Payments of claims against the Crown

Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume III—Top of the page Navigation

This statement provides, by ministry and by departments and agencies, details for all payments of claims against the Crown of $1,000 or over. Payments of less than $1,000 are reported as one amount at the end of each department and agency, together with the total number of such payments. Where the situation warrants non-disclosure, the recipient's name may be withheld from publication.

Table 1Payments of claims against the Crown
(in dollars)

Description and payee Amount
Agriculture and Agri-Food
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food
Accident involving a Crown vehicle
Manitoba Public Insurance for
Bourns K 3,752
Saskatchewan Government Insurance for
Thiessen K 7,000
Payment under $1,000 972
Subtotal 11,724
Settlements subject to publication exemption
Names withheld (4) 69,539
Total 81,263
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Payment under $1,000 500
Canadian Heritage
Library and Archives of Canada
Payment under $1,000 400
National Film Board
Damages to property during shooting
Common C 15,000
Stolen credit card charges—late reporting
Bank of Montreal 3,032
Worker's compensation
Employment and Social Development (Department of) 45,338
Payments under $1,000 (3) 772
Subtotal 64,142
The National Battlefields Commission
Settlement of claim arising from a motor vehicle accident
Dauphinais M 1,210
McBrearty J 2,495
Payments under $1,000 (2) 352
Subtotal 4,057
Settlements subject to publication exemption
Names withheld (8) 148,372
Total 216,971
Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Settlement of claims related to class action—Sixties Scoop
Collectiva Class Action Services Inc. in trust for
Sixties Scoop Class Action Members
Names withheld (56) 1,400,000
Settlement of claims related to the Federal Indian Day School Class Action
Gowling WLG 3,390,000
Deloitte LLP in trust for
Federal Indian Day Schools Class Action Members
Names withheld (9,301) 1,390,000,000
Settlement related to the Gottfriedson Band Class Action
Waddell Phillips Professional Corporation 19,500,000
The Four Pillars Society in trust for
Gottfriedson Band Class Action Members
Names withheld (326) 2,800,000,000
Settlement of claims related to the Indian Residential Schools Day Scholar (Gottfriedson) Class Action
Deloitte LLP in trust for
Gottfriedson Class Action Members
Names withheld (6,000) 60,000,000
Settlement of claim related to the theft of personal effects
Diop A 1,860
Settlement of claim related to Treaty annuity provisions
Robinson Huron Treaty Litigation Fund for
First Nations that are beneficiaries to the Trust 5,000,000,000
Subtotal 9,274,291,860
Settlements of claims related to Indian Schools
Names withheld (13) 869,400
Settlement subject to publication exemption
Names withheld (18) 460,375
Total 9,275,621,635
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec
Payment under $1,000 900
Settlement subject to publication exemption
Name withheld 12,970
Total 13,870
Employment and Workforce Development
Department of Employment and Social Development
Payments under $1,000 (6,087) 154,556
Settlements subject to publication exemption
Names withheld (40) 721,412
Total 875,968
Environment and Climate Change
Department of the Environment
Settlement of claim related to a grievance
Audet A 15,000
Boychuk T 160,000
Kublick R-A 5,000
Payments under $1,000 (2) 202
Subtotal 180,202
Parks Canada Agency
Compensation for damage due to a control fire
Banff Light Horse Association 112,984
Compensation for damage to a boat
Williams M 1,340
Compensation for damage to a bridge
Town of Banff 8,092
Compensation for damage to vehicle
Caterpillar Inc 12,830
Charles J 1,336
Clark A 1,175
Codner H 2,029
Davis M 1,492
Fortis Alberta Inc 2,980
Macpherson T 1,103
Newton J 1,304
Pratt L 4,933
Sidhu S 8,390
Transportation Charter Services Inc 2,226
Saskatchewan Government Insurance for
Lacelle J 11,357
Silva J 1,932
Wawanesa Insurance for
Carnell C 6,976
Smit-Paterson K 3,953
Vandjik S 4,210
Westbrook D 1,523
Compensation for damage to telecommunication equipment
Telus Inc 4,566
Compensation for tenant accommodations during mould abatement work
Quinn J 1,883
Payments under $1,000 (17) 8,856
Subtotal 207,470
Settlements subject to publication exemption
Names withheld (19) 838,911
Total 1,226,583
Settlement subject to publication exemption
Name withheld 39,123
Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard
Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Compensation or settlement following an incident involving a Crown vehicle
Avery M 9,821
The Personal Insurance Company 10,836
Compensation or settlement following an incident involving a Crown vessel
Smith J 6,496
Ritch, Williams & Richards in Trust for
Barnes Fisheries Limited 96,791
Compensation or settlement for damage to property
Andrew J 6,863
Canada Damage Recovery 1,883
Reardon D 1,495
Hamilton R 20,000
Lewis Instruments Ltd 13,560
Lind T 8,187
Mosher C 1,086
Pollock W 2,583
Sewell's Marina 5,888
Tower Arctic Ltd 5,849
Wiwcharyk J 5,555
Compensation or settlement for financial loss or loss of business opportunity
Green Team Building Maintenance Inc 2,366
Westerra Equipment LP 5,000
Payments under $1,000 (3) 2,206
Subtotal 206,465
Settlements subject to publication exemption
Names withheld (6) 322,591
Total 529,056
Global Affairs
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development
Settlement of a claim for damage to property
Choi B Y P 1,452
Settlement of a claim for equipment damage
Platzl Hotel Inselkammer KG 2,433
Settlement of a claim related to a damaged vehicle
AMX Honda Private Limited 1,543
Payments under $1,000 (7) 2,470
Subtotal 7,898
Settlements subject to publication exemption
Names withheld (9) 7,843,855
Total 7,851,753
Department of Health
Settlement of claim related to a grievance before the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board
Haydon M 533,465
Settlement of claim related to a Notice of Discontinuance before the Federal Court (T-1760-23)
Koskie Minsky LLP in trust for
Van Arkel M 10,735
Payment under $1,000 191
Subtotal 544,391
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Accident involving a Crown vehicle
Rochfort Bridge Colony Ltd 1,828
CAA Insurance Company for
Wyse S T 4,948
Economical Insurance for
Schriver M 1,884
Saskatchewan Government Insurance for
Stomp K 1,039
Settlement of claim related to damages
Carlo Genetics Inc 6,181
Genesus Inc 5,193
I Deveau Fisheries Ltd 19,656
Schott R T 14,265
Sofina Foods Inc 348,358
Gilbert McGloan Gillis in trust for
Mogens Givskud Co Ltd et al 230,000
Lavery de Billy LLP in trust for
Provalcid Inc 50,000
Payments under $1,000 (6) 2,444
Subtotal 685,796
Settlements subject to publication exemption
Names withheld (26) 1,447,382
Total 2,677,569
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship
Department of Citizenship and Immigration
Reimbursement of expenses related to an administrative error with a passport
Bellemare M 1,271
Bouchard C 2,105
Butler L C 4,917
Campbell A R 7,562
Campbell N A 1,750
Inman K W 2,254
Juneau C 1,463
Lukas J 5,510
Moon H 1,291
Parmar R 1,442
Satkunarajah M 2,189
Siegfried T 5,624
Payments under $1,000 (24) 7,224
Subtotal 44,602
Immigration and Refugee Board
Out-of-court settlement for claim related to employment matters
Wex R 1,619
Settlement by public order of the Canadian International Trade Tribunal (File no. PR 2020-035)
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) 144,320
Payments under $1,000 (3) 1,202
Subtotal 147,141
Settlements subject to publication exemption
Names withheld (8) 396,545
Total 588,288
Indigenous Services
Department of Indigenous Services
Settlement of claim related to a grievance
Kazamer C 17,867
Serkoak K 10,000
Stevenson R 10,000
Settlement of a claim related to damage to personal property
Wang T 1,800
Settlement of a claim related to interest costs
BC Housing Management Commission 415,000
Settlement of a claim related to loss of personal property
Goertzen T 1,225
Settlement of a claim related to the First Nations Child and Family Services, Jordan's Principle, and Trout Class Action
CIBC Trust Corporation for
Assembly of First Nations, Bach ADL, Buffalo C, Buffalo-Jackson N, Jackson DE, Jackson R, Meawasige J, Meawasige JJ, Moushoom X, Osachoff K, Trout ZJ, Walterson M 23,343,940,000
Settlement of a claim related to trespass and damages from landfill
Ashcroft & Company in Trust for
Union Bar First Nation 100,000
Settlement of claim related to alleged mismanagement of oil and gas resources
Samson Cree Nation 134,000,000
Settlement of claim related to railway right-of-way
Ron S. Maurice Professional Corporation for
Swan Lake First Nation 530,000
Settlement of claim related to shoreline erosion to an on-reserve lot
Baker D and Baker J 15,000
Payments under $1,000 (7) 1,503
Subtotal 23,479,042,395
Settlements subject to publication exemption
Names withheld (6) 3,114,954
Total 23,482,157,349
Innovation, Science and Industry
Department of Industry
Settlement of claim following the decontamination of land due to an accidental spill
Sintra Inc 2,293
Settlement of claim from the Competition Tribunal related to mergers
Shaw Cablesystems GP 3,253,107
Lax O'Sullivan Lisus Gottlieb LLP in trust for
Rogers Communications Inc 9,712,873
Payment under $1,000 42
Subtotal 12,968,315
National Research Council of Canada
Settlement of claim related to vendor dispute
Leo-Pisces Services Group Inc 46,433
Payment under $1,000 140
Subtotal 46,573
Statistics Canada
Payments under $1,000 (13) 4,668
Settlements subject to publication exemption
Names withheld (18) 319,216
Total 13,338,772
Department of Justice
Payments under $1,000 (6) 3,020
Canadian Human Rights Commission
Payment under $1,000 700
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions
Compensation for costs associated to damage of a public accommodation
Qikiqtaaluk Corporation 1,000
Settlement of claim related to employment
St-Cyr B 1,457
Straub S 3,610
Subtotal 6,067
Settlements subject to publication exemption
Names withheld (8) 52,577
Total 62,364
National Defence
Department of National Defence
Ongoing personal injury/disability payments to civilians from Germany
UVB Unfallverscherung Bund und Bahn 51,067
Operation NEON vehicle rental, Office of the Procurement Ombud complaint
Newland Corporation 64,720
Payment for damages to personal property during shipping
Labelle T 3,454
Payment for environmental damages in Germany
Bundesanstalt für Immobilienaufgaben (BImA) Nürnberg 191,088
Reimbursement of expenses funeral expenses
Beechwood Funeral Cemetery and Cremation Services 2,165
Settlement for insurance deductible on rental car
Enterprise Holdings Inc 16,321
Settlement for reimbursement of health claim
Minister of Finance, Province of British Colombia 2,422
Settlement of claim as a result of personal injuries
Richard S 50,000
McKenzie Lake Lawyers LLP in trust for
Boyd G, Boyd L 674,311
Pressé Mason Barristers and Solicitors in trust for
Landry B 50,000
Preszler Injury Lawyers in trust for
Pettipas J 210,000
Pretsell Davies Thompson LLP in trust for
Shaw M 100,000
Valent Legal Injury Lawyers in trust for
Park R 25,000
Venedam L 25,000
Van Dyke Law in trust for
Hunt K 250,000
Settlement of claim due to breach of contract
Aird & Berlis LLP in trust for
Reuters 1,300
Settlement of claim for damage to personal property
Cicero N 2,237
Jiang Y 5,927
Plante A 1,500
Transports et Mobilité durable Québec 9,862
Sandy's Auto Parts for
Duffney C 17,034
Settlement of claim for damage to property
Gay K 3,176
Ground Up Enterprises 5,314
Guigue D 1,717
McDonald's 6,683
Reicker K 29,312
Settlement of claim for damage to rental property
Pangnirtung Inuit Co-operative Limited 4,978
United Rentals Inc 13,977
Settlement of claim for damage to rental vehicle
Budgetcar Inc 48,616
Enterprise Holdings Inc 59,703
Settlement of claim for legal costs
Cote J 2,126
Settlement of claim for loss of personal property
Bailey C 23,360
Barkman J 1,629
Bernard M 6,658
Bibeau T 13,659
Calder A 2,250
Cartier I 7,637
Dunn T 14,499
Eldridge B 48,577
Espanola P 22,796
Fontaine D 2,515
Fraser C 7,152
Friars F, Friars T 42,043
Grewal H 25,138
Grigorescu V 7,515
Hayton D, Hayton M 9,815
Henrikson T 2,488
Hui K 41,569
Kaushal N 3,379
Logan C 11,962
Lowe C 15,843
MacDonald S 13,559
MacKinnon D 1,469
Nam J 17,875
Nicholson J 3,863
Ortiz P 5,296
Paul A 2,069
Payne K 2,672
Poirier D 10,558
Poulin R 15,049
Prud'homme A 5,635
Rheault N 12,129
Russell J 49,362
Salustro P 3,697
Senchuk M 15,901
Souphavongxay T 4,228
Tardiff J 6,740
Theriault A 5,293
Tremblay M 11,798
Woodhouse W 4,566
Yoon S 2,388
Yuen J 1,039
Settlement of claim for motor vehicle accident
Circle K Stores and Alimentation Couche-Tard 7,815
City of Surrey 5,982
Gashi F 155,687
Goettmann L 5,258
O'Regan's Automotive Group 5,531
Aviva Canada in trust for
Dooks D, Dooks D 2,746
Fririch L 1,998
Kikuchi D 3,878
Economical Insurance in trust for
Scholten D 2,330
Intact Insurance Company in trust for
Altaher M 17,013
Paquette T 5,426
Manitoba Public Insurance in trust for
Garg D 9,998
Gillis J 4,374
Landry E 2,595
Pressé Mason Barristers and Solicitors in trust for
Smith G 30,000
The Personal Insurance Company in trust for
Barrett J 4,736
Wawanesa Insurance in trust for
Flowers-Smith B 4,778
Zurich Compagnie d'Assurances SA in trust for
Westcan Bulk Transport Ltd 4,642
Settlement of claim for stolen rental vehicles
Rent a Car Canada 59,995
Settlement of claim related to negligent misrepresentation
Abdo A 9,581
Payments under $1,000 (119) 100,882
Subtotal 2,879,925
Settlement of claims related to Heyder Beattie Class Action
Names withheld (3,146) 93,400,000
Settlements subject to publication exemption
Names withheld (61) 4,228,540
Total 100,508,465
National Revenue
Canada Revenue Agency
Payments under $1,000 (33) 3,732
Settlements subject to publication exemption
Names withheld (28) 618,668
Total 622,400
Natural Resources
Department of Natural Resources
Payment to Manitoba as part of an agreement that includes a settlement and release from claims related to Soldier Settlement Board mineral rights Province of Manitoba 21,627
Settlements subject to publication exemption
Names withheld (33) 971,991
Total 993,618
Office of the Governor General's Secretary
Office of the Governor General's Secretary
Settlement of claim for damage to personal property
Mikhail D 1,200
Settlements subject to publication exemption
Names withheld (18) 1,593,483
Privy Council
Settlement subject to publication exemption
Name withheld 40,000
Public Safety, Democratic Institutions and Intergovernmental Affairs
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
Payment under $1,000 960
Canada Border Services Agency
Compensation for an accident involving a Crown vehicle
ACE American Insurance Company for
Cunningham C 24,019
Intact Insurance Company for
Nicol C 2,707
Northbridge General Insurance Corporation for
Crooks A 2,415
Compensation for damages to a vehicle
Abdulahi N 10,000
Lauzon R 2,538
Misko R 1,222
Nandha S 1,359
Tavares Jacquez D 1,082
Compensation for damages to personal property
Alavi-Mehr K 19,950
Tozer N 1,070
Compensation for losses and damages to personal property
Nguyen A 3,936
Compensation for personal financial loss
Hildebrand H 5,911
Singh R 1,332
Taliani E 9,717
Decision by the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board in a grievance matter
Gallinger I 18,750
Gresley-Jones T 22,025
Grierson-Heffernan K 49,168
Grootjes D 20,220
Shreedhar N 1,007
Payments under $1,000 (49) 15,168
Subtotal 213,596
Correctional Service of Canada
Compensation for damage to vehicle
Manitoba Public Insurance 8,422
Settlement of claim related to grievances before the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board
Canning P 103,826
Settlement of motor vehicle accidents
TD Insurance for
Gorbahn G 2,570
Payments under $1,000 (624) 112,255
Subtotal 227,073
Office of the Chief Electoral Officer
Payment under $1,000 386
Office of the Correctional Investigator of Canada
Payment under $1,000 800
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Settlement for losses of private property held under custody
Heintzman D 1,150
Jensen D 2,200
Kebede M 2,680
Mack N 1,200
Ottenbreit G 1,070
Purcell A 1,104
Shykitka R 1,301
Steinkey B 2,347
Tabet M 5,025
Settlement of claim arising from a motor vehicle accident
Baker G 3,850
Ball D 3,330
Blennerhasset C 1,365
City of Winnipeg 4,187
Colonna J 3,700
Dhaliwal K 1,000
Direct Limited Partnership 10,403
Greenlaw C 2,126
Harden C 6,803
Hertz Canada 2,821
Jesso D 4,345
Johnson C 2,319
Karimi A 25,000
Lambert P 1,629
Lamoureux C 2,950
Lang D 2,312
Lefebvre C 3,105
Mailman M 4,983
McMahon K 2,246
Michaud J 2,037
Province of Nova Scotia 2,550
Robinson H 1,594
Saittuq I 2,371
Stokes S 2,500
Surette H 2,439
Thorne D 2,301
Veikle K 1,124
Village of Innisfree 17,294
Walker V 3,035
Alberta Motor Association Insurance Company for
Dueck P 30,843
Kearney M 4,001
Kwong J 1,853
Aviva Canada for
Parrish-Campbell D 1,345
Skinner G, Skinner D 5,758
Wiens K 1,553
Carrot River Auto Body for
Lindsay R 1,580
Carstar St Stephen for
Grant-MacDonald A 2,312
Charles R LeBlanc c p Inc in trust for
St-Pierre L 1,000
Chubb Insurance Company of Canada for
Bartock A 5,537
Co-operators General Insurance Company for
Adams K 4,360
Ahmed H 15,665
Little J 7,425
McInnes S 1,369
Rich G, Rich P 5,944
Soloy S 2,444
Crawford & Company for
Maple Leaf Agri-Farms 100,286
CSN Precision Grand Falls for
Larouche M 3,440
Economical Insurance for
Craig J 4,552
Gauthier C 14,041
Fix Auto Summerside for
Ramsey K 2,133
Humboldt Motors for
Maki J 4,123
Insurance Corporation of British Columbia for
Jordan C 3,921
Trudell Healthcare Solutions Inc 3,002
Intact Insurance Company for
2146969 Alberta Ltd 5,343
Abbaszadeh F 15,040
Abiog L 6,985
Alook S 22,988
Bailey G 3,023
Butt J, Butt M 2,868
Hall D 5,999
Jackson D 2,992
Lagacé M 1,175
Minn N 4,376
Swain K 6,333
Thompson S 21,599
Uppal A 12,014
Kipp Scott GMC for
Stangness J 1,601
Manitoba Public Insurance for
Aguilar E 8,133
Beardy M 6,183
Belanger P 8,861
Boardman J 4,974
Dion E 1,107
Enns E 9,370
Fisher T 1,593
Funk D 4,087
Gray T 13,269
Lundie D 27,425
Maple Leaf Agri-Farms 42,933
Mason J 34,472
McLeod G 3,784
Molley K 6,763
Pembina Trails School Division 2,967
Sandison J 11,518
Sherring R 7,617
St Germain L 3,112
Mesa at Crystal Shores for
Curwin A 2,614
Millennium Insurance Corporation for
Altares C 3,498
O'Regan's Collision Centre for
Blennerhasset C 2,045
Peace Hills Insurance Company for
Berg N 32,820
Pembridge Insurance Company for
Townsend L 2,695
Primmum Insurance Company for
Vaides-Vasquez J 25,158
Risk and Recovery Inc for
Province of Alberta 19,196
Saskatchewan Government Insurance for
Budan S 4,110
Buot V 3,307
Chansler C 3,867
Crawford E 4,348
Deg H 3,157
Haugrud A 2,579
Irving J 3,696
Keewatin J 13,085
Laliberte T 6,771
Lascelles T 4,862
Linklater S 15,143
Mowskwa A 16,727
Nash L 4,518
Nasir F 7,135
Palchinski S 14,277
Pedersen T 2,137
Perry A 2,749
Roodt A 8,447
Roy T 2,728
SaskPower 28,647
Sayisi Dene Land Claims Secretariat 1,437
Seguin J 3,113
Srey R 1,549
Tinker A 7,422
Security National Insurance Company for
Mackenzie I 4,534
Payne M, Surette H 5,864
Ramakrishnan A 5,909
Superior Auto Body for
Thibault J 6,240
TD Insurance for
Bibeau G 3,120
Decoste L 1,673
The Personal Insurance Company for
Duguay C 4,039
Ohlhauser J 3,559
Unifund Assurance Company for
Legere K 7,581
Wawanesa Insurance for
Anderson D 5,617
Dacey T 2,607
Dand L 5,960
Dubuc T 4,967
Langlois S 1,537
Leblanc C 4,440
Quirico B 1,661
West Perimeter Auto Service and Collision Centre for
Albiani C 2,923
Yanko & Popovic Barristers & Solicitors in trust for
Moore D 180,000
Settlement of claim for breach of contract
Stor-it Systems Ltd 2,800
The Good Samaritan Society for
Olfert G 27,296
Settlement of claim for loss of servants' effects
Dorrington N 1,010
Paddick I 1,342
Settlement of claim for personal injury
Ernst K 7,077
Gange Collins & Associates in trust for
Huber S 201,590
Peter Sorensen in trust for
Beune D 5,000
Settlement of claim for property damage
Adams R 1,300
Adarkwa K 1,776
Alcock S 2,717
Allen J 1,229
Anderson L 2,047
Anderson M 5,651
Anderson T 1,664
Andrea G 2,730
Andries D 1,563
Anoku P 1,853
Arcand-Kootenay B 2,802
Archer R 1,925
Arrol R 1,292
Asirifi O 1,643
Athwal G 2,784
Aubin C 2,625
Bacira E 2,218
Bains H 9,766
Bains M 3,025
Bains R 1,511
Baker S 1,982
Ball J 1,279
Banff Airporter Inc 2,140
Banman G 2,936
Barber E 2,521
Barborka R 1,591
Barclay-Rosher M 1,664
Bartlett J 1,411
Baumann J 1,234
Bearspaw First Nation 10,491
Beaubien S 1,923
Beaulieu A 1,670
Becker R 1,925
Beesley K 1,959
Benko N 2,618
Biehn K 1,785
Bishop C 1,711
Bjarnason J 1,410
Blachford K 1,890
Blanchet S 2,940
Blazin Beads Welding Inc 2,488
Boivin J 1,616
Bolan B 2,712
Boles M 2,161
Boparai B 1,336
Borean F 3,870
Borgford C 1,570
Boucher G 2,570
Bourassa R 1,664
Bourke A 1,502
Bowers S 2,734
Bozarth M 1,470
Brad R 2,063
Bradley R 1,534
Brandsma C 1,730
Breecher M 2,450
Briegel R 1,549
Brochu K 1,452
Brook C 2,729
Brossart T 1,798
Brown J 1,943
Brown J, Brown K 1,781
Brunet A 2,651
Bullock S 1,480
Burley K 1,655
Butland G 1,061
Cameron M 1,742
Campbell J 2,263
Campbell M 2,742
Cardinal M 2,189
Chan W 2,753
Chase S 1,167
Christian A 1,791
Christoff P 2,805
City of New Westminster 11,000
Cormier M 2,678
Croden L 2,675
Crosby C 1,943
Crossey D 1,475
Currie C 1,298
Curtis C 1,813
Dakin K 2,607
Daley L 2,677
Dao M 1,411
Day D 2,362
Day M 2,456
Dayton L 2,707
DeBoer B 2,464
DeGagne P 2,226
Delissen B 1,925
Deonarain S 2,638
Depot S 2,494
Desjarlais F 1,547
Deveau J 2,691
Dinelle R 2,524
Dokmanovic P 2,100
Drost A 2,143
Dufour M 1,916
Dunn M 1,423
Dusseault D 1,643
Dyck T 1,759
Eaton D 1,643
Egilsson K 1,347
Eischen G 2,368
Elaaoud K 2,194
Elder S 3,525
Elgert H 1,191
Ellingson C 1,777
Embree T 1,799
Enterprise Rent-A-Car 1,238
Epp K 1,515
Erickson S 1,177
Ernst J 1,785
Espinoza S 2,609
Estate Mechanical Services 2,935
Evans J 5,189
Ewaskiw A 1,977
Fahmy S 1,924
Fairlie J 2,838
Falardeau C 2,146
Fallscheer J 1,416
Fandrick B 2,727
Farkas Z 1,533
Ferbey L 2,121
Ferguson P 1,785
Ferguson R 2,574
Fernandez Z 1,417
Fischer G 1,974
Forsyth C 1,543
Fortune Oilfield Construction Ltd 1,916
Foster B 1,717
Francis C 1,622
Frere T 1,831
Friesen N 2,153
Frigault T 2,700
Frolick C 2,578
Frontier Chrysler Ltd 85,000
Gallacher R 1,614
Galloway A 2,717
Galpin C 2,216
Garand R 2,420
Gardiner B 1,159
Geldreich K 2,533
Getson B 2,667
Gibbs E 2,362
Giesbrecht C 2,306
Gilbert T 1,572
Gilks J 3,310
Gill K 2,079
Gillette S 1,306
Gnauck J 1,643
Gommerud M 1,317
Gordon T 3,191
Gosselin J 2,216
Gough A 2,420
Government of Yukon 533,510
Graville K 1,740
Green C 1,150
Griesser P 1,102
Grusha T 1,422
Halvorson M 2,352
Hansen R 1,960
Harris J 1,182
Hauck R 1,465
Hayne M 1,147
Head J 1,685
Head S 1,737
Hebert C 1,422
Hein D 2,037
Henderson S 2,547
Hergot W 2,351
Herle L 1,816
Hernandez-Rosas K 1,664
Hertz Canada 2,324
Higginson A 2,957
Hofer B 1,872
Hofer R 3,446
Hofmann U 2,000
Hogan N 2,510
Holmen M 1,401
Holmes V 2,290
Holmstrom B 1,481
Homeniuk S 2,244
Hordenchuk C 2,116
Hotte G 42,020
Houle D 1,238
Houweling J 1,146
Hunt A 3,500
Jack K 1,945
Jackson J 1,229
Jackson R 1,922
Jacobsen J 1,729
Jain E 1,544
Jaswal K 2,037
Jensen J 4,113
Jinks W 1,990
Johnson J 2,413
Jones C 1,480
Jones D 1,482
Jonkman B 2,792
Kain L 2,092
Kalair J 1,987
Katerenchuk J 1,643
Kaufman S 1,043
Keewatin D 2,657
Kelts A 2,478
Khandual J 2,100
Kilbride C 2,439
Killoran K 1,457
Kinney C 1,422
Kinsella D 2,692
Klassen B 1,856
Knight T 1,297
Knull A 1,643
Koehn C 1,985
Koenig M 1,643
Kowalchuk S 2,048
Krause E 2,555
Kubinchak T 2,341
Laboucan S 1,625
LaDouceur N 6,078
Lafferty T 2,410
Lalonde L 1,292
Landon D 1,753
Lane R 1,460
Lange J 2,714
Langevin J 2,365
LaPointe J 1,995
Laron A 2,037
Larson G 2,177
Lauritsen C 1,400
Lausen R 1,634
LaVoie R 2,108
Laybourne K 2,415
Lebreton N 1,201
Ledoux L 1,153
Lee B 3,272
Leedale Farming Co Ltd 1,297
Lein K 1,995
Leliuk R 1,827
Libbus J 2,234
Lippai L 1,306
Lishchynsky C 1,797
Lobe J 2,028
Lockyer J 1,743
Loewen H 1,831
Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary School 1,000
Lorimer G 2,796
Loziak P 2,007
Lubkey S 2,126
Lubyk K 1,838
Lunardi C 2,206
Lussier B 2,567
MacDonell B 18,191
MacLean W 1,996
MacPherson D 1,533
MacQueen S 1,890
Malitowski S 1,203
Mann R 1,259
Marshall D 1,306
Martens W 5,668
Maru A 2,564
McCaffrey J 1,549
McCarthy C 2,956
McClements S 2,835
McCoy T 2,022
McEachren J 1,628
McGladdery G 1,890
McKay S 2,472
McKinney J 1,703
McNeil K 1,943
McPherson S 1,789
MDP Oilfields Services Ltd 2,652
Melnichuk A 2,095
Merrill A 1,444
Meteghan Fire Department 7,321
Michel L 1,057
Migliarese N 2,410
Mika N 2,153
Minde C 1,654
Minhas S 1,300
Minnie W 1,523
Mirhashem S 1,997
Monteith M 2,615
Moore L 1,591
Moostoos L 2,786
Morris J 1,643
Mrazek Z 2,636
Murdoch J 1,955
Murphy S 2,016
Murray N 2,351
Nagra T 2,171
Nayyer P 3,430
Nelson E 2,336
Neville M 1,475
Nguyen D 2,182
Niblow C 2,022
Normand A 2,105
Norris J 1,612
NPA Ltd 2,850
Obrigewitsch D 1,839
O'Bryan J 1,201
Odehnal A 1,362
Ogle K 2,453
Olsen E 1,018
Onieu G 2,808
Oseen M 2,079
Oskatamin A 1,548
Ostertag T 3,330
Paige M 2,362
Pak D 1,689
Pankrat R 2,243
Pap S 2,800
Parsons D 1,943
Patel T 2,661
Penner J 1,612
Perrault S 1,502
Peters J 2,198
Peterson M 1,733
Peterson R 2,576
Phillips C 1,444
Phillips R 1,880
Pochapsky W 1,043
Polar AG Ltd 1,643
Porteous T 2,578
Post R 1,743
Presiloski K 2,092
Prior W, Prior B 5,635
Process Plant Constructors Ltd 1,730
Proctor C 1,402
Pruden M 1,858
Prylowski W 1,470
Pudlo B 2,100
Pullman S 1,787
Quiambao C 1,543
Quinney C 1,000
Quinsona J 1,401
Rathwell B 1,192
Realty Executives Focus 4,914
Rechlo L 1,229
Recinto R 1,496
Rees R 3,338
Reid H 2,117
Rempel R 2,412
Richards C 2,365
Ringwall T 2,807
Rizzoli B 2,583
Roberts R 2,618
Rodgers D 1,270
Roen A 2,742
Rogers D, Rogers P 17,000
Rosales R 1,701
Rosgen P 2,214
Ross P 2,275
Rousseau S 2,462
Rowe N 1,575
Rowsell G 1,463
Ruff J 2,693
Rushton J 1,365
Rustam-Zada J 2,100
Saini R 1,998
Sanderson S 2,888
Savoie L 2,729
Sawatzky C 1,727
Schlack L 2,000
Schulein M 1,942
Scott R 1,397
Scrimgeour A 2,802
Seiwert A 2,481
Serquina J 1,470
Seymour K 1,575
Sharma A 1,136
Sharp M 2,173
Shaw C 1,870
Shaw J 2,627
Sheen R 1,898
Shepherd R 1,596
Shore K 3,095
Sidhu H 2,871
Simms B 1,837
Sinclaire L 1,948
Singh R 1,769
Singh S 1,076
Singh T 2,056
Slobodskaya E 2,185
Smith K 1,418
Snellen L 2,683
Snodgrass D 1,229
Soltys A 2,707
Sontag W 1,659
Spittle C 1,366
Squarebriggs M 2,478
Squire R 1,758
Ssembuusi A 2,872
Stavropoulos A 1,890
Stewart J 2,578
Stoesz A 1,664
Stojkovich A 2,126
Strand L 1,042
Strome J 2,000
Sts'ailes 6,358
Suek A 1,404
Sullivan K 2,631
Sundramoorthi K 2,673
Surry J 1,958
Swan D 1,664
Swystun H 1,040
Tan M 2,048
Tapley D 2,603
Teplova T 1,801
Thakkar R 2,604
Thompson N 2,607
Timm G 2,336
Toronto Standard Condominium Corporation No 2165 1,838
Tremblay L 2,579
Trudell B 1,264
Trynchuk P 2,286
Tunke F 2,766
Turner R 1,826
Ulvstal M 1,467
Umrysh K 2,750
Uniac T 1,877
Van der Zwan J 1,417
Van Haesendonck T 2,549
Van Oostwaard J 1,721
Vanas K 1,507
Vanderzwaag W 1,811
Vanhorne S 2,158
Veenendaal N 1,224
Viney S 1,454
Wagar M 1,346
Wakeling D 1,575
Waldner J 2,000
Wanke H 2,143
Warchol J 1,976
Watson C 1,725
Webb C 2,900
Wedrick T 1,575
Weidmark T 2,172
Wells M 1,882
Werenka R 2,415
White B 2,809
Whitford D 3,015
Whitman M 2,231
Wilkins T 1,643
Wirring H 1,986
Wirtz J 3,130
Wolitski S 2,665
Wood M 2,410
Worona B 1,481
Wright A 2,713
Wutzke J 1,908
Yakiwchuk J 1,693
Yamada M 2,863
Yanota N 1,643
Yeats J 1,411
Yellow Old Woman S 1,810
Young D 1,493
Young M 1,906
Zandbergen K 1,791
Zatelny L 1,654
Zezel C 2,162
Allan Kay in trust for
Cressman W 2,638
Montgomery G 1,901
Pfefferie F 2,564
Rabbitt P 1,596
Vanstone C 1,992
Alora Condominium for
Connor K 1,664
Brado Contracting Ltd for
Hadfield N 1,892
Bruce Harbin Welding Ltd for
Ponoka Centennial Centre for Mental Health and Brain Injury 1,537
ClaimsPro for
Purcell D, 1271167 BC Ltd 8,650
Country Towing Inc for
Maendel N 10,000
D K Ford Sales Ltd for
Andrukonis C 2,038
Dado Construction Ltd for
Braden L 4,116
Dauphin Towing for
Bradshaw R 2,000
Garrison Well Servicing for
Cooper J 1,470
Ketek Logistics for
Hutchison S 1,423
Pioneer Garage Limited for
Dhaliwal R 1,808
Popow & Sons Body Shop Ltd for
Vold D 1,391
Rafter T Contracting Ltd for
Short R 3,167
Red Arrow Electric Inc for
Lambert B 1,421
Roadrunners Towing for
Faulkner S 2,665
Saskatchewan Government Insurance for
Apperley Electric Ltd 5,353
SMG Enterprises Ltd for
Lange M 3,675
Tony's Towing Ltd for
Lightning P 1,522
Tuber Towing & Recovery for
Oliver M 1,336
Universal Restoration Systems Ltd for
Hadfield N 3,482
Payments under $1,000 (154) 68,919
Subtotal 3,243,393
Settlements subject to publication exemption
Names withheld (324) 14,584,564
Total 18,270,772
Public Services and Procurement
Department of Public Works and Government Services
Payments under $1,000 (2) 978
Settlements subject to publication exemption
Names withheld (18) 587,886
Total 588,864
Department of Transport
Accident involving a Crown vehicle
Co-operators General Insurance Company for
Coueslan J 2,522
Payments under $1,000 (2) 1,079
Subtotal 3,601
Settlements subject to publication exemption
Names withheld (4) 275,424
Total 279,025
Treasury Board
Treasury Board Secretariat
Settlement of a claim related to a complaint before the Canadian International Trade Tribunal
Eight Bells Consulting Services Incorporated 1,150
Canada School of Public Service
Payment under $1,000 374
Settlement subject to publication exemption
Name withheld 20,000
Total 21,524
Veterans Affairs
Department of Veterans Affairs
Payments under $1,000 (2) 1,216
Settlements subject to publication exemption
Names withheld (6) 894,935
Total 896,151
Other Payments of claims against the crown
Settlement of Phoenix-related damages
Names withheld (745) 1,141,124
Total 32,910,237,690

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