Sales of goods and services

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Table 4b presents details of revenues from the sales of goods and services for each ministry. Revenues include those from internal and external sources.

Table 4b
Sales of goods and servicesLinks to footnote * in table 1
(in thousands of dollars)

Section Department or agency Rights and privileges Lease and use of public property Services of a regulatory nature Services of a non-regulatory nature Sales of goods and information products Other fees and charges Total
2 Agriculture and Agri-Food
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food 6,995 1,859 8,472 16,007 25,869 59,202
Canadian Grain Commission 49,995 1,391 (negative 1,965) 49,421
Total Ministry 6,995 1,859 58,467 17,398 23,904 108,623
4 Canadian Heritage
Department of Canadian Heritage 15 7,221 156 3,028 10,420
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission 84,268 (negative 147) 84,121
Library and Archives of Canada 68 113 1 162 2,974 3,318
National Film Board 1,255 46 3,621 6 4,928
The National Battlefields Commission 3 2,061 358 30 111 2,563
Total Ministry 1,326 2,189 84,268 7,626 3,969 5,972 105,350
5 Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs 5,611 7 36,431 42,049
Canadian High Arctic Research Station 385 385
Total Ministry 5,611 385 7 36,431 42,434
7 Employment and Workforce Development
Department of Employment and Social Development 166,023 457,905 8 623,936
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety 7,167 (negative 30) 7,137
Total Ministry 166,023 457,905 7,167 (negative 22) 631,073
8 Environment and Climate Change
Department of the Environment 5,271 6,587 39,253 22,516 3,292 76,919
Impact Assessment Agency of Canada 238 238
Parks Canada Agency 41,318 161,277 2,410 12,316 217,321
Total Ministry 46,589 6,587 200,768 24,926 15,608 294,478
9 Finance
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada 48,482 3,600 52,082
Office of the Auditor General 1,328 1,328
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions 293,130 17,317 81 310,528
Total Ministry 341,612 17,317 5,009 363,938
10 Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard
Department of Fisheries and Oceans 44,980 707 46,517 24 92,228
Total Ministry 44,980 707 46,517 24 92,228
11 Global Affairs
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development 80,677 91,809 5,286 8 1 177,781
Total Ministry 80,677 91,809 5,286 8 1 177,781
12 Health
Department of Health 123,537 1 137,305 216,441 44,091 521,375
Canadian Food Inspection Agency 58 1 53,299 945 54,303
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board 652 652
Public Health Agency of Canada 1,207 23 14,781 182 16,193
Total Ministry 124,802 25 190,604 231,222 45,870 592,523
13 Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship
Department of Citizenship and Immigration 897,849 1,549,060 17 371 2,447,297
Total Ministry 897,849 1,549,060 17 371 2,447,297
14 Indigenous Services
Department of Indigenous Services 6,244 49,063 55,307
Total Ministry 6,244 49,063 55,307
15 Infrastructure and Communities
Office of Infrastructure of Canada 2,642 2,642
Total Ministry 2,642 2,642
16 Innovation, Science and Industry
Department of Industry 854,995 80,029 2,600 342 140,634 1,078,600
Canadian Space Agency 256 799 1,055
National Research Council of Canada 4,720 5,437 147,602 4,221 5,569 167,549
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council 161 161
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council 116 116
Statistics Canada 166,288 166,288
Total Ministry 859,715 5,693 80,029 151,001 170,851 146,480 1,413,769
17 Justice
Department of Justice 6,528 21,328 548,789 576,645
Canadian Human Rights Commission 2,104 2,104
Courts Administration Service 1,815 18 1,833
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions 18,019 18,019
Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada 238 238
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada 4 5 96 105
Total Ministry 8,343 39,351 23 551,227 598,944
18 National Defence
Department of National Defence 141,992 141,829 45,247 5,934 335,002
Communications Security Establishment 21,044 21,044
Total Ministry 141,992 141,829 45,247 26,978 356,046
19 National Revenue
Canada Revenue Agency 47 494,711 376,971 53 72,239 944,021
Total Ministry 47 494,711 376,971 53 72,239 944,021
20 Natural Resources
Department of Natural Resources 309,313 1,270 2,225 13,999 1,258 211,171 539,236
Canadian Energy Regulator 134,093 52 134,145
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission 134,321 134,321
Northern Pipeline Agency 336 336
Total Ministry 309,313 1,270 270,975 13,999 1,258 211,223 808,038
22 Parliament
House of Commons 32 15,504 15,548 110 31,194
Library of Parliament 725 725
Parliamentary Protective Service 1,254 6 201 1,461
Total Ministry 32 16,758 16,279 311 33,380
23 Prairies and Canadian Northern Economic Development
Department of Western Economic Diversification 4,084 4,084
Total Ministry 4,084 4,084
24 Privy Council
Privy Council Office 205 881 6,494 7,580
Public Service Commission 8,094 24 8,118
Total Ministry 8,299 881 6,518 15,698
25 Public Safety, Democratic Institutions and Intergovernmental Affairs
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness 2,852 2,852
Canada Border Services Agency 256 24,236 10,778 14 35,284
Canadian Security Intelligence Service 937 2,514 3,451
Correctional Service of Canada 1,397 44,003 86,094 4,564 136,058
Parole Board of Canada 690 157 847
Royal Canadian Mounted Police 39,825 3,204,832 2,729 3,247,386
Total Ministry 256 1,397 65,688 3,262,465 86,094 9,978 3,425,878
26 Public Services and Procurement
Department of Public Works and Government Services 846,949 208,113 620,112 2,095,937 372,035 4,143,146
Shared Services Canada 904,159 22 904,181
Total Ministry 846,949 208,113 1,524,271 2,095,959 372,035 5,047,327
27 Transport
Department of Transport 513,997 23,422 63,089 709 3,443 604,660
Total Ministry 513,997 23,422 63,089 709 3,443 604,660
28 Treasury Board
Treasury Board Secretariat 961,125 961,125
Canada School of Public Service 11,627 11,627
Total Ministry 11,627 961,125 972,752
29 Veterans Affairs
Department of Veterans Affairs 48 48
Total Ministry 48 48
Total sales of goods and services 2,250,894 1,646,403 3,651,338 6,588,371 2,453,465 2,547,848 19,138,319

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