Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard

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This statement presents, by province and territory, and for each federal-provincial shared-cost program, the current year and previous year expenditures and the expenditures from inception of the program. Programs are reported year after year until completion, even if there is no expenditure in a given year. An (f) adjacent to the total expenditures from inception indicates the programs completed in the current year. An (a) adjacent to the total expenditures from inception indicates that an amount from the previous year's Public Accounts of Canada has been amended.

Table 1:(in thousands of dollars)Links to footnote * in table 1

Department and agency Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia Total provinces Northwest Territories Nunavut Yukon Territory Total
Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard
Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Annual Fisheries Production Data and Supplemental Price Information for Commercial Fisheries in British Columbia
2023–2024 62 62 62
2022–2023 82 82 82
Expenditures from inception 303 303 303
Atlantic Fisheries Fund (AFF)
2023–2024 14,339 3,101 12,262 13,079 84 282 43,147 12 43,159
2022–2023 8,339 2,549 11,336 8,592 222 31,038 5 31,043
Expenditures from inception 65,061 19,958 69,643 49,229 84 637 204,612 35 204,647
British Columbia Department of Fisheries and Oceans Aquaculture Alternative Technologies agreement
2022–2023 50 50 50
Expenditures from inception 50 50 50
British Columbia Flood Recovery
2023–2024 500 500 500
2022–2023 250 250 250
Expenditures from inception 750 750 750
British Columbia Invasive Mussel Defence Program–2022
2022–2023 475 475 475
Expenditures from inception 475 475 475Link to table note (f)
British Columbia's Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector, 2022 edition
2022–2023 25 25 25
Expenditures from inception 25 25 25
British Columbia Salmon Restoration and Innovation Funds
2023–2024 50,202 50,202 50,202
2022–2023 25,896 25,896 25,896
Expenditures from inception 121,895 121,895 121,895
Canada–Quebec Agreement for the Protection and Recovery of Species at Risk in Quebec
Expenditures from inception 4,142 4,142 4,142Link to table note (f)
Canada–Quebec Agreement on the St-Lawrence
2023–2024 3,280 3,280 3,280
2022–2023 3,050 3,050 3,050
Expenditures from inception 21,630 21,630 21,630
Carnation Creek Fish-Forestry Interaction Project
2023–2024 85 85 85
2022–2023 85 85 85
Expenditures from inception 412 412 412Link to table note (f)
Cumulative Impact Monitoring Program
2023–2024 605 605
2022–2023 300 300
Expenditures from inception 3,482 3,482
Delivery of Department of Fisheries and Oceans Programs by Government of Nunavut, Department of Environment within and immediately adjacent to Nunavut
2023–2024 150 150
2022–2023 150 150
Expenditures from inception 450 450
Fish Habitat Management System for Yukon Placer Mining
2023–2024 105 105
2022–2023 105 105
Expenditures from inception 105 315 420
Fish Health Diagnostic Services with British Columbia Ministry of Aquaculture
2023–2024 149 149 149
2022–2023 171 171 171
Expenditures from inception 1,023 1,023 1,023
Government of Nunavut Participation in Marine Planning and Conservation
2023–2024 864 864
2022–2023 345 345
Expenditures from inception 1,213 1,213
Operation of the Allco Hatchery in Maple Ridge (British Columbia)
2023–2024 25 25 25
2022–2023 25 25 25
Expenditures from inception 200 200 200
Population Structure and Stock Identification of Skeena River Steelhead
2023–2024 2 2 2
2022–2023 2 2 2
Expenditures from inception 22 22 22Link to table note (f)
Prince Edward Island Aquaculture Leasing Program
2023–2024 155 155 155
2022–2023 155 155 155Link to table note (a)
Expenditures from inception 3,961 3,961 3,961Link to table note (a)
Pygmy Whitefish and Deepwater Sculpin Survey
2023–2024 25 25 25
Expenditures from inception 25 25 25
Quebec Fisheries Fund (QFF)
2023–2024 4,712 4,712 4,712
2022–2023 3,573 3,573 3,573
Expenditures from inception 16,730 16,730 16,730
Respecting Priority Species at Risk (2023–2024) (#1)
Expenditures from inception 366 366 366Link to table note (f)
Respecting Priority Species at Risk (2021–2022) (#1)
Expenditures from inception 430 430 430
Respecting Priority Species at Risk (2022–2023) #1 (British Columbia)
2022–2023 410 410 410
Expenditures from inception 410 410 410
Respecting Priority Species at Risk (2022–2023) #1 (Yukon)
2022–2023 100 100
Expenditures from inception 100 100
Respecting Priority Species at Risk (2023–2024) #1
2023–2024 499 499 499
Expenditures from inception 499 499 499
Skeena River Tyee Test Fishery
2023–2024 307 307 307
2022–2023 298 298 298
Expenditures from inception 605 605 605
Species at Risk
2023–2024 16 16 16
2022–2023 85 85 85
Expenditures from inception 411 411 411
Statistical Management of Commercial Fisheries in Quebec
2023–2024 53 53 53
2022–2023 50 50 50
Expenditures from inception 1,231 1,231 1,231
Survey of freshwater recreational fishing in British Columbia.
2023–2024 177 177 177
2022–2023 64 64 64
Expenditures from inception 242 242 242
Survey of the Recreational Fishing in Canada
Expenditures from inception 278 278 278Link to table note (f)
Vessel support for baseline surveys of biota in Canadian Arctic ports and near Nunavut communities
2023–2024 500 500
2022–2023 315 315
Expenditures from inception 1,569 1,569
Total ministry
2023–2024 14,339 3,256 12,262 13,079 8,129 16 25 52,290 103,396 722 1,514 105,632
2022–2023 8,339 2,704 11,336 8,592 6,673 85 28,055 65,784 305 810 205 67,104
Expenditures from inception 65,061 23,919 69,643 49,229 43,817 689 25 128,344 380,727 3,622 3,232 415 387,996

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