Section 11: Transfer payments

Public Accounts of Canada 2023 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

(in dollars)

Description Source of authorities Disposition of authorities
Available from previous years Main Estimates Supplementary Estimates Adjustments, warrants and transfers Total available for use Used in the current year Variance Available for use in subsequent years Used in the previous year
Department of Health
Territorial Health Investment Fund 27,000,000 27,000,000 27,000,000 27,000,000
Innovative Solutions Canada 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,964,970 35,030 1,964,970
Items not required for the current year 42,087
Total—Grants 29,000,000 29,000,000 28,964,970 35,030 29,007,057
Substance Use and Addictions Program 170,638,118 11,989,773 (negative 332,500) 182,295,391 145,289,504 37,005,887 97,662,938
Contribution to the Canadian Institute for Health Information 97,324,479 1,000,000 1,190,000 99,514,479 99,014,979 499,500 101,373,979
Health Care Policy and Strategies Program 85,875,248 4,638,138 (negative 4,624,475) 85,888,911 51,411,494 34,477,417 26,787,112
Contribution to Canada Health Infoway 47,580,000 220,000 699,000 48,499,000 38,508,646 9,990,354 91,242,085
Contribution to the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer 47,500,000 47,500,000 47,429,007 70,993 52,453,123
Official Languages Health Contribution Program 37,600,000 37,600,000 37,585,000 15,000 38,785,000
Canada Brain Research Fund Program 31,682,739 31,682,739 20,282,787 11,399,952 11,616,271
Contribution to the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health 31,284,352 31,284,352 28,467,897 2,816,455 29,058,769
Contribution Funding to Improve Health Care Quality and Patient Safety 24,600,000 500,000 25,100,000 25,100,000 28,400,000
COVID-19 Safe Restart Agreements Transfer Payment Program 22,500,000 20,000,000 (negative 13,594,902) 28,905,098 22,393,560 6,511,538 152,741,563
Canadian Thalidomide Survivors Support Program 17,128,148 756,184 17,884,332 12,610,282 5,274,050 11,747,776
Mental Health Commission of Canada Contributions Program 14,250,000 14,250,000 14,250,000 14,250,000
Improving Affordable Access to Prescription Drugs Program 10,700,000 10,700,000 10,700,000 2,900,000
Organs, Tissues, and Blood Program 8,580,000 10,817,000 255,000 19,652,000 19,652,000 8,780,000
Addressing Racism and Discrimination in Canada's Health Systems Program 4,300,000 922,622 5,222,622 3,643,346 1,579,276
Chemicals Management Plan Engagement and Outreach Contribution Program 418,000 50,000 468,000 468,000
Radon Outreach Contribution Program 250,000 250,000 249,976 24 243,480
Items not required for the current year 1,202,830
Total—Contributions 652,211,084 49,421,095 (negative 14,935,255) 686,696,924 577,056,478 109,640,446 669,244,926
Other transfer payments
Payments to provinces and territories for the Purpose of Home Care and Mental Health 1,800,310,000 1,800,310,000 1,200,296,173 600,013,827
Link to table note S Payments for dental benefits pursuant to the Dental Benefit Act 298,500,000 (negative 141,592,860) 156,907,140 156,907,140
Items not required for the current year 2,552,597,627
Total Department 2,481,521,084 347,921,095 (negative 156,528,115) 2,672,914,064 1,963,224,761 709,689,303 3,250,849,610
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Grants under the Innovative Solutions Canada program 613,779 236,221 850,000 850,000 300,000
Contributions in support of the Federal Assistance Program 600,000 600,000 568,542 31,458 820,653
Link to table note S Compensation payments in accordance with requirements established by Regulations under the Health of Animals Act and the Plant Protection Act, and authorized pursuant to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act (S.C., 1997, c. 6) 12,500,000 106,882,097 119,382,097 119,382,097 3,816,364
Total—Contributions 13,100,000 106,882,097 119,982,097 119,950,639 31,458 4,637,017
Total Agency 13,713,779 236,221 106,882,097 120,832,097 120,800,639 31,458 4,937,017
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Grants for research projects and personnel support 1,061,973,057 92,857,334 4,408,498 1,159,238,889 1,139,511,929 19,726,960 1,182,821,346
Canada Graduate Scholarships 35,547,500 700,000 36,247,500 36,226,076 21,424 28,582,495
Canada First Research Excellence Fund 28,117,817 10,631,131 38,748,948 38,748,944 4 43,803,272
Institute support grants 14,722,450 1,149,708 15,872,158 15,872,158 15,216,400
Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships 8,350,000 8,350,000 8,320,833 29,167 8,291,667
Canada Excellence Research Chairs 5,600,000 5,600,000 4,200,000 1,400,000 5,250,000
Networks of Centres of Excellence 5,575,440 5,575,440 5,575,040 400 17,702,049
Centres of Excellence for Commercialization and Research 4,133,000 4,133,000 4,133,000 7,206,000
Canada 150 Research Chairs 2,700,000 2,700,000 2,700,000 2,700,000
College and Community Innovation Program 1,634,927 1,634,927 1,634,927 1,228,579
Business-Led Networks of Centres of Excellence 1,496,334 1,496,334 1,496,334 2,432,376
Total Agency 1,169,850,525 104,188,465 5,558,206 1,279,597,196 1,258,419,241 21,177,955 1,315,234,184
Public Health Agency of Canada
Grants to individuals and organizations in support of health promotion projects in the areas of building community capacity, stimulating knowledge development and dissemination, and partnership building/intersectoral collaboration 67,953,882 19,282,362 6,400,000 93,636,244 21,041,953 72,594,291 28,043,418
Grants to individuals and organizations in support of public health infrastructure 54,100,000 82,547,542 136,647,542 10,455,952 126,191,590 110,406,202
Grants to eligible non-profit international organizations in support of their projects or programs on health 2,347,119 1,115,804 3,462,923 3,006,816 456,107 2,262,852
Diabetes Prevention Challenge 633,179 633,179 633,179
Grants to graduate students, post-graduate students and Canadian post-secondary institutions to increase professional capacity and training levels in order to build an effective public health sector 460,000 460,000 460,000
Grant under the Innovative Solutions Canada program 450,000 450,000 450,000
Total—Grants 125,494,180 101,829,904 7,965,804 235,289,888 34,954,721 200,335,167 140,712,472
Contributions to individuals and organizations to support health promotion projects in the areas of building community capacity, stimulating knowledge development and dissemination, and partnership building/intersectoral collaboration 158,361,497 825,126 9,674,664 168,861,287 201,729,178 (negative 32,867,891) 115,078,446
Contributions to non-profit organizations to support, on a long-term basis, the development and provision of preventative and early intervention services aimed at addressing the health and developmental problems experienced by young children at risk in Canada 83,978,000 83,978,000 83,088,065 889,935 83,363,320
Contributions to individuals and organizations in support of public health infrastructure 75,500,000 5,859,789 81,359,789 71,753,627 9,606,162 122,339,276
Contributions to incorporated local or regional non-profit Aboriginal organizations and institutions for the purpose of developing early intervention programs for Aboriginal pre-school children and their families 58,221,001 2,400,000 (negative 2,258,018) 58,362,983 52,990,576 5,372,407 33,636,492
Pan-Canadian vaccine injury support program 19,000,000 9,619,156 28,619,156 14,200,000 14,419,156 9,380,844
Contributions in support of the Federal Initiative on HIV/AIDS 16,061,758 2,750,000 18,811,758 30,879,026 (negative 12,067,268) 22,869,015
Contributions to Canadian Blood Services and/or other designated transfusion/transplantation centres to support adverse event surveillance activities 2,150,000 2,150,000 1,736,256 413,744 1,792,157
Centre for Aging and Brain Health Innovation 8,000,000 8,000,000 8,000,000
Total—Contributions 413,272,256 26,704,071 10,166,646 450,142,973 464,376,728 (negative 14,233,755) 388,459,550
Other transfer payments
Link to table note S Payments for proof of vaccination pursuant to the Economic and Fiscal Update Implementation Act, 2021 145,976,410 145,976,410 145,976,410
Total Agency 538,766,436 128,533,975 164,108,860 831,409,271 645,307,859 186,101,412 529,172,022
Total Ministry 4,203,851,824 580,879,756 120,021,048 4,904,752,628 3,987,752,500 917,000,128 5,100,192,833

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