,834,278
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship 2,993,638 (negative 12,198) 2,981,440
Indigenous Services 19,711,336 (negative 88,780) 13,019 19,635,575
Infrastructure and Communities 4,930,969 5,458,414 10,389,383
Innovation, Science and Industry 7,068,773 (negative 333,072) 135,433 6,871,134
Justice 682,007 (negative 10,718) 671,289
National Defence 1,125,459 5,227 1,130,686
National Revenue 395,345 8,283,859 8,679,204
Natural Resources 2,451,173 (negative 58,717) 2,392,456
Office of the Governor General's Secretary 952 (negative 952)
Parliament 1,898 1,898
Prairies and Canadian Northern Economic Development 389,575 (negative 92,783) 296,792
Privy Council 154,584 (negative 67,052) 87,532
Public Safety, Democratic Institutions and Intergovernmental Affairs 1,929,606 (negative 170,567) 1,759,039
Public Services and Procurement 51,293 (negative 51,289) 4
Transport 1,652,903 (negative 69,719) 1,583,184
Treasury Board 1,039 (negative 310) 729
Veterans Affairs 4,636,714 (negative 4,586,668) 50,046
Women, Gender Equality and Youth 249,298 (negative 1,108) 248,190
Subtotal 81,580,943 357,389 6,183,590 148,452 8,283,859 96,554,233
Provision for valuation and other items (negative 183,413) (negative 183,413)
Total other transfer payments 81,580,943 357,389 6,000,177 148,452 8,283,859 96,370,820

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