Employment and Workforce Development

Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume III—Top of the page Navigation

Department of Employment and Social Development

Table 1Compensation payments and administration expendituresLinks to footnote 1 in table 1Links to footnote * in table 1
(in dollars)

Description Compensation payments Links to footnote 2 in table 1 Administration expenditures Links to footnote 3 in table 1 Total payments
Newfoundland and Labrador 3,708,492 1,234,389 4,942,881
Prince Edward Island 390,051 138,767 528,818
Nova Scotia—Federal 22,311,773 1,770,836 24,082,609
Nova Scotia—Other claim under the Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation 6,952,033 703,983 7,656,016
Nova Scotia—Automatic assumption claim under the Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation 2,209,872 200,130 2,410,002
Nova Scotia—Silicosis claim under the Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation 101,952 11,041 112,993
New Brunswick 11,562,627 2,622,123 14,184,750
Quebec 24,876,898 5,170,645 30,047,543
Ontario 56,651,590 8,070,532 64,722,122
Manitoba 5,408,915 2,005,942 7,414,857
Saskatchewan 5,182,057 3,056,155 8,238,212
Alberta 26,848,183 4,980,608 31,828,791
British Columbia 36,241,854 16,895,307 53,137,161
Claim cost payments to locally engaged employees outside Canada (Section 7) 37,330 37,330
Subtotal 202,483,627 46,860,458 249,344,085
Less: recoveries
Claim and administration expenses recovered from Crown agencies 40,290,872 12,201,490 52,492,362
Claim and administration expenses recovered from other Government departments 142,560,191 39,730,859 182,291,050
Claim and administration expenses recoveries related to employment insurance 108,756 28,244 137,000
Recoveries from responsible third parties (subrogation) 22,613 22,613
Subtotal 182,982,432 51,960,593 234,943,025
Net expenditures Links to footnote 4 in table 1 19,501,195 (negative 5,100,135) 14,401,060

Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume III—Bottom of the page Navigation

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