Section 10: Transfer payments

Public Accounts of Canada 2024 Volume II—Top of the page Navigation

Table 1:(in dollars)Links to footnote * in table 1

Description Source of authorities Disposition of authorities
Available from previous years Main Estimates Supplementary Estimates Adjustments, warrants and transfers Total available for use Used in the current year Variance Available for use in subsequent years Used in the previous year
Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Grants in Support of Aquatic Species and Aquatic Habitat 4,077,585 (negative 100,000) 3,977,585 1,917,818 2,059,767 1,112,008
Grants in Support of the Sustainable Management of Canada's Fisheries 2,000,000 (negative 1,837,659) 162,341 146,109 16,232
Grants in Support of Salmon Enhancement Programming 1,550,000 (negative 265,000) 1,285,000 1,285,000 65,200
Grants in Support of the Canadian Coast Guard Integrated Program 1,500,000 (negative 1,500,000)
Grants in Support of Asset Disposal Programming 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,920,400
Grants in Support of Indigenous Reconciliation Priorities 745,860 2,589,380 3,335,240 3,335,240
Grants in Support of Organizations Associated with Research, Development, Management and Promotion of Fisheries and Oceans-related Issues 275,500 275,500 133,000 142,500 123,000
Grant to the Indigenous Coastal Waters Stewardship Society 50,000,000 50,000,000 50,000,000
Items not required for the current year 701,539
Total—Grants 11,148,945 52,589,380 (negative 3,702,659) 60,035,666 54,481,927 5,553,739 4,922,147
Contributions in Support of Aquatic Species and Aquatic Habitat 121,754,372 41,411,662 (negative 10,226,587) 152,939,447 141,902,422 11,037,025 109,281,814
Contributions in Support of the Integrated Aboriginal Programs Management Framework 121,332,212 4,916,843 16,348,526 142,597,581 142,597,581 137,032,072
Contributions in Support of the Integrated Fish and Seafood Sector Management Framework 100,851,448 6,995,910 (negative 8,118,548) 99,728,810 92,229,573 7,499,237 55,226,364
Contributions in Support of Indigenous Reconciliation Priorities 53,296,821 130,730,688 (negative 17,054,782) 166,972,727 24,878,094 142,094,633 9,006,985
Contributions in Support of the Sustainable Management of Canada's Fisheries 44,769,000 6,110,117 19,726,342 70,605,459 70,526,037 79,422 29,901,106
Contributions in Support of the Canadian Coast Guard Integrated Program 36,986,369 1,200,000 38,186,369 25,645,874 12,540,495 17,875,660
Contributions in Support of Ecosystems and Oceans Science 31,052,478 199,000 819,090 32,070,568 27,303,457 4,767,111 28,492,074
Contributions in Support of Salmon Enhancement Programming 6,641,000 461,346 7,102,346 7,102,346 4,606,983
Contributions in Support of the Small Craft Harbours Class Program 2,407,200 340,000 2,747,200 2,737,821 9,379 2,514,351
Contribution in Support of the Pacific Salmon Foundation 1,590,633 (negative 84,783) 1,505,850 1,505,850 1,404,426
Contribution in Support of the Salmon Sub-Committee of the Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board 308,700 308,700 308,700 300,500
Contributions in Support of Organizations Associated with Research, Development, Management and Promotion of Fisheries and Oceans-related Issues 241,217 542,335 783,552 272,335 511,217 1,440,960
Contribution in Support of the T Buck Suzuki Environmental Foundation 21,367 (negative 280) 21,087 21,087 18,308
Items not required for the current year 77,500
Total—Contributions 521,252,817 190,364,220 3,952,659 715,569,696 537,031,177 178,538,519 397,179,103
Total Ministry 532,401,762 242,953,600 250,000 775,605,362 591,513,104 184,092,258 402,101,250

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