SACCO 2010-003
Subject: Government of Canada Pension Modernization Project (GCPMP)—Release 2.0—New Data Capture Tool
June 22, 2010 – updated November 30, 2024
- Appendix A – Import file layouts
- Appendix B – Edits
- Appendix C – Salary type code value and description
1. Purpose
The purpose of this special advice is to provide Crown corporations and territorial governments that are not using the new Phoenix pay system which replaced the Regional Pay System (RPS) with instructions regarding the new Data Capture Tool (DCT) for reporting pension information required due to changes in pension legislation that came into force on January 1, 2013 and to communicate the details required for implementation of the changes.
The DCT was implemented in the winter of 2011.
2. Background
The Government of Canada Pension Modernization Project (GCPMP) was established to develop and implement the business transformation and Information Technology solutions for the renewal of the Public Works and Government Services (PWGSC) pension systems and services. This Project has provided a modern pension administration infrastructure through a phased adoption of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) solutions for both the pension administration and the Customer Relationship Management (CRM). The transition to this software solution has been carried out in parallel with the implementation of a rigorous plan to transform the business organization, functions and processes related to pension administration.
In the winter of 2011, PWGSC implemented Penfax, a new software for core public service pension administration. In addition to the Penfax components related to active member accounts, a new software component, the Data Capture Tool (DCT), has also been introduced. It has enabled employers that are not using Phoenix to report Human Resource (HR) and payroll information for all employees. The DCT is used for submitting employee data/information to the new Penfax system.
To administer the public service pension plan efficiently, it is imperative to report all pension data on a monthly basis.
3. Description of changes
3.1. Main changes for Release 2.0
3.1.1. System changes
The Crown Process Improvement (CPI) workbook, Contributor System, Pension Support System and Contributor Verification System have been decommissioned with the implementation of Penfax. With the decommissioning of the CPI workbook, non Phoenix Crown corporations and territorial governments will use the DCT to report human resource and payroll data to the new pension system (Penfax). The DCT is accessible through the new secure Crown Corporation Portal (see ARCHIVED Special Advice to Crown Corporations and Others 2010-002).
Improved system edits and business processes have been introduced to ensure accuracy of data.
Note: The DCT is only accessible to employers who are not using Phoenix.
3.1.2. New business processes
New business processes have been introduced to improve the administration of the pension plan and to provide timely and accurate pension information to plan members. The following identifies the business changes:
- All HR and payroll information is submitted by Crown corporations and territorial governments through the DCT. The Government of Canada Pension Centre (Pension Centre) no longer enters data in the pension system on behalf of employers.
- HR and payroll data is submitted on a monthly basis. However, it is recommended that employers submit the information more frequently to match their payroll run. This enables the Pension Centre to provide member counselling based on current information. It will also allow members to access the most up-to-date pension information once member self-service functionality becomes available.
- First level edits are performed on data as part of the DCT's upload process.
- A new automated contribution variance process has been introduced to verify the integrity of the relationship between contributions, salary and service. This ensures the provided data is accurate and valid.
3.1.3. New data requirements
In addition to the data that Crown corporations and territorial governments are currently providing, new information is required to support the new pension solution. The following identifies new data requirements:
- Report HR and payroll information for all new employees regardless of their employment status. This includes employees who are not yet eligible to contribute to the public service pension plan (for example employees with terms of less than 6 months, casual employees and as required (on call) employees).
- Report all types of leave without pay (LWOP) of 2 hours or more, as they occur. Extended (open-ended) LWOP is reported as it occurs, rather than reporting it once the member has returned to work.
- Report employment terminations.
- Report additional employee personal information such as area of residence and area of work, date of birth/adoption of children, home address and classification.
- Report date of payment (date of cheque) and "effective to" date of payment period on the contribution file.
- Report Supplementary Death Benefit (SDB) contributions for current and arrears (for LWOP) on the contribution file.
- Report pension adjustment (PA) on a yearly basis starting in 2011, including amended PA.
- Report dual remuneration and dual employment situations as they occur.
3.1.4. Data requirements at implementation Active non contributing employees
At the time of implementation, all existing pension information residing in the Contributor System was converted to the new pension system. Since active employees who were not yet contributors to the public service pension plan did not have an account in the Contributor System, HR and payroll information for these employees was reported in the DCT. Employers are required to provide the initial hiring (taken on strength) and salary information for these employees including all LWOP events that occurred from the hire date. This information is required to set up the accounts in DCT and in Penfax. Active contributing employees
All LWOP events, for employees that are already contributors, that started prior to and are ongoing at the time of implementation of the DCT have to be reported as well.
4. Procedures/Instructions
4.1. Using the Data Capture Tool
The main function of the DCT is to capture member/employee data from an employer, and import the data into Penfax. The DCT runs validation edits to ensure that data fields satisfy predetermined validation rules and that valid characters are present within those fields.
The DCT is accessible through the secure Crown Corporation Portal. Refer to Special Advice to Crown Corporations and Others 2010-002 for additional information on this portal.
Two options are available to the user for submitting data into the DCT:
- import data via a batch file
- manually input data
Once the data has been imported into the DCT, a validation process starts automatically to validate the data by running the first level edits. The data is validated immediately and information is sent back to the user instantly if there are problems with the data.
4.2. Setting up Data Capture Tool
Before using the DCT for the first time, each employing organization is required to set up accounts for all active employees who are plan members at the time of implementation.
4.2.1. Employee set up
As part of the initial set up of the DCT, Crown corporation and territorial government employers are required to upload the following information: the employee reference number (ERN), personal record identifier (PRI), name tag and paylist for each active employee.
The purpose of this initial data upload is to link the ERN to the PRI and paylist for each employee. This load populates a table in DCT called the employee table. This table is updated automatically when the user reports a taken on strength (TOS), or when a change is made to the PRI, paylist or ERN.
The employee table is populated by uploading to DCT an EMP (employee) file or by manually entering the data for each employee individually using the EMP screen in the DCT. Refer to Appendix A for details of the EMP file layout.
4.2.2. Pay cycle set up
Pay cycle data is a new requirement. This information is required to support the contribution variance integrity process. The pay cycle automatically defaults to the agency code and adds the number 1 to this acronym (for example Atomic Energy of Canada Limited's would have pay cycle AEC1). Then, Penfax associates each employee to the employer pay cycle.
The pay cycle is linked to the pay period information that has already been provided by the Crown corporation or territorial government employers.
For employers who have provided multiple pay periods, PWGSC has contacted them to set up their pay information. Since each employee is associated to a specific pay cycle, DCT is not able to automatically associate the employees to a pay cycle if there are multiple pay cycles.
Once created, this table is kept up to date automatically when a new hire is reported to the DCT or when a status change is processed to the change the pay cycle.
4.3. Importing a file
The purpose of the DCT is to provide employers with a web-based application that allows accurate importing of payroll data into Penfax. Users are able to import and update a payroll file, perform validations and approve the data for processing into Penfax.
The DCT is able to receive and update data on any frequency. The DCT stores data from previous payroll runs for the purpose of reviewing, archiving or purging historical data that has already been submitted. In addition, the DCT allows the user to view the information from a previous payroll run that has already been posted.
4.4. File layouts
Appendix A provides details on different file layouts for import information into the DCT. These file layouts are developed according to the layouts that are currently being used with the CPI Workbook. The file layouts are for:
- TOS – Taken on strength
- SOS – Struck off strength
- STS – Status change
- LWOP – Leave without pay
- SAL – Salary
- STA – Contributions
- PA – Pension adjustment
- ADR – Address
The DCT accepts comma delimited file formats from employer payroll systems. The DCT also accepts files from non Phoenix employers; provided the files meet the pre-determined formats (see Appendix A).
The import files can include header and footer data, provided they follow these guidelines:
- Header—Must be proceeded with "HDR,"
- Footer—Must be proceeded with "ZTR,"
An example of a file with header and footer:
- HDR, STA,077777777,ADAM,P,1,ED,2009/06/01,1,2009/06/15,2,2009/06/15,500.88,203
- STA,077777778,BARN,P,1,ED,2009/06/01,1,2009/06/15,2,2009/06/15,200.78,10626
- STA,077777779,BOUD,P,1,ED,2009/06/01,1,2009/06/15,2,2009/06/15,290.98,2084 ZTR, 3
An example of a file without header and footer:
- STA,77777777,ADAM,P,1,ED,6/01/2009,0,6/15/2009,1,6/15/2009,500.88,203
- STA,77777778,BARN,P,1,ED,6/01/2009,0,6/15/2009,1,6/15/2009,200.78,10626
- STA,77777779,BOUD,P,1,ED,6/01/2009,0,6/15/2009,1,6/15/2009,290.98,2084
4.4.1. Taken on strength
As previously stated in section 3.1.3, all data for new employees must be reported regardless of their employment status. Employers are required to assign a PRI to new employees in order to submit the data to DCT. The process that is currently in place for obtaining a PRI, either by contacting the Pension Centre or through the Central Index, remains unchanged.
The employee data can be submitted to the DCT by uploading a file containing all the required information, as per the TOS import file layout, or can be entered manually by using the TOS screen in DCT.
In addition to the data that non Phoenix employers are currently required to report for new hires, the following information is required to support the functionality of the new pension solution:
- Area of residence
- Area of work
- Pay cycle
- Disability Insurance Plan/Long Term Disability Insurance Plan (DI/LTD)
- Dual remuneration indicator
4.4.2. Struck off strength
Upon implementation of the DCT, Crown corporation and territorial government employers are required to report all termination of employment in the DCT. The plan member's termination date and termination reason have to be reported; please refer to the SOS import file layout in Appendix A for the list of termination reasons.
Termination information can be submitted to the DCT by uploading a file containing all of the information required or by entering the information directly in the DCT using the SOS screen.
4.4.3. Change in status
This transaction is used to report changes in status of employees, on event. The STS is also used to report the date of birth/adoption of a child and any changes in status that were previously reported on a TOS entry.
This data can be submitted to the DCT by uploading a file containing all of the required information or by manually entering the data in the STS screen in the DCT.
4.4.4. Leave without pay
Crown corporations and territorial government employers now have to report all types of LWOP of 2 hours or more. Extended periods of LWOP also have to be reported in DCT as soon as the period of leave begins. Once the member has returned to work, the DCT user has to report the end of the LWOP period. Extra care needs to be taken when selecting the reason for LWOP to ensure proper validation of pension contribution. Refer to the LWOP import file layout in Appendix A for a list of LWOP reasons.
The LWOP information can be submitted by uploading a file or by manually entering the data in DCT using the LWOP screen.
4.4.5. Salary
The salary information for new employees has to be reported concurrently with the TOS. Any change in salary must also be reported.
Salary information can be submitted to the DCT by uploading a file or by manually entering the data directly into the SAL screen of the DCT.
4.4.6. Contribution
The pension and Supplementary Death Benefit (SDB) contribution information must be reported at least monthly or more frequently as per the employer's pay cycles.
Contribution information can be submitted through the DCT by uploading a file or by entering the information manually in the STA screen of the DCT.
An invoice "Monthly Remittance of Superannuation Contributions (Public Service Corporations)" is issued on the second business day of each month. The amount on the invoice is based on the pension contributions reported in the previous month.
4.4.7. Pension adjustment
The pension adjustment (PA) has to be reported each year starting with year 2011 and must also be reported at termination of employment of employees.
The information can be submitted to the DCT by uploading a file or by manually entering the data in the PA screen of the DCT.
4.4.8. Address
As the Pension Centre is communicating directly with plan members on matters relating to pension administration, the home address should be provided as soon as it is available.
Note: When a TOS is processed, a warning message pops up to remind the user to populate the ADR screen with the employee's information.
4.5. Validation
Following the upload of data into the DCT, either by file import or manual entry, a validation routine is performed. This step executes first level edits to ensure the data is valid and accurate before it can be submitted to Penfax. The data either passes or fails the edit process.
All correct data passes to Penfax, however, incorrect or invalid data remains in DCT. Errors are flagged during data validation and the user is notified of the errors immediately. Files that contain errors do not pass to Penfax until all errors from that file are fixed.
The data that passes the DCT edit process is posted to Penfax.
If the data fails the DCT edit process, errors are displayed immediately on the screen. The user has the option of correcting the data immediately or, if this is not possible due to the nature of the error, at another time once the issue is resolved. Only validated data can be submitted to Penfax for processing. Data that does not pass the validation stage will remain in the transaction file for correction.
Please refer to Appendix B for a list of first level edits.
5. Contribution variance
Penfax verifies the accuracy of key pension data by comparing salary, service and contributions. This comparison test uses salary and service data to calculate the estimated contributions. The estimated contributions are then compared to the actual contributions received to determine if the relationship between salary, service and contributions is valid.
The Pension Centre investigates the cause of any discrepancy identified between the estimated contributions and the actual contributions received. There may be a requirement for the Pension Centre to contact the Crown corporation and territorial government employers to request assistance in correcting the error.
In order to support the automated contribution variance integrity test, the Crown corporation and territorial government employers are required to provide the pay period schedules on an annual basis. For the year 2010, this information has already been provided in response to a request to all Crown corporation and territorial governments. In the future, this information will be requested by PWGSC at year end.
6. Business transformation
The following identifies key business activities have been planned to facilitate the transition to the new business model:
- Development of a DCT user manual
- Development of a web-based training
- Issue of Special advices to Crown corporations
- Participation of selected Crown corporations to the user acceptance testing
- Information sessions have been offered to support the transition process in using the new DCT
7. Reminder of legal reporting requirements
As you are aware, it is a legal requirement that Public Service Corporations provide pension data reporting. Subsection 37(5) of the Public Service Superannuation Act explicitly states this requirement:
The corporation (refers to Public Service Corporations) shall provide the information relating to the employment, pensionable service, salary and contributions to the Superannuation Account or the Public Service Pension Fund, including reports and assessments respecting the accurate application of this Act, and any other relevant information, that the Minister may require with respect to employees or former employees referred to in subsection (2), at the times and in the manner that the Minister may direct.
To correctly administer the public service pension plan, it is imperative to report all pension data on a monthly basis or more frequently. To remain current for administrative purposes, data reporting should be current to the end of the previous month.
8. Inquiries
Any requests for information regarding the foregoing should be addressed to:
Employer Support Services at the Government of Canada Pension Centre.
Original Signed by
B. Fortin
Brigitte Fortin
Associate Assistant Deputy Minister
Compensation Sector
Accounting, Banking and Compensation
Appendix A
Import file layouts
Field description | Type | Length | Value or format | Description |
Form identification (ID) | Char | 3 | EMP | All employee records must have EMP as the form ID. |
Personal record identifier (PRI) | Num | 9 | Nine characters with 0 as the first character. | |
Name tag | Char | 2-4 | Only the first 4 characters of the entered name tag are used. Must be capital letters. The name tag will be updated by an STS transaction if there is a name change. | |
Employee reference number (ERN) | Char | Variable (up to 250) | ERN used by Crowns (other than PRI). If not used, then leave blank. | |
Pay list | Char | 4 | 0001 if not populated | Paylist for the employee. This can be left blank but the system will default it to 0001. |
Field description | Type | Length | Value or format | Description |
Form ID | Char | 3 | TOS | All salary records must have TOS as the form ID. |
PRI | Num | 9 | Nine characters with 0 as the first character. | |
Given name | Char | 12 | Maximum of 12 characters. | |
Family name | Char | 25 | Maximum of 25 characters. | |
Initials | Char | 1-3 | Must be between one to 3 characters. | |
Date of birth (DOB) | Date | 10 | YYYY/MM/DD | Must be a valid date and greater than 14 or less than 100 years from effective from date. |
Marital status | Num | 1 | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 |
Sex | Num | 1 | 1, 2 |
Language preference | Num | 1 | 1, 2 |
Employee type | Char | 1 | A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, L, M, S, T |
[C45-P2] Pension type | Char | 2 | 01, 02, 03, 04, 13, [C45-P2] 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 50, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64, 66 |
Canada Pension Plan (CPP)/Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) eligibility | Num | 1 | 1, 2, 3 |
Effective from date | Date | 10 | YYYY/MM/DD | |
Effective from date AM/PM indicator | Num | 1 | Null, 1, 2 |
Effective to date | Date | 10 | YYYY/MM/DD | It cannot be null if employee type is E, F, G, H, K, L, M, S, T. Otherwise, it can be null. |
Effective to date AM/PM indicator | Num | 1 | Null, 1, 2 |
Scheduled work week (SWW) | Num | 5 | Example: For 37.5 hour work week, enter 37.50 | |
Assigned work week (AWW) | Num | 5 | Example: For 37.5 hour work week, enter 37.50 | |
Non standard work week (NSWW) | Char | 1 | 1, 2, 3 |
Paylist | Num | 4 | Must be 4 numeric characters. If it is null, the DCT will default it to 0001.
Note: Paylist must be supplied in a dual employment and dual remuneration situation. |
ERN | Char | Variable (up to 250) | Optional field to store ERN used by Crowns (other than PRI). | |
Classification | Char | 10 | ||
Supplemental Death Benefit (SDB) | Num | 1 | 1, 2, 4 |
Pay cycle | Char | 4-10 | Department code + a number i.e. department ABC would have paycycles ABC1, ABC2 etc. Format is XXX9999999 |
If null default to department code + 1. i.e. ABC1. User can update as required. |
Area of residence | Char | 2 | 91, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, AB, BC, MB, NB, NL, NS, NT, NU, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT |
Area of work | Char | 2 | AB, BC, MB, NB, NL, NS, NT, NU, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT, 00 |
Disability Insurance (DI) Plan/Long Term Disability Insurance (LTD) Plan | Char | 1 | Null, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 |
Dual remuneration | Char | 1 | 0, 1, 2 |
Field description | Type | Length | Value or format | Description |
Form ID | Char | 3 | SOS | All SOS records must have SOS as the form ID. |
PRI | Num | 9 | Nine characters with 0 as the first character. | |
Paylist | Num | 4 | Paylist must be 4 numeric characters. Paylist cannot be null. | |
ERN | Char | Variable (up to 250) | Optional field to store ERNs used by Crowns (other than PRI). | |
SOS date | Date | 10 | YYYY/MM/DD | The SOS date. |
SOS date AM/PM indicator | Num | 1 | Null, 1, or 2 |
SOS reason | Num | 2 | 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 40, 41, 51
Note: (I) – involuntary, (V) – voluntary, (NA) – not applicable |
Field description | Type | Length | Value or format | Description |
Form ID | Char | 3 | STS | All status change records must have STS as the form ID. |
PRI | Num | 9 | Nine characters with 0 as the first character. | |
ERN | Char | Variable (up to 250) | Optional field to store ERNs used by Crowns (other than PRI). | |
Effective from date | Date | 10 | YYYY/MM/DD |
Effective from date AM/PM indicator | Num | 1 | Null, 1, 2 |
Effective to date | Date | 10 | YYYY/MM/DD | |
Effective to date AM/PM indicator | Num | 1 | Null, 1, 2 |
Family name | Char | 25 | Maximum of 25 characters. | |
Initials | Char | 1-3 | Must be between one and 3 characters. | |
Given name | Char | 12 | Maximum of 12 characters. | |
DOB | Date | 10 | YYYY/MM/DD | Must be a valid date and greater than 14 or less than 100 years from effective from date. |
Preferred language | Num | 1 | 1, 2 |
Marital status | Num | 1 | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 |
Sex | Num | 1 | 1, 2 |
New pay list | Num | 4 | Must be 4 numeric characters. | |
New PRI | Num | 9 | Nine characters with 0 as the first character. | |
New ERN | Char | Variable (up to 250) | ERN used by Crowns (other than PRI). | |
Dual remuneration | Char | 1 | 0, 1, 2 |
SDB | Num | 1 | 1, 2, 4 |
CPP/QPP eligibility | Num | 1 | 1, 2, 3 |
DI plan/LTD plan | Char | 1 | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 |
Pay SOS date | Date | 10 | YYYY/MM/DD | |
Pay SOS date AM/PM indicator | Num | 1 | Null, 1, 2 |
TOS date | Date | 10 | YYYY/MM/DD | |
Child (DOB)/date of adoption (DOA) | Date | 10 | YYYY/MM/DD | |
Area of residence | Char | 2 | 91, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, AB, BC, MB, NB, NL, NS, NT, NU, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT |
Area of work | Char | 2 | AB, BC, MB, NB, NL, NS, NT, NU, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT, 00 |
Employee type | Char | 1 | A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, L, M, S, T |
[C45-P2] Pension type | Char | 2 | 01, 02, 03, 04, 13, [C45-P2] 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 50, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64, 66 |
Pay cycle | Char | 4-10 | Department code + a number i.e. department ABC would have pay cycles ABC1, ABC2, etc. Format is XXX9999999 |
Null by default. User will update only if a change to the pay cycle is required. |
Classification | Char | 10 |
Field description | Type | Length | Value or format | Description |
Form ID | Char | 3 | LWOP | All LWOP records must have LWOP as the form ID. |
PRI | Num | 9 | Nine characters with 0 as the first character. | |
Modifier | Char | 1 | C, S, A, D |
LWOP reason code | Char | 2 | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, A, B, C, CA, CC, CP, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, PS, PE, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W |
Effective from date | Date | 10 | YYYY/MM/DD | |
Effective from date AM/PM indicator | Num | 1 | 1, 2 |
Effective to date | Date | 10 | YYYY/MM/DD | Must be greater than or equal to effective from date. |
Effective to date AM/PM indicator | Num | 1 | 1, 2 |
Hours/Day (HD) indicator | Char | 1 | H, D |
Number of HD | Num | 6 | 9(3).99 |
ERN | Char | Variable (up to 250) | Optional field to store ERN used by Crowns (other than PRI). | |
Child DOB/DOA | Date | 10 | YYYY/MM/DD | |
Paylist | Num | 4 | Must be 4 numeric characters. Paylist cannot be null. |
Field description | Type | Length | Value or format | Description |
Form ID | Char | 3 | SAL | All salary records must have SAL as the form ID |
PRI | Num | 9 | 9 characters with 0 as the first character. | |
Name tag | Char | 2-4 | 4 first characters of last name. Must be capital letters. The name tag will be updated by an STS transaction if there is a name change. | |
Modifier | Char | 1 | C, D |
Salary type | Num | 3 | See Appendix C | |
Effective from date | Date | 10 | YYYY/MM/DD | |
Effective from date AM/PM indicator | Num | 1 | Null, 1, 2 |
Effective to date | Date | 10 | YYYY/MM/DD | |
Effective to date AM/PM indicator | Num | 1 | Null, 1, 2 |
Salary amount | Num | 11 | S9(06).999 | Negative values are allowed. |
Payment frequency | Char | 1 | This value will no longer be used, but will remain in the file template. | |
Rate base | Char | 1 | Null, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9 |
SWW | Num | 5 |
AWW | Num | 5 |
NSWW | Char | 1 | 1, 2, 3 |
ERN | Char | Variable (up to 250) | Optional field to store ERN used by Crowns (other than PRI). |
Field description | Type | Length | Value or format | Description |
Form ID | Char | 3 | STA | All contribution records must have STA as the form ID. |
PRI | Num | 9 | 9 characters with 0 as the first character. | |
Name tag | Char | 2-4 | 4 first characters of last name. Must be capital letters. The name tag will be updated by an STS transaction if there is a name change. | |
Modifier | Char | 1 | P | P must be inserted for all records.
Note: Default to P if null or not equal to P. |
[C45-P2] Fund | Char | 1 | 1, 2, 3, 4, [C45-P2], 5, 6 |
Contribution type | Char | 1-2 | C, LS, LD, ES, ED, R, D, TE |
Effective from date | Date | 10 | YYYY/MM/DD | The first day of the pay period. |
Effective from date AM/PM indicator | Num | 1 | Null, 1, 2 |
Effective to date | Date | 10 | YYYY/MM/DD | The last day of the pay period. |
Effective to date AM/PM indicator | Num | 1 | Null, 1, 2 |
Payment date | Date | 10 | YYYY/MM/DD | The payment date should be used from the payroll source system. |
Contribution amount | Num | 11 | S9(06).999 |
ERN | Char | Variable (up to 250) | Optional field to store ERN used by Crowns (other than PRI). | |
Paylist | Num | 4 | Must be 4 numeric characters. Paylist cannot be null. |
Field description | Type | Length | Value or format | Description |
Form ID | Char | 3 | PA | All PA records must have PA as the form ID. |
PRI | Num | 9 | 9 characters with 0 as the first character. | |
ERN | Char | Variable (up to 250) | Optional field to store ERN used by Crowns (other than PRI). | |
PA | Num | 11 | 99(06).999 | Negative values are not allowed. The default is blank. |
Paylist | Num | 4 | Must be 4 numeric characters. Paylist cannot be null. | |
Tax year | Num | 4 | 9,999 |
Field description | Type | Length | Value or format | Description |
Form ID | Char | 3 | ADR | All address records must have ADR as the form ID. |
PRI | Num | 9 | Nine characters with 0 as the first character. | |
ERN | Char | Variable (up to 250) | Optional field to store ERN used by Crowns (other than PRI). | |
Line 1 | Char | 35 | The first address line. | |
Line 2 | Char | 35 | The second address line. | |
Line 3 | Char | 35 | The third address line. | |
City | Char | 35 | The city. | |
Province/state | Char | 2 | The 2 digit province or state code. | |
Postal code/zip code | Char | 10 | Postal code or zip code.
Note: A postal code or zip code must be provided if country is either Canada or USA, otherwise it can be null. |
Country | Char | 3 | The 3 character country code. | |
Paylist | Num | 4 | Must be 4 numeric characters. Paylist cannot be null. |
Appendix B
Message | Rule | Severity |
Duplicate personal record identifier (PRI) | If there is a duplicate PRI with the same paylist already existing in the DCT EMP table for this employee. | Critical |
PRI is mandatory | If PRI is null. | Critical |
Name tag is mandatory | If name tag is null. | Critical |
Pay list is mandatory | If pay list is null. | Critical |
Name tag must be capital letters | If name tag is not all capital letters | Critical |
Invalid PRI | PRI must be numeric and 9 characters long | Critical |
Duplicate PRI/paylist in a loading file | If there is a duplicate PRI with the same paylist in another row for this employee in the file being uploaded. | Critical |
Duplicate ERN/paylist in a loading file | If there is a duplicate ERN with the same paylist in another row for this employee in the file being uploaded. | Critical |
Paylist must be numeric | If paylist is not in a numeric format. | Critical |
Paylist must be four characters long | If the length of paylist is not equal to 4. | Critical |
Message | Rule | Severity |
Family name is mandatory | If family name is null. | Critical |
Given name is mandatory | If given name is null. | Critical |
Birth date is mandatory | If birth date is null. | Critical |
Birth date is not valid. Valid format is YYYY/MM/DD. | If birth date is in an invalid format. | Critical |
Marital status is mandatory | If marital status is null. | Critical |
Invalid marital status code | If marital status is not in the code table. | Critical |
Gender is mandatory | If gender is null. | Critical |
Invalid gender code | If gender is not in the code table. | Critical |
Language is mandatory | If language is null. | Critical |
Invalid language code | If language is not in the code table. | Critical |
Employee type is mandatory | If employee type is null. | Critical |
Invalid employee type code | If employee type is not in the code table. | Critical |
Pension type is mandatory | If pension type is null. | Critical |
Invalid pension type code | If pension type is not in the code table. | Critical |
SDB is mandatory | If SDB is null. | Critical |
Invalid SDB code | If SDB is not in the code table. | Critical |
CPP/QPP is mandatory | If CPP/QPP is null. | Critical |
Invalid CPP/QPP code | If CPP/QPP is not in the code table. | Critical |
Effective from date is mandatory | If effective from date is null. | Critical |
Effective to date is mandatory for the employee type | If effective to date is null and employee type = E, F, G, H, S, T, K, L, M. | Critical |
Effective to date cannot be populated for this employee type | If effective to date is not null and employee type = A, B, C, D. | Critical |
SWW hours is mandatory | If SWW is null. | Critical |
AWW hours is mandatory | If AWW is null. | Critical |
AWW must equal SWW for this employee type | If AWW is not = SWW and employee type = A, C, E, G, K, S. | Critical |
NSWW is mandatory | If NSWW is null. | Critical |
Invalid NSWW code | If NSWW is not in the code table. | Critical |
PRI is mandatory | If PRI is null. | Critical |
Invalid area of residence code | If area of residence is not in the code table. | Critical |
Invalid area of work code | If area of work is not in the code table. | Critical |
Invalid dual remuneration code | If dual remuneration is not in the code table. | Critical |
Invalid pension type for employee type A | If pension type is not equal to 01, 02, 03, 04, 13, [C45-P2] 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 54, 55, 59, 62, or 66 | Critical |
AWW should be less than SWW for employee type B | If AWW equal or greater than SWW. | Critical |
Invalid pension type for employee type B | If pension type not equal to 01, 02, 03, 04, 13, [C45-P2] 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 54, 55, 56, 59, 62, 64, or 66. | Critical |
Invalid pension type for employee type C | If pension type code not = 01, 02, 03, 04, 13, [C45-P2] 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 54, 55, 59, 60, or 62. | Critical |
Invalid pension type for employee type D | If pension type code not = 01, 02, 03, 04, 13, [C45-P2] 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 54, 55, 56, 59, 60, 62, or 64. | Critical |
AWW should be less than SWW for employee type D | If AWW equal or greater than SWW. | Critical |
Invalid pension type for employee type E | If pension type code not = 01, 02, 13, [C45-P2] 31, 32, 36, 53, 54, 55, 59, or 62. | Critical |
Invalid pension type for employee type F | If pension type code not = 01, 02, 13, [C45-P2] 31, 32, 36, 53, 54, 55, 56, 59, 62, or 64. | Critical |
AWW should be less than SWW for employee type F | If AWW equal or greater than SWW. | Critical |
Invalid pension type for employee type G | If pension type code not = 01, 02, 13, [C45-P2] 31, 32, 36, 53, 54, 55, 59, or 62. | Critical |
Invalid pension type for employee type H | If pension type code not = 01, 02, 13, [C45-P2] 31, 32, 36, 53, 54, 55, 56, 59, 62, or 64. | Critical |
AWW should be less than SWW for employee type H | If AWW equal or greater than SWW. | Critical |
Invalid pension type for employee type K | If pension type code not = 01, 02, 03, 04, 13, [C45-P2] 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 53, 54, 55, 59, or 62. | Critical |
Invalid pension type for employee type L | If pension type code not = 01, 02, 03, 04, 13, [C45-P2] 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 53, 54, 55, 56, 59, 62, or 64. | Critical |
Invalid pension type for employee type M | If pension type Code not = 58, 59, 56. | Critical |
Invalid pension type for employee type S | If pension type not equal to 01, 02, 03, 04, 13, [C45-P2] 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 54, 55, 59, 62, or 66. | Critical |
Invalid pension type for employee type T | If pension type not equal to 01, 02, 03, 04, 13, [C45-P2] 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 54, 55, 56, 59, 62, 64, or 66. | Critical |
AWW should be less than SWW for employee type T | AWW equal or greater than SWW. | Critical |
Address information required | If there is not an ADR transaction in this batch for this member.
Note: Either the PRI or ERN, along with a corresponding pay list, must be entered to allow this message to be displayed. |
Warning |
Initials are mandatory | If initials are null. | Critical |
Effective from date is not valid. Valid format is – YYYY/MM/DD. |
If this date is not null and it is not in the right format (YYYY/MM/DD). | Critical |
Effective to date is not valid. Valid format is – YYYY/MM/DD. |
If this date is not null and it is not in the right format (YYYY/MM/DD). | Critical |
Invalid effective from date AM/PM indicator |
If AM/PM indicator is not equal to 1 or 2. | Critical |
Invalid effective to date AM/PM indicator | If AM/PM indicator is not equal to 1 or 2.
Note: A value is not expected unless effective to date is populated. |
Critical |
PRI must be numeric | If PRI is not in a numerical format. | Critical |
PRI must be 9 characters long | If the length of PRI is not equal to 9. | Critical |
Invalid DI/LTD code | If DI/LTD does not contain a valid code. | Critical |
Paylist is mandatory | If paylist is null. | Critical |
Paylist must be numeric | If paylist is not in a numerical format. | Critical |
Paylist must be 4 characters long | If length of paylist is not equal to 4. | Critical |
[C45-P2] GR2 pension types cannot have an effective from date prior to January 1, 2013 | If GR2 pension type (31, 32, 33, 36) and effective from date < 01/01/2013. | Critical |
Message | Rule | Severity |
PRI or ERN is mandatory | If PRI or ERN is null. | Critical |
SOS date is mandatory | If SOS date is null. | Critical |
SOS reason is mandatory | If SOS reason is null. | Critical |
Pay list is mandatory | If Pay list is null. | Critical |
Invalid SOS reason code | If SOS reason is not in the code table. | Critical |
PRI/ERN/paylist combination does not exist in the EMP table | If PRI/ERN/paylist combination does not exist in the EMP table. | Critical |
SOS date is not valid. Valid format is – YYYY/MM/DD | If SOS is not exist in the correct format. | Critical |
PRI must be numeric | If PRI is not in a numerical format. | Critical |
PRI must be 9 characters long | If the length of PRI is not equal to 9. | Critical |
Paylist must be numeric | If paylist is not in a numerical format. | Critical |
Paylist must be 4 characters long | If the length of paylist is not equal to 4. | Critical |
Invalid SOS date AM/PM indicator | If AM/PM indicator is not equal to one or two. | Critical |
Message | Rule | Severity |
PRI or ERN is mandatory | If PRI or ERN is null. | Critical |
PRI/ERN/paylist combination does not exist in the EMP table | If PRI/ERN/paylist combination does not exist in the EMP table | Critical |
Effective from date is mandatory | If effective from date is null. | Critical |
Invalid marital status | If marital status code is not a valid code. | Critical |
Invalid language | If language code is not a valid code. | Critical |
Invalid gender | If gender code is not a valid code. | Critical |
Invalid dual remuneration | If dual remuneration code is not a valid code. | Critical |
Invalid SDB | If SDB code is not a valid code. | Critical |
Invalid CPP/QPP | If CPP/QPP code is not a valid code. | Critical |
Invalid DI/LTD | If DI/LTD code is not a valid code. | Critical |
Invalid area of residence | If area of residence code is not a valid code. | Critical |
Invalid area of work | If area of work code is not a valid code. | Critical |
Invalid employee type | If employee type is not a valid code. | Critical |
Invalid pension type | If pension type code is not a valid code. | Critical |
[C45-P2] GR2 pension types cannot have an effective from date prior to January 1, 2013 | If GR2 pension type (31, 32, 33, 34, 36) and effective from date < 01/01/2013. | Critical |
Effective from date is not valid. Valid format is – YYYY/MM/DD. | If this date is not null and is not in the right format (YYYY/MM/DD). | Critical |
Effective to date is not valid. Valid format is – YYYY/MM/DD. | If this date is not null and is not in the right format (YYYY/MM/DD). | Critical |
Pay SOS date is not valid. Valid format is – YYYY/MM/DD. | If this date is not null and is not in the right format (YYYY/MM/DD). | Critical |
TOS date is not valid. Valid format is – YYYY/MM/DD. | If this date is not null and is not in the right format (YYYY/MM/DD). | Critical |
Birth date is not valid. Valid format is – YYYY/MM/DD. | If this date is not null and is not in the right format (YYYY/MM/DD). | Critical |
Child DOB/DOA is not valid. Valid format is – YYYY/MM/DD. | If this date is not null and is not in the right format (YYYY/MM/DD). | Critical |
Invalid effective from date AM/PM indicator | If the AM/PM indicator is not equal to 1 or 2. | Critical |
Invalid effective to date AM/PM indicator | If the AM/PM indicator is not equal to 1 or 2.
Note: A value is not expected unless effective to date is populated. |
Critical |
Invalid pay SOS date AM/PM indicator | If the AM/PM indicator is not equal to 1 or 2.
Note: A value is not expected unless pay SOS date is populated. |
Critical |
Invalid TOS date AM/PM indicator | If the AM/PM indicator is not equal to 1 or 2.
Note: A value is not expected unless TOS date is populated. |
Critical |
Paylist is mandatory | If paylist is null. | Critical |
PRI must be numeric | If PRI is not in a numerical format. | Critical |
PRI must be 9 characters long | If the length of PRI is not equal to 9. | Critical |
Paylist must be numeric | If paylist is not in a numerical format. | Critical |
Paylist must be 4 characters long | If the length of paylist is not equal to 4. | Critical |
SWW hours is required | If SWW is null and AWW is not null. | Critical |
AWW hours is required | If AWW is null and SWW is not null. | Critical |
AWW must equal SWW for this employee type | If AWW is not = SWW and employee type = A, C, E,G, K, or S. | Critical |
Invalid NSWW code | If NSWW is not null and NSWW is not in the code table. | Critical |
AWW should be less than SWW for employee type B | If AWW is equal to or greater than SWW and employee type = B. | Critical |
AWW should be less than SWW for employee type D | If AWW is equal to or greater than SWW and employee type = D. | Critical |
AWW should be less than SWW for employee type F | If AWW is equal to or greater than SWW and employee type = F. | Critical |
AWW should be less than SWW for employee type H | If AWW is equal to or greater than SWW and employee type = H. | Critical |
AWW should be less than SWW for employee type T | If AWW is equal to or greater than SWW and employee type = T. | Critical |
Message | Rule | Severity |
PRI or ERN is mandatory | If PRI or ERN is null. | Critical |
PRI/ERN/paylist combination does not exist in the EMP table | If PRI/ERN/paylist combination does not exist in the EMP table | Critical |
Modifier is mandatory | If modifier is null. | Critical |
Invalid modifier | If modifier is not a valid code. | Critical |
LWOP reason is mandatory | If LWOP reason is null and modifier is not S. | Critical |
Invalid LWOP reason value | If LWOP reason is not a valid code. | Critical |
Effective from date is mandatory and modifier is not S | If effective from date is null and modifier not = S. | Critical |
Effective from date cannot be a future date | Effective from date > system date. | Critical |
Effective to date is mandatory for the modifier and reason | If effective to date is null and modifier = S or LWOP reason = A, M, N, P and modifier = C). | Critical |
Effective from date is not valid. Valid format is – YYYY/MM/DD. |
If this date is not null and it is not in the right format (YYYY/MM/DD). | Critical |
Invalid effective from date AM/PM indicator | If AM/PM indicator is not equal to 1 or 2.
Note: A value is not expected unless effective from date is populated. |
Critical |
Invalid effective to date AM/PM indicator | If AM/PM indicator is not equal to 1 or 2.
Note: A value is not expected unless effective to date is populated. |
Critical |
Paylist is mandatory | If paylist is null. | Critical |
PRI must be numeric | If PRI is not in a numerical format. | Critical |
PRI must be 9 characters long | If the length of PRI is not equal to 9. | Critical |
Paylist must be numeric | If paylist is not in a numerical format. | Critical |
Paylist must be 4 characters long | If the length of paylist is not equal to 4. | Critical |
Message | Rule | Severity |
PRI or ERN is mandatory | If PRI or ERN is null. | Critical |
Modifier is mandatory | If modifier is null. | Critical |
Invalid modifier code | If modifier is not a valid code. | Critical |
Salary type is mandatory | If salary type is null. | Critical |
Invalid salary type | If salary type code is not a valid code. | Critical |
Effective from date is mandatory | If effective from date is null. | Critical |
Lump sum must have an effective to date | If rate base = 0 and effective to date is null. | Critical |
Basic pay cannot be a lump sum | If basic pay and rate base = 0. | Critical |
Rate base is mandatory | If rate base is null. | Critical |
Invalid rate base code | If rate base code is not a valid code. | Critical |
Salary record rate base should correspond to salary rate amount (amount rate overflow) |
This should apply to the basic pay codes 001, 002 and 127 as well as allowance code 027. |
Error |
Message | Rule | Severity |
PRI or ERN is mandatory | If PRI or ERN is null. | Critical |
Contribution type is mandatory | If contribution type is null. | Critical |
Invalid contribution type | If contribution type code is not a valid code. | Critical |
Fund is mandatory | If fund is null. | Critical |
Invalid fund code | If fund code is not a valid code. | Critical |
Effective from date is mandatory | If effective from date is null. | Critical |
Effective to date is mandatory | If effective to date is null. | Critical |
Payment date is mandatory | If payment date is null. | Critical |
Contribution amount is mandatory | If contribution amount is null. | Critical |
Effective from date must be less than effective to date | If effective from date is greater than effective to date. | Critical |
[C45-P2] invalid contribution type for fund type | If the contribution type code is not valid for the type code selected. For example, fund 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 with contribution type D or TE or fund 4 with contribution type LS, LD, ES, ED or R. | Critical |
GR2 fund type cannot have contributions with an effective from date prior to January 1, 2013 | If fund type is 5 or 6 and the effective from date < 01/01/2013. | Critical |
Message | Rule | Severity |
PRI or ERN is mandatory | If PRI or ERN is null. | Critical |
PRI/ERN/paylist combination does not exist in the EMP table | If PRI/ERN/paylist combination does not exist in the EMP table. | Critical |
Tax year is mandatory | If tax year is null. | Critical |
PA cannot be a negative value | If PA < 0. | Critical |
Paylist is mandatory | If paylist is null. | Critical |
Invalid tax year | If tax year is less than 1990 and is greater than the current year. | Critical |
Paylist is mandatory | If paylist is null. | Critical |
PRI must be numeric | If PRI is not in a numerical format. | Critical |
PRI must be 9 characters long | If the length of PRI is not equal to 9. | Critical |
Paylist must be numeric | If paylist is not in a numerical format. | Critical |
Paylist must be 4 characters long | If the length of paylist is not equal to 4. | Critical |
Message | Rule | Severity |
PRI or ERN is mandatory | If PRI or ERN is null. | Critical |
Line 1 is mandatory | If line 1 is null. | Critical |
City is mandatory | If city is null. | Critical |
Province or state is mandatory | If province/state is null and country is either Canada or USA. | Critical |
Postal code or zip code is mandatory | If postal code is null and country is either Canada or USA. | Critical |
Country is mandatory | If country is null. | Critical |
PRI/ERN/paylist combination does not exist in the EMP table | If PRI/ERN/paylist combination does not exist in the EMP table. | Critical |
Paylist is mandatory | If paylist is null. | Critical |
PRI must be numeric | If PRI is not in a numerical format. | Critical |
PRI must be 9 characters long | If the length of PRI is not equal to 9. | Critical |
Paylist must be numeric | If paylist is not in a numerical format. | Critical |
Paylist must be 4 characters long | If the length of paylist is not equal to 4. | Critical |
Invalid province or state | If province/state is not null and it is not in the list of values for province or state. | Critical |
Invalid country | If country is not null and it is not in the list of values for country. | Critical |
Postal code or zip code cannot be greater than 10 characters long | If postal code or zip code is longer than 10 characters. | Critical |
Appendix C
Value | Description |
001 | Basic Pay |
002 | Acting pay / acting appointment |
003 | Administration allowance teachers—One room school |
004 | Officer cadets—Sea duty allowance |
005 | Assistant principals allowance—Admin & supp |
006 | Offender supervision allowance |
007 | Bilingual differential |
014 | Department head and/or dean’s allowance |
015 | Dirty work allowance |
016 | Diving allowance |
017 | Bilingual bonus 7% (House of Commons (HOC)) |
020 | Temporary assignment allowance |
021 | Farm manager’s allowance |
022 | First aid to the general public |
023 | Flying allowance |
024 | Expanded professional role allowance |
025 | Holiday pay allowance |
026 | Nurse in charge allowance |
027 | Dual remuneration |
030 | Light keeper allowance |
031 | Maintenance of radio equipment allowance |
036 | Self-directed team allowance |
039 | On-the-job training allowance |
042 | Penological factor allowance |
044 | Principal’s allowance—Administrative and supervisory |
046 | X – Special accommodation allowance |
048 | Secondment allowance (Northern Pipeline Agency) |
059 | Fees allowance – Board of Examiners (Dominion Land Survey (DLS)) |
061 | Premium pay |
062 | Specialist’s allowance |
063 | Education allowance |
067 | Supervisory allowance |
068 | Canadian Grain Commission differential |
070 | Supervisory differential |
074 | Vocational training instructor allowance |
075 | Volunteer firefighter allowance |
077 | Educational leave allowance |
079 | Flight inspector duties – Paid quarterly |
080 | Inmates training differential |
081 | Extra duty allowance |
082 | Performance award (non-management category) |
083 | Pay supplement |
085 | Penological factor |
087 | Lump sum payment |
090 | Education |
091 | Responsibility allowance |
093 | Operational facility premium |
094 | Flight calibration duty |
095 | Dog handlers allowance |
102 | Fuel and utilities differential |
105 | Senior teachers allowance |
106 | Responsibility allowance |
110 | Ship reporting officer allowance |
113 | Fire picket duty |
114 | Assignment scheduling allowance (helicopter pilots) |
116 | Meteorological allowance (light keepers) |
118 | X – Ship’s officers salary supplement |
119 | Ship’s officers & crew basic pay time + one half |
121 | X – Secondment premium pay |
126 | Supervisory differential |
127 | Partial pay ship's officers |
129 | Adjustment for transferred teachers |
132 | Basic pay at straight time for ship’s crew |
134 | Extra duty meteorology |
139 | Bilingual bonus (HOC) |
141 | Linguistic (bilingual bonus) |
143 | Chairman's allowance |
144 | Equalization adjustment allowance |
149 | Responsibility allowance (Correctional Services Canada (CSC)) |
153 | Bilingual bonus (Atomic Energy Control Board (AECB)) |
156 | Responsibility allowance – pilots (National Research Council (NRC)) |
157 | Financial Incentives Plan (Translation Bureau) |
162 | Lieu retro superannuation |
164 | Lieu retro fiscal year (FY) 1 superannuation |
166 | Lieu retro FY2 superannuation |
169 | Aviation weather briefing allowance |
171 | Performance award |
179 | At risk pay |
183 | Official language performance pay |
184 | Rest period allowance |
187 | Lead hand differential (National Film Board (NFB)) |
1A3 | Rigid hull inflatable allowance—Lump sum |
1B3 | Primary products inspection (PI) supplement |
1B5 | Dangerous goods |
1B6 | Functional supervisory differential (Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)) |
1B7 | Meat hygiene allowance (CFIA) |
1C3 | Instructor allowance |
1C4 | Instructor emergency response team (ERT) allowance |
1C8 | Performance pay |
1D1 | Market allowance |
1D3 | Lump sum ex-recruit |
1E1 | X – Market allowance |
1E2 | X – Scientific and tech allowance (STA) |
1E8 | ACSOP |
200 | Quarters and rations in kind (non-taxable) |
201 | Quarters and rations in kind (taxable) |
202 | X – Additional earnings super |
207 | X – Additional earnings super |
216 | Salary relativity – Superannuable (SA) |
217 | Salary relativity – Non-SA |
218 | Equalization adjustment superannuation |
219 | Equalization adjustment retroactive (non-SA) |
227 | Terminable retention allowance |
229 | Monthly terminable allowance |
230 | Lump sum equivalent |
233 | Part-time instructor |
234 | Recruitment/retention allowance |
235 | Development of employees and examiner premium (DEEP) |
238 | Acting premium (separate employers only) |
244 | Maternity allowance on-going |
245 | Interim salary adjustment |
251 | Recruitment and retention allowance |
267 | Pay equity retroactive adjustment—Pensionable |
269 | Pay equity retroactive adjustment non-pensionable |
270 | X – Additional earnings for Public Service Superannuation Act (PSSA) – Double |
271 | Pay equity salary adjustment |
272 | Pay equity salary adjustment (non-SA) |
277 | Pay equity basic pay adjustment – superannuable |
278 | Pay equity basic pay adjustment non-SA |
288 | Salary relativity adjustment (separate employers) |
291 | Retroactive acting pay—Ship’s officers |
292 | Retroactive acting pay—Hourly |
298 | Extra duty allowance – Aircraft Operations Group (AOG) |
304 | X – Labour adjustment program |
311 | Personnel pay equity retroactive adjustment |
312 | Personnel pay equity retroactive adjustment – Non-SA |
313 | Personnel pay equity basic pay adjustment |
314 | Personnel pay equity basic pay adjustment – Non-SA |
315 | Personnel pay equity salary adjustment |
316 | Personnel pay equity salary adjustment (non-SA) |
324 | Nuclear emergency allowance |
326 | High angle rescue allowance |
328 | Compensation award—Pensionable |
329 | Rotational supplement—Pensionable |
330 | Compensation award—Pensionable no premiums |
331 | Rotational supplement—Pensionable no premiums |
332 | Dangerous goods allowance |
333 | Human drugs clinical review allowance |
334 | Trans pay equity retro adjustment |
335 | Trans pay equity retroactive adjustment—Non-SA |
339 | X – Overpayment—Pay rate gross |
343 | Supplement multilingual service |
344 | Equalization adjustment balance |
404 | Reversed recovery of overpayment |
453 | Salary supplement |
467 | Rescue special allowance |
468 | Fisheries enforcement allowance |
469 | Temporary premium (HOC) |
470 | Announcing or voicing duty premium (HOC) |
472 | Class conversion |
474 | Allowance for management duties |
489 | Armed boarding allowance |
492 | Salary compression allowance |
834 | Equal adjustment balance received |
998 | X – Unknown (benefit paid) |
999 | X – Unknown (benefit paid) |
- Date modified: