Pension transfer out—You are interested in transferring your pension service
What you do
You consult all relevant sources of information to make your decision.
You return to your current pension plan administrator the form titled "Request for Transfer of Service Credits" - Appendix B/B2 indicating your option.
When you do it
By the deadline indicated on the form.
What your current Pension Plan Administrator does
Forwards a request for past service pension adjustment (PSPA) approval to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
Performs updated calculations of the amount required and forwards the request for funds to the Government of Canada Pension Centre.
When your current Pension Plan Administrator does it
Upon receipt of PSPA approval from the CRA.
What the Government of Canada Pension Centre does
Transfers the required or available funds to your current pension plan administrator.
When the Government of Canada Pension Centre does it
The Government of Canada Pension Centre aims to send the payment to the outside employer within three months from the date of receipt of the Appendix B/B2 - Request for Transfer of Service Credits - signed by you and the notification of the transfer amount by your current pension plan administrator.
What your current Pension Plan Administrator does
Performs final calculations and provides you with a notice identifying the service transferred and any balance of service not purchased by the transfer, if applicable.