Section 25: Core responsibilities

Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

Table 1:(in dollars)Links to footnote * in table 1

Description Budgetary Budgetary Total Non‑budgetary
Operating Capital Transfer payments Revenues netted against expenditures
Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year Total authorities available for use Authorities used in the current year
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
Emergency Management 76,969,043 65,472,238 1,789,813,267 457,603,692 1,866,782,310 523,075,930
Community Safety 94,712,619 86,389,182 914,615,868 753,206,724 1,009,328,487 839,595,906
National Security 33,245,307 32,084,497 1,985,420 1,974,170 35,230,727 34,058,667
Internal Services 92,061,696 90,246,068 2,852,196 2,852,196 89,209,500 87,393,872
Subtotal 296,988,665 274,191,985 2,706,414,555 1,212,784,586 2,852,196 2,852,196 3,000,551,024 1,484,124,375
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 2,852,196) (negative 2,852,196) (negative 2,852,196) (negative 2,852,196)
Total Department 294,136,469 271,339,789 2,706,414,555 1,212,784,586 3,000,551,024 1,484,124,375
Canada Border Services Agency
Border Management 1,807,056,775 1,659,203,420 226,881,278 113,073,457 32,372,118 32,372,118 2,001,565,935 1,739,904,759
Border Enforcement 455,367,038 381,298,133 9,109,232 238,258 464,476,270 381,536,391
Internal Services 565,558,614 557,913,838 30,534,786 14,556,164 596,093,400 572,470,002
Subtotal 2,827,982,427 2,598,415,391 266,525,296 127,867,879 32,372,118 32,372,118 3,062,135,605 2,693,911,152
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 32,372,118) (negative 32,372,118) (negative 32,372,118) (negative 32,372,118)
Total Agency 2,795,610,309 2,566,043,273 266,525,296 127,867,879 3,062,135,605 2,693,911,152
Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat
Intergovernmental Conference Services 5,790,179 5,741,708 5,790,179 5,741,708
Internal Services 2,397,128 2,180,960 2,397,128 2,180,960
Total Agency 8,187,307 7,922,668 8,187,307 7,922,668
Canadian Security Intelligence Service
Security and Intelligence 836,353,397 828,409,598 836,353,397 828,409,598
Total Agency 836,353,397 828,409,598 836,353,397 828,409,598
Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Independent review of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police 11,279,901 10,669,829 11,279,901 10,669,829
Internal Services 5,759,030 5,124,704 5,759,030 5,124,704
Total Agency 17,038,931 15,794,533 17,038,931 15,794,533
Correctional Service of Canada
Care and Custody 2,185,139,247 1,892,173,369 227,487,607 226,239,068 786,937 786,937 2,413,413,791 2,119,199,374
Correctional Interventions 688,523,361 686,262,195 8,342,302 8,342,302 264,628 218,598 113,809,344 127,947,037 583,320,947 566,876,058 44,859 (negative 80)
Community Supervision 202,241,340 202,241,340 5,832,622 2,000,000 4,614,572 4,614,573 212,688,534 208,855,913
Internal Services 465,243,548 464,166,683 27,383,263 19,781,564 3,943,400 3,917,774 488,683,411 480,030,473
Subtotal 3,541,147,496 3,244,843,587 269,045,794 256,362,934 5,666,137 5,620,108 117,752,744 131,864,811 3,698,106,683 3,374,961,818 44,859 (negative 80)
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 117,752,744) (negative 131,864,811) (negative 117,752,744) (negative 131,864,811)
Total Agency 3,423,394,752 3,112,978,776 269,045,794 256,362,934 5,666,137 5,620,108 3,698,106,683 3,374,961,818 44,859 (negative 80)
Leaders' Debates Commission
Organize Leaders' Debates for federal general elections 3,500,140 643,647 3,500,140 643,647
Internal Services
Total Agency 3,500,140 643,647 3,500,140 643,647
Office of the Chief Electoral Officer
Electoral Administration 145,129,677 144,091,585 145,129,677 144,091,585
Regulatory Oversight 27,301,553 26,765,166 2,273,970 2,273,970 29,575,523 29,039,136
Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Administration 1,324,098 1,324,097 1,324,098 1,324,097
Internal Services 75,480,132 74,611,674 75,480,132 74,611,674
Total Agency 249,235,460 246,792,522 2,273,970 2,273,970 251,509,430 249,066,492
Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages
Protection of rights related to Official Languages 9,240,532 8,582,140 9,240,532 8,582,140
Advancement of French and English in Canadian society 8,712,502 7,687,040 8,712,502 7,687,040
Internal Services 8,448,486 8,816,403 8,448,486 8,816,403
Total Agency 26,401,520 25,085,583 26,401,520 25,085,583
Office of the Correctional Investigator of Canada
Independent Oversight of Federal Corrections 5,796,143 4,287,083 5,796,143 4,287,083
Internal Services 1,481,034 1,525,666 1,481,034 1,525,666
Total Agency 7,277,177 5,812,749 7,277,177 5,812,749
Parole Board of Canada
Conditional Release Decisions 48,437,767 47,411,728 48,437,767 47,411,728
Record Suspension/Pardon and Expungement Decisions/Clemency Recommendations 12,643,301 9,814,398 12,643,301 9,814,398
Conditional Release Openness and Accountability 5,716,601 5,663,027 5,716,601 5,663,027
Internal Services 15,016,428 14,715,848 330,000 156,760 14,686,428 14,559,088
Subtotal 81,814,097 77,605,001 330,000 156,760 81,484,097 77,448,241
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 330,000) (negative 156,760) (negative 330,000) (negative 156,760)
Total Agency 81,484,097 77,448,241 81,484,097 77,448,241
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Contract and Indigenous policing 3,892,324,947 3,777,448,298 230,468,328 222,340,604 507,981,794 495,445,249 2,091,314,707 2,091,314,708 2,539,460,362 2,403,919,443
Federal Policing 1,038,522,648 1,018,581,161 14,267,052 22,479,999 123,936,007 120,945,505 2,000,000 272,562 1,174,725,707 1,161,734,103
Specialized Policing Services 680,049,443 646,786,228 61,426,346 50,681,086 131,723,665 92,536,311 28,176,154 31,392,993 845,023,300 758,610,632
Internal Services 784,608,775 800,072,763 146,487,094 31,596,508 15,911,562 12,634,939 915,184,307 819,034,332
Subtotal 6,395,505,813 6,242,888,450 452,648,820 327,098,197 763,641,466 708,927,065 2,137,402,423 2,135,615,202 5,474,393,676 5,143,298,510
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 2,137,402,423) (negative 2,135,615,202) (negative 2,137,402,423) (negative 2,135,615,202)
Total Agency 4,258,103,390 4,107,273,248 452,648,820 327,098,197 763,641,466 708,927,065 5,474,393,676 5,143,298,510
Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee
Independent review of Royal Canadian Mounted Police employment matters 4,618,775 3,941,764 4,618,775 3,941,764
Internal Services 1,875,865 1,430,609 1,875,865 1,430,609
Total Agency 6,494,640 5,372,373 6,494,640 5,372,373
Total Ministry 12,007,217,589 11,270,917,000 988,219,910 711,329,010 3,477,996,128 1,929,605,729 16,473,433,627 13,911,851,739 44,859 (negative 80)

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