Ex gratia payments

Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume III—Top of the page Navigation

This statement provides, by ministry and by department and agencies, details for all ex gratia payments of $100 or over. Payments of less than $100 are reported as one amount at the end of each department and agency, together with the total number of such payments. For the purposes of this statement, an ex gratia payment is a discretionary payment, made as an act of benevolence in the public interest, free of any legal obligation, whether or not any value or service has been received. Where the situation warrants non-disclosure, the recipient's name may be withheld from publication.

Table 1Ex gratia payments
(in dollars)

Description and payee Amount
Canadian Heritage
The National Battlefields Commission
Grenon M 250
Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Canadian High Arctic Research Station
Honorariums and gifts to First Nations, Inuit or Métis
Names withheld (6) 600
Payments under $100 (16) 960
Total 1,560
Employment and Workforce Development
Department of Employment and Social Development
Payments under $100 (2) 69
Environment and Climate Change
Department of the Environment
Compensation following the impacts of security measures related to United Nations Biodiversity Conference (COP 15) in Montreal
Mazloumian N 3,961
Société en commandite Restaurant Toqué 15,227
Subtotal 19,188
Parks Canada Agency
Buyout of a property lease
Bullock A & G 554,000
Total 573,188
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions
Honorarium and gift to First Nations, Inuit or Métis
Name withheld 500
Global Affairs
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development
Payment for Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Bio-Circular-Green
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 60,026
Payments subject to publication exemption
Names withheld (8) 96,549
Total 156,575
Public Health Agency of Canada
Compensation related to cancellation fees
Government of Nunavut 571
Payment subject to publication exemption
Name withheld 250,000
Total 250,571
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship
Payments subject to publication exemption
Names withheld (5) 1,300
Innovation, Science and Industry
Canadian Space Agency
Honorarium and gift to First Nations, Inuit or Métis
Name withheld 800
Payments subject to publication exemption
Name withheld 1,474
Total 2,274
Department of Justice
Honorariums and gifts to First Nations, Inuit or Métis
Names withheld (17) 18,771
Payments under $100 (9) 523
Subtotal 19,294
Payment subject to publication exemption
Name withheld 268
Total 19,562
National Defence
Department of National Defence
Claim for guest of Canadian Armed Forces member for travel to Canadian Armed Forces Recognition Program
Beer B 1,130
BlueCoat C 985
Buckle J 730
Cameron E 936
Chenier M 1,170
Gleerup J 1,803
Julien J 465
Langridge J 1,072
LeBlanc A 754
Leblanc S 1,036
McFarlane J 214
Murphy D 669
Townshend-James M 1,331
Villeneuve N 614
Villeneuve R 864
White E 273
Wong K 450
Compensation for legal costs
Langlois Lawyers LLP 210,224
Compensation for personal injuries
Thomson R 32,571
Subtotal 257,291
Payments subject to publication exemption
Names withheld (14) 120,987
Total 378,278
Natural Resources
Department of Natural Resources
Payment to replace damaged ENERGY STAR contest prize
Danby Products Limited 389
Payments subject to publication exemption
Names withheld (129) 1,569,852
Total 1,570,241
Office of the Governor General's Secretary
Office of the Governor General's Secretary
Honorariums and gifts to First Nations, Inuit or Métis
Names withheld (4) 1,300
Reimbursement of lost items
Daniel P 348
Payment subject to publication exemption
Name withheld 24,000
Total 24,348
Public Safety, Democratic Institutions and Intergovernmental Affairs
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
Compensation for travel-related financial loss
Tupper S 558
Compensation to the City of Gatineau for costs related to the 2022 Convoy
City of Gatineau 671,833
Subtotal 672,391
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Compensation for property damage
Lott G 726
Compensation for an administrative error
RPM Accounting Services Inc for
Magliaro C 5,000
Subtotal 5,726
Total 678,117
Total 3,658,133

Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume III—Bottom of the page Navigation

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