Section 14: Transfer payments

Public Accounts of Canada 2023 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

(in dollars)

Description Source of authorities Disposition of authorities
Available from previous years Main Estimates Supplementary Estimates Adjustments, warrants and transfers Total available for use Used in the current year Variance Available for use in subsequent years Used in the previous year
Department of Industry
Grants under the Canada Digital Adoption Program: Stream 2 249,488,612 249,488,612 48,970,053 200,518,559 15,000
Grant to the International Telecommunication Union, Geneva, Switzerland 4,808,000 4,808,000 4,808,000 4,808,000
Grant to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development 632,000 (negative 292,820) 339,180 335,051 4,129 447,911
Grant under the Innovative Solutions Canada program 600,000 1 1,192,000 1,792,001 1,792,000 1 400,000
Grant to the Internal Trade Secretariat Corporation 375,000 100,000 475,000 475,000 375,000
Grant under the Intellectual Property Legal Clinics Program 200,000 50,000 250,000 191,979 58,021 156,200
Grants related to the Indigenous Intellectual Property Program Grant 150,000 150,000 147,597 2,403 116,665
Grant to the Radio Advisory Board of Canada 140,000 (negative 1,000) 139,000 111,000 28,000 111,000
Total—Grants 256,393,612 150,001 898,180 257,441,793 56,830,680 200,611,113 6,429,776
Contributions under the Strategic Innovation Fund 1,365,698,198 (negative 1,045,253) 1,364,652,945 1,039,391,069 325,261,876 625,384,331
Contributions under the Universal Broadband Fund 921,297,164 33,884,985 955,182,149 248,230,982 706,951,167 302,466,744
Contributions under the Canada Foundation for Innovation 623,309,615 (negative 23,400,000) 599,909,615 443,750,000 156,159,615 339,050,000
Contributions under the Innovation Superclusters Initiative 318,844,198 (negative 125,000) 318,719,198 164,044,856 154,674,342 228,235,499
Contributions under the Digital Research Infrastructure Strategy 226,887,005 226,887,005 34,340,809 192,546,196 25,617,073
Contributions to Mitacs Inc. 177,500,000 23,400,000 200,900,000 195,085,294 5,814,706 103,380,038
Contributions to the Canada Foundation for Sustainable Development Technology 173,064,265 173,064,265 149,214,750 23,849,515 100,175,408
Contributions under the Connect to Innovate Program 132,426,029 (negative 33,884,985) 98,541,044 60,276,778 38,264,266 140,189,101
Contributions under the Canada Digital Adoption Program: Stream 1 111,003,433 111,003,433 51,056,120 59,947,313 1,149,364
Contributions to Genome Canada 79,300,000 79,300,000 79,300,000 61,410,000
Contributions under the Women Entrepreneurship Strategy 61,650,000 61,650,000 42,361,720 19,288,280
Contributions under the Telesat Low Earth Orbit Satellite Capacity 60,000,000 60,000,000 60,000,000
Contributions to CANARIE Inc. 47,570,000 47,570,000 37,500,000 10,070,000 28,700,000
Contributions under the Canada Digital Adoption Program: Stream 2 44,234,952 44,234,952 6,242,732 37,992,220
Contributions to adMare BioInnovations 27,700,000 27,700,000 27,700,000 10,300,000
Contributions under the CanCode program 25,856,509 10,958,070 36,814,579 35,243,628 1,570,951 4,119,818
Contributions under the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Development Program 24,992,600 3,239,400 28,232,000 9,101,674 19,130,326 200,000
Contributions to the Upskilling for Industry Initiative 23,879,766 23,879,766 1,732,402 22,147,364
Contribution under the Cyber Security Innovation Network 19,118,535 19,118,535 744,767 18,373,768
Contributions to the Stem Cell Network 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 6,000,000
Contributions to the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research—Pan Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy 13,600,000 13,600,000 10,031,302 3,568,698
Contributions under the Black Entrepreneurship Program: Knowledge Hub and Loan Fund 11,500,000 510,264 12,010,264 11,646,544 363,720 20,191,345
Contributions to the National Artificial Intelligence Institutes 11,000,000 429,412 11,429,412 11,429,412 5,700,657
Contributions to the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research 10,800,000 10,800,000 10,800,000 8,900,000
Contributions under the Youth Employment Strategy—Digital Skills for Youth program 10,800,000 420,983 11,220,983 11,220,982 1 64,218,441
Contributions under the Technology Demonstration Program 10,750,991 (negative 955,629) 9,795,362 9,795,362 17,759,202
Contributions to the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000
Contributions under the Diverse and Inclusive Economy Program 9,494,000 2,749,373 12,243,373 7,718,432 4,524,941 1,181,255
Contributions for the Tourism Relief Fund 9,001,489 5,998,511 15,000,000 11,615,338 3,384,662
Contributions for dedicated computing capacity in Artificial Intelligence 7,800,000 7,800,000 618,628 7,181,372
Contributions to Futurpreneur Canada 7,675,000 7,675,000 7,675,000 7,675,000
Contributions to the University of Victoria for the purpose of the National Centre for Indigenous Law 7,462,900 (negative 1,000,000) 6,462,900 1,515,636 4,947,264 280,216
Contributions to the University of Waterloo for the purpose of the Institute for Quantum Computing 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000
Contributions to the Let's Talk Science 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000
Contributions under the Youth Employment Strategy—Computer for Schools intern program 4,797,085 (negative 60,000) 4,737,085 4,734,149 2,936 7,341,932
Contributions under the Computers for Schools program 4,663,157 4,663,157 4,663,156 1 4,675,532
Contributions under the Support for Women Entrepreneurs program 2,800,000 2,800,000 2,800,000 2,800,000
Contributions to the Council of Canadian Academies 2,750,000 1,000,000 3,750,000 3,750,000 4,075,000
Contributions under the Program for Non-Profit Consumer and Voluntary Organizations 1,690,000 1,690,000 1,689,412 588 1,689,800
Contributions under the Strategic Aerospace and Defence Initiative 1,535,145 1,298,214 2,833,359 2,833,359 10,236,218
Contributions under the Strategic Activities Program 427,333 260,668 688,001 688,001 6,808,988
Contributions for the Business/Higher Education Roundtable 5,323,627 5,323,627 4,356,856 966,771 6,861,558
Contributions to Praxis Spinal Cord Institute 4,900,000 4,900,000 4,900,000
Contributions to the Coordinated Accessible National Health Network 4,000,000 4,000,000 2,507,437 1,492,563
Contributions under the ElevateIP program 4,000,000 4,000,000 1,002,427 2,997,573
Contributions under the Affordable Access Initiative 900,000 900,000 900,000 1,803,397
Contributions under the Digital Literacy Exchange Program 646,833 (negative 138,202) 508,631 508,631 7,840,799
Contributions for the Accessible Technology Development program 553,961 (negative 553,961) 6,761,117
Link to table note S Liabilities under the Canada Small Business Financing Act (S.C., 1998, c. 36) 134,271,103 (negative 73,901,493) 60,369,610 60,369,610 82,146,609
Link to table note S CIFAR - Pan-Canadian Institute for Advanced Research - Pan Canadian Artificial Intelligence (Budget Implementation Act, 2017, No. 1) 12,437,350 (negative 2,699,481) 9,737,869 9,737,869 25,849,032
Link to table note S Liabilities under the Small Business Loans Act (R.S., 1985, c. S-11) (negative 1,785) (negative 1,785) (negative 1,785)
Items not required for the current year 132,356,060
Total—Contributions 4,774,587,822 44,209,451 (negative 77,500,939) 4,741,296,334 2,859,823,339 1,881,472,995 2,423,529,534
Total Department 5,030,981,434 44,359,452 (negative 76,602,759) 4,998,738,127 2,916,654,019 2,082,084,108 2,429,959,310
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Grants to organizations to promote economic cooperation and development 1,500,000 1,500,000 497,432 1,002,568 240,189
Grants under the Regional Economic Growth through Innovation program 1,000,000 1,000,000 439,233 560,767 178,012
Total—Grants 2,500,000 2,500,000 936,665 1,563,335 418,201
Contributions under the Regional Economic Growth through Innovation program 142,103,086 20,000,000 4,300,000 166,403,086 213,969,375 (negative 47,566,289) 254,487,286
Contributions for the Innovative Communities Fund 86,438,555 86,438,555 62,014,085 24,424,470 39,842,568
Contributions under the Business Development Program 73,177,643 500,000 73,677,643 51,092,389 22,585,254 27,146,061
Contributions for the Atlantic Innovation Fund 40,000,000 40,000,000 8,206,885 31,793,115 14,446,516
Contributions under the Community Futures program 12,642,000 12,642,000 14,630,531 (negative 1,988,531) 27,058,199
Contributions under the Atlantic Policy Research Initiatives 600,000 600,000 536,564 63,436 565,380
Total—Contributions 354,961,284 20,000,000 4,800,000 379,761,284 350,449,829 29,311,455 363,546,010
Total Agency 357,461,284 20,000,000 4,800,000 382,261,284 351,386,494 30,874,790 363,964,211
Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency
Regional Training Center in Pond Inlet for the Qikiqtani Inuit Association 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 6,434,000
Grants for the Inclusive Diversification and Economic Advancement in the North initiative 1,000,000 1,000,000 145,000 855,000 56,825
Grants for Investments made under the Northern Isolated Community Initiatives Fund 500,000 500,000 500,000
Grants under the Regional Economic Growth through Innovation program 168,168 168,168 168,168
Total—Grants 3,668,168 3,668,168 2,145,000 1,523,168 6,490,825
Contributions for promoting regional development in Canada's three territories 35,237,000 7,378,225 18,958,951 61,574,176 60,927,653 646,523 40,204,220
Contributions under the Regional Economic Growth through Innovation program 19,978,592 (negative 18,958,951) 1,019,641 1,518,884 (negative 499,243) 4,555,243
Northern Indigenous Economic Opportunities Program (formerly Contributions to support Aboriginal participation in the northern economy) 10,800,000 2,400,000 13,200,000 13,199,993 7 10,728,988
Contributions for advancing adult basic education in Canada's territories 4,289,260 4,289,260 4,289,260 4,537,297
Northern Indigenous Economic Opportunities Program 2,400,000 (negative 2,400,000)
Total—Contributions 66,015,592 14,067,485 80,083,077 79,935,790 147,287 60,025,748
Total Agency 69,683,760 14,067,485 83,751,245 82,080,790 1,670,455 66,516,573
Canadian Space Agency
Class Grant Program to Support Research, Awareness and Learning in Space Science and Technology 14,975,000 (negative 916,309) 14,058,691 14,058,689 2 10,961,530
Contributions to the Canada/European Space Agency Cooperation Agreement 37,672,000 10,283,601 47,955,601 47,439,179 516,422 50,152,192
Class Contribution Program to Support Research, Awareness and Learning in Space Science and Technology 32,933,950 (negative 9,367,292) 23,566,658 23,566,658 25,720,021
Total—Contributions 70,605,950 916,309 71,522,259 71,005,837 516,422 75,872,213
Total Agency 85,580,950 85,580,950 85,064,526 516,424 86,833,743
Department of Western Economic Diversification
Grants for the Western Diversification Program 7,381,281 (negative 7,381,281)
Regional Economic Growth through Innovation program 2,458,176 (negative 2,458,176)
Total—Grants 9,839,457 (negative 9,839,457)
Contributions under the Regional Economic Growth through Innovation program 176,557,926 65,365,925 28,236,079 270,159,930 212,916,520 57,243,410 220,315,484
Contributions for the Western Diversification Program 164,444,753 62,425,861 11,603,378 238,473,992 212,750,133 25,723,859 120,774,875
Contributions for the Community Futures Program 17,667,868 17,667,868 17,667,868 32,978,791
Contributions for the Women's Enterprise Initiative 2,925,000 2,925,000 2,925,000 6,729,399
Total—Contributions 361,595,547 127,791,786 39,839,457 529,226,790 446,259,521 82,967,269 380,798,549
Total Agency 371,435,004 127,791,786 30,000,000 529,226,790 446,259,521 82,967,269 380,798,549
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
Grants under the Southern Ontario Prosperity Program 3,345,299 (negative 3,345,299)
Grants under the Regional Economic Growth through Innovation program 1,290,240 (negative 1,290,240)
Total—Grants 4,635,539 (negative 4,635,539)
Contributions under the Regional Economic Growth through Innovation program 323,491,789 (negative 27,153,017) 296,338,772 240,822,254 55,516,518 211,624,932
Contributions for Southern Ontario Prosperity Program 315,770,106 31,788,556 347,558,662 300,978,682 46,579,980 133,733,947
Contributions under the Community Futures Program 11,285,992 11,285,992 11,285,992 11,285,992
Total—Contributions 650,547,887 4,635,539 655,183,426 553,086,928 102,096,498 356,644,871
Total Agency 655,183,426 655,183,426 553,086,928 102,096,498 356,644,871
National Research Council of Canada
Grant under the Collaborative Science, Technology and Innovation Program 28,600,000 564,506 29,164,506 28,592,497 572,009 24,159,401
Grant under the Innovative Solutions Canada program 5,500,000 8,754,568 (negative 3,845,238) 10,409,330 9,566,552 842,778 9,697,295
International Affiliations 560,000 50,000 610,000 609,608 392 564,958
Total—Grants 34,660,000 8,754,568 (negative 3,230,732) 40,183,836 38,768,657 1,415,179 34,421,654
Industrial Research Assistance Program—Contributions to Firms 438,473,050 26,689,052 (negative 21,316,308) 443,845,794 429,220,846 14,624,948 370,211,099
Contributions to the International Astronomical Observatories Program 64,704,472 6,227,100 4,798,751 75,730,323 26,647,171 49,083,152 27,537,242
Contribution to TRIUMF (Canada's National Laboratory for Particle and Nuclear Physics) 63,925,183 (negative 1,976,628) 61,948,555 59,325,000 2,623,555 62,225,000
Industrial Research Assistance Program—Contributions to Organizations 16,365,000 1,348,719 13,505,582 31,219,301 31,219,301 24,651,202
Industrial Research Assistance Program—Contributions to Youth Employment and Skills Strategy 14,254,000 5,121,228 19,375,228 19,375,228 63,419,443
Contributions under the Collaborative Science, Technology and Innovation Program 8,039,479 (negative 1,031,764) 7,007,715 6,165,894 841,821 7,731,419
Payment of an assessed contribution for the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures 659,000 (negative 30,167) 628,833 628,833 608,795
Biologics Manufacturing Centre Contribution Program 975,300 975,300 975,300
Total—Contributions 606,420,184 34,264,871 45,994 640,731,049 573,557,573 67,173,476 556,384,200
Total Agency 641,080,184 43,019,439 (negative 3,184,738) 680,914,885 612,326,230 68,588,655 590,805,854
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
Grants and Scholarships 999,759,837 294,000 809,282 1,000,863,119 1,000,297,998 565,121 996,521,377
Canada First Research Excellence Fund 108,439,290 21,705,225 130,144,515 130,144,510 5 137,135,497
College and Community Innovation Program 97,019,294 (negative 753,445) 96,265,849 96,265,849 94,727,325
Canada Graduate Scholarships 48,985,000 700,000 49,685,000 49,643,780 41,220 50,413,322
Canada Excellence Research Chairs 11,200,000 11,200,000 9,800,000 1,400,000 11,549,999
Canada 150 Research Chairs 9,450,000 9,450,000 8,866,085 583,915 9,275,000
Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships 8,350,000 8,350,000 8,350,000 8,320,836
Networks of Centres of Excellence 8,035,344 8,035,344 8,035,344 25,706,128
Centres of Excellence for Commercialization and Research 2,480,000 2,480,000 2,480,000 5,409,000
Business-Led Networks of Centres of Excellence 1,650,000 1,650,000 1,650,000 2,727,000
Total Agency 1,295,368,765 22,699,225 55,837 1,318,123,827 1,315,533,566 2,590,261 1,341,785,484
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Research Support Fund 427,638,090 24,720,000 (negative 856,508) 451,501,582 451,486,644 14,938 426,827,871
Grants and Scholarships 340,729,851 294,000 2,029,062 343,052,913 343,052,904 9 340,797,085
New Frontiers in Research Fund 107,647,780 107,647,780 91,813,561 15,834,219 72,999,184
Canada Graduate Scholarships 74,566,000 700,000 75,266,000 75,260,845 5,155 80,007,539
Canada Biomedical Research Fund 39,000,000 39,000,000 1,500,000 37,500,000
Canada First Research Excellence Fund 16,975,702 11,960,022 28,935,724 28,935,717 7 18,455,544
Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships 8,300,000 8,300,000 8,300,000 8,295,830
College and Community Innovation Program 4,950,270 353,445 5,303,715 5,303,715 7,248,587
Canada Excellence Research Chairs 2,800,000 2,800,000 2,800,000 2,800,000
Networks of Centres of Excellence 2,304,016 2,304,016 2,304,016 7,154,819
Canada 150 Research Chairs 2,100,000 2,100,000 1,750,000 350,000 2,100,000
Centres of Excellence for Commercialization and Research 1,159,000 1,159,000 1,159,000 2,357,000
Mobilizing Insights in Defence and Security Grant program 602,000 602,000 600,000 2,000 597,500
Business-Led Networks of Centres of Excellence 600,000 600,000 600,000 977,000
Total Agency 1,029,372,709 37,674,022 1,525,999 1,068,572,730 1,014,866,402 53,706,328 970,617,959
Total Ministry 9,536,147,516 309,611,409 (negative 43,405,661) 9,802,353,264 7,377,258,476 2,425,094,788 6,587,926,554

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