Section 27: Budgetary details by allotment

Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

Table 1:(in dollars)Links to footnote * in table 1

Description Allotments Expenditures Lapsed or
Available for use in subsequent years
Department of Transport
Vote 1—Operating expenditures
Operating budget 1,066,498,041 1,067,369,727 (negative 871,686)
High Frequency Rail 89,414,666 56,624,173 32,790,493
Frozen Allotments
Reprofile 190,705,989 190,705,989
Transferred or reallocated 595,746 595,746
Reduction 6,582,000 6,582,000
Other 4,529,322 4,529,322
Revenues netted against expenditures (negative 98,234,043) (negative 98,234,043)
Subtotal 1,260,091,721 1,025,759,857 234,331,864
Vote 5—Capital expenditures
Capital budget 218,569,921 163,900,002 54,669,919
Frozen Allotments
Reprofile 69,472,220 69,472,220
Transferred or reallocated 26,513 26,513
Subtotal 288,068,654 163,900,002 124,168,652
Vote 10—Grants and contributions
Grants and contributions 1,571,161,961 1,571,123,661 38,300
Innovative Solutions Canada 1,300,000 1,300,000
Frozen Allotments
Reprofile 659,108,239 659,108,239
Reduction 226,000,000 226,000,000
Subtotal 2,457,570,200 1,572,423,661 885,146,539
Statutory amounts 263,900,009 257,160,453 6,739,556
Total 4,269,630,584 3,019,243,973 1,243,647,055 6,739,556
Canadian Air Transport Security Authority
Vote 1—Payments to the Authority for operating and capital expenditures
Payments to Crown Corporation 968,475,601 936,306,675 32,168,926
Capital budget 106,039,442 34,856,199 71,183,243
Total 1,074,515,043 971,162,874 103,352,169
Canadian Transportation Agency
Vote 1—Program expenditures
Operating budget 49,381,498 49,211,579 169,919
Frozen Allotments
Reduction 165,000 165,000
Other 50,209 50,209
Subtotal 49,596,707 49,211,579 385,128
Statutory amounts 6,064,145 6,064,145
Total 55,660,852 55,275,724 385,128
Marine Atlantic Inc.
Vote 1—Payments to the Corporation
Payments to Crown Corporation 146,730,818 127,710,818 19,020,000
Capital budget 64,574,689 63,974,689 600,000
Total 211,305,507 191,685,507 19,620,000
The Federal Bridge Corporation Limited
Vote 1—Payments to the Corporation
Payments to Crown Corporation 1,427,000 1,090,809 336,191
Capital budget 5,954,000 5,954,000
Total 7,381,000 7,044,809 336,191
Vote 1—Payments to the corporation for operating and capital expenditures
Payments to Crown Corporation 51,670,000 49,503,355 2,166,645
VIA Rail Canada Inc.
Vote 1—Payments to the Corporation
Payments to Crown Corporation 415,831,400 388,285,804 27,545,596
Capital budget 1,066,679,619 415,664,230 651,015,389
Total 1,482,511,019 803,950,034 678,560,985
Total Ministry 7,152,674,005 5,097,866,276 2,048,068,173 6,739,556

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