Section 12: Budgetary details by allotment

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Table 1:(in dollars)Links to footnote * in table 1

Description Allotments Expenditures Lapsed or
Available for use in subsequent years
Department of Health
Vote 1—Operating expenditures
Operating budget 1,376,846,827 1,332,324,540 44,522,287
Innovative Solutions Canada 518,815 518,815
Canadian Dental Care Plan Administration 228,321,506 158,618,683 69,702,823
Frozen Allotments
Transferred or reallocated 6,646,731 6,646,731
Reduction 4,086,000 4,086,000
Other 59,206,510 59,206,510
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 243,538,647) (negative 243,538,647)
Subtotal 1,432,087,742 1,247,923,391 184,164,351
Vote 5—Capital expenditures
Capital budget 33,754,323 30,161,227 3,593,096
Vote 10—Grants and contributions
Grants and contributions 4,969,578,211 4,950,347,198 19,231,013
Canadian strategy for cancer control 47,500,000 47,500,000
Innovative Solutions Canada 1,400,000 1,400,000
Frozen Allotments
Reprofile 17,720,000 17,720,000
Reduction 469,000,000 469,000,000
Subtotal 5,505,198,211 4,997,847,198 507,351,013
Statutory amounts 566,473,809 566,361,403 112,406
Total 7,537,514,085 6,842,293,219 695,108,460 112,406
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Vote 1—Operating expenditures, grants and contributions
Operating budget 764,030,880 746,452,148 17,578,732
Grants and contributions 1,218,281 1,218,281
Innovative Solutions Canada 1,700,000 1,329,052 370,948
Frozen Allotments
Reduction 3,013,000 3,013,000
Subtotal 769,962,161 748,999,481 20,962,680
Vote 5—Capital expenditures
Capital budget 63,696,687 56,974,216 6,722,471
Frozen Allotments
Transferred or reallocated 963,098 963,098
Subtotal 64,659,785 56,974,216 7,685,569
Statutory amounts 336,134,735 273,347,789 62,786,946
Total 1,170,756,681 1,079,321,486 28,648,249 62,786,946
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Vote 1—Operating expenditures
Operating budget 80,145,267 79,891,020 254,247
Frozen Allotments
Reprofile 1,030,341 1,030,341
Transferred or reallocated 795,220 795,220
Reduction 999,000 999,000
Subtotal 82,969,828 79,891,020 3,078,808
Vote 5—Grants
Grants 1,258,943,085 1,258,382,393 560,692
Frozen Allotments
Reprofile 24,536,798 24,536,798
Subtotal 1,283,479,883 1,258,382,393 25,097,490
Statutory amounts 10,182,784 10,182,784
Total 1,376,632,495 1,348,456,197 28,176,298
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board
Vote 1—Program expenditures
Operating budget 12,750,463 12,156,025 594,438
Public interest hearings 4,463,361 500,834 3,962,527
Subtotal 17,213,824 12,656,859 4,556,965
Statutory amounts 1,387,286 1,387,286
Total 18,601,110 14,044,145 4,556,965
Public Health Agency of Canada
Vote 1—Operating expenditures
Operating budget 3,545,912,481 3,159,564,276 386,348,205
Ebola virus disease outbreak 2,368,078 733,191 1,634,887
Advertising initiatives 2,500,000 2,500,000
Medicom 37,200,000 24,875,179 12,324,821
Innovative Solutions Canada 650,000 305,264 344,736
3M—N95 Mask Procurement 25,679,250 19,808,164 5,871,086
COVID-19 Immunity Task Force 12,995,670 3,526,792 9,468,878
Warehousing and National Emergency Strategic Stockpile Maintenance 75,143,357 75,143,357
National Microbiology Laboratory—Medical Counter-Measures Laboratory 21,247,814 15,166,401 6,081,413
Pandemic Influenza Preparedness 127,693,000 101,250,996 26,442,004
COVID-19 Pediatric Vaccines 369,000,000 368,999,974 26
Frozen Allotments
Reprofile 49,077,161 49,077,161
Transferred or reallocated 1,462,725 1,462,725
Reduction 482,039,438 482,039,438
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 893,282) (negative 893,282)
Subtotal 4,752,075,692 3,770,980,312 981,095,380
Vote 5—Capital expenditures
Capital budget 41,852,187 18,707,754 23,144,433
National Microbiology Laboratory—Medical Counter-Measures Laboratory 9,000,000 842,166 8,157,834
Warehousing and National Emergency Strategic Stockpile Maintenance 530,000 530,000
Subtotal 51,382,187 20,079,920 31,302,267
Vote 10—Grants and contributions
Grants and contributions 470,755,382 448,202,367 22,553,015
COVID-19 Immunity Task Force 52,000,000 33,204,663 18,795,337
Innovative Solutions Canada 650,000 500,000 150,000
Frozen Allotments
Reprofile 48,223,628 48,223,628
Subtotal 571,629,010 481,907,030 89,721,980
Statutory amounts 159,844,246 155,564,101 377,764 3,902,381
Total 5,534,931,135 4,428,531,363 1,102,497,391 3,902,381
Total Ministry 15,638,435,506 13,712,646,410 1,858,987,363 66,801,733

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