Environment and Climate Change

Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume III—Top of the page Navigation

This statement presents, by province and territory, and for each federal-provincial shared-cost program, the current year and previous year expenditures and the expenditures from inception of the program. Programs are reported year after year until completion, even if there is no expenditure in a given year. An (f) adjacent to the total expenditures from inception indicates the programs completed in the current year. An (a) adjacent to the total expenditures from inception indicates that an amount from the previous year's Public Accounts of Canada has been amended.

Table 1:(in thousands of dollars)Links to footnote * in table 1

Department and agency Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia Total provinces Northwest Territories Nunavut Yukon Territory Total
Environment and Climate Change
Department of the Environment
Agreement related to the notification of environmental occurrences
2023–2024 100 13 13 64 87 277 7 284
2022–2023 94 12 12 60 81 259 6 265
Expenditures from inception 630 84 84 413 546 1,757 23 42 1,822
Canada Agreement Concerning the Monitoring of Water Quality St-Lawrence Basin—Atlantic
2023–2024 191 191 191
2022–2023 366 366 366
Expenditures from inception 839 839 839
Canada Agreement with Provinces and Territories Concerning the Monitoring of Water Quality
2023–2024 64 322 47 433 433
2022–2023 49 281 29 359 359
Expenditures from inception 604 2,397 309 1,503 4,813 317 5,130
Canada–Quebec Climate Network Expansion Agreement
2023–2024 240 240 240
2022–2023 239 239 239
Expenditures from inception 10,844 10,844 10,844
Canada–Quebec St-Lawrence Action Plan
2023–2024 4,272 4,272 4,272
2022–2023 4,271 4,271 4,271
Expenditures from inception 71,350 71,350 71,350
Canada–Wide National Air Pollution Surveillance Program
2023–2024 143 238 246 199 1,851 2,812 302 270 771 1,041 7,873 43 14 14 7,944
2022–2023 148 246 254 205 1,911 2,903 312 279 796 1,074 8,128 8,128
Expenditures from inception 1,493 2,488 2,571 2,073 19,324 29,360 3,152 2,820 8,045 10,865 82,191 404 135 135 82,865
Ottawa River Regulation
2023–2024 165 165 330 330
2022–2023 119 119 238 238
Expenditures from inception 3,438 3,438 6,876 6,876
Pulp and Paper
2023–2024 50 50 50
2022–2023 50 50 50
Expenditures from inception 3,972 273 4,245 4,245
SARA—Species at Risk Act
2022–2023 40 40 89 129Link to table note (a)
Expenditures from inception 5,342 40 502 5,884 224 150 201 6,459Link to table note (a)
Wastewater system effluent regulation
2023–2024 37 20 57 57
Expenditures from inception 37 20 57 57
Water Quantity Survey Agreement
2023–2024 561 40 128 421 464 2,220 1,645 2,535 1,486 4,895 14,395 1,500 1,483 17,378
2022–2023 466 38 119 273 1,086 2,313 1,722 2,168 5,640 4,431 18,256 1,579 1,254 21,089
Expenditures from inception 11,126 1,072 3,751 7,123 34,397 62,308 26,724 32,904 47,996 36,746 264,147 15,311 7,999 287,457
Wetland mapping
2023–2024 100 100 100
2022–2023 41 50 60 151 151Link to table note (a)
Expenditures from inception 41 50 60 100 251 251Link to table note (a)Link to table note (f)
Impact Assessment Agency of Canada
James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement
2023–2024 433 433 433
2022–2023 346 346 346
Expenditures from inception 6,127 6,127 6,127
Total ministry
2023–2024 768 600 374 704 7,666 5,297 2,080 2,818 2,321 6,023 28,651 1,543 14 1,504 31,712
2022–2023 663 606 423 567 8,388 5,469 2,046 2,459 6,496 5,586 32,703 1,668 1,260 35,631
Expenditures from inception 13,223 5,998 6,372 9,602 157,136 95,776 30,080 35,808 56,454 48,932 459,381 16,279 285 8,377 484,322

Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume III—Bottom of the page Navigation

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