Reconciliation of external expenditures by standard object to expenses

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Table 3a reconciles total ministerial net expenditures (Table 3) with total external expenses reported in Table 1 of this section and in the Consolidated Statement of Operations and Accumulated Deficit in Section 2 of Volume I. The reconciling items include the expenditures of the consolidated specified purpose accounts, the accrual and other adjustments, the expenses of the consolidated Crown corporations and other entities, the tax credits and repayments, and the elimination of internal expenses and internal revenues netted against expenses.

Table 3a
Reconciliation of external expenditures by standard object to expensesLinks to footnote * in table 1
(in thousands of dollars)

Description Total ministerial net expenditures Consolidated specified purpose accounts Accrual and other adjustments Consolidated Crown corporations and other entities Tax credits and repayments Less: Total external expenses
Internal expenses Internal revenues netted against expenses
Transfer payments 270,157,527 23,487,676 (negative 1,346,287) 148,452 34,201,565 326,648,933
Personnel, excluding net actuarial losses 65,326,643 4,297,211 2,277,747 71,901,601
Transportation and communications 3,471,662 (negative 71,257) 125,681 31,200 115,338 3,379,548
Information 551,996 (negative 8,316) 85,475 33,325 123,194 472,636
Professional and special services 20,771,477 (negative 149,155) 1,576,836 941,659 3,481,070 17,776,429
Rentals 4,860,662 (negative 243,991) 270,227 182,727 675,495 4,028,676
Repair and maintenance 4,341,589 (negative 40,432) 289,805 71,088 262,793 4,257,081
Utilities, materials and supplies 6,505,433 (negative 743,430) 756,573 10,674 39,459 6,468,443
Acquisition of land, buildings and works 3,004,697 (negative 3,004,697)
Acquisition of machinery and equipment 7,327,284 (negative 7,327,284)
Public debt charges 42,694,451 4,781,235 (negative 202,920) 47,272,766
Other subsidies and payments 60,295,615 371,454 (negative 24,513,772) (negative 7,684,810) 597,504 1,832,144 26,038,839
Amortization of tangible capital assets 5,127,604 505,170 5,632,774
Net loss on disposal of assets 32,553 25,041 57,594
Total gross 489,309,036 23,859,130 (negative 23,210,018) (negative 1,826,723) 34,201,565 1,868,177 6,529,493 513,935,320
Other items:
Administration costs
Employment Insurance Operating Account 2,702,351 258,453 2,443,898
Revenues netted against expenditures
External revenues (negative 5,454,688) 5,454,688
Internal revenues (negative 8,973,391) (negative 8,973,391)
Subtotal (negative 14,428,079) 2,702,351 5,454,688 258,453 (negative 6,529,493)
Total expenses, excluding net actuarial losses 474,880,957 26,561,481 (negative 17,755,330) (negative 1,826,723) 34,201,565 2,126,630 513,935,320
Net actuarial losses 7,489,008 7,489,008
Total expenses 474,880,957 26,561,481 (negative 10,266,322) (negative 1,826,723) 34,201,565 2,126,630 521,424,328

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