Details of other transfer payments by ministry

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Table 2b presents details by ministry of the other transfer payments reported in Table 2a.

Table 2b
Details of other transfer payments by ministry
(in thousands of dollars)

Ministry Total ministerial net expenditures Consolidated specified purpose accounts Accrual and other adjustments Consolidated Crown corporations and other entities Tax credits and repayments Internal expenses Total external expenses
Agriculture and Agri-Food 2,832,755 (negative 533,148) 2,299,607
Canadian Heritage 2,008,287 (negative 9,518) 1,998,769
Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs 7,121,067 9,879,908 17,000,975
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec 491,563 (negative 148,467) 343,096
Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion 11,533,182 188,972 128,899 11,851,053
Environment and Climate Change 741,014 (negative 7,283) 733,731
Finance 1,123,405 4,994,125 6,117,530
Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard 402,101 (negative 9,343) 392,758
Global Affairs 6,945,127 145,244 7,090,371
Health 2,787,456 (negative 24,976) 2,762,480
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship 2,800,540 (negative 5,282) 2,795,258
Indigenous Services 17,824,609 (negative 135,808) 6,641 17,695,442
Innovation, Science and Industry 7,377,259 (negative 589,502) (negative 40,775) 6,746,982
Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities 4,288,246 4,006,926 8,295,172
Justice 602,851 (negative 8,022) 594,829
National Defence 1,324,750 7,390 1,332,140
National Revenue 371,168 7,520,660 7,891,828
Natural Resources 1,660,014 (negative 54,234) 1,605,780
Office of the Governor General's Secretary 956 (negative 956)
Parliament 2,047 (negative 183) 1,864
Privy Council 2,835 2,835
Public Safety 3,580,812 (negative 3,103,371) 477,441
Public Services and Procurement (negative 54,740) 51,296 (negative 3,444)
Transport 1,138,784 (negative 72,318) 1,066,466
Treasury Board 937 (negative 257) 680
Veterans Affairs 4,177,857 (negative 4,130,293) 47,564
Women, Gender Equality and Youth 259,383 (negative 467) 258,916
Subtotal 81,344,265 188,972 10,380,360 (negative 34,134) 7,520,660 99,400,123
Provision for valuation and other items (negative 200,792) (negative 200,792)
Total other transfer payments 81,344,265 188,972 10,179,568 (negative 34,134) 7,520,660 99,199,331

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