Ministerial expenditures by type

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Table 2 presents the net expenditures by type for each ministry. The "Total ministerial net expenditures" column presents the total net expenditures reported for each ministry in the ministerial sections of this volume.

Table 2a reconciles total ministerial net expenditures with external expenses reported in Table 1 of this section and in the Consolidated Statement of Operations and Accumulated Deficit in Section 2 of Volume I.

Table 2
Ministerial expenditures by typeLinks to footnote * in table 1
(in thousands of dollars)

Section Department or Agency Transfer paymentsLinks to footnote 1 in table 1 Other expenditures Public debt charges Total ministerial net expenditures
Old age security benefitsLinks to footnote 2 in table 1 Canada health transfer Canada social transfer Fiscal arrangements Quebec abatement OtherLinks to footnote 3 in table 1 Total transfer payments
2 Agriculture and Agri-Food
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food 3,277,275 3,277,275 886,166 4,163,441
Canadian Dairy Commission 5,376 5,376
Canadian Grain Commission 25,320 25,320
Total Ministry 3,277,275 3,277,275 916,862 4,194,137
3 Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency 396,799 396,799 81,632 478,431
4 Canadian Heritage
Department of Canadian Heritage 1,866,813 1,866,813 285,649 2,152,462
Canada Council for the Arts 369,339 369,339
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 1,454,160 1,454,160
Canadian Museum for Human Rights 28,794 28,794
Canadian Museum of History 85,564 85,564
Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 10,061 10,061
Canadian Museum of Nature 32,316 32,316
Canadian Race Relations Foundation 9,000 9,000
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission 19,906 19,906
Library and Archives of Canada 3,266 3,266 208,135 5,478 216,879
National Arts Centre Corporation 66,359 66,359
National Film Board 71,606 1 71,607
National Gallery of Canada 50,727 50,727
National Museum of Science and Technology 40,360 40,360
Telefilm Canada 155,276 155,276
The National Battlefields Commission 20,144 20,144
Total Ministry 1,870,079 1,870,079 2,907,396 5,479 4,782,954
5 Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs 6,227,622 6,227,622 10,122,984 16,350,606
Canadian High Arctic Research Station 7,746 7,746 29,686 37,432
Total Ministry 6,235,368 6,235,368 10,152,670 16,388,038
6 Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec 507,176 507,176 56,007 563,183
7 Employment and Workforce Development
Department of Employment and Social Development 76,084,488 15,411,182 91,495,670 2,947,711 94,443,381
Canadian Accessibility Standards Development Organization 8,500 8,500 13,089 21,589
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety 15,012 15,012
Total Ministry 76,084,488 15,419,682 91,504,170 2,975,812 94,479,982
8 Environment and Climate Change
Department of the Environment 930,317 930,317 1,431,557 256 2,362,130
Impact Assessment Agency of Canada 21,354 21,354 76,191 97,545
Parks Canada Agency 87,958 87,958 1,364,544 46 1,452,548
Total Ministry 1,039,629 1,039,629 2,872,292 302 3,912,223
9 Finance
Department of Finance 51,431,244 16,416,302 29,418,515 (negative 7,103,367) 1,001,560 91,164,254 1,873,079 42,474,118 135,511,451
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada 53,367 53,367
Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada 98,623 98,623
Office of the Auditor General 134,930 134,930
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions 311,472 311,472
Total Ministry 51,431,244 16,416,302 29,418,515 (negative 7,103,367) 1,001,560 91,164,254 2,471,471 42,474,118 136,109,843
10 Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard
Department of Fisheries and Oceans 591,513 591,513 3,954,375 174 4,546,062
Total Ministry 591,513 591,513 3,954,375 174 4,546,062
11 Global Affairs
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development 5,818,928 5,818,928 2,639,151 8,458,079
Canadian Commercial Corporation 13,962 13,962
Export Development Canada (Canada Account) 10,522,747 10,522,747
International Development Research Centre 164,606 164,606
International Joint Commission (Canadian Section) 9,192 9,192
Invest in Canada Hub 34,272 34,272
Total Ministry 5,818,928 5,818,928 13,383,930 19,202,858
12 Health
Department of Health 5,244,396 5,244,396 1,597,897 6,842,293
Canadian Food Inspection Agency 112,730 112,730 966,592 1,079,322
Canadian Institutes of Health Research 1,258,382 1,258,382 90,074 1,348,456
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board 14,044 14,044
Public Health Agency of Canada 560,029 560,029 3,868,502 4,428,531
Total Ministry 7,175,537 7,175,537 6,537,109 13,712,646
13 Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship
Department of Citizenship and Immigration 2,993,638 2,993,638 3,000,618 5,994,256
Immigration and Refugee Board 341,256 341,256
Total Ministry 2,993,638 2,993,638 3,341,874 6,335,512
14 Indigenous Services
Department of Indigenous Services 19,654,862 19,654,862 26,822,380 46,477,242
Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario 56,475 56,475 15,301 71,776
Total Ministry 19,711,337 19,711,337 26,837,681 46,549,018
15 Infrastructure and Communities
Office of Infrastructure of Canada 7,298,586 7,298,586 278,922 42,217 7,619,725
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation 5,430,271 5,430,271
The Jacques-Cartier and Champlain Bridges Inc. 156,303 156,303
Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority 1,289,463 1,289,463
Total Ministry 7,298,586 7,298,586 7,154,959 42,217 14,495,762
16 Innovation, Science and Industry
Department of Industry 3,535,512 3,535,512 812,735 4,348,247
Canadian Space Agency 72,895 72,895 377,852 450,747
Canadian Tourism Commission 122,662 122,662
Copyright Board 4,075 4,075
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario 415,654 415,654 46,378 462,032
National Research Council of Canada 625,013 625,013 900,968 1,525,981
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council 1,309,710 1,309,710 73,549 1,383,259
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council 1,109,989 1,109,989 50,346 1,160,335
Standards Council of Canada 20,420 20,420
Statistics Canada 740,709 740,709
Total Ministry 7,068,773 7,068,773 3,149,694 10,218,467
17 Justice
Department of Justice 681,511 681,511 428,475 1,109,986
Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada 88,693 88,693
Canadian Human Rights Commission 44,878 44,878
Courts Administration Service 125,128 125,128
Law Commission of Canada 1,786 1,786
Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs 752,720 752,720
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions 223,128 223,128
Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada 496 496 52,265 52,761
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada 48,362 48,362
Total Ministry 682,007 682,007 1,765,435 2,447,442
18 National Defence
Department of National Defence 1,125,459 1,125,459 32,341,366 2,652 33,469,477
Communications Security Establishment 949,022 61,774 1,010,796
Military Grievances External Review Committee 7,762 7,762
Military Police Complaints Commission 5,634 5,634
Total Ministry 1,125,459 1,125,459 33,303,784 64,426 34,493,669
19 National Revenue
Canada Revenue Agency 10,177,964 10,177,964 6,623,966 16,801,930
Total Ministry 10,177,964 10,177,964 6,623,966 16,801,930
20 Natural Resources
Department of Natural Resources 2,442,523 2,442,523 1,024,087 3,466,610
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited 1,344,720 1,344,720
Canadian Energy Regulator 2,844 2,844 110,824 113,668
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission 5,806 5,806 164,239 170,045
Northern Pipeline Agency 336 336
Total Ministry 2,451,173 2,451,173 2,644,206 5,095,379
21 Office of the Governor General's Secretary 952 952 25,464 26,416
22 Parliament
House of Commons 1,417 1,417 636,500 637,917
Library of Parliament 61,276 61,276
Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner 7,713 7,713
Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer 6,581 6,581
Office of the Senate Ethics Officer 952 952
Parliamentary Protective Service 94,967 94,967
Secretariat of the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians 3,029 3,029
Senate 481 481 117,500 117,981
Total Ministry 1,898 1,898 928,518 930,416
23 Prairies and Canadian Northern Economic Development
Department of Western Economic Diversification 327,446 327,446 50,162 377,608
Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency 62,130 62,130 25,228 87,358
Total Ministry 389,576 389,576 75,390 464,966
24 Privy Council
Privy Council Office 518 518 243,454 243,972
Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board 43,529 43,529
National Security and Intelligence Review Agency Secretariat 19,646 19,646
Office of the Intelligence Commissioner 2,228 2,228
Pacific Economic Development Agency of Canada 154,065 154,065 36,645 190,710
Public Service Commission 106,894 106,894
Total Ministry 154,583 154,583 452,396 606,979
25 Public Safety, Democratic Institutions and Intergovernmental Affairs
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness 1,212,785 1,212,785 271,339 1,484,124
Canada Border Services Agency 2,693,911 2,693,911
Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat 7,923 7,923
Canadian Security Intelligence Service 828,410 828,410
Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police 15,795 15,795
Correctional Service of Canada 5,620 5,620 3,369,342 3,374,962
Leaders' Debates Commission 644 644
Office of the Chief Electoral Officer 2,274 2,274 246,792 249,066
Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages 25,086 25,086
Office of the Correctional Investigator of Canada 5,813 5,813
Parole Board of Canada 77,448 77,448
Royal Canadian Mounted Police 708,927 708,927 4,433,823 548 5,143,298
Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee 5,372 5,372
Total Ministry 1,929,606 1,929,606 11,981,698 548 13,911,852
26 Public Services and Procurement
Department of Public Works and Government Services 51,293 51,293 5,223,132 100,856 5,375,281
Canada Post Corporation 22,210 22,210
National Capital Commission 96,902 96,902
Shared Services Canada 2,784,458 6,331 2,790,789
Total Ministry 51,293 51,293 8,126,702 107,187 8,285,182
27 Transport
Department of Transport 1,652,903 1,652,903 1,366,341 3,019,244
Canadian Air Transport Security Authority 971,163 971,163
Canadian Transportation Agency 55,276 55,276
Marine Atlantic Inc. 191,685 191,685
The Federal Bridge Corporation Limited 7,045 7,045
VIA HFR - VIA TGF Inc. 49,503 49,503
VIA Rail Canada Inc. 803,950 803,950
Total Ministry 1,652,903 1,652,903 3,444,963 5,097,866
28 Treasury Board
Treasury Board Secretariat 1,018 1,018 4,249,316 4,250,334
Canada School of Public Service 94,777 94,777
Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying 5,767 5,767
Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner 21 21 6,756 6,777
Total Ministry 1,039 1,039 4,356,616 4,357,655
29 Veterans Affairs
Department of Veterans Affairs 4,636,714 4,636,714 1,416,352 6,053,066
Veterans Review and Appeal Board 18,124 18,124
Total Ministry 4,636,714 4,636,714 1,434,476 6,071,190
30 Women, Gender Equality and Youth
Department for Women and Gender Equality 249,298 249,298 71,601 320,899
Total Ministry 249,298 249,298 71,601 320,899
Total ministerial net expenditures 76,084,488 51,431,244 16,416,302 29,418,515 (negative 7,103,367) 103,910,345 270,157,527 162,028,979 42,694,451 474,880,957

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