
Information: GCintranet disclaimer

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Here you will find a collection of forms that you, the Employer, will need to provide to the Government of Canada Pension Centre (Pension Centre) during the period for which your employees are public service pension plan members.

Table of Contents

Employer Representative User ID Request

List of Employer representative user ID request forms by number.

Form Number Form
591 PWGSC-TPSGC 591 - Employer Representative User Id Request - This information is only accessible to federal government employees, and only to federal departments and agencies.

Complete this form for an employer representative who requires a user ID and password to access the Crown Corporation Secure Portal.

Enrolling a Member

List of Enrolling a member forms by number.

Form Number Form
577 PWGSC-TPSGC 577 - Plan Member Contact Information - This information is only accessible to federal government employees, and only to federal departments and agencies.

Complete this form when an employee becomes eligible to contribute to the public service pension plan.

2719 PWGSC-TPSGC 2719 - Compensation Client Address - This information is only accessible to federal government employees, and only to federal departments and agencies.

Regional departments complete this form to provide the paylist address information to their pay office in order for them to update the information in the Pension Centre's pension system.

Estimates and Service Buyback

List of Estimates and Service Buyback forms by number.

Form Number Form
1871 PWGSC-TPSGC 1871 - Default Notice - This information is only accessible to federal government employees, and only to federal departments and agencies.

Complete this form to identify and report service buyback arrears to the Pension Centre.

2001 PWGSC-TPSGC 2001 - Elective Non-Contributory Pensionable Service Record - This information is only accessible to federal government employees, and only to federal departments and agencies.

Complete this form to certify service and leave without pay for a period of non-contributory service which the plan member is buying back.

2001-1 PWGSC-TPSGC 2001-1 - Elective Pensionable Service Record for Operational Service - This information is only accessible to federal government employees, and only to federal departments and agencies.

Complete this form to certify service and leave without pay for a period of non-contributory operational service which the plan member is buying back.

2123 PWGSC-TPSGC 2123 - Certification of Leave Without Pay - This information is only accessible to federal government employees, and only to federal departments and agencies.

Complete this form to report periods of leave without pay that occurred during a prior period of contributory service which the plan member is buying back.

2201 PWGSC-TPSGC 2201 - Request to Certify a Salary Rate - This information is only accessible to federal government employees, and only to federal departments and agencies.

Complete this form to certify a salary rate.

2270 PWGSC-TPSGC 2270 - Notice of Service Buyback Details - Notice to Start Deductions - This information is only accessible to federal government employees, and only to federal departments and agencies.

The Pension Centre sends this form to advise the Compensation advisors to start service buyback deductions.

2469 PWGSC-TPSGC 2469 - Election to Continue to Pay Extra Contributions for Additional Years of Non-Operational Service - This information is only accessible to federal government employees, and only to federal departments and agencies.

Complete this form when a plan member chooses to continue to make additional contributions in order to count his or her non-operational service as operational service.

Pension Benefit

List of Pension Benefit forms by number.

Form Number Form
2020 Confirmation of Salary and Service - This site is only accessible to federal government employees, and only to federal departments and agencies. PWGSC

Complete this form to certify service, salary and Leave Without Pay (LWOP) data.

4242 PWGSC-TPSGC 4242 - Termination / Retirement Information - This information is only accessible to federal government employees, and only to federal departments and agencies.

Complete this form when a plan member terminates his or her employment (e.g. retirement, resignation and death in service).

2429 PWGSC-TPSGC 2429 - Pension Reduction Waiver Request - This information is only accessible to federal government employees, and only to federal departments and agencies.

Complete this form when a plan member meets the requirements to waive the reduction of an Annual Allowance (for employees for whom Treasury Board is the employer).

2429-1 PWGSC-TPSGC 2429-1 - Pension Reduction Waiver Request - This information is only accessible to federal government employees, and only to federal departments and agencies.

Complete this form when a plan member meets the requirements to waive the reduction of an Annual Allowance (for employees for whom Treasury Board is not the employer).

Survivor Benefit

List of Survivor Benefit forms by number.

Form Number Form
2014 PWGSC-TPSGC 2014 - Determination of Contact Person and Amount of Supplementary Death Benefit Payment - This information is only accessible to federal government employees, and only to federal departments and agencies.

Complete this form when a plan member dies while still employed in the public service.

2020 Confirmation of Salary and Service - This site is only accessible to federal government employees, and only to federal departments and agencies. PWGSC

Complete this form to certify service, salary and LWOP data.

4242 PWGSC-TPSGC 4242 - Termination / Retirement Information - This information is only accessible to federal government employees, and only to federal departments and agencies.

Complete this form when a plan member terminates his employment (e.g. retirement, resignation and death in service).

Supplementary Death Benefit (SDB)

List of Supplementary Death Benefit forms by number.

Form Number Form
577 PWGSC-TPSGC 577 - Plan Member Contact Information - This information is only accessible to federal government employees, and only to federal departments and agencies.

Complete this form when an employee becomes eligible to contribute to the public service pension plan.

4242 PWGSC-TPSGC 4242 - Termination / Retirement Information - This information is only accessible to federal government employees, and only to federal departments and agencies.

Complete this form when a plan member terminates his employment (e.g. retirement, resignation and death in service).