Section 14: Transfer payments

Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

Table 1:(in dollars)Links to footnote * in table 1

Description Source of authorities Disposition of authorities
Available from previous years Main Estimates Supplementary Estimates Adjustments, warrants and transfers Total available for use Used in the current year Variance Available for use in subsequent years Used in the previous year
Department of Indigenous Services
Grant to support the new fiscal relationship for First Nations under the Indian Act 1,648,666,867 29,963,889 (negative 320,387,050) 1,358,243,706 1,358,243,706 1,108,145,193
Grants to support child and family services coordination agreements and related fiscal arrangements 431,187,145 18,626,856 28,473,528 478,287,529 199,493,575 278,793,954 127,884,553
Grant for Band Support Funding 187,741,578 9,250,316 (negative 17,490,606) 179,501,288 179,501,288 169,422,902
Grant to implement the Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management 50,642,752 2,500,000 (negative 13,301,911) 39,840,841 39,840,841 31,207,389
Grants to provide income support to on-reserve residents and Status Indians in the Yukon Territory 20,000,000 (negative 9,793,808) 10,206,192 10,206,192 9,268,438
Grants for the Operation Return Home claims settlements 13,817,311 (negative 13,817,311)
Grant to the Miawpukek Indian Band to support designated programs 12,458,612 12,458,612 12,458,612 12,214,325
Grants to support the First Nations Post-Secondary Education Strategy 977,000 (negative 458,188) 518,812 518,812 425,000
Grants to British Columbia Indian bands in lieu of a per capita annuity 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000
Grants to support First Nations Elementary and Secondary Educational Advancement 150,000 (negative 150,000)
Grants to increase First Nations and Inuit Youth Participation in Education and Labour Market Opportunities 45,000 (negative 10,000) 35,000 35,000 30,000
Links to footnote S in table 1 Indian Annuities Treaty payments (Indian Act) 2,100,000 1,215,291 3,315,291 3,315,291 3,250,421
Total—Grants 2,368,086,265 60,341,061 (negative 345,720,055) 2,082,707,271 1,803,913,317 278,793,954 1,462,148,221
Contributions to support the construction and maintenance of community infrastructure 2,900,715,638 214,998,260 214,590,366 3,330,304,264 3,312,582,756 17,721,508 3,228,463,767
Contributions to support First Nations Elementary and Secondary Educational Advancement 2,465,100,841 161,400,000 (negative 68,915,885) 2,557,584,956 2,555,002,456 2,582,500 2,388,377,648
Contributions for First Nations and Inuit Primary Health Care 2,111,399,223 750,182,435 242,847,386 3,104,429,044 3,029,524,348 74,904,696 2,371,749,723
Contributions to provide children, youth, young adults, families and communities with prevention and protection services 1,701,093,623 1,669,911,160 200,723,887 3,571,728,670 3,571,728,670 2,753,369,429
Contributions to provide income support to on-reserve residents and Status Indians in the Yukon Territory 1,309,022,967 3,443,199 86,145,276 1,398,611,442 1,398,611,442 1,441,142,564
Contributions for First Nations and Inuit Health Infrastructure Support 885,750,488 319,440,700 57,006,393 1,262,197,581 1,220,333,152 41,864,429 1,197,655,889
Contributions for First Nations and Inuit Supplementary Health Benefits 384,297,452 65,104,300 (negative 15,000,000) 434,401,752 429,115,950 5,285,802 394,238,714
Contributions to support community well-being and jurisdiction initiatives for children and families 370,734,261 (negative 369,840,367) 893,894 893,894 360,524,608
Contributions to support Land Management and Economic Development 309,741,310 28,749,712 (negative 43,553,354) 294,937,668 294,297,146 640,522 276,108,964
Contributions to support the First Nations Post-Secondary Education Strategy 308,695,447 48,391,442 357,086,889 357,086,889 434,801,952
Contributions for emergency management assistance for activities on reserves 204,157,822 372,458,556 9,681,459 586,297,837 586,297,837 486,310,959
Contributions to support Urban Programming for Indigenous Peoples 180,689,910 122,354,270 16,026,909 319,071,089 319,071,089 259,793,599
Contributions to improve the safety and security of Indigenous women, children, families and Two-Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and People 135,249,859 (negative 13,996,248) 121,253,611 121,253,611 105,683,086
Contributions to increase First Nations and Inuit Youth Participation in Education and Labour Market Opportunities 77,062,000 763,460 77,825,460 77,825,460 92,806,932
Contributions to support Indigenous governments and institutions, and to build strong governance 76,234,850 67,001,629 58,776,068 202,012,547 202,012,547
Contributions for Pathways to Safe Indigenous Communities Initiative 50,098,465 8,000,000 3,035,045 61,133,510 61,133,510 30,056,932
Contributions to support the Métis Nation Post-Secondary Education Strategy 39,765,968 39,765,968 39,765,968 47,009,816
Contributions to support service transfer and transformation 33,858,042 88,569,337 122,427,379 122,427,379 13,200,991
Contributions to First Nations for the management of contaminated sites 33,793,404 7,291,740 22,539,699 63,624,843 63,624,843 53,863,025
Contributions to support the Aboriginal Economic Development Strategic Partnerships Initiative 24,698,542 4,721,916 29,420,458 29,420,458 47,780,306
Contributions to support the Inuit Post-Secondary Education Strategy 9,825,958 1,200,000 11,025,958 11,025,958 11,950,820
Contributions for the purpose of consultation and policy development 7,627,600 1,168,543 8,796,143 8,796,143 9,016,293
Contributions to Indian bands for registration administration 5,311,547 1,422,547 6,734,094 6,734,094 7,730,531
Links to footnote S in table 1 Contributions related to the Canada Community-Building Fund (Keeping Canada's Economy and Jobs Growing Act) 32,382,668 (negative 1) 32,382,667 32,382,667 31,033,390
Items not required for the current year 202,052,817
Total—Contributions 13,657,307,885 3,790,335,961 546,303,878 17,993,947,724 17,850,948,267 142,999,457 16,244,722,755
Total Department 16,025,394,150 3,850,677,022 200,583,823 20,076,654,995 19,654,861,584 421,793,411 17,706,870,976
Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario
Grants under the Northern Ontario Development Program 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 -
Contributions under the Northern Ontario Development Program 24,440,000 1,000,000 25,440,000 24,918,333 521,667 67,066,949
Contributions under the Regional Economic Growth through Innovation Program 18,133,184 4,134,230 22,267,414 22,354,639 (negative 87,225) 41,394,313
Contributions under the Community Futures Program 8,360,008 8,360,008 8,401,906 (negative 41,898) 8,447,089
Contributions under the Economic Development Initiative—Official Languages 800,000 800,000 800,000 829,576
Total—Contributions 51,733,192 5,134,230 56,867,422 56,474,878 392,544 117,737,927
Total Agency 52,733,192 5,134,230 57,867,422 56,474,878 1,392,544 117,737,927
Total Ministry 16,078,127,342 3,855,811,252 200,583,823 20,134,522,417 19,711,336,462 423,185,955 17,824,608,903

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