Ministerial revenues

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Table 4 presents revenues for each ministry. The "Total ministerial revenues" column represents revenues from all sources. This column represents tax and other revenues from both external and internal sources. It discloses total ministerial revenues as reported in the "Revenues" statement in each ministerial section of this volume.

Table 4a reconciles total ministerial revenues with external revenues reported in Table 1 of this section and in the Consolidated Statement of Operations and Accumulated Deficit in Section 2 of Volume I.

Table 4
Ministerial revenuesLinks to footnote * in table 1
(in thousands of dollars)

Section Department or agency Tax revenues Other revenues Total ministerial revenues
Return on investments Links to footnote 1 in table 1 Refunds of previous years' expenditures Sales of goods and services Links to footnote 2 in table 1 Proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown assets Miscellaneous Links to footnote 3 in table 1 Total other revenues
2 Agriculture and Agri-Food
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food 212,761 41,871 59,202 7,518 36,639 357,991 357,991
Canadian Dairy Commission 1 1 1
Canadian Grain Commission 13 49,421 14 50 49,498 49,498
Total Ministry 212,761 41,885 108,623 7,532 36,689 407,490 407,490
3 Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency 27,219 40 94,110 121,369 121,369
4 Canadian Heritage
Department of Canadian Heritage 7,161 10,420 11 89,577 107,169 107,169
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission 208 84,121 50 1,201 85,580 85,580
Library and Archives of Canada 184 3,318 4 7 3,513 3,513
National Film Board 68 4,928 15 5,011 5,011
The National Battlefields Commission 11 2,563 55 2,629 2,629
Total Ministry 7,632 105,350 120 90,800 203,902 203,902
5 Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs 4 5,010 42,049 12 10,003 57,078 57,078
Canadian High Arctic Research Station 747 385 1 1,133 1,133
Total Ministry 4 5,757 42,434 12 10,004 58,211 58,211
6 Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec 10,189 120,102 130,291 130,291
7 Employment and Workforce Development
Department of Employment and Social Development 16,550 577,155 623,936 83 3,184,746 4,402,470 4,402,470
Canadian Accessibility Standards Development Organization 77 77 77
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety 16 7,137 7,153 7,153
Total Ministry 16,550 577,248 631,073 83 3,184,746 4,409,700 4,409,700
8 Environment and Climate Change
Department of the Environment 22,058 76,919 1,533 236,475 336,985 336,985
Impact Assessment Agency of Canada 562 238 9 809 809
Parks Canada Agency 4,088 217,321 91 221,500 221,500
Total Ministry 26,708 294,478 1,533 236,575 559,294 559,294
9 Finance
Department of Finance 6,740,616 748 785,972 7,527,336 7,527,336
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada 52,082 52,082 52,082
Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada 231 19,973 20,204 20,204
Office of the Auditor General 103 1,328 50 42 1,523 1,523
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions 310,528 2 15 310,545 310,545
Total Ministry 6,740,616 1,082 363,938 52 806,002 7,911,690 7,911,690
10 Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard
Department of Fisheries and Oceans 26,176 92,228 2,063 13,857 134,324 134,324
Total Ministry 26,176 92,228 2,063 13,857 134,324 134,324
11 Global Affairs
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development 17,971 24,176 177,781 1,578 137,938 359,444 359,444
Export Development Canada (Canada Account) 842,345 73,887 916,232 916,232
International Joint Commission (Canadian Section) 31 31 31
Invest in Canada Hub 295 295 295
Total Ministry 860,316 24,502 177,781 1,578 211,825 1,276,002 1,276,002
12 Health
Department of Health 18,044 521,375 163 2,475 542,057 542,057
Canadian Food Inspection Agency 4,372 54,303 570 61 59,306 59,306
Canadian Institutes of Health Research 5,027 3 5,030 5,030
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board 81 652 11 744 744
Public Health Agency of Canada 65,149 16,193 3,902 116 85,360 85,360
Total Ministry 92,673 592,523 4,635 2,666 692,497 692,497
13 Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship
Department of Citizenship and Immigration 23,417 2,447,297 40 1,342 2,472,096 2,472,096
Immigration and Refugee Board 2,101 40 2,141 2,141
Total Ministry 25,518 2,447,297 80 1,342 2,474,237 2,474,237
14 Indigenous Services
Department of Indigenous Services 96 47,162 55,307 885 22,324 125,774 125,774
Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario 2,034 12,530 14,564 14,564
Total Ministry 96 49,196 55,307 885 34,854 140,338 140,338
15 Infrastructure and Communities
Office of Infrastructure of Canada 830,000 48,890 2,642 35 22 881,589 881,589
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation 99,135 14,489 113,624 113,624
Total Ministry 929,135 48,890 2,642 35 14,511 995,213 995,213
16 Innovation, Science and Industry
Department of Industry 348,753 23,808 1,078,600 97 266,725 1,717,983 1,717,983
Canadian Space Agency 1,369 1,055 67 344 2,835 2,835
Copyright Board 13 13 13
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario 58,150 23 105,300 163,473 163,473
National Research Council of Canada 4,654 167,549 197 214 172,614 172,614
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council 5,787 161 7 5,955 5,955
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council 2,585 116 6 2,707 2,707
Statistics Canada 2,117 166,288 33 4 168,442 168,442
Total Ministry 348,753 98,483 1,413,769 417 372,600 2,234,022 2,234,022
17 Justice
Department of Justice 13,689 576,645 2 2,662 592,998 592,998
Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada 120 40,504 40,624 40,624
Canadian Human Rights Commission 242 2,104 1 455 2,802 2,802
Courts Administration Service 275 1,833 15 1,750 3,873 3,873
Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs 4 20,217 20,221 20,221
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions 372 18,019 2 67,193 85,586 85,586
Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada 127 238 1 366 366
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada 106 105 13 122 346 346
Total Ministry 14,935 598,944 33 132,904 746,816 746,816
18 National Defence
Department of National Defence 1,907 85,449 335,002 11,664 34,765 468,787 468,787
Communications Security Establishment 1,714 21,044 24 1,309 24,091 24,091
Military Grievances External Review Committee 51 1 1 53 53
Total Ministry 1,907 87,214 356,046 11,689 36,075 492,931 492,931
19 National Revenue
Canada Revenue Agency 308,047,689 6,749 944,021 129 23,323,346 24,274,245 332,321,934
Total Ministry 308,047,689 6,749 944,021 129 23,323,346 24,274,245 332,321,934
20 Natural Resources
Department of Natural Resources 67,298 539,236 250 463 607,247 607,247
Canadian Energy Regulator 511 134,145 11 134,667 134,667
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission 625 134,321 25 119 135,090 135,090
Northern Pipeline Agency 336 336 336
Total Ministry 68,434 808,038 275 593 877,340 877,340
21 Office of the Governor General's Secretary 31 19 50 50
22 Parliament
House of Commons 689 31,194 111 31,994 31,994
Library of Parliament 28 725 753 753
Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner 1 1 2 2
Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer 52 52 52
Parliamentary Protective Service 212 1,461 2 1,675 1,675
Senate 61 2 11 74 74
Total Ministry 1,043 33,380 115 12 34,550 34,550
23 Prairies and Canadian Northern Economic Development
Department of Western Economic Diversification 10,639 4,084 100,660 115,383 115,383
Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency 17,597 5,776 23,373 23,373
Total Ministry 28,236 4,084 106,436 138,756 138,756
24 Privy Council
Privy Council Office 421 7,580 3 8,004 8,004
Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board 101 15 9 125 125
National Security and Intelligence Review Agency Secretariat 139 139 139
Office of the Intelligence Commissioner 10 10 10
Pacific Economic Development Agency of Canada 5,593 63,126 68,719 68,719
Public Service Commission 456 8,118 1 1,545 10,120 10,120
Total Ministry 6,720 15,698 19 64,680 87,117 87,117
25 Public Safety, Democratic Institutions and Intergovernmental Affairs
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness 46,860 2,852 18 677 50,407 50,407
Canada Border Services Agency 39,909,183 4,531 35,284 1,047 188,149 229,011 40,138,194
Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat 19 394 413 413
Canadian Security Intelligence Service 14 557 3,451 947 40 5,009 5,009
Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police 82 82 82
Correctional Service of Canada 12,394 136,058 2,086 854 151,392 151,392
Leaders' Debates Commission 9 9 9
Office of the Chief Electoral Officer 248 2 140 390 390
Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages 49 49 49
Office of the Correctional Investigator of Canada 59 59 59
Parole Board of Canada 162 847 1 1,010 1,010
Royal Canadian Mounted Police 5 22,766 3,247,386 763 3,884 3,274,804 3,274,804
Total Ministry 39,909,183 19 87,736 3,425,878 4,864 194,138 3,712,635 43,621,818
26 Public Services and Procurement
Department of Public Works and Government Services 10,000 54,016 4,143,146 829 134,628 4,342,619 4,342,619
Pay Operations and Service Management Directorate Links to footnote 4 in table 1 24,726 24,726 24,726
Shared Services Canada 12,430 904,181 36 41,125 957,772 957,772
Total Ministry 10,000 91,172 5,047,327 865 175,753 5,325,117 5,325,117
27 Transport
Department of Transport 32,662 7,607 604,660 6,740 9,853 661,522 661,522
Canadian Transportation Agency 35 994 1,029 1,029
Total Ministry 32,662 7,642 604,660 6,740 10,847 662,551 662,551
28 Treasury Board
Treasury Board Secretariat 2,323 961,125 5,119 968,567 968,567
Canada School of Public Service 501 11,627 6 12,134 12,134
Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying 9 9 9
Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner 12 12 12
Total Ministry 2,845 972,752 6 5,119 980,722 980,722
29 Veterans Affairs
Department of Veterans Affairs 47,875 48 11 215 48,149 48,149
Veterans Review and Appeal Board 523 523 523
Total Ministry 48,398 48 11 215 48,672 48,672
30 Women, Gender Equality and Youth
Department for Women and Gender Equality 1,778 1,778 1,778
Total Ministry 1,778 1,778 1,778
Total ministerial revenues 347,956,872 9,152,819 1,516,091 19,138,319 43,811 29,280,820 59,131,860 407,088,732

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