Recapitulation of external expenses by type

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Table 2a reconciles total ministerial net expenditures (Table 2) with external expenses reported in Table 1 of this section and in the Consolidated Statement of Operations and Accumulated Deficit in Section 2 of Volume I. The reconciling items include the expenditures of the consolidated specified purpose accounts, the accrual and other adjustments, the expenses of the consolidated Crown corporations and other entities, the tax credits and repayments and the elimination of internal expenses.

Table 2a
Recapitulation of external expenses by typeLinks to footnote * in table 1
(in thousands of dollars)

Description Total ministerial net expenditures Consolidated specified purpose accounts Accrual and other adjustments Consolidated Crown corporations and other entities Tax credits and repayments Internal expenses Total external expenses
Program expenses
Transfer payments
Old age security benefits, guaranteed income supplement and spouse's allowance 76,084,488 (negative 48,812) 76,035,676
Major transfer payments to other levels of government
Canada health transfer 51,431,244 (negative 2,000,000) 49,431,244
Canada social transfer 16,416,302 16,416,302
Fiscal arrangements 29,418,515 (negative 577,000) 28,841,515
Quebec abatement (negative 7,103,367) (negative 7,103,367)
Other major transfers 12,686,537 (negative 99,562) 12,586,975
Total major transfer payments to other levels of government 102,849,231 (negative 2,676,562) 100,172,669
Employment insurance and support measures 23,130,287 23,130,287
Children's benefits (negative 4,417) 5,524 26,338,131 26,339,238
COVID-19 income support for workers (negative 211,162) (negative 4,626,614) (negative 4,837,776)
Canada emergency wage subsidy (negative 420,425) (negative 420,425)
Pollution pricing proceeds returned 9,858,444 9,858,444
Other transfer payments Links to footnote 1 in table 1 81,580,943 357,389 6,000,177 148,452 8,283,859 96,370,820
Total transfer payments 270,157,527 23,487,676 (negative 1,346,287) 148,452 34,201,565 326,648,933
Other expenses
Agriculture and Agri-Food 916,862 66,912 155,580 (negative 15,272) 1,124,082
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency 81,632 25,985 (negative 459) 107,158
Canadian Heritage 2,907,396 23 60,123 209,102 (negative 9,923) 3,166,721
Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs 10,152,670 51 1,213,939 (negative 91,319) 11,275,341
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec 56,007 28,425 (negative 472) 83,960
Employment and Workforce Development 2,975,812 2,989,543 4,343,890 (negative 354,294) 9,954,951
Environment and Climate Change 2,872,292 64,769 35,490 (negative 148,890) 2,823,661
Finance 2,471,471 (negative 152,046) (negative 1,474,725) (negative 10,415) 834,285
Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard 3,954,375 11 (negative 794,276) (negative 71,418) 3,088,692
Global Affairs 13,383,930 (negative 10,407,933) 86,731 (negative 25,836) 3,036,892
Health 6,537,109 1,127,479 (negative 152,579) 7,512,009
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship 3,341,874 595,561 (negative 115,506) 3,821,929
Indigenous Services 26,837,681 (negative 22,571,039) (negative 18,274) 4,248,368
Infrastructure and Communities 7,154,959 (negative 5,381,886) (negative 917,374) (negative 4,791) 850,908
Innovation, Science and Industry 3,149,694 376,839 21,895 (negative 35,360) 3,513,068
Justice 1,765,435 21,782 (negative 15,363) 1,771,854
National Defence 33,303,784 (negative 1,234,497) (negative 199,587) 31,869,700
National Revenue 6,623,966 9,053,257 (negative 143,469) 15,533,754
Natural Resources 2,644,206 3,173 5,518 (negative 210,960) (negative 19,482) 2,422,455
Office of the Governor General's Secretary 25,464 968 (negative 184) 26,248
Parliament 928,518 8,586 (negative 4,426) 932,678
Prairies and Canadian Northern Economic Development 75,390 4,333 (negative 678) 79,045
Privy Council 452,396 4,688 (negative 6,659) 450,425
Public Safety, Democratic Institutions and Intergovernmental Affairs 11,981,698 5,385,316 (negative 351,302) 17,015,712
Public Services and Procurement 8,126,702 8,727 (negative 1,115,726) 22,050 (negative 267,232) 6,774,521
Transport 3,444,963 7,508 (negative 5,331) 335,446 (negative 56,607) 3,725,979
Treasury Board 4,356,616 598,008 119 4,954,743
Veterans Affairs 1,434,476 (negative 946,763) (negative 5,782) 481,931
Women, Gender Equality and Youth 71,601 595 (negative 1,170) 71,026
Subtotal 162,028,979 3,073,805 (negative 19,651,803) (negative 1,772,255) (negative 2,126,630) 141,552,096
Provision for valuation and other items (negative 1,538,475) (negative 1,538,475)
Total other expenses, excluding net actuarial losses 162,028,979 3,073,805 (negative 21,190,278) (negative 1,772,255) (negative 2,126,630) 140,013,621
Total program expenses, excluding net actuarial losses 432,186,506 26,561,481 (negative 22,536,565) (negative 1,623,803) 34,201,565 (negative 2,126,630) 466,662,554
Public debt charges 42,694,451 4,781,235 (negative 202,920) 47,272,766
Total expenses, excluding net actuarial losses 474,880,957 26,561,481 (negative 17,755,330) (negative 1,826,723) 34,201,565 (negative 2,126,630) 513,935,320
Net actuarial losses 7,489,008 7,489,008
Total expenses 474,880,957 26,561,481 (negative 10,266,322) (negative 1,826,723) 34,201,565 (negative 2,126,630) 521,424,328

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