Section 25: Transfer payments

Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

Table 1:(in dollars)Links to footnote * in table 1

Description Source of authorities Disposition of authorities
Available from previous years Main Estimates Supplementary Estimates Adjustments, warrants and transfers Total available for use Used in the current year Variance Available for use in subsequent years Used in the previous year
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
Memorial Grant Program for First Responders 77,100,000 77,100,000 46,500,000 30,600,000 41,700,000
Community Resilience Fund 3,500,000 (negative 2,165,932) 1,334,068 1,100,835 233,233 119,929
Heavy Urban Search and Rescue Program 3,100,000 (negative 304,946) 2,795,054 2,795,054 2,932,250
Grants to National Voluntary Organizations 1,796,144 1,796,144 1,796,144 1,796,144
Grants in support of the Safer Communities Initiative 1,760,000 (negative 134,068) 1,625,932 951,282 674,650 699,857
Grants to provincial partners for the National Flagging System to identify and track high-risk violent offenders who jeopardize public safety 1,000,000 1,000,000 891,961 108,039 891,961
Cyber Security Cooperation Program 1,000,000 (negative 704,900) 295,100 295,100 301,100
Total—Grants 89,256,144 (negative 3,309,846) 85,946,298 54,330,376 31,615,922 48,441,241
Contributions to the provinces for assistance related to natural disasters 1,724,947,562 1,724,947,562 408,944,423 1,316,003,139 2,423,638,161
Payments to the provinces, territories, municipalities, Indian band councils and recognized authorities representing Indians on reserve, Indian communities on Crown land and Inuit communities, for the First Nations Policing Program 331,566,830 8,000,000 (negative 74,129,105) 265,437,725 217,624,356 47,813,369 178,500,462
Building Safer Communities Fund 85,013,827 (negative 1,675,430) 83,338,397 66,388,708 16,949,689 15,728,172
Contributions in support of the Safer Communities Initiative 49,582,899 5,779,172 55,362,071 49,590,814 5,771,257 34,206,927
Funding for First Nation and Inuit policing facilities 44,350,000 17,481,647 61,831,647 19,365,611 42,466,036 32,554,416
Contribution Program to Combat Serious and Organized Crime 31,457,697 2,643,004 (negative 764,824) 33,335,877 24,650,491 8,685,386 19,449,184
Contributions for supporting the Canadian Red Cross's urgent relief efforts related to COVID-19, floods and wildfires 16,287,309 5,598,208 21,885,517 8,464,267 13,421,250 27,567,365
Biology Casework Analysis Contribution Program 12,145,107 171,500 12,316,607 12,316,607 12,175,837
Aboriginal Community Safety Development Contribution Program 8,910,000 (negative 5,000,000) 3,910,000 1,980,029 1,929,971 1,401,142
Contribution Program in support of the Search and Rescue New Initiatives Fund 7,386,000 (negative 49,260) 7,336,740 6,701,215 635,525 8,226,254
Community Resilience Fund 7,071,969 3,937,040 11,009,009 10,557,582 451,427 4,608,034
Contributions to National Voluntary Organizations 5,000,000 3,027 5,003,027 4,685,216 317,811 2,174,286
Contribution in support of the Nation's Capital Extraordinary Policing Costs Program 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 86,600,000
Contribution Program to Combat Child Sexual Exploitation and Human Trafficking 2,035,600 1,158,300 3,193,900 3,107,000 86,900 3,307,000
Payments to the provinces, territories, and public and private bodies in support of activities complementary to those of the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness 1,362,000 500,000 3,509,083 5,371,083 5,258,030 113,053 5,567,155
Cyber Security Cooperation Program 1,000,000 690,320 1,690,320 1,679,070 11,250 2,634,774
Search and Rescue Volunteer Association of Canada Contribution Program 714,000 104,050 818,050 818,050 800,000
International Association of Fire Fighters, Canada 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000
COSPAS-SARSAT Secretariat Contribution Program 190,000 82,000 272,000 272,000 476,000
Supporting a humanitarian workforce to respond to COVID-19 and other large-scale emergencies 35,000,000 (negative 5,054,619) 29,945,381 27,809,362 2,136,019 52,071,605
Gun and Gang Violence Action Fund 80,121,881 80,121,881 77,323,440 2,798,441 74,065,297
Major International Events Security Cost Framework 59,451,500 77,000 59,528,500 57,105,512 2,422,988
Contribution for Newfoundland and Labrador's New Adult Corrections Facility Project 150,000,000 150,000,000 150,000,000
Worker's compensation 312,963 312,963 312,427 536 422,084
Items not required for the current year 9,987,742
Total—Contributions 2,332,520,800 358,796,240 (negative 70,848,783) 2,620,468,257 1,158,454,210 1,462,014,047 2,996,661,897
Total Department 2,421,776,944 358,796,240 (negative 74,158,629) 2,706,414,555 1,212,784,586 1,493,629,969 3,045,103,138
Correctional Service of Canada
Grant to the University of Saskatchewan for a Forensic Research Centre 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000
Indigenous Offender Reintegration Contribution Program 900,000 900,000 853,971 46,029 148,101
Correctional Services of Canada's National Infrastructure Contribution Program 4,646,137 4,646,137 4,646,137 4,693,834
Total—Contributions 900,000 4,646,137 5,546,137 5,500,108 46,029 4,841,935
Total Agency 1,020,000 4,646,137 5,666,137 5,620,108 46,029 4,961,935
Office of the Chief Electoral Officer
Other transfer payments
Links to footnote S in table 1 Subsidies to electoral district associations' auditors 868,233 868,233 868,233 1,468,397
Links to footnote S in table 1 Reimbursement of election expenses to candidates for the 44th general election, paid to assigned recipient 443,709 443,709 443,709 779,136
Links to footnote S in table 1 Reimbursement of election expenses to candidates and payments of subsidies to candidates' auditors for the current year by-elections 149,975 149,975 149,975 348,918
Links to footnote S in table 1 Payment of subsidies to candidates' auditors for the 44th general election 25,874 25,874 25,874 63,144
Links to footnote S in table 1 Reimbursement of election expenses to candidates, and payments of subsidies to candidates' auditors for other general elections and by-elections 786,179 786,179 786,179
Items not required for the current year 4,690,719
Total Agency 2,273,970 2,273,970 2,273,970 7,350,314
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
To compensate members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for injuries received in the performance of duty (R.S.C., 1985, c. R-11) 176,900,000 478,500,000 655,400,000 639,834,205 15,565,795 523,620,448
RCMP Survivor Income Plan 2,586,483 300,000 2,886,483 2,629,010 257,473 2,610,676
Grant to Promote Law Enforcement through Crime Prevention, Training and Public Relations 1,375,000 1,375,000 943,878 431,122 916,239
Links to footnote S in table 1 Pensions under the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Pension Continuation Act (R.S.C., 1970, c. R-10) 5,000,000 (negative 2,328,150) 2,671,850 2,671,850 3,511,604
Total—Grants 185,861,483 478,800,000 (negative 2,328,150) 662,333,333 646,078,943 16,254,390 530,658,967
Contributions to the provinces and territories and to aboriginal and/or other communities and organizations (not for profit) 20,584,000 80,724,133 101,308,133 62,848,122 38,460,011 88,258
Total Agency 206,445,483 559,524,133 (negative 2,328,150) 763,641,466 708,927,065 54,714,401 530,747,225
Total Ministry 2,629,242,427 918,320,373 (negative 69,566,672) 3,477,996,128 1,929,605,729 1,548,390,399 3,588,162,612

Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume II—Bottom of the page Navigation

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